
Read Seithe Online

Authors: Poppet

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Vampires

BOOK: Seithe
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This book is dedicated to you.

Live again. I dare you.


Copyright 2009 Author Poppet


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed by a newspaper, magazine or journal.


All Characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Meus Mortuus Diligo


A Novel






Chapter 1: Pravus



Like a snow cloud I storm out into the street. Stomping through puddles caused by rain and salt spray from the heaving waves on my right.

I've had it. Enough is bloody enough. Good for nothing jerk. All I know, is something snapped when for the gazillionth time, I had to take something used and empty, and place it into the bin. What makes men so inherently lazy like that?

Do I look like a maid

I have a brain. I've got a shit-hot body, turn heads, and
end up being some lazy jerk's maid.

I'm just walking. I do this. I get so irate that I thunder off into the dead of night. With no clear vision of where I'm going, or that I might be endangering myself.

There comes a time when you know if you don't put some space between yourself and him urgently, someone's going to end up damaged and broken.

Simmering, I find myself stomping down the moonlit, partially tree dappled road, away from our apartment on Beach road, walking briskly uphill toward inner Seapoint, away from the pounding ocean.

I cast a cursory glance behind me. Bet half the council people responsible for replacing those blown globes are men too. Because it's
isn't it?

I'm hearing music. Defiantly I follow the sound to stairs going down. A club? Here? Why not? The neighbourhood is changing so fast, anything is possible. I've walked farther than I realised. Sea Point has always owned a dark array of choices for entertainment.

A drink?

Yes. Let me get totally, mindlessly, trashed out of my skull!

An opportunity to just let go and forget men that are too goddamn lazy to get their asses off sofas to throw their own trash away.

I'm blind to danger when broiling angry. With too much confidence, I tilt my chin up to a contemptuous angle and glare with silent challenge at the black clad men flitting around the stairs.

Looks like they're scoring drugs if you ask me for my opinion. Not that anyone ever does.

Women were born to be told what to do, weren't they? Good for two things, shagging and cleaning. Stuff you all.

I descend down dingy stairs past tall people in figure clenching garb. One thing they all have in common is the black they're wearing.

So? I've got nothing against the Goth scene. So why are they all staring at me like I'm lost?

Joining the short queue at the door, I plunge a livid hand pumping with adrenalin into my jean's pocket to find the cover fee. Okay, so I'm wearing blue jeans.

Sue me.

The bouncer looks me over like a reject. Staring back into his black eyes; I dig the new contact lenses, they're so über cool. He has shoulder muscles bigger than my head and is built like Thor sculpted him, himself.

You don't scare me.
So glare your black eyes at someone else. Don't mess with me. I'm not in the mood.

"It's okay, she's with me."

I give the dude in front of me a glacial scowl.

I don't need you to rescue me.

"No, I'm not," I say.

The tall man who is the bouncer, in a tighter-than-tight stretch black shirt, steps in to block my way.

Show off. Just because you're hot, you think you're intimidating parading that six-pack at my eye level.

Swivelling my gaze to narrow my eyes at his face; okay he's a huge mofo. I admit it. But nothing on earth is getting between me and a mind numbing drink.

"What?" I challenge through clenched teeth.

Go on, give me a reason to castrate you.

A hand reaches past him and hooks my wrist, yanking me into the muscular wall. I smile insolently at the bouncer, as the Billy Idol wannabe drags me into strobed darkness. I don't get it when hearing the bouncer laughing in a deep baritone, as I stumble over my own feet, being dragged along behind Mr *how long are my legs striding*.

I jump involuntarily as the strobe highlights two black shapes right next to me, wrapped in each others arms. The male is taller by about three inches, and his eyes are reflective red.

Wow. What a cool place to hide.

With the modern aesthetic enhancers you could be anyone in here. I bump into Mr Rescue. Taking a step back, I look up at him.

What the heck?

He hasn't let go of my wrist, but now his hair is brown. How the hell did he do that?

He leans down to talk to me. Swiftly, I avert my face. He smells so damn yummy. I hate biological reactions. Just when you want to hate them all and rip out every male heartbeat inside a five mile radius, you have to get one that sets your pulse racing, don't you? Fate is such a twerp. Twisted sense of humour.

"Why are you here?"

Feeling myself drawn, as if intoxicated. My head is like a piece of iron being sucked to a magnet called Mr Six-foot-three's chest. Is this the literal meaning of swooning?

I shrug grumpily, "Just needed to get away. I need something strong and alcoholic." Staring up past the square chin speckled with stubble, I jump again. His eyes are silver. "What do you care?"

He stares at me, now with blue eyes. Am I losing my mind? How can I be hallucinating? I know the expression called disapproval. Men come with it loaded standard in their artillery, and he's giving it to me now.

Oh, go get knotted Mr Yummy.

Yanking my wrist to pull it free from his grasp, I stalk toward the bar. The bar is a crescent, deserted space, overlooking a dance floor, sporadically highlighted with the strobe. Figures pop in and out of my vision with the stark highlight, against no light.

Oh, very funny. My simmering eyes glower around at the lyrics drowning out logic. The music is so loud, yet I recall this song. Typically the lyrics are yelling, 'You disappoint me.'

Yeah, so freaking what.

The dude behind the bar refuses to acknowledge me, and it's pissing me off.


He glances at me and smirks. He's way too pretty. Must be gay.
, he's psychic. That got a scowl of attention thrown my way.

"Why did you come to Pravus?"

I'm feeling annoyed and wish this guy would just leave me alone now. Do I look like I want company?


"You're in
. Why did you come here?"

For a drink!

He has mirror eyes again. That's such a cool effect. His hair is back to being blond. Totally freaky, but whatever turns him on right? Who am I to judge someone else's weird taste, as I have irrefutably shown that mine is appalling. Just look at the loser I walked out on earlier. Where the hell are the women in this place?

Snapping fingers from Mr-Tall-and-Yummy, and a goblet is handed to him without payment. He passes it to me, standing with half of his body shielding my back, "You don't belong here. Drink up and leave."

Staring at the purple liquid in the pewter goblet, I ask curiously, "What is it?"

He smiles, revealing amazing teeth with long incisors, "Glühwein."

I shrug, it's better than nothing, right? Sip.

Oh stuff me

It's so freaky. It manages to feel effervescent on my tongue. Exploding flavours around my mouth, almost causing my nose to itch, like I'm going to sneeze with a hay-fever tickle, which dissipates. Sipping it slowly, inhaling the potent aroma, staring with interest into the darkness.

What? Dammit.

Everyone stares at me as they wander past, like I'm the freak at the circus. I am normal. With long black hair, blue eyes, and a petite five-foot-two figure. Why does this make me a curiosity? I glare back at each one wandering past, with a smirk plastered on yet another smooth face. So where did they hide the hairy men? Actually, I'm getting rather fed up. I didn't come here to have strangers press more of my emotional buttons. I down my drink and slam the goblet onto the counter. Oh look, Mr Pretty is smiling at me now. He looks luminescent he's so cadaver pale.

Turning to Mr Rescue to thank him, my breath catches, as I notice he now has brown hair and brown eyes. What a trip this guy must be. You could never get bored, he's a different guy every thirty-two seconds.

The music is screaming into my ears, the strobe making me feel dizzy. I feel arms locking around me as my legs buckle.

Glühwein my ass. They drugged me.

Hot lips close in on mine as my legs lift off the floor. Draped in She's-with-me's arms, I struggle with nausea and consciousness. Red eyes pop to look down at me, laughter, music, strobing, scared.

What have I done?

Blackness. Darkness closes in and eradicates the lucidity from me.


Chapter 2: Fire Burns




Jarred into awareness, my body flinches with the attack of scorching heat accosting my spine. Forcing my eyes open, I stare at a gauzy white curtain dancing with flickering flame induced shadows.

My flesh causes my spine to ripple with reaction. I twist, to see what is causing this perpetual singe on my skin.

Oh lordy
. I'm rather well secured, face down, to the bed I'm on. Instantly ill with fear I force a swallow of nausea down.

" Yes,
bugger this
. I am objecting loudly. "
What the hell are you doing

I can't see anything other than a strange blur of red in my peripheral vision.

Movement whispers over my skin. Someone is hovering over me, directly above me so that I can't see them. Music is still blaring.

I won't lie. I'm overwhelmed and way out of my comfort zone.
Breath on my nape.

Hello? Am I naked?


The breathing causes my skin to ghost with cold shivers. A hot nibble on the side of my neck, followed with a voice, "What turns you on?"

Go get stuffed weirdo.
"Screw you."

"Aren't you the eager victim?"

I get sarcastic, which is ironic considering how truly screwed I am right now. "What turns you on?" I mimic back.
Men are all deranged.

A deep voice drips the answer hotly into my ear, "Adrenalin."

"Am I pumping enough for you then?"

"A feisty appetiser. Nothing more."

A song about going deeper is pumping through the room so loudly that it's deafening. Well then, if this is a subliminal message, I'd say it's blatant. I flirt briefly with the idea of panic.

But, you know what? I'm so pissed off, I don't care if this guy is a mass murderer. I don't care if he cuts me into little pieces. I've just had enough of the life merry-go-round. How is what he's doing, any different to what we live daily? The difference is this dude is openly making me a victim. He's not pretending to love me, he hasn't offered any false promises, he's being open about wanting to make me helpless; powerless.

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