Seduction At Sunset (2 page)

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Authors: Cristina Grenier

BOOK: Seduction At Sunset
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“You can sleep in here
tonight,” he said, directing her to a small room off of the large room that
included dining, kitchen and living rooms in one area.  He sat her bag on the
bed and turned to the closet and fished around until he found some blankets. 
“You might need some extra blankets; it gets pretty cold here at night.”

“I really just need to use your
phone,” she said.  A part of her wanted to escape while another part of her
wanted to be in his arms again.  She’d pushed too far, too fast by stroking him
and she was regretting the move.  “Just show me where it is.”

“I don’t have one,” he said

“Well, then, maybe your cell
gets service out here.  Mine doesn’t,” she suggested.

“Don’t have any use for one of
those either,” he said.

She was shocked to hear that
anyone wouldn’t have any use for a cell phone.  She would have instantly
thought him a country bumpkin, but somehow it fit.  He was a primitive, wild
man.  That is what had stirred her so deeply inside.  He turned to start out of
the room.

“Wait,” she said.  She wasn’t
sure why she said it. It just came out.  She didn’t want him to leave.  When he
paused and turned to look back at her, she wrapped her arms around him and
pressed herself into him.  “Thank you,” she whispered.  She looked up at him
and saw his hard eyes soften as he looked down at her.  He looked at her mouth
and then lowered his lips to meet hers again.  The kiss they had shared in the
barn began anew and the heat surged up inside of her as it had done before,
then suddenly he pulled away from her and the rush of disappointment started
over her.  He would turn away again.  She fully expected it, but instead he
lifted her onto his hip and held her with one arm as he carried her to the
bed.  He laid her on the bed and braced himself on his arms above her as he
continued kissing her.

She reached between his legs
again and started stroking him through his jeans.  Her fingers felt for the
buttons and zipper and manipulated them so that she could get her hand inside
of his cotton underwear and pull his rigid cock free.  She began stroking him
and then maneuvered herself so that she could take him into her mouth.  His
cock was thick and long, an incredible mouthful and she felt the tingle of her
pussy as it eagerly anticipated the feel of him.

His graceful hands slid behind
her back and unfastened her bra as she began bobbing up and down on him.  She
gasped a little at his touch as he reached beneath her shirt, pulled the bra
free and began caressing her breasts.  Her nipples were instantly erect under
his touch.  She took him as deep as she could until she gagged.  She was crazy
with lust for him and pressed on to take him to the hilt.  When she finally was
able, it was only for a moment, because he reached so deep inside of her.  She
pulled her mouth off of him and began stroking the length of his cock with her
tongue while he continued to fondle her breasts and pinch her nipples softly
between his fingers.

She suddenly felt herself being
lifted into the air and placed on her back on the bed.  With her mind so
totally transfixed with lust and the feelings that surged through her, it
almost felt like she was gliding through the air and landing on a cloud.  She
felt him tug her panties from her and saw his face looming over her and his
soft, penetrating, blue eyes gazing deeply into her own.  She felt the head of
his hard cock against the tiny little opening of her wet pussy and then came
the delicious feel of it sliding up into her.  It filled her completely and she
felt it move slowly inside of her until it touched her back wall.  She could
see the pleasure that he felt pass across his face and in his eyes.  She let
the quiet moan that was in her chest escape between her lips and felt her body
surge to meet him.

His strokes were long and
slow.  She could feel every inch of his shaft as it moved slowly back and forth
inside of her.  She could feel the ridge of the head of his cock pulling at her
deep, inner walls, caressing her deep inside.  He began to move faster and she
felt the tingle begin to grow behind her mound.  It became stronger and
stronger as he stroked her.  The pressure built up to a point that she had to
catch her breath and hold onto it.  She let go of the pressure and wave after
wave of her orgasm rushed over her entire body.  She knew she was moaning only
because she could feel the vibrations crossing her throat.

When the waves subsided she
felt a surge of savage energy rush through her.  She pushed him off of her and
pressed his back to the bed.  With her legs on either side of him she guided
his cock back inside of her.  She took him into her slowly, but the moment she
felt his massive member filling her, she was driven wild by her desire and
began rocking back and forth on his cock and then plunging herself up and down
on him.  A small orgasm rushed through her almost immediately, but she could
feel a bigger one coming along behind it.  She began to work her sheath up and
down on his shaft as though she were a woman possessed.  She felt raw and
savage as she worked up and down on him.  As she felt the big wave coming she
pressed her clit hard against him and rolled her hips back and forth.  When her
climax finally came, she stopped moving and pushed her clit hard against him. 
Her body convulsed as the waves shot through her and screaming gasps built in
her chest and burst from between her lips.

As she was coming back to
reality she felt herself gliding through the air again and this time she was on
her stomach.  He was behind her and straddling her.  She felt his large cock
slide into her from behind.  It plunged so deep from that angle and it almost
hurt her, but it felt so full and so rich.  He held her ass cheeks apart with
his large hands and was driving down into her with a force so great that the
springs in the bed buckled and then pushed her back up into him.  His strokes
were deeper and faster and she was screaming in a combination of pleasure and
pain.  The savagery of it caused her to pass from the world that she knew into
a primeval place which was totally raw and natural.  She had crossed over into
his world.  It was a world where the power of a man’s muscle and raw energy
ruled.  She felt him pull her hips up from the bed and she set her knees on the
mattress.  She began driving back into him with every stroke.  She was lost to
every sensation, but the stroking of his cock inside of her.

Suddenly she felt another very
deep orgasm begin to build up inside of her.  It was one like she had never
felt before.  It was surging from every part of her body and building into a
focal point where his cock stroked her.  She felt his cock grow larger inside
of her; she felt the strange combination of pleasure and pain as his rigid
member slammed into her so deeply that it felt like he would soon rip through
her.  Then it came.  The waves began to pour over her in rushing succession;
she felt his hot streams begin to shoot into her in the very same moment. 
Their voices were blended together in a roar of deep pleasure as they climaxed

She wasn’t sure how it
happened, but a moment later she was laying on her side upon the bed.  His cock
was going limp inside of her and she could feel his semen trickling down to her
opening.  A large, rough hand was softly caressing her smooth skin.  It seemed
to cover each place completely.  She could hear his ragged breath calming and
she could feel his heartbeat against her back.  When she felt him go limp
inside of her, turned so that she could look into his eyes.  They were soft,
warm and blue.  It was as though she had tamed him.

“My name is Sara,” she


Cougar Cabin


I rode up to the cabin not
expecting to see it occupied.  It was in a remote location where few people
ventured.  When I opened the door, the first thing I saw was a large, round
breast with a dusty-rose nipple the size of a nickel.  Before I could bring my
lower jaw to join my upper, she pulled the door open and pulled a thin, lace
robe into place to cover herself.  It did little to help erase what was already
burned in my mind.

“How ya doin’ cowboy?” she
asked.  Her smile was broad and there was no shame in her.  “Didn’t know anyone
would be around.”

“I’m sorry,” I gulped.  The
sound was barely audible.  As hard as I tried I could not keep my eyes from
wandering down to take in more of her curvy body.  I’d just turned eighteen
last month, so I didn’t have much experience.  I’d seen pictures before and I’d
accidently caught a glimpse or two of my sisters, but this was the first time
I’d ever been face to face with the real deal.  I was a virgin in every sense
of the word.

I guessed that she was at least
20 years my senior, if not more.  There was something in her that had a strong
feminine appeal beyond the girls that I’d had an interest in.  She was a woman,
strong, confident and full of a sensual “something” that overcame the age

She watched my startled eyes as
they fought to keep from ogling her body which was accentuated rather than
hidden behind the sheer lace.  I saw the smile spread softly across her face as
she realized the struggle that was raging inside of me.

“Do you like what you see
cowboy?” she laughed.  “Come on in, sit down and relax.  I won’t bite.”  She
took my hand, pulled me into the cabin and closed the door behind her.  She led
me to the bench that was along one side of the table.  “Are you hunting some

“No, mam,” I answered in a
quiet voice.  “I was just coming up to camp for a few days.”

“Well, now, aren’t I the lucky
lady,” she smiled.  “I didn’t know that I’d have company this week.”

“Well, I can’t stay,” I
answered.  The look of total horror must have been comical.

“Why not?” she replied. 
“Camping is more fun with two.”  Her laugh was deep, but it had a softness to
it which made it harmonize.  “Maybe I can convince you.  Are you hungry?”

“Mam, I couldn’t…” I started to
reply.  I was beginning to remember my manners and come around a bit from the
initial shock.

“That wasn’t the question,” she
interrupted with a huge smile and a soft giggle.  “Are you hungry?  I am and I
was in the middle of making something to eat.”  She turned away to the stove
and went to work assuming that the discussion over me staying was over.  It had
actually been over when I saw that single, dusty-rose nipple, but I still
believed that I was in control of myself.  I would just hang around, have a
little something to eat and then head over to the cabin over in Elk Creek.  I
liked this one better, but she was here and the other one was just fine to get
away for a while.  “Are sausage and eggs okay?” she interrupted my thoughts. 
“I made some biscuits too and I’ll whip up some gravy.”

“Sure,” I answered.  “It smells
real good, mam.  I’d hate to miss out on it.”  I was a little more at ease.  I
was trying to convince myself of it anyway.

“My name is Alice,” she said. 
“You can cut out the mam.  Your mama’s not here.”

“Yes, ma…, I mean, Alice,” I
responded.  No, my mama definitely wasn’t here.  In fact, there wasn’t anyone
that I knew within 15 miles of the place.  I decided to just relax and enjoy a
good breakfast.  “My name is Dave.”

“Good to meet you, Dave,” she
replied.  She looked into my eyes as she said it and took hold of my hand
softly.  Her eyes penetrated through me.  They were bold and soft at the same
time.  They were bright green and sparkled with something subtle that was
beyond my understanding.  Almost as soon as her eyes penetrated through me, she
turned away and left me to struggle with the image that she had just burned in
my mind.  Now I had a dusty-rose nipple and her penetrating, green eyes to deal

There would soon be a lot more
to deal with, but I was being led into this slowly.  When she turned away I
felt that a little more at ease to study her.  Her hair was dirty blonde or
dish water blonde and it reached down to the middle of her back.  It wasn’t
brushed out nice and smooth like she was ready to go out, but was instead
frizzy and mussed up a little.  It actually made her even more appealing.  The
sheer lace cover that she was wearing reached down to the middle of her
thighs.  My eyes took in the shape of her beneath it.  I had always heard
people refer to the hour-glass figure, but I guess I hadn’t really connected
the meaning until in that moment.  She had those full, gentle curves beneath
that sheer cover.  It seemed to move and caress the skin underneath as she went
about cooking.  The robe didn’t really cover her; it just put a thin veil in
the way, which had the effect of making everything even more appealing.  I
followed the contour of her body and was able to tell that she wasn’t wearing
panties underneath as well, because I could see a dark line that split the
curve of her ass.  She turned just then and I was certain that she caught me
looking at her.

“Do you like biscuits?” she
asked.  Her smile told me that she knew exactly what I’d been doing and
thinking, but I didn’t receive a scolding from her as I’d expected.

“I love biscuits,” I answered.

“Good, because I make the best
biscuits you’ve ever put in your mouth,” she replied.  “Good enough to make
your mouth water.  How about you grab some plates and silverware from the shelf
and I’ll finish the gravy.”

“Yes, mam,” I replied.

“I told you to call me Alice,”
she reproved with a fake sternness.  She threw a hot-pad at me, which was
totally unexpected and it hit me in the face as my hands came up a little too
late to catch it.

“Okay, Alice,” I answered.  “I
got it.”  I laughed as I answered her.  I was beginning to relax a little
more.  I picked up the hot-pad and tossed it back to her.  When she caught it,
she threw it at me again and giggled.  This time my hands were ready and I
snatched it out of the air.  I threw it back at her and she ducked giggling as
it sailed past her.  She picked up the hot-pad and composed herself.  She
turned toward the stove fighting back a smile and then burst into a soft
laugh.  “You’re kind of fun, Dave.  This is going to be a fun week.”

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