Seize Me (8 page)

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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Seize Me
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“Why did you have Rich fire me?”

“Because you’re mine and I won’t have you dancing.” He sits down on his bed.

“I’m not yours Braxxon. We fucked; that’s it,” I whimper overcome with emotions.

“You’re mine. I’ve fucked you raw. That makes you mine,” he says, taking the condom off his cock.

“You used a condom for head?” I ask, laughing.

“I don’t know where that bitch’s mouth has been,” he smirks.

“You got me fired. You are so paying my bills until I find another job,” I say seriously.

He looks offended.

“You think I would have you fired and not take care of you?”

“Well, yes,” I answer honestly.

“So much to learn,” he says shaking his head.

“Go wash the skank off. I’m sending one of your Prospects to get me some damn gummy bears. You stress me the hell out!”

“Okay Angel,” his voice soft and smooth.

And of course, like any other woman, I swoon again.


I’m sitting down at the bar chatting with PP and eating my gummy bears when Braxxon comes down the stairs looking like a delicious naughty boy. His low-hanging jeans leave his black boxers exposed at the top. He wore his cut over a white tee shirt that stretches across his taut muscular chest. His black riding boots are only tied half way up with the tongue folded over as if he just slipped them on. To top off this insanely delicious moment is the unlit cigarette he’s rolling around in that beautiful mouth of his while smiling at me. His movements are slow and precise as if he’s teasing me with each step he takes towards me.

“I’ve washed the skank off, Angel,” he murmurs low in my ear. I almost choke on my gummy as I suck in a breath.

Pull it together Winter; he’s just a ridiculous sexy man, that’s all. I slowly turn around and wrap my legs around his waist.

“So if I were to go down on you later, I wouldn’t smell cheap perfume?” I ask as I tongue my gummy bear around in my mouth.

Braxxon leans down, his lips just a whisper from mine. “Never again, Angel.”

As I search his eyes for the meaning behind his words, his lips close the distance, and his tongue swoops in to steal my gummy bear.

“Hey,” I whine as he pulls back, chomping away at my flavored goodness, his full white grin and his eyes taunting me.

“I wonder what these would taste like if I flavored them with your juices,” he says.


“You’re not sticking those anywhere but here.” I point to my mouth.

“We’ll see.”

Kinky bastard.

I shake my head laughing at him.

“So you got me fired. Are you going to entertain my new free time? It’s only logical that you do.”

He looks regretful. Like what he has to say to me, I’m not going to like. Braxxon unwraps my legs from his waist, picks me up, and carries me over to sit on a sofa near the stage.

“I’m only telling you this because you understand a little. You never repeat anything I ever tell you. Do you understand, Winter?”

He used my real name. So this is serious Braxxon, I take it.

“I understand,” I whisper as I twirl my fingers through his freshly washed locks.

“Pyro is on his way to your place with one of the prospects to pick up Hazel and pack up some of your belongings.”

“Can I ask why?”

“It’s safer for you here,” he says quietly, running a finger down the side of my neck.

“Can you be less cryptic, please?”

He sighs closing his eyes. “That feels good.”

“Brax,” I say as I go to remove my fingers. He’s not concentrating.

“When you broke down last week, it was just added fuel to the already blazing fire. I got a call that the spotter that saw Pyro come to get you also got your license plate number. It’s not safe for you and Hazel. That’s all I’m telling you, Angel.”

“So we’re gonna be stuck here in this clubhouse,” I squeak.

“No baby, just on this side of my town until I can get things right,” he murmurs pulling me to his chest, forcing my head to rest on him.

“I’m not happy with this Braxxon. I’ve done this shit before. Hell, I’m only twenty-two years old. I don’t do well with limitations and boundaries. It makes me feel trapped,” I grumble.

“Let me make it right. Just don’t go out of my town. I don’t have to tell you what would happen if they got a hold of you and Hazel do I. I think you can imagine especially if you have a known association with my club.”

That’s just it. I tried to stay away for so many reasons, and this one was a perfect example. I don’t say anything; I just nod. I don’t know what the hell I’ve gotten myself into now. The only thing that’s clear is that I have this connection with this man holding me, and I’m down for the count. His gray eyes grab a hold of my soul and pull me with a force so strong that there is no going backwards, only forward. He now owns me. I tried to stay away, and he’s made that impossible. I couldn’t get away even if I tried.

“You know how to shoot?” Braxxon asks, entwining our hands together.

I sigh. “Yeah, it’s been awhile though.”

“Sniper,” he hollers, causing me to flinch.

His brother comes over holding a beer bottle to his lips looking all kinds of Braxxon like.

“Tomorrow morning take Angel out to shoot. She’s rusty,” he says as he squeezes my fingers.

“Done. Who are you taking with you tonight?” Sniper asks.

“ZZ and Smokey.”

“Prez, I don’t know if I like that,” Sniper says, taking a seat across from us.

“And…,” Braxxon says.

“God, you’re just like him,” Sniper chuckles.

My interest peaks, but I don’t ask which
. I make a note to try to pay attention to Braxxon and his brother more closely if I’m gonna be stuck here.

“Mmm,” Braxxon replies.

“So you can shoot.” Snipers looks at me.

“Yes… just don’t ask me why I had to learn,” I mumble. “My life is off limits. Like my knowing club business is off limits.”

“I like her,” he chuckles.

Braxxon tenses underneath me. “I like her too,” he growls.

Sniper must take that as his queue to leave because he says nothing. He just gets up and walks away. I lean up and look into Braxxon’s gray eyes. I know nothing about this man that has seized me. Absolutely nothing and I can’t and won’t ask. It’s not fair; if I won’t share then I don’t expect him to answer my questions.

“Hey, where did you go just now?” I ask, trailing my fingers across his piercings.

“I’m right here. I have something to do tonight. The prospects are at your disposal. Anything you want, they can get you. Pyro will get them to take your belongings to my apartment when he gets here. Put it anywhere you want. I’m gonna fix this. I promise, Angel.”

I’m guessing he’s talking about my lack of freedom. He’s closed off. I don’t think I like playing the guessing game with him already.

“Thank you.”

“Uh… Prez…,” PP comes over hesitant.


“Um… Christina’s here. She’s back from Minnesota. She got our message, and well, she’s here and with… bags.”

Who the fuck is Christina?

“Shit! Hop up, Angel.” He smacks at my hips.

Again, I’m wondering who the hell this Christina chick is. The look in PP’s eyes is almost a look of I’m sorry, and now I find myself sweating. Right before my mouth opens to ask who, a tall blonde walks in. She has sunglasses on, and I want to scream at her that it’s dark outside. She takes them off and smiles at Braxxon as he walks over to her. She’s beautiful. And she’s a natural blonde, not a fake one.

“Hey beautiful,” Braxxon says, using the same voice and smooth tone that he uses on me with her.

“Hey handsome,” she coos, before kissing him right on the lips.

The moment she wraps her arms around him, I want to take a machete to them and whack them off. This isn’t muffler bunny behavior. This woman means something to him, and now I’m supposedly trapped with her here?

“Look Chris, we gotta talk,” Braxxon says, pulling away from her and nodding towards me.

Her blue eyes find me, and she smirks, cocking her head. She’s measuring me up and doing no job of hiding the fact that she is.

“So it would appear,” she hisses.

They walk out of the room and I’m left standing there like an idiot. I want answers, and I want them now. Braxxon has uprooted my damn life, had me fired, and I’m in danger because I danced for him at his damn birthday. I deserve answers.

“Who is she?” I turn and ask PP.

“She was never his ol’ lady. That’s all I can say, Star. Just remember, there is a reason she never was.”

“Do you know if he would take her upstairs? I seriously wanna go to bed now,” I whisper.

“He wouldn’t do that Star; he took her to the slam room. You can go to bed. I’ll let him know.”

“Thank you. Oh, when Hazel and Pyro get back, can you tell her that I just went to bed, and that I’ll see her in the morning, please.”

“Will do babe.” He grins.

“You’re not so bad prospect,” I respond with a forced smile. Not because I don’t like him. My mood has just plummeted in a span of five minutes.

My legs feel as though they have cinder blocks attached to them, heavier with each step I take. Each minute that passes on my way upstairs feels like a million. As I reach the bed and lay down, the sounds coming from beneath me become louder. Everyone must be showing back up since it’s getting late. I spot a fan in the corner and hop back up to drag it closer to the bed. Anything to drown out some of the noise from my head and from the clubhouse is welcomed.

The only light on in the room is a bedside lamp. I reach over to shut it off and snuggle with the blankets with the fan hitting my face. When the door opens, I squeeze my eyes shut even more. I can feel him. He knows I wouldn’t be asleep yet, so I give him a curt response when he speaks.

“Angel baby, I gotta go. I’ll be back tomorrow morning. I’m gonna fix this for you,” he murmurs in the dark while running his hand down my cheek.

Yeah I bet he is.

“Mmhm,” I mumble.

“Fuck,” he roars, retracting his touch and slamming something down on the nightstand before stomping out of the room.

I inhale sharply before letting a tear escape the corner of my eye. This is not how things are supposed to go. I should’ve picked another profession that wouldn’t have led me to where I’m at right now. I reach over and feel for what he just put on the table, and my hands find a bag. A bag of damn gummy bears. One thing is for certain. I hate that I hate him because I think I just might love him, all because of a bag of gummies that he knew I would need. I open the bag, stuff one in my mouth, and silently cry myself to sleep.



She closed herself off again. Not that I blame her. Hell, I ripped her from her life. I could lie, say it’s because I’m a selfish bastard and want her near me, but that’s not the only reason. The Gunners are watching for Angel and Hazel. I can’t have Snake getting a hold of them. I tore Pyro all to hell for going to get them and not being careful while doing it. Winter is the only woman who has ever stolen my breath. She did the moment the bag came off my head and she began dancing. When she hopped off the stage like that and tore into Joe’s dick with her heel, I fell in love. My cock went instantly hard. I know I’m a sick bastard, but a woman who can hold her own and looks like an Angel is rare. She’s the only one I’ve seen in my thirty years, and I plan to keep her. I know she’s the only one that exists. She was made for me. I need my Angel in my Hell.

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