Seductive Knight (14 page)

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Authors: Tierney O'Malley

BOOK: Seductive Knight
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“You know, I wondered if I’d be able to find a place here to stargaze. It’s as if you’ve read my mind.”

“I come here a lot.”

“With your girlfriend?” she asked, smiling.


“This is my special spot. I come here when I want to be alone. To think.”

“And yet, you brought me here. Afraid to leave me at home because I might use your shaving cream to shave my legs?”

Gawain laughed. “Yeah. That’s the reason why I brought you here. Silly goat.”

“How did you find this place?”

“Spotted this while I was flying one day. I drove up here. Lucky to find an old path.”

“This place is perfect.”

“I know. I love the skies and everything about it. Including the stars. This spot is a little heaven.” He put the cooler on the ground. “So you stargaze all the time?”

“Back home, yes. It was my pastime. After a long day, it’s always nice to just look up and wonder.”


“About the stars and who might be looking at them.”

“Well, we could have been looking at the same stars, for all we know.”

Alex sat on the edge of the blanket, leaned back and used her arms for support. Gawain surprised her. He sat behind her with his legs on each side of her, trapping her in the process. And then he pulled her close so that her back touched his chest. He bent his knees and then rested his arms on them.

“If you get cold, let me know.”

“I will. Thanks for the sweatshirt.” She had to roll the arms so many times to make it work.

“You look good in it.”

Alex ignored the compliment. Her head, she thought, would be as big as a watermelon if she listened to all of them. “How come you’re always alone when you come here to stargaze?”

“Because I’ve never found anyone deserving to share this spot with.”

“I am deserving then?”

“No. I just didn’t think you could be trusted. You already wore my boxers. I’m afraid to think what else you might do. I don’t think I’ll ever use my toothbrush again. Who knows what other parts of your body you scrubbed with it other than your nails?”

She elbowed him softly. “Ha. Ha. I can see why you like it here. Quiet, clean, fresh, away from everything. This is like your own paradise. Just beautiful.”

“We can share it.”

“I’d love to, but I won’t be here long.”

“We’ll share this while you’re here, then.”

“And then when I’m gone, you’ll have to find someone to share this with.”

“Not every day you find someone who appreciates nature. Believe it or not, to some this is boring. Nothing but trees, water and cold air.”

“That’s sad. I could stay here forever.”

“Then stay.” Gawain’s voice, soft and sincere, caressed her skin.

“I don’t belong here anymore. My life is back in the Philippines. With Nanni and Ema. They took me in without questions, they shared their house and food without asking for anything in return. They’re waiting for me, Gawain. I’m not going to abandon them.”

“You’re lucky to find them.”

“I know. How about you come and visit me.”

“I’ll take you up on that.”

“We could go island hopping. You should see El Nido and the caves. And the water—warm and just fantastic. We could swim until we are pruny.”

“As long as we swim naked.”

“Deal. Come to the Philippines and we’ll swim naked.”

Gawain laughed. “Baby, I don’t renege on my words. If I say I’ll go, I’ll go. You don’t have to trick me into believing that you’ll swim naked.”

“I’m not.” Alex yelped when Gawain bit her shoulder. “Fine. It would be nice if you could really come.”

“I’ll go.”



“Girls will be all over you.”

“I’m used to it.”

“Because you’re a Knight, right?”

“Right, baby.”

“Must be tough being you.”


Alex leaned back and rested her head on Gawain’s shoulder. “So, what have you been up to these past years?”

“Since you left? Let’s see. The first two weeks since you and Molly disappeared, I locked myself in my room and cried.”

“Oh, my God. Really?”

Gawain chuckled. “No. Not really. I danced, actually. I thought, yeah! That imp is gone. I don’t have to worry about her ruining my shoes.”

“Be serious.”

Gawain wrapped his arms around her. “I was sad when I heard you were gone, but I told myself you’d be back, that maybe Molly would change her mind and turn around. I kept hoping that I’d see my little imp again. Months went by and no signs of you and Molly. I realized then that the brat who annoyed me to hell that I couldn’t stop thinking about wasn’t coming back. I never stopped scanning the crowd, though, with hopes that I’d spot you.”

“You really missed me?”

“Yeah. Hard not to miss a wart that you pick all the time.”

“What?” Alex tried to turn around, but Gawain hugged her tight. “You’re mean.”

“I’m just kidding, love.”

“Any girlfriends?”

“Girlfriends with an



“I could believe that.” She drew lines and circles on Gawain’s arm.


“You’re a catch, Gawain. You know that. Only a blind woman wouldn’t fall in love with you.”

“Hmm…no wonder even a ten year old was in love with me.”

“Ha. Ha.”

“I had a few girlfriends here and there.”

An odd heaviness centered in her chest at Gawain’s admission. Of course he had girlfriends. Still, she couldn’t help but feel jealous. “All of them beautiful, I’m sure.”

“They’re okay. None as beautiful as you. And no one lasted long enough to consider a serious relationship.”

“What happened to Reina? Edmund said you’re not romantically linked anymore.”

“Baby, Reina is so old news. We dated. Didn’t work. We’re still friends. Although she wanted more than that.”

“She was mean to me.”

“She was just jealous of you.”

“Of me? Why?”

“Because you’re prettier than her and she knows that we’re friends. Hey, remember your friend Maria?”

“Yes!” She turned around to face Gawain. “What about her? How is she?”

“She lives in the neighborhood. Owns a restaurant called Amiga’s. We can go have lunch there.”

“Yes please. That would be nice. Do you think she’ll recognize me?”

didn’t recognize you. So, we’ll see.”

“She was my only friend.”

“I heard she was miserable, too, when you were gone.”


Gawain placed his hands on Alex’s hips and adjusted their position so she could straddle him.

The position was so intimate, Alex felt embarrassed and excited at the same time. “I shouldn’t be sitting like this. It’s not proper.”

“No one’s here to see us.” Gawain cupped her cheek. “Guess what?”


“Maria has a three year old.”

“What,” she squeaked. “She’s married and…has a baby?” A cry of joy broke from her lips. Tears quickly blinded her eyes. She covered her mouth to stop a sob from escaping.

“Crybaby.” Gawain pulled her back into his tight hug. “I’m not telling you more news if you’re just going to cry on me.”

“Sorry.” She buried her face on Gawain’s shoulder. “I’m just so happy for Maria.”

“Guess what?”

Alex laughed. Wiping her tears, she looked at Gawain. “What?”

“She named her baby Alex.”

“No joke. She has a girl named after me?”

“A boy, actually.”

“Wow.” Tears from overwhelming emotion and nostalgia rolled down her cheeks.

Gawain kissed her cheeks and lips. “Alex is a mischievous little urchin. A terror at the restaurant, but the customers love him. They would come to the restaurant with gifts for him. I think they go there just to see that little kid. He’s really handsome. Just as his namesake is beautiful.”

Alex wiped her nose with the sleeve of the sweatshirt. “We used to talk about getting married and having babies someday all the time. We’ll get pregnant at the same time and our kids are supposed to grow up together. And then we’ll match them.” Alex laughed at the memories. “We picked our husbands to be. Hers would be this boy Chris. He’s our age.”

“Guess what?”

Alex felt her eyes grew big. “No. Don’t tell me…”


“She married Chris? Chris Lowry?”

Gawain nodded. “He’s the one. A good man.”

“Sweet banana! Maria had a big crush on him. I can’t believe this. Her dream came true then.” She covered her mouth with her hands, shaking her head. “Wow,” she whispered.

“What about you. Who was your husband to be?”


“Let me guess. It was I. Am I right?” Gawain grinned.

Alex nodded her head. She could feel the heat of embarrassment on her cheeks.

“You talked about us getting married and having children.” Gawain wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tighter against him.

Alex could feel his hardness between her legs. Pleasure radiated through her whole body. She bit her lower lip and tried not to moan. “What, what made you think it was you I was dreaming about?”

“You wrote me a letter asking me to marry you. Come, on. Admit it. I was your dream husband.”

“Oh, quit your smiling. Your head is as big as the moon already.”

Gawain wiped the tears off her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs and kissed her with an open mouth and familiarity. He claimed her as if he had all the right to do so. As if she belonged to him. His tongue plundered, seeking, tasting.

Alex couldn’t remain passive. Her mind told her she shouldn’t be doing this, but her body betrayed her. She sucked him greedily, making Gawain growl deep. Between her thighs, she could feel Gawain throb. He gripped her butt, pressing her against him. He was hard and warm and lord help her, she loved the feel of him.

Gawain urged her to move her hips, rubbing her pussy on his hard cock. In between kisses, he whispered, “You feel so good.”

“Oh.” The word escaped her mouth. She rubbed herself right where she throbbed.

“Yes. Just like that.” Gawain’s hands snaked inside her shirt. He caressed her back before his hands moved to her front to cup her breasts.


“Yeah, baby.”

“I don’t think—”

“Don’t think. Just feel,” he whispered, his breath hot against her neck.

With every kiss and caress of his hands, Alex’s skin pricked pleasurably. There was no denying it, a web of strong attraction had started building the moment Gawain took her hat off.

In between sucking and licking her neck, Gawain made her hotter and hotter. Her pussy was wet and throbbing for something close but not quite within her reach. His mouth grazed her earlobe before covering her lips again.

Gawain feasted on her mouth while his fingers teased her nipple, moving magically over her breasts. She speared her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer while her hips moved—rubbing, thrusting.

“Baby, I’ll help you.

She didn’t know what he meant by helping her until he began to slip his hand down and inside her pants. She was wide open and Gawain easily slipped in. His touch scalded her and she lifted her ass. “Gawain,” she whimpered.

“Shh, it’s all right.”

His fingers moved back and forth across her seams, but not quite touching where she wanted to be touched. “Gawain…”

“Fuckin’ wet and hot,” Gawain whispered in between kisses. “I want my mouth here, too, baby. Damn.” And then he pressed his finger on her clit.

Alex moaned so loud she thought she heard her own voice echoing in the darkness. Waves of ecstasy flowed through her as Gawain played with her clitoris. Jesus, he knew just how much pressure to give and where to touch. When Gawain’s finger slipped inside her throbbing pussy, she felt a mixture of pain and pleasure. She buried her face on his shoulder.


“Let it go, love. Let it go.”

She moved her hips, meeting his fingers thrusts. “Don’t stop.” Higher and higher she rose. She’d touched herself before, but the feeling was nothing like this. This was ecstasy at its highest. Heat that she’d never felt before rippled under her skin as her body recognized the erotic desire that soon would consume her body. Alex moaned. She was so aroused nothing in the world could make her stop from reaching her peak.

“Yes, that’s it, love. Fuck my finger. Move your ass. Damn.”

A cry of surrender escaped her lips when hot pleasure surged from deep inside her. Hugging Gawain tight, she panted and heaved. Boneless, she didn’t move until Gawain pulled his hand out of her pants to return her hug.

“Did you imagine us to be doing this?”

“When I was ten?” she mumbled on his shoulder too embarrassed to look at him.


“Not like this.”

Gawain chuckled. “Not this hot, eh?”

“No. Most of the time we just held hands.”

“Are you going to talk to my shoulder all night?”

“I can’t look at you.”

“Yes, you can. Nothing to be embarrassed about. We’re both adults.”

Alex straightened and pointed her gaze on Gawain’s chin as the magic of the moment slowly went away, bringing Alex back to reality.

“You’re marvelous.” He kissed her forehead, eyebrows and cheeks, then swiftly clasped her bra again.

“Please don’t say anything about what happened.”


“I-I don’t know why I acted like that.”

“Because you’re a young, uninhibited, full of life woman. If you didn’t act the way you did, I’d say there is something wrong with me.”

“What do you mean?” Alex finally met his gaze.

“I’m supposed to make you feel the way you did. It’s my job. And judging the way you rode—”

Alex clamped her hand on his mouth. “Don’t you say it.”

Gawain licked her palm. “You’re shaking. Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine. Just give me a minute. So, what kept you busy in the Philippines?”

“Aside from climbing coconut trees and swimming in the ocean? I studied a lot. Nanni promised my mom that I would not grow up an ignorant.”

“So you can read and write?”

“Yes, and do a bit of arithmetic.”

“You’re fluent in…”

“Tagalog. Yes. What about you? Do you speak another language?”

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