Seduction At Sunset

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Authors: Cristina Grenier

BOOK: Seduction At Sunset
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Cover by



Table of Contents


The Horseman


Cougar Cabin





“You’ve really done it this
time, Sara,” she scolded herself.  “Out here in the middle of fucking nowhere
and your car dies.”  She tried to get it to turn over again, but it was no
use.  She popped the hood latch, got out of the car and opened the hood.  She
looked in at a combination of things that had no meaning to her: metal, hoses,
wires and boxes.  “Shit!”

She reached inside the car and
fished her cell phone out of her purse.  “Great, no fucking service!”  She
hadn’t seen nor met a car in hours.  It was a little bit chilly and she pulled
out a sweater to wrap around herself.  It was little enough to warm her with
her short skirt and shirt that left her mid-drift exposed.  She had only
thought of looking sexy and driving Tom crazy when she arrived.  She hadn’t
planned on this.  She had followed what she thought would be a short-cut
through the mountains and she found herself on a deserted road which was
half-assed paved.  It was kind of hard for her to believe that a road would
lead to nowhere.  She had lived in the city and grown up with roads and streets
that led somewhere. “Not here!  Roads here lead to nowhere!”

She considered the clothes in
her bag in the back of her car.  “Not much help there,” she sighed.  She had
packed for being sexy, not for being warm.  “Who the hell would have thought?” 
She tried to justify her lack of preparation.  She remembered that she had
passed a road that turned off to the left just a short distance back.  She
looked in that direction and then scanned the horizon.  She could see what
looked like houses surrounded by trees off in the distance.  “Surely no one
lives out here.”  Looking at the choices she finally reached the conclusion
that either someone was home or there would be a telephone for her to call Tom
or whatever the case, she would have to find some way to get some help and the
houses on the horizon were the only thing she could see.  So she started out
toward the road.

It would have been a comical
sight to anyone, but Sara to watch her picking her way along the road in her
four inch stilettos.  Her long, shapely legs were topped off with a smooth,
round ass under her short skirt shuffled along making the skirt ripple only a
little.  The smoothness of her stomach and her proportional, round breasts
showed that she was certainly in condition for such a walk, but not equipped
for it.  It would have been comical, but for Sara, each step turned her mood a
bit sourer, to the point that when she reached the yard of the ranch at the end
of the road, she completely ignored the black and white border collie which
came to greet her by rolling over and inviting her to a good belly scratch. 
She heard some sort of noise coming from the other side of the barn.  Tossing
her light brown hair she turned in that direction.

Around the corner of the barn
she saw a very tall, round corral made of poles.  She could see a man riding a
horse.  She watched between the poles for a moment.  They moved gracefully
together and her mood began to lighten a little bit as she watched the
choreographed scene of the man on the beautiful brown horse with a black mane
and tail.  Its legs were black to a point just below the knees.  Its feet
danced as the man turned it to one side and then the other.  “Excuse me!” she
called out between the bars.

Neither horse nor man gave any
indication that they heard her.  That peeved her a bit as well.  She was not
used to being ignored that way.  She called out again and was met by the same
ill-mannered treatment.  She was not going to be ignored that way, so she
pushed a toe between the poles of the corral and began climbing up to the fence
so that she would be seen.  The moment her head and shoulders cleared the top
of the fence, the horse burst into a violent fit of bucking, nearly bringing
the man off of him.  He regained control however and began to get control of
the violent horse as they plunged around the corral.  “Get down off of that
goddamned fence!” he yelled.

She did as she was told, but
she was fuming inside at being spoken in that manner.  She was going to give
him a piece of her mind. The violence in the corral ended and she saw the man
dismount and lead the horse to the gate.  He opened it and led the horse
through.  In that first moment when she caught sight of him on the ground, a
thrill raced through her.  He was tall and muscular.  His shoulders were broad
and he tapered to a small waist and hips.  He looked at her briefly, with his
penetrating blue eyes from a ruggedly sculpted face, scanned her from head to
foot, cracked a half-smile and then turned to lead the horse to the barn.

Her temper flared again.  He
was ignoring her again.  “Mister, you had no call to speak to me that way,” she
called out as she picked her way toward the barn with small, quick steps which
had little chance of catching up to his long, graceful strides.  He didn’t
answer her.  “Did you hear me?  You had no right to speak to me that way.  I
don’t appreciate being cursed like a dog,” she replied.

“I wouldn’t curse my dog,” he
replied quietly as he began to unsaddle the horse.  He still did not look at
her or acknowledge her presence.  He very coolly began unfastening the buckle
on the back cinch and then the breast collar and front cinch as well.  She
finally caught up to him as he was beginning to remove the saddle from the back
of the horse.  She had stepped directly in his path and as he turned the saddle
struck her and she tumbled to the ground.  The border collie was instantly in
her face.  “Candy”, he spoke sharply and the dog stepped back and lay down.  He
dropped the saddle and reached down to help her up.  “I’m sorry, mam,” he said
as he extended his hand to her.  His voice was deep and rich.  “Are you okay?”

She looked up into his blue
eyes, felt the genuine care shoot through her and saw the large, rough hand
that he held out to her.  She took it and he pulled her off of the ground as if
she were nothing more than a feather.  She stumbled a little bit with her
stilettos in the soft dirt and fell into his chest.  What a wonderful accident,
she thought as she felt the firm muscles of his body and smelled the musky
scent of him.  She lingered for a moment and then gathered herself together. 
“I’m sorry,” she said, pulling back from him.

“It’s alright,” he grinned. 
“Those aren’t very good shoes for being out in the barn.”

“You don’t like my shoes?” she
flirted.  Why the hell was she flirting?  This man was a total stranger, but
she felt a mystique which was so salvage in him.  It touched some place deep
inside of her that she had never known before.

“I like your shoes just fine,”
he said, turning to pick up the saddle and carry it into the tack room.  “It
just isn’t a good place to be wearing them.”

He had the unnerving habit of
walking away from her and it both irritated and excited her when he did it.  He
wasn’t like all of the other men who caught sight of her with their lustful
eyes and were in constant pursuit to own her.  Was she not appealing to him? 
Why the hell was she even thinking that?  Her head was a mass of confusion as
she followed him into the tack room. Once again she walked up close behind him
and as he turned he dodged to keep from hitting her and nearly knocked her down
again.  He reached out and caught her in his arms.  Her face was only inches
below his chin and he took a long, lingering look into her eyes and studied her
face.  “You know,” he whispered.  “You have a really bad habit of walking up to
close behind a man.”

“You have a really bad habit of
walking away and ignoring a lady,” she replied.  He looked at her mouth for a
moment as she spoke and she was certain that he would kiss her, but he steadied
her, released her and walked out of the tack room.  He took up the reins of the
horse and led it to a stall.  He was raw, savage and real.  She had never been
so drawn to a man in her life.  She was out of control with some deep, primeval
lust overtaking her.  She felt moisture inside her panties as she watched him
turn the horse into the stall and the start back toward her.  She took a long
step sideways out of his path, touched her hair nervously and giggled.  He
grinned at her, catching her joke, but said nothing.

“My car broke down out on the
road,” she said, trying to compose herself.  She waited for a reply from inside
the tack room.  She heard nothing and stepped to the door to see where he had
gone.  In the same moment he had started out of the door.  This time as he
caught hold of her he stumbled and they tumbled to the floor.  He turned in
mid-air and took the shock of the fall as she landed on his broad chest.

“Seems like you are determined
to be in my arms,” he chuckled.

“There are worse places,” she
whispered.  His mouth was only inches from hers.  She looked at the full lips,
lingering before her and in the heat of the moment pressed her lips to his. 
They were so soft, but manly and the feel of them sent a thrill through her.  She
began to devour his mouth with hungry kisses.  In a moment he responded with
the same passionate hunger and their mouths were locked in a passionate
grappling of tongues.  She drew his tongue into her mouth and sucked on it,
moving her lips back and forth like she was giving a blowjob.  She felt him
harden with her kisses and it drove her to even greater excitement.  Her
panties were already soaked as they continued the deep kiss.

Her hand wandered to the
hardness in his jeans and she began stroking him through the denim.  She felt
the gasp of his breath.  He broke the kiss and in the same moment stood,
lifting her from the ground and setting her on her feet.  She began to feel a
sinking disappointment as he turned away from her again.  “Where is your car?”
he asked in a whisper.  His eyes had turned hard and cold as he steeled
himself.  She could see that he had already regained control of himself.

“Ummmm… out on the road about a
half mile from the turn,” she composed herself again.  She was confused.  How
could he kiss her so deeply and so passionately and then turn away from her so
abruptly?  She followed him to the old, beat-up pickup and slid in as he opened
the door for her.  So this is how it was going to be.  The animal lust had
built up inside of her and she had given into it.  It was a solid blow to her
to have it turned off in only a moment.  Most men she would have despised for
doing such a thing to her, but to have this mysterious, incredibly confident
man turn away from her only caused her to want him more.

He did not speak as he drove
her to her car.  She wasn’t exactly sure why he was taking her there until they
arrived and he said.  “Go ahead and get your stuff.  It will probably be
morning before we can do anything about your car.”

She started to protest that she
could just use his phone, but biting her tongue jumped out of the truck and
grabbed her bag from the car.  She climbed back in and endured the silence as
they drove back to the house.  He took up her bag as he got out of the pickup
and she followed him inside, watching his graceful walk from behind and
enjoying the view.  She had to fight back her feelings and get control of
herself.  She couldn’t believe that she had lost so much control over a
stranger in the middle of nowhere.  She strengthened herself as they stepped
into the small ranch house.

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