Seize Me (9 page)

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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Seize Me
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“Prez.” Pyro greets me with Hazel.

“I’m out. Stay by the phones. I’m taking ZZ and Smokey with me.”

“Where’s Star?” Hazel asks.

“In bed,” I growl and feel guilty. This is her best friend. I don’t need to protect my Angel from her. “No more stripper names Hazel.”

She curses. “Fine. Never use her last name. I’m Lana.” She sticks her hand out.

I grin, and Pyro pulls her hand back before I can take hers.

“Brother.” He cocks his head, and I hold my hands up in surrender.

“Lana,” Pyro nods in his apartment’s direction.

“Fine,” she grumbles.

I watch her pert little ass walk away. It’s pleasant but not as fine as my Angel’s.

“The shipments go out?”

I divert my eyes from Lana’s ass and look at him.

“Yeah, is the rat in place?”

“At the warehouse ready for his beating, Prez.” Pyro grins.

“Keep an eye on her for me, will ya? She’s pissed at me. Christina’s here,” I grumble. I already know Pyro’s gonna grill me. He’s been my best friend since we were little shits in diapers.

“Cut that bitch loose already. I don’t know why you let her hang around. She played you and Sniper against one another. The bitch tried fucking with the brotherhood man. Snipe know she’s back?”

There’s a reason I keep this whore around. She’s up to something, and I keep my fucking enemies close. That bitch came so close to fucking shit up in my club. You don’t do that sorta shit unless you have motive. I wanna know that cunt’s motive.

“Naw, he’s around here somewhere. If you see him, give him the heads up that she’s staying in the slam room. Have the prospects keep an eye on Chris too.”

He nods and now I’m getting fucking antsy because it’s time to draw some blood.

ZZ, Smokey, and I roll up to our warehouse. We park our bikes and silently pass a joint around before we fuck this rat bastard up.

It’s one thing to fuck with my club; it’s another ball game to fuck with club women and our families. Our families hate being on lockdown, and I hate motherfuckers that cause upset for them.

“Your father would be proud, Prez,” ZZ murmurs as we walk up the path.

Yeah, my father that was killed by a fucking decayed tooth. Who knew an infected fucking tooth could kill a man. My father deserved to die guns blazing but instead a fucking infection killed his ass. Stubborn bastard wouldn’t go to the dentist.

“Yeah Prez. You take care of what’s yours.” Smokey agrees.

I enter the key code and let the door pop open. I admit I’m grinning like a fool right now.

“I can smell you rat.” I chuckle as I walk towards him.

The brothers sure did a number on the rat.

“Grab me the cart will ya, ZZ,” I say squatting down in front of the piece of shit that caused my family upset.

“So, you’re Snake’s little bitch that went running with his tail tucked. You fucked up, man.”

He mumbles something, and I rip off the duct tape around his mouth.

“What’s that?” I grin. “You were trying to say something?”

“Fuck you,” he spits.

“You’re not really my type man.”

Smokey and ZZ roll the cart to me. I stand up and grab a pair of rubber gloves. After I encase my hands in those, I grab another black thick leather pair. No way do I want this fools blood on my hands. No pun intended.

I pick my first instrument of choice. He wants me to pull for my answers, the least I could do is start pulling his teeth.

“What’s Snake want with my girls?” I growl.

The rat looks at me with a smirk, his swollen eyes barely opening.

“He says he’s gonna split them from one hole to the next. Make sure you don’t want them anymore.”

He’s making this way too easy for me.

“And then what?”

He starts shaking his head and here’s the brick wall.

“Then what motherfucker?” I roar.

“No way man, he’ll kill me,” he whines.

What the fuck does he think I’m gonna do if I don’t get what I want? Stupid useless fuck.

“You had your chance,” I growl as ZZ and Smokey hold his head back. I reach in and start pulling teeth.

Whoever said pulling teeth, multiple ones at that, is easy I’ll call their bullshit. You gotta grind that shit out. Sweat pulls at your brows as you snip each one. I decide to give the rat a rest after my ninth one in, but honestly, the rest is for me.

“What… ya… ant… man,” he gargles out through his own blood.

“What does Snake want to do with my girls after he supposedly rips them hole to hole?” I tap the instrument in my gloved hands.

“Russians,” he gurgles.

My eyes snap up to Smokey and ZZ’s. What the fuck does Snake know? I need to talk with the club. This is not fucking acceptable.

“Why the Russians?”

Rat shrugs and I sigh. Why do they always make it so damn hard for me? Don’t they see I would rather be doing other things? Like making money and shit!

I nod to my brothers, and they yank his head back. I pull each and every one of his teeth out. He’s passed out. No doubt from the pain of losing all his teeth. I grab a smelling salt and hold it to his nose. When his eyes flutter open through the swollen lids, I know I need to get my point across real fast. I’ll leave him alive because I know Snake will get rid of him for me. Why should I have one extra body on my hands when his little master would take care of him for me?

“You tell Snake that if he doesn’t back the fuck off and stay away from my club or my family, he can kiss his own ass goodbye. I’ll let Petra in on some of his dirty ass little secrets and oops there goes his line for trafficking his jack snowball.”

I raise the instrument again letting the fear scare him back to passing out.

“Fuck, I hate pulling teeth,” I murmur as I take one of the prepays out and snap a photo of that rat bastard.

“Shoulda cut off his tongue Prez.” ZZ chuckles.

“Naw he needs it to pass along my message. Take the van and drop this sorry bastard off somewhere,” I nod. “Just don’t forget to change the plate.”

“You got it Prez.”

“Pull your bikes up in the warehouse when you take the van. I don’t like them being out in the open when everyone’s gone and the van’s out.”

They nod, and I toss the bloody gloves on the cart. “Call one of the prospects and get one of ‘em to clean this shit up.”

I text Sniper letting him know it’s time. I feel guilty because the bastard ain’t gonna get any sleep, but we have Dust business to take care of with Petra. I have a good standing business agreement with Petra. I don’t break up the product I purchase from him. It’s respectful not taggin’ it as my own. I walk out of the warehouse and straddle my Wife. Bitch never cheats on me. She’s a joy to ride. Pleasuring me where others can’t. When she’s purring underneath me, I almost get hard. I kick my stand and take off. The wind ripping through my cut calms my nerves. I always get vamped making my point. I nod as I pass Sniper waiting for me at our spot and he cranks his lady and pulls out following me. We make it to Petra’s meeting spot a few minutes early, and I know Petra will respect that even more. He hates waiting on motherfuckers just as much as I do.

“So Christina’s fuckin’ at the club,” he mumbles climbing off his lady.

“I know brother. I invited her. Cunt’s up to something and I wanna know what it is. Don’t say shit. I’m gonna talk with Pyro. You got the money?”

“Yeah,” he grumbles. I can tell he’s pissed that Chris is at the clubhouse. Bitch fucked shit up.

“Bout time you fuckers got here. My balls fuckin’ shriveled up waitin’ on ya.” Petra chuckles at his own joke.

“Petra,” I nod, and he nods back.

“Straight down to business as always Braxxon, my most loyal buyer and line runner.” He grins before saying something in Spanish. I need to learn that shit. I seriously do.

We take a seat on his black leather couch in the garage. The dude is ghetto as hell for a Mexican. He leaves his garage open where everyone can see his business. I would be nervous if his place wasn’t secluded and he didn’t have everyone on payroll that means something.

“Two ounces for club use and the new line ordered ten kilos,” I say as Sniper throws the envelope full of money down.

“I’m shaping up to liking this business you be bringin’ me, Braxxon.” He takes the cash. “Drop off point?”

“Address in the envelope for surveillance,” I say.

We have to be careful with new lines. Petra does his homework on all buyers. It helps cut my middleman access down to where we get a finder’s fee, and we’re done. Petra takes it from there.

We shoot the shit with Petra, try the new product out, and by sun up, my bed is calling for me. Sniper and I take our personal product and head out. When we pull into the compound, Sniper hops off his bike and heads to the safe to pull the guns out for Angel’s target practice. Poor bastard, I need to let him get some sleep, and I’m about to tell him to when Angel comes walking out looking sexy as fuck. Her brown curls spill from a pile on top of her head, and she’s wearing a white tank with some short ass shorts with holes and has on a pair of white kicks. My Angel in white is sipping her coffee. Fuck, she’s beautiful.

“Hey baby.” I grin.

“Hey,” she mumbles.

Shit, it’s safe to say she’s still pissed.

“C’mere,” I say as I stand up. I wanna see her sitting on my bike. “Sit.”

She hands me her cup with a small smile playing on her lips. She’s amused, and when she straddles my Wife, I know I made the right decision when I laid claim on my Angel.

“How she feel?” I croak. Fuck, I sound like a pussy.

Winter smiles at me as she leans her elbows on the tank and arches her beautiful ass in the air.

“She feels almost as good as you do between my thighs,” she purrs.

“Fuck me,” I groan.

She climbs up off my bike, taking her cup from me. “Maybe later. I got guns to shoot.”

“Angel,” I moan. She’s going to kill me.

“You’re still in timeout. You can’t just get me gummy bears when you fuck up.” She giggles sauntering away from me.


I’ve spoken no words to Sniper as he sets up the range. I thought we were going to an actual legal range. I should’ve known better. As he drags the guns out, I text Lana. She was still sleeping when I left.

“Quiz time, name this gun,” Sniper says snapping my attention away from my phone.

I roll my eyes. Seriously? “It’s a Glock,” I say simply bored.

“And…,” he trails off.

“It’s a semi-automatic.”

“Rounds?” he asks.

“That one I think is seventeen,” I murmur.

“Good girl… next,” he says as he places that one back down.

I eye the next one and about choke. “That’s custom built. Let me see it.”

Sniper chuckles, and hands the gun to me. It’s beautiful. I’ve never been a fan of guns especially since Allen, but I know a creation when I see it.

“That’s my other lady,” he says simply.

“And your first being…,” I whisper eyeing the gun.

“My bike.”

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