See You in Hell (Mel Goes to Hell Series Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: See You in Hell (Mel Goes to Hell Series Book 2)
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Placing her largest pan on the stove, she crossed to the stereo for a little cooking music. Beethoven today, she decided. The CD that started with his Ninth…Mel waited for the cellos to start before she headed back to the kitchen.

Humming along, she washed and sliced the mushrooms, then heated a little oil in the pan. She tipped what had to be a whole kilo of mushrooms onto the hot metal, stirring it distractedly with a spatula. It seemed like only yesterday that she'd first heard this played in Vienna. Ah, the quality from the CD simply wasn't the same, but that wasn't a reflection on the musicians – merely her old speakers. Perhaps she should get some new speakers and transfer the music to her phone or her laptop…

Mel switched the stove off and heard a strange sound that definitely wasn't Beethoven. She glanced out the kitchen window and saw far more black than should be in her backyard. Oh, no…

Sunflower seeds were everywhere, the plastic packaging ripped open by a combination of beak and talon. The birds were perched on her back fence, as well as on the backs of her garden chairs. One was waddling through the mess of seeds spread across her outdoor table. It keeked at her before picking up a seed and cracking it with its beak.

Mel stood on the back step, not entirely sure what to do. All eleven cockatoos had decided to come to her place and they evidently liked sunflower seeds. The female one on the table – the one who looked smaller and lighter-coloured than the rest – keeked at her again and the female perched on her garden chair kaa-raaked in response. Mum and her baby, most likely, which would make the male eyeing her from the other garden chair Dad…

Of course they didn't breed or feed at the airport. They seemed to be doing it in her backyard and probably the bushland nearby.

Well, it's not as if she needed sunflowers, Mel decided. The red-tailed birds were a noisy and colourful addition to her garden – plus, they didn't need watering, what with the lake at the bottom of the hill. She resolved to sweep up the mess in the morning, when they were done, before she bought them some more seeds to entice them back.

Mel headed back inside and started on the rice. More oil, some spring onions, rice, wine and stock…Beethoven's Ninth gave way to his Fifth.

"That smells like Heaven," said a male voice. Mel smiled. Light fingers landed on her shoulder, followed by whisper-soft lips on her cheek. "Or maybe it's you."

"Good to see you, Raphael. Could you pass me that other carton of stock? I figure this'll be done in about fifteen minutes…" She pointed and he complied.

"I'll get some glasses and open the wine, then?" Raphael suggested, reaching for the cupboard above the bench and surveying the small selection of glassware. He didn't wait for an answer and Mel trusted his judgement.

Over the sizzle of the pan in her hands, Mel heard the sounds of bottle opening and liquid glugging into glass. Raphael passed her a glass of chilled white. "In honour of a job well done," he murmured, clinking his drink against hers before he took a mouthful.

Mel sipped cautiously, rolling the creamy blend around her mouth before swallowing. "I didn't think you had any of this left. Age has only improved it, too…" She took a larger sip. "The job's not over yet."

Raphael gulped down more wine, as if steeling himself for a painful task. "Your part in it's almost over."

"Oh?" Mel smiled as she tipped the mushrooms into the pan with her cooked rice. The liquid hissed into steam as it hit the hot metal. She sprinkled pine nuts on top.

"Gabi told me about the picnic."

"There were sausages and salad, some lovely rolls that she bought and I shared with the swans, plus a few bottles of wine. The demons told dirty jokes and one of them scared her by stealing something. It was a HELL Corporation event. I could hardly invite you, Raphael." She kept her eyes on dinner as she stirred.

"She said there's no doubt. Their CEO is Lucifer. And she told me he wouldn't leave you alone – spent the whole time trying to charm you, while you encouraged him!" He sucked in a breath, trying to bring his voice down. "Please, Mel…we have to get you out of there quickly. If he's starting to take a personal interest in you, best you leave before he finds out anything about you."

Mel switched the stove off. "He's lonely, Raphael. Luce likes office girls and he's looking for someone willing listen to him for more than five minutes. Yes, he evidently likes me. I listen because I want to hear what he has to say. Once you get past his brand of sleazy, he says a whole lot more than he should. What better way to find out what his plans are than to ask him and let him tell me in detail? You're making this out to be much harder and more dangerous than it really is." She pulled a serving spoon from the drawer and started dishing up.

"So you're saying someone less qualified than you could do this? If all he's after is a bit of friendly companionship, someone to smile and nod as he spills all his secrets…your job really is done." Raphael watched Mel sprinkle shredded parmesan on top of their dinner. He looked like he wanted to rip the bowl from under her hands, he seemed so eager.

Mel handed him his plate to hide her hesitation. "Maybe," she said finally. "They'd need a good memory and they'd need to be willing to get closer to him than most angels would. Up to and including sex, perhaps, if you want this wrapped up quickly. I don't know many angels who'd be willing to let Lucifer touch them, let alone make him think they like it…" She stopped at the sight of Raphael's fierce grin. "Who do you have in mind?"

"Persi," he said. "She's not an angel yet, but she's looking for a way to prove herself so that she can be. She's not averse to using her body to get what she wants…remember that motorcycle gang she took on, whose leader was possessed by a demon?"

"I remember," Mel replied, hiding her smile. Persi had come out of that with a penchant for ink and some very creative tattoos. The girl had shown her, too – an ornate halo that only her suitors or a midwife would ever see, surrounded by a montage of kneeling men that spread across her thighs and seemed to be creeping up her back. The artwork reminded Mel of Luca Signorelli and she wouldn't have been surprised if Persi had given the tattoo artist pictures from Orvieto Cathedral to copy. The faces of the damned were decidedly modern, though – and Mel was certain she'd recognised a couple of the bikies amid the crush of flesh. From the little she knew of Luce, he'd probably appreciate the artwork more than most. Perhaps it would even remind him of home. "You're right, she wouldn't shrink away from touching Lucifer. Quite the opposite…"

Raphael smiled happily. "So you agree – Persi's perfect for this. All we have to do is find a place for her in the office, where she can get close to the CEO, and you can bow out safely. No worries!"

Mel almost choked on her first mouthful. Anything involving Persi was hardly without worry. She swallowed, recovered, and replied, "She's still very inexperienced and that puts her in far more danger than I am in her place. Luce might spot that and exploit it. I'd feel terrible, having to tell her mother that we'd thrown Persi into Hell as cannon fodder to protect me. Give me a few more weeks, Raphael, while you try to find somewhere to slip her into the corporation. And don't place her anywhere that needs switchboard skills. She can't transfer calls to save her life!"

Raphael nodded, his mouth full of food. Mel had never seen him eat anything so fast. "Okay. It'll take me that long to find a vacant place to put her forward for. Tell me if anyone's secretary or PA is going on holiday. That'd be the easiest way to get her in…" He shovelled another large forkful of risotto into his face.

Mel was barely a quarter of her way through her food when Raphael jumped up to take his empty bowl to the sink. "I'll get changed in your spare bedroom, if that's okay. Do you want me to help you wash up, or do you mind if I eat and run?" he asked.

"I can take care of the dishes this time," Mel replied. "Why, do you have a date?" She smiled, recognising his eager excitement.

Raphael turned red. "I have a meeting in Heaven and I thought I'd dress up for the occasion…" He gestured at the shirt he'd hung over Mel's lampshade – one of his sexier ones, she was sure of it.

"Sure. Pop your business clothes in the laundry basket – I'll take care of them when I do my next load of washing. I think I still have a couple of your shirts in the guest room, from the other times you've popped in on your way through to Heaven." She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Tell my brother I said hello and give him a kiss for me."

Raphael's cheeks flushed redder still as he beat a hasty retreat to Mel's guest room. Mel wondered how much longer it would take before Raphael and her brother admitted the truth – and who would be the one to tell her.


I love Valentine's Day, thought Mel. It makes you think…

"I hate Valentine's Day," an annoyed voice began behind her. "Having to buy flowers and a present, this big commercial thing…and you know she expects it…"

"I'd like to make something for her for Valentine's Day, you know, kind of personal," another male voice replied.

"But would she like that?" the annoyed voice countered.

"Well, she'd have to say that, because she'd sound really shallow if she didn't, but she really wants something bought…"

He laughed. "I like that I can just buy flowers and chocolates and things, it's so much easier. Have you tried to get a restaurant booking?"

Now both of them were laughing. "Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year in the same week? I'd never get a table! We'll be having dinner at home tonight. I hate going out for dinner on Valentine's Day, it's always so crowded, expensive and romantic. " He made romantic sound like the worst adjective of the three. Mel ducked her head to hide her smile.

"Yeah, mate, me too. Who wants to go out to dinner on Valentine's Day?"

Mel thought that she'd enjoy it, to be among so many happy couples, celebrating their love together. The atmosphere could be absolutely blissful. Still, she'd never be able to enjoy her meal, knowing that her table could have been occupied by another couple instead of her self-indulgent self, so tonight she planned to stay home, too. But first, they all had a full day's work to do before that could happen.

The train stopped and Mel turned, recognising the shirts the men wore, marking the men as employees of a consulting firm in the building across the road from the HELL Corporation. She couldn't recall what the company did – its logo featured the same mysterious combination of three letters that most such companies had. The crowd of commuters leaving the train soon separated her from the two anti-valentines and she exhaled her relief.

It was hot already, so she kept to the shaded walkways for her stroll to the office. Beneath the glass ceiling on the plaza, someone had hung red lanterns to celebrate the start of the Year of the Snake. Below the lanterns, a florist had placed a huge display of red roses. "Only $99, a dozen roses delivered to YOUR Valentine!" said the sign painted on the window.

Mel walked past the florist. Something smelled beautiful and it sure wasn't the phalanx of red flowers. She entered the shop and the scent mystery was solved. She waited patiently for service from the angry florist and her stressed assistant.

"Why did you order so many Asiatics? No one wants Asiatics for Valentine's Day – everyone wants red roses! Now we won't have space in the fridge for what we really need!" The florist's face was growing as red as the flowers she was shoving into the refrigerator. "And chocolates – how could you order gold hearts when everyone wants red? We'll never sell these and they'll melt out of the fridge in this heat!"

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