Sergei's Stubborn Captive (The Captive Series Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Sergei's Stubborn Captive (The Captive Series Book 3)
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“Do you hate yourself now?” Sergei needed a serious answer to that important question.

“Only for wasting a beautiful vacation.”

“I told you it was supposed to be a vacation.” He teased her about her outrage last time. She swatted his arm that was still gently playing with her body.

“Yes. I do believe you told me your last captive loved it.”

“She did. You can ask Bianca anytime.”

“No, I’ve already seen the love she has for her husband.” Lana looked sad, and he wondered if it was about their relationship or her sister’s marriage.

“Babe, we’ll look for your sister. Don’t worry. We’ll do all we can. Hell, I could have a talk with the Santinis. The sister was supposedly Bianca’s friend, and she didn’t tell Bianca about his previous marriage.”

“Man was she lucky.”

“Yes, and so was Nikolai. He worships her.”

After their long heart-to-heart, they got ready to go out. When they were in the shower, washing up after he took her up against the shower wall, they heard the loud grumble of her belly again.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been keeping you from eating.”

With a post-sex flushed face Lana responded with a sexy grin, then purred, “It was worth it.”

They traveled into town to eat at the diner for lunch. Since the town was small, both had become very well-known and heads turned when everyone saw them together.

The waitress walked up to them and asked, “What can I get for you two?”

“I’m really hungry, so I want a cheeseburger with the works,” Lana said with a cheerful grin.

“That sounds great, babe. I’ll have the same.” Sergei smiled at the woman who owned his heart as he responded. The waitress just grinned to see the love pouring from Sergei’s eyes.

Once they were done with lunch, Sergei walked her down the street into the large, old jewelry store. It was time to make it official.

“What are we doing here?” Lana asked, clearly wondering if it was for what she thought it was.

Hell, yeah it is,
Sergei thought. “We’re going to make it official.”

“For real?”

“No for fake. Of course for real. I got you to admit that you loved me. I’m taking it and running with it. So come on. It’s time to pick your ring, woman!” He dragged her to the engagement ring area. All the larger stones were held in back and as soon as Sergei requested them, the jeweler rushed to the back to get them.

It was about an hour later that Lana finally picked the one she fell in love with from the start, though she had kept trying to get a cheaper one. Sergei watched her face and told the jeweler that he would take that one she hadn’t stopped eying.

“Let’s go to see Nikolai and Bianca. I want to show them that I truly captured you,” he laughed.

“I definitely like this cuff better.”

“I’m really sorry about that, babe,” he said remorsefully.

“Don’t be. I shouldn’t have hurt you like that.” 

Sergei grabbed the hand that was sporting the rock and kissed it before they hopped into the truck. The drive to Niko’s was short. Once he got there both of them were righting their clothes, and Bianca looked a little scuffed up from Nikolai’s five o’clock shadow.

“Did we interrupt?” Sergei said with a smirk.

“No you didn’t, but your ass could have called. Make yourselves something to drink and we’ll be back down shortly.” Nikolai turned to Bianca and said, “Let’s go freshen up.”

He gave Lana a wink as he walked by her, causing Sergei to growl and Bianca to giggle.

“I going to kick his ass,” Sergei fumed.

“He’s only teasing,” Lana insisted.

“Yeah, he told me he would get me back. I’ll never do that again. I don’t like anyone flirting with you.”

Lana just shook her head while she laughed and squeezed the still scowling Sergei. “Come, let’s get ourselves a drink. I’m thirsty,” she demanded. Sergei followed her command and led her to the living room, where he poured them a drink.

By the time the other two came back into the room, Luciano and his family had shown up.

“Man, living in the twenty-first century and neither of you numb-nuts knows how to call before coming over.”

“That’s because I like to keep you on your toes,” Luciano teased.

“Ha, you should have arrived ten minutes earlier and you would’ve rethought that,” Sergei laughed.

“Shut up, Sergei.” Bianca gave him a hug, then turned to Lana and gave her a hug too. “I’m so glad you had a change of heart.”

Amber was the one who spotted the rock and squealed first. “Oh my God! Congratulations!” she shouted as she ran up to the two ladies and grabbed Lana’s hand.

“So it’s like that, my friend,” Nikolai said as he walked up to Sergei.

“Yes, it’s like that.” Sergei grinned like a goof.

Nikolai pulled his best friend in his embrace and whispered in his ear, “I told you it would work out. Congratulations!”

“Papa, who is that pretty lady mommy’s hugging?” little Luciano inquired. The handsome replica of his father got everyone’s attention with his curiosity.

“Sorry, little man. This is my fiancée, Lana,” Sergei answered before stealing Lana back from the girls to make the introduction.

“Lana, this is Luciano’s little boy, Junior.” Remembering Sergei’s words about the execution plan, Lana was instantly ready to bawl like a baby when she saw the little boy.

“It’s pleasure to meet you, Luciano.” Lana said with tears in her eyes.

The astute little one knew that she was hanging on a thread when he told her, “No cry.”

It was then that Sergei noticed her eyes were glossy and watched as the first tear fell. Needing to know what was wrong with her, he excused them both and walked her into the other room.

“Love, what’s wrong?” Sergei asked, feeling frightened that she’d changed her mind.

“I’m sorry. It’s just I remembered what you said about the hit and how he was included on it too.”

“Ah, baby. Don’t you worry. It wouldn’t have happened either way. Nikolai wouldn’t have done that to a child.”

“It’s not him. Santini was a monster. I let that monster take my sister.”

“Lana, listen to me. Apart from putting a bullet in his head yourself, there was no way to stop him from going after her. Men like him aren’t going to let ‘no’ stop them from taking what they want.” Wrapping her up in his arms and pressing her head against his chest, Sergei whispered a promise, “I’ll get you the answers you’re looking for. I promise we’ll find her one way or another.”

Lana looked up from his chest and whispered, “I love you, Sergei.”

Sergei smiled back before he responded, “Lana, I worship you. Are you ready to go back in there? They’ll be worried.”

“Sure,” she said with a nod.

“Listen, I’m going to need to have a word with the guys, so why don’t you and the girls start the planning? I want you tied to me as soon as feasibly possible.”

Lana looked at him suspiciously. “Is this about Jack?”

Sergei was like a deer caught in headlights. “Not entirely. Before you get all crazy, I don’t plan on killing him. I just want to make sure he stays far away from you.”

“Fine, just don’t kill him. I don’t want you to go to jail for it,” Lana scolded.

Sergei shook his head and said, “Not going to happen, babe.”

They rejoined everyone with smiles on their faces.

The smart two-year-old came up to them and said, “No more cry.”

Lana bent down with a smile and said, “No, I won’t cry anymore.”

“Good,” Luc said as he hugged her.

“Bee, Amber, I need to steal your husbands for a moment.”

“Take ‘em,” Bianca said as she waved them off.

“Thanks, love,” Nikolai said as he slid his hands from around her waist. “I’ve served your purpose. Now, I’m disposable,” he whimpered.

“Don’t worry, Caro. I’ll need you again soon,” she whispered to her loving husband.

“At your service, my wife.” Nikolai kissed her passionately before joining the men. 

“Amore, I’ll be just a minute. If you don’t feel well let me know and I be right by your side,” Luciano whispered to Amber.

“Luc, please. I’m fine. I promise. Do what you have to do. I love you.” Luciano lifted her from her seat position and kissed her deeply until they were both breathless. He winked and walked away from his family.

“Fellas, you could take a lesson or two from me. Now let’s get this meeting over with. My wife needs some loving,” Luciano boasted.

Chapter 9

Luciano poured the three of them a drink because they both looked like they could use one. “What gives Sergei? You seem edgy.” Luciano wasn’t aware of the situation and would soon be.

“I want to blow his brains out,” Sergei thundered.

“Already too late for that isn’t it?” Luciano asked in a teasing manner.              

“I’m talking about Jack McDonald. The cop that tried to rape Lana yesterday.”

“What?!” Luciano roared. He guzzled his glass.

Sergei turned to Nikolai and shook his head. “You didn’t tell him?” Sergei asked Nikolai.

Nikolai shrugged. “I didn’t want him to go crazy. The man is already a fucking nut.”

“Tell me what the fuck happened,” Luciano demanded. Sergei downed his vodka then took a deep breath before he went over what happened yesterday.

“I’m going to bury him. This isn’t happening again,” Luciano swore.

Sergei wanted nothing more, but he couldn’t do that to Lana. Her love meant more than seeking revenge. “We can’t. I gave my word to Lana. I want her to see that there is good in me.”

Furiously pacing, Luciano spoke, “Well, you don’t have to. I will. There are way too many sick fucks around here.”

“No, for now I don’t want anything to happen to him. Our men will tail him and keep tabs on him twenty-four-seven. I want to nail him on something else and get his ass locked up to meet his fate. He could join Amber’s father in the pits before I have him disappear. Lana’s my priority, and she knows I want him dead. I’ll bide my time and then strike.”

“Don’t wait until it’s too late. I made that mistake and the cost was too high to pay. I could see why you waited to tell me. Fuck, guys, I need to go and hold my family.” Luciano left the room and went searching for Amber while Nikolai spoke to Sergei.

“How are you hanging in there?” Nikolai asked Sergei as he refilled their glasses.

Sergei took a drink before he responded with a sigh. “It’s bad. I don’t know how he deals with it. It didn’t happen, and all I see is red.”

“You remember when we arrived at the ‘Cell’. Amber was so broken that day. My heart broke for him too.”

“Lana says it’s their love that keeps them together,” Sergei admitted. Finishing his glass, he stood up and started his pacing.

Nikolai sat at his desk and said, “Well, yeah. I don’t know if I could forgive myself it something happened to Bianca like that. That’s what Luciano deals with.”

“That feeling I get. The nightmare I had last night made me lose my mind. I couldn’t be close enough to her once I woke up.”

“We’ll keep her safe,” Nikolai promised.

“Thank you, Niko,” Sergei said as he placed his glass on the sideboard.

“Let’s go check on our women, da?” Nikolai said as he jumped up from his chair.


“Bianca, you have a very nice home,” Lana said. She wasn’t used to making small talk. Since she was little all she had was Ana. Making friends wasn’t easy when they were so different than her. She started to do better in college, but then school was more important than socializing, especially since Ana had given up on a good life.

“Thanks, but Niko picked it out. I just decorated it,” Bianca insisted.

“Well, it’s very nice. I couldn’t decorate like this,” Lana admitted.

Bianca clapped her hands excitedly, and said, “We can help you when you guys buy a bigger house.”

“Oh, I don’t think we will. Sergei works for Nikolai and I’m only a detective—or I was. I still have to get a job,” Lana said, obviously embarrassed.

“I grew up poor and neglected, Lana. You’re not poor, and neither is Sergei. He has more money than he needs. He’s not as wealthy as Nikolai, but few are as rich. Nikolai comes from a wealthy empire in Russia plus his own growth. Sergei has been at his side from the start and also received a large inheritance from Nikolai’s father.”

Lana was upset that she didn’t know Sergei as well as they did. “Oh, I didn’t know. I’m used to living with in my means.”

“Well, you still will, but those means are just much greater. Speaking of money, we have a wedding to plan,” Bianca said.

“Yes and fast too. Technically Sergei is very behind. We were married to our men with a week of knowing them.” Amber giggled.

“Wow! That’s fast.” Lana’s eyes opened wide. She knew that Sergei wasn’t going to wait much longer.

“Yep, but we love our men, and it was worth it for us,” Amber sang.

“Grazie, Amore.” They all turned to see Luciano standing by the door. He was looking angry yet vulnerable. Lana didn’t know what was wrong, but the other two did. They’d seen that look on his face whenever he’d been reminded of what happened.

“Papa!” Luciano ran to his father with the crayon and his drawing in hand. “Look, Papa, I draw flower. Is it pretty enough for mama?”

“È perfetto mio figlio! It’s perfect.”

“Grazie, papa.” Luciano scooped his son into his arms and squeezed him tightly, kissing his head. “Papa, you squishes me.”

“I’m sorry,” Luciano said softly. Everyone watched the little byplay and could see the love between father and son.

“Caro, are you okay?” Amber said as she walked up to her husband, who wrapped his free arm around her.

“Can we just go home, so I can hold you?”

“Si, my love.” Amber turned to the girls and said, “We can chat later.”

They said their goodbyes, leaving Bianca and Lana alone. “I hope Sergei’s all right.”

Bianca grabbed Lana’s hand, looked her in the eyes and asked, “Are you okay? Niko told me what happened. I’m sure Luciano just found out as well, and that’s what upset him.”

“Oh my, I didn’t think of that. I hope they’re going to be okay.”

Bianca smiled kindly. “He’ll be just fine. Amber brings him back from his self-imposed guilt and pain.”

“He blames himself?”

“Yes, he does. He thinks if he had gotten rid of my cousin that he could have saved Amber from the violence,” Bianca sobbed.

“I’m sure Sergei feels the same way. I saw it in his eyes.”

“Yes, you did, babe, but I promised you I wouldn’t kill him,” Sergei said as the two handsome Russians entered the room.

Lana stood up and walked to her man, wrapping her arms around him and tilting her head for a kiss. Sergei took her offer and captured her lips. Their mouths meshed, and their tongues tasted each other, slowly. Lana slipped her hands in his hair, tugging at his dark waves. They slowly pulled away, their eyes smiling and hearts racing as they stared while they ignored their hosts.

“Bianca, I think we’re interrupting. Let’s go start dinner,” Nikolai whispered loudly.

“Okay, love.” They walked away and let the couple play kissy-face for a while longer.


Dinner was a total wedding planning event. Bianca took over all the details and hadn’t let Lana get a word in, but she didn’t care because she didn’t know anything about that sort of stuff. They were just driving back to Lana’s house when Sergei asked, “Babe, do you really want that stuff or are you just trying to make friends with Bianca? It’s your wedding, babe. Your choice.”

“I thought it was our wedding?” Lana asked angrily.

“It’s our wedding, but Lana, all I care about it marrying you. I just plan to do what you tell me and show up,” he said with a shrug.

“I don’t mind Bianca doing it at all. Sergei, I’m not like them. I didn’t grow up with money. I don’t know how to be a girl like that. Organizing and planning would have been my sister’s thing,” Lana explained.

Sergei grabbed her hand, caressed it, and whispered, “Ah, baby. I’m sorry she’s not here to be with you.”

Lana looked at her fiancé and smiled lightly. “It’s fine, Sergei. I just want it to be here already. It’s funny; I fought our relationship, but now I can’t wait to be married. Silly, right?”

“Not at all, babe. I just give it to you so good you can’t resist me,” Sergei boasted before turning his eyes back to the road.

“Well, I don’t need to marry you to have sex with you,” Lana said teasingly, toying with her engagement ring.

“The hell you don’t?” he growled, snatching her hands to stop her from fiddling with her ring.

Sergei didn’t realize that he just gave her ammo. “Are you sure? No sex until we’re married? Are you going to avoid my body until the wedding?”

“Hell no! Fine, we’re letting Bianca do the planning. In one week you’ll be my wife, but tonight you’re mine,” Sergei said with a hungry growl.


Sergei woke the following morning to a call from Luciano. Groggily Sergei said, “What’s going on?”

“We got him!” Luciano cheered on the other end. Sergei immediately understanding that he was talking about McDonald.

“Please tell me you didn’t end him,” he said in a low whisper as he crept out of bed, slipped on boxers and walked into the kitchen to start the coffee. Luciano explained what happened, which satisfied Sergei for the time being.

Just as he finished the coffee and poured a cup for both of them, Lana walked into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. “Did I sleep too long?” 

“Not at all babe. It’s only eight. I don’t have to start working for another hour. Come sit down.”

“Let me get the paper first.” Lana walked to the front door and grabbed the daily paper. She was one of those people who still liked to read from a newspaper. It was one of those luxuries she didn’t have growing up and it was important to her. Sergei didn’t care. He read the paper too.

Lana took a long time coming to the kitchen. Once she entered it, her head was still down reading the paper.

“Babe, what is it?” Sergei asked nervously. He didn’t like that she was focused so much on the paper. It must be something bad.

“Jack’s dead?! Listen to this,” she stated.  Lana read the start of the paper to him:

Local Deputy shoots himself Over Abuse of Power.

Officer Jack McDonald was cornered by the police after eye-witnesses noticed an abnormal traffic stop. The vehicle’s occupant was forced from her vehicle and dragged off to the brush on the side of the road. Officer McDonald attempted to assault the victim, but was rescued by a nearby drivers who witnessed the stop.

Once in custody he grabbed the gun of one of the other officers and committed suicide.

“I can’t believe it. Well, actually I can. Did your men have anything to do with this?” Lana suspected it was his men that rescued the woman and had intentionally been nearby.

Sergei shrugged. “Hey, we didn’t make the man shoot himself, but my men were following him around, just to keep you safe.”

“They saved that woman! You did too! I love you, Sergei!” She ran and jumped into his arms, dropping the paper.

Sergei showed up to Nikolai’s house an hour late that morning, but Niko couldn’t care less because he’d gotten the call too.

After Nikolai said hello to her, Sergei said, “Babe, go see what Bianca’s up to while I work.”

“Yes, sir.” Lana pouted with a salute that got her kissed on her already love-swollen lips.

“You’re asking for it again, woman. Run along and be a good girl.” He patted her ass, and she shuffled off with a big smile.


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