Sergei's Stubborn Captive (The Captive Series Book 3)

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Sergei’s Stubborn Captive

Book Three in the Captive Series

C.M. Steele


Copyrighted ©2015 C.M. Steele

All rights reserved. Except for the use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is prohibited without the express permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.











ISBN-13: 978-1517183417

ISBN-10: 1517183413


Chapter 1

Sergei had had enough of the damn nosy broad who had been following him around for over a month now. Detective Lana Grey was stalking him in an attempt to get information about Claudio Santini’s disappearance, and in his personal opinion, trying to disturb him. Everywhere he turned she was there. He’d tried to warn her off, but she never backed down. Even when she’d been told by her superiors that the matter wasn’t up for investigation and to leave the Rykov family alone, she hadn’t given up her pursuit.

Miss Grey had been trying to find some incriminating evidence on Nikolai Rykov, an infamous mob boss from Russia. Since Nikolai married Bianca, Santini’s fiancé Lana assumed he had something to do with Santini falling off the face of the Earth. Nikolai and Sergei were best friends, and also Sergei happened to be Nikolai’s right hand man. Sergei knew that she thought he would slip up and give up the goods, but she’d been wrong about that so far and now was going to suffer the consequences.

Sergei had been suffering too—in more ways than one. Since he’d first seen Lana Grey, she’d been turning him into a lunatic. One minute he wanted to get rid of her, and the next he wanted her to stay close, as close as any man and woman could get. He wanted her naked and begging in his bed over and over again, but at the same time, he hoped that she’d let the investigation and her attitude go.

He’d actually enjoyed running into her until she started in on him with the insults and accusations. After a while her questions became annoying, so he would ignore her words and focus on her mouth, which he was certain he could put to better use. It had begun to be a secret craving to watch her stalk him.

There were days when he would just sit at a café and stare back at her in her plain pantsuits. His eyes hunting her down, yet inviting her to start a fight. He really hated her clothes; they were so impersonal and off-putting. She was detective, so the business attire was a must, but she added no flair to them, making herself intentionally boring. They fit her well, but there was no extra color or jewelry. She didn’t wear makeup, not that she needed to, but it annoyed him that she didn’t want to impress him.

One day, near the end of the first week when he’d gotten fed up with her accusations, he had decided to let her—and her wardrobe—have it.

“Detective Grey, your name is starting to fit your personality, plain and boring. Your clothes look drab, and do you ever wear your hair down?” The look on her face told him two things. One, he hit a sore spot, and two, when attacked she would retaliate with pure venom.

“Listen, Casanova, I’m not here to please you. I’m here to do my job. I don’t want anything to do with a thug like you unless you’ve got answers for me,” she said, invading his personal space.

Freaked out by the nearness, he resorted to his usual flirting. “Oh, I’ve got answers all right, but not to the questions you keep asking.” He leered at her provocatively.

“Then I don’t want your answers,” she replied in a purely annoyed tone that was meant to deter men. It would have worked on a weaker man, but not on Sergei.

“Are you sure?” Sergei loved to discompose her. She didn’t feel comfortable when he started flirting. “Yes, I have a big cock, and I know how to use it very well.”

“You’re a pig. I wasn’t even remotely curious,” she hissed angrily.

Sergei opened the button on his suit jacket, slid his hands into his pockets and just to tease her, rocked his pelvis back and forth, gaining her attention to the growing bulge. He winked at her, grinned, and offered, “Sweetheart, you look like you’re very curious.”

She gave him the meanest look she could before turning around and walking away, which caused Sergei to break out in a fit of laughter. He had attracted attention to them, so he boasted loudly, “She loves me but refuses to admit it, so she just stalks me. Hell, she can all she wants.”

He had said it so loud that all of those around the park area heard, and so did Lana. She turned around, her face full of outrage shouted out, “Asshole!”

It was after the second week of her overzealous investigation that her appearance changed. Sergei wasn’t sure if it was because of what he said, or if she’d gotten a new boyfriend, but she had become more obvious to a man’s notice. He both liked and hated the new Lana Grey. It wasn’t like she leapt from a librarian to a sex kitten overnight, but she started to care about her appearance. She wore a lip gloss that made her lips sparkle and created dirty visions in his mind. The hair that she had kept in a tight bun or ponytail had been let down. Never had a let-down been so uplifting. He’d been aroused by her on every occasion that she happened to run into him. Every time it was getting harder and harder not to seduce her out of her suits and fuck her so stupid that she forgot about Santini.

Miss Grey had pushed him too far, and it was in this state of lunacy that he devised a half-assed plan to deal with her four weeks later. He didn’t know what possessed him to follow through with his plan, but there was no turning back now. For him there had been no turning back since their last meeting at the grocery store after she’d been suspended.

I saw her in a pair of short shorts, a Beatles tee and a pair of pink Converse. It was so unlike the woman I’d known the whole time.

“What’s with this getup?” I asked with a bitterness that I couldn’t hide.

Turning to look at me with an evil glare, she hissed, “Forgive me Tsar Antonov, if I have offended you with my casual clothes. I beg your pardon.”

“So this is how you dress up to stalk me now? Are you just going to wear a swimsuit for me next time?”

“This outfit isn’t for you. How can I impress upon you that I’m not interested in impressing you?”

“Whatever, babe,” I growled as I looked at her sexy long legs. The amount of skin she was showing wasn’t to my liking one bit. There were several guys in the store who were staring at her like a hot meal.

I damn near growled when a handsome looking cop approached her. “Hey, Lana,” he said with a sensual smile.

“Hi, Jack!” Her giddiness wasn’t appreciated.

“I’m really sorry you got suspended. I tried to talk to the chief about it, but he wouldn’t budge.”

“No, that’s okay. I got suspended for not following orders, not because of the case I was working. I’ll be back in time,” Lana placed her hand on his forearm, which earned a growl from me.

It was then that the jackass noticed me. “So now that you’re no longer working the case, he’s following you?”

“You got a problem with me, Jack-ass?!” I didn’t know why I was so damn bent out of shape, but I was.

“I guess so. You look a little territorial, but she’s not interested in foreign scum,” Jack-ass retorted.

“No, she’s only into domestic scum,” I replied with a smirk.

“I didn’t follow you here. You came up to me,” Lana said in disgust, with an attitude like I was nothing.

“I got you suspended to get you away from me. Why would I want to chase after you now? You should have worn that while harassing me. You’d might have gotten a different response.” Not waiting for a response, I walked out of the store with my purchase. By the time I got to my truck, I decided she was in for it.


Sergei drove to the airport in the middle of night to catch a flight to Russia. Having business matters to take care of, he thought it would be the best to bring her with him. Seeing her with that cop had done something to his head. It threw him for a loop that she’d actually dressed for him.

She’d been married to Santini.
It ran through his head the whole ride to the airport. To try and clear his head, he had his radio on, listening to some classic rock.
The Who’s
“Won’t Get Fooled Again” was playing loudly, and all the while he could hear her banging and kicking the seats like she thought she was going to get out. She’d been fighting the capture since he grabbed her, but it wouldn’t be long before she caved. He knew that she had to be wearing herself out now; in fact he was sure of it, since he’d once been in her predicament.

"Why couldn't she mind her own damn business?" Sergei asked himself as he drove with his irresistible captive in his trunk. After he learned of her reason for finding Santini, he’d really enjoyed this bit of fun he was having. It was all her fault she was in this mix in the first place. If she’d stayed away from him, like she was told, he wouldn’t have had to resort to kidnapping her.

Detective Grey kicked the backseats trying to break out of the trunk, but the car was made too well and his restraints were too tight. "Bastard!" she shouted through the trunk, but the sound was muffled and came out weak, which made Sergei laugh. With a chuckle, he parked the car and moved to open the trunk. He couldn’t believe that she was still putting up a fight. She was a stubborn woman.

"Bastard? You have no idea," he said with a sinister grin. He lifted her out of the trunk, tossed her over his shoulder and closed the trunk, wasting no energy in doing so. He groaned as he held her over his shoulder and climbed the stairs, though it wasn’t from pain—or at least, not because she was heavy.
Fuck, her ass is round in those jeans. I want to bite the fuck out of it
, he thought. His normal pilot and staff were on hand and took the luggage out of the back seat to be loaded on the plane. No one said anything about the situation, and no one would.

“Let me go,” Lana demanded as she kicked him repeatedly. Her kicks were hard, but because she was tied up she had no real power behind them. All she was doing was pissing him off.

“No,” he stated before gripping her ass hard. “Behave. You need to learn a lesson, and I’m going to make sure you learn it.”

“People will be looking for me, you big goon!” she screeched, trying to get out of his arms. Her attempts to get away from him were futile and unlikely to succeed in any way.

“Stop shouting, I’m right here. By the way, they won’t be looking for you because you claimed you were leaving—or so your resignation letter said,” he replied mischievously, before laughing again.

“What!?” she shouted in outrage. His maniacal laugh pissed her off and sort of frightened her.  He managed to somehow convince people that she chose to leave.

“I said stop yelling,” he roared, before plopping her down on the plush seats and taking the seat directly across from her. As she huffed at Sergei, he just smirked, making her more and more visibly angry. “You can be angry all you like. I will not respond to it, so you best calm yourself.”

“Fuck you,” she shouted, and hit the magazines resting on the seat next to her onto the floor. They scattered about, making a mess. Sergei took a breath and smiled at her charismatically.

“You didn’t need to toss them on the floor. There is a bed in the back if you’re really interested,” he sneered as wagged his eyebrows at her. She turned away, refusing to look at him, but all it did was make him laugh.

Her head snapped back so fast at his laugh that he barked out a huge, chest-rumbling chuckle, causing her to shout out, “What the fuck is so funny?”

The cabin door opened and in walked the stewardess, a long-legged, slender blonde named Anika. She looked from Lana to Sergei, then interrupted, “Mr. Antonov, we are ready to take off as soon as you are ready.”

He looked at her with a smile that made it seem nothing was amiss and there wasn’t a woman sitting across from him with her hands tied behind her back. “Please, have them bring us a drink. I believe Miss Grey could use a glass of wine,” he said as he tilted his head toward the irate captive, who looked every bit the furious female she was.

“Forgive me, sir, but I do not believe giving her an actual glass is a very good idea,” she suggested lightly with an almost saccharine smile, laughing at Lana.

“Thank you, Anika. Please use a plastic cup.” He smiled up at the stewardess, causing her to blush and Miss Grey to roll her eyes.

“Very well,” Anika said before she left to get their drinks and alert the pilot that they were cleared for takeoff. Her heels clicked as she walked away in her tight, short stewardess uniform. It hugged her figure, and to most it would be very, very appealing. To Sergei she was just a means to an end. 

Sergei didn’t miss Lana’s eye roll and addressed the matter. “What’s the matter, Miss Grey?”


“Nothing, except I’ve been kidnapped by a barbarian and his loyal herd,” she snarled as she looked at him with utter disgust.

“Well…you brought this on yourself. Didn’t anyone tell you to leave well enough alone?” he asked as he crossed his ankles and leaned back in his plush chair. His smug expression only served to infuriate her even more, but even she realized that she had screwed up royally.

“I’ve heard that before,” Lana grumbled as she leaned forward. Wanting a do-over, she closed her eyes and hoped that the handsome Russian thug was just another dirty fantasy of hers that had starred Sergei.

“You’ve heard it plenty of times in the last two months, but you still couldn’t quit, could you? You’re one hell of a stubborn broad.” He shook his head incredulously as he sat back up; parting his thighs and leaning forward, he rested his arms on them as he focused her. Lana looked at him and his form. Even the way he spread his thighs exuded manliness. Nothing in her file on him compared to the man in front of her. He was sex in a suit. He was still wearing a suit. It made her laugh internally as she thought about the pure professional look he pulled off while jumping through a woman’s window.

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