Serve His Needs - Encounter (2 page)

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Authors: Karolyn James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Serve His Needs - Encounter
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He was simply amazing, even from afar.  Her favorite quality about Alexander Porter were his eyes.  They were dark and lovely, shades of chocolate that made Amanda’s mouth and panties water, knowing that there had to be more behind the man in the suit.  And sometimes, when he looked at her, she could almost feel what he thought, if it were possible.

“Just go take care of him,” Becky said to Amanda with an elbow jab.

Amanda almost fell over, not paying attention to anything but Alexander Porter.

“Look at you, woman, you’re falling for him,” Becky said and laughed.

“Stop it,” Amanda said.  “I was just… I don’t know…”

“You were just picturing him naked.  I bet you’d like his cream on your skin.”

Amanda scoffed and hurried to wipe her arm.  She stood up and stared down at Becky.  Becky looked up and waved a towel at her.  “Go, hurry.  Before I change my mind.  I’ll get the coffee to Table 25 and take care of this mess.  Go, take care of your man before someone else does.”

Take care of your man…

Amanda brushed herself off and adjusted her shirt, thinking about it.  She would give anything to have the opportunity to take care of Alexander Porter.  But face it, men like him, had women all over the world probably.  Even if he was married, he had to have had other girlfriends and mistresses waiting. 

What would make him even consider someone like Amanda?

Aside from his good looks and aura that flooded with fantasy, Alexander Porter wasn’t afraid to tip.  When he came into the restaurant, whoever had his section was considered to be the luckiest waitress working that night.  Luckily for Amanda, when she worked, she always chose Alexander Porter’s section in hopes he would come in.

In recent weeks, his tips had gotten almost to the point of being out of hand, creeping past the fifty percent mark of the entire bill.  And when you have men ordering ten dollar drinks and fifty dollar entrees, it doesn’t take much to add things up.

For Amanda though, it had started to reach a strange level.

Alexander Porter wasn’t shy about giving a hearty tip to Amanda and then slipping an extra twenty – or two – into her pocket, telling her not to share.  His touch alone was all Amanda could ask for, but the money helped when it came.

Amanda went to the table and found Alexander Porter seated alone.

“Good evening,” Amanda said.

“Hello there,” Alexander said.  “How are you tonight?”

Amanda looked back at Becky, who was still on her knees, cleaning the mess.

“I’ve had better nights.”

“We all have,” Alexander replied.

“Are you alone tonight?” Amanda asked.  She couldn’t remember the last time that Alexander Porter ate or drank alone.

“I hope I’m not alone tonight,” he said in a smooth voice.  His hand slid to the end of the table and touched Amanda’s apron.  The move was subtle but Amanda looked down at his fingertips touching her and she pictured herself moving up on her toes and thrusting her body forward, allowing his fingers to slide between her legs.

“Will you have your usual tonight?” she asked, feeling out of breath and flustered.

“As always,” he replied.

Alexander stared at Amanda and she lingered for a couple seconds, enjoying the attention.  She wasn’t sure where it was coming from or why, but if a man like Alexander Porter was going to stare at her, she wasn’t going to move away too fast.

When Amanda left the table and went to the bar, she let out heavy breaths.  She needed composure, and fast.  Seeing him tonight would only make her night even longer.  She should have been able to wait on Alexander Porter and then leave after he left.  That would have given her a night on the couch with Grey’s and the swirling images and fantasies of Alexander Porter.  Instead though, she’d be stuck at the restaurant and would be lucky to get home by three in the morning.

“Hey sweetheart, what do you need?”

“Jacqui, I need a Jack and Coke.”

Jacqui was a middle aged woman with skin so tan she looked like a piece of leather with bleach blonde hair.  She was a sweetheart and all the men that came to the bar fell in love with her, as expected. 

“Oh, Alexander Porter is here, isn’t he?” Jacqui asked.

“Yeah, but anyone could order a Jack and Coke.”

“Yeah, but nobody else makes your face look so flustered and happy.”

Jacqui winked and walked away, hurrying to make the drink.  She enjoyed Alexander Porter’s presence too because the bartender received a cut of all the waitresses tips at the end of the night.  The faster she made the drinks, the faster people would drink them and then reorder more.

When Jacqui came back with the drink, she put it on the bar and then grabbed Amanda’s hand. 

“Listen to me sweetie,” Jacqui said, “don’t let anything in life pass you up or make you feel you aren’t good enough.”


“I know how he tips,” Jacqui said, “and I know how he tips when you’re not here.”

“What does that mean?”

“Sweetie, he tips thirty percent at best for anyone else in this restaurant.  When you serve him, he tips fifty to sixty percent, plus slips you extra, right?”

“Oh, about that…”

“Doesn’t matter,” Jacqui in.  “What I’m telling you is that he likes you.”

“Because he tips wells?  Maybe I’m just that good of a server.  I have his drinks and dinner memorized.”

“No, it’s not that.”

“So, what, you think a billionaire like Alexander Porter likes me?”

Jacqui nodded.

“Why do you think that?”

Jacqui smiled wide and then leaned towards Amanda.  She whispered, “Because his eyes haven’t left you since you walked over here…”


Amanda tried to ignore Jacqui’s words as she walked back to the table.  She tried to look away too, focusing on everything from a pair a crissed-crossed skis that hung on the wall to a man taking a way too big bite of a juicy burger, anything to keep herself from looking at Alexander Porter. 

However, the best part was that when Amanda did sneak a quick peek, Alexander was staring at her.

The worst thing about it…
Alexander was staring at her


What reason would an international businessman billionaire have to stare at a waitress who balanced her bills by choosing what service she wanted for that month – cable or cell phone.

She even caught herself walking seductively, her legs stepping in front of one another, knowing damn well that it wasn’t the walk of a waitress about to serve a drink.  It was the walk of a woman filled with lust and fantasy, a woman who was wet between her legs.

Amanda made it to the table and placed the drink down.

“Look at that walk,” Alexander said. 

“Excuse me?”

“Your walk.  It’s perfect.”

Amanda touched her hips and legs, her face turning another shade of red.

“The bartender topped the drink off and you didn’t spill a drop.”

“Oh, that.  Yes.”  Amanda felt silly.  Maybe Alexander wasn’t looking at her like that after all.  He wasn’t interested in her body, her curves, or her lust filled eyes.  He had been interested in her ability to balance a drink.

“Trust me, that’s a feat,” Alexander said.  His voice was so empowering, like everything he said was part of a motivational speech.

“All part of my job,” Amanda said.

“Well, it’s impressive.  You’ve never seen me carry something.  I could spill a half empty cup of water.  You should see me in the morning when I try to get a cup of coffee…”

Amanda smiled and thought,
I wish I could see you in the morning.

As her mind slipped away to a different place and a different life, she felt something touch her hand.  She jumped and gasped when she looked down to find Alexander Porter using his middle finger, running it along all the fingers of her hand.  He stopped at her thumb and moved his finger up to the back of her hand where he drew a circle and then came back down to her finger, nail, and then it was gone.

The touch was gone.

Amanda shuddered inside. She felt a warmth flood herself that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

When she looked at Alexander, his eyes burned for her in a way that made her knees feel wobbly.  She had to put her hands flat on the table to hold herself up.

“Would you like to?” he asked her.

“Would I like to…”  Amanda’s mouth had run dry and her heart felt like a battering ram smashing in her chest.

“Would you like to see me in the morning, with my coffee?”

Amanda froze as Alexander smiled at her.  She couldn’t be sure at first if he was being serious or just casually flirting like so many men did with the waitresses.  When his finger started to move again, caressing her skin, she realized Alexander wasn’t joking.  Not one little bit.  His one traveling finger was soon accompanied by the rest of his fingers and when he tried to grip Amanda’s hand she pulled away from the table, taking a step back, catching her breath.

She felt like she had been in the middle of a fire for a few seconds.  The heat inside her, the heat around her, and even the heat coming from Alexander seemed too much to bear.

Could this really be happening?

Could this really happen at all?

She stood, her eyes moving left to right, gauging the restaurant to make sure that she was still there and that this was really happening.  For all she knew, she could be at the bar, leaning on it, waiting for Jacqui to pour the Jack and Coke.  Her mind could have wandered…

“Are you okay?” Alexander asked.

Amanda coughed and started to move her hands towards her apron.  In reality, she was reaching for herself, trying to get between her legs.

She looked down and saved herself by reaching into her apron and pulling out pen and paper.  “I’m sorry,” she said and then cleared her throat again.  She pointed the pen at the booth.  “Are you… do you have a meeting?”

“Tonight?  No.”  Alexander hadn’t changed his devilish grin.  From the side, he could have been a statue.  From the front, he belonged in movies and magazines, offering his looks and body to the world for women to desire.  He had been in Time Magazine twice and Porter, Inc. was in Forbes at least four times a year, not to mention the scour of publicity the company received on the internet. 

“Oh, okay,” Amanda said.  “Are you ordering anything besides the drink?”

“I’ll have my usual, you know what I like, right?”

Again with that smile and those eyes.

Amanda thanked the stars that Alexander had ordered his usual because trying to write something different right now would have been impossible.  Her hands were shaking and her heart still raced.

“Where is everyone?” Amanda asked, hoping to bring normalcy back to the conversation.

“Business isn’t everything,” Alexander said.  “Sometimes I enjoy pleasure.”

Amanda swallowed hard.  The more time that passed, the more the restaurant felt further and further away, dwindling to nothing as though she and Alexander were the last two people left in the world.  Alexander sat back and put his arms across the top of the booth.  “Actually, I was in Miami this morning for a meeting.  Interesting place.”

“Really?” Amanda asked.  “I’ve never been there.  I’ve… well, I’ve never been out of this state.”

“Oh, that’s a shame,” Alexander replied.  “You should consider traveling.”

“Not on my tips,” Amanda said.  She put her hand to her mouth and shook her head.  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.  Not that you don’t tip well… or anyone else.  It’s just that, you know, a waitress…”

Alexander put a hand up.  “No need to worry.  I completely understand.  This morning I was actually in New York City, at one of my main offices.  Then I took my private jet to Miami and on the way back, I stopped in Washington DC.  Had a contract to sign and I didn’t trust the people there to fax it so I popped in.  Glad I did.  I ended up not signing the contract.  Sometimes in life, Amanda, you have to recognize opportunity when it stares you in the face.  Otherwise, you’ll be left wondering.  You’ll be left dancing from table to table, enjoying what you think you enjoy, but there will always be that nagging sensation creeping up your spine into your head, asking you…
are you really happy?
  Of course, depending on the person, they can lie to themselves or just tell the truth.”

Amanda nodded and absorbed all that Alexander had to say.  Somewhere in that statement, lined around the edges, she knew he wasn’t very happy she had pulled her hand away.  She wanted to apologize but wasn’t sure how.  He had caught her off guard.  Again, she plagued herself, wondering why a billionaire would dare come near a waitress.

“I’m going to get your order placed,” Amanda said.  She put her hand back to the table and let it linger for a few seconds to see what Alexander would do.  He looked down at her hand and smiled, but didn’t touch it.

As Amanda took her hand off the table and walked away, she knew that he would be the one in control, always.  To be with Alexander Porter meant to succumb to his eyes, his smile, and his sense of power.

And she was okay with that.

“Oh, Amanda,” Alexander called out.

She stopped and turned.

“Don’t forget, I like my filet medium rare.”

Amanda threw her hip out and smiled, flashing the most lust filled set of eyes she could muster up.  “I would never forget… I’m here to serve you.”


Amanda served Alexander, coming to his table every few minutes not so much to check on his dinner, but to catch more of his musky scent, good looks, and wishing he would perhaps flirt with her again.

She felt silly not reacting better to his words.  All this time waiting for a man like Alexander Porter to talk to her and make passes at her and Amanda wasted it with her mouth open and her mind scrambling.

Then again, maybe Alexander was just out for a relaxing night after a long day’s work.

Men deserved that.  Especially a man like Alexander Porter. 

All the waitresses seemed to keep staring at Amanda, following her every move just to see what would happen next, more so to see what kind of tip Alexander would leave.  It became some sort of a game for those who lost at actually having the chance to serve his table.  They’d murmur and bet, trying to stir up rumors and stories about the tall, handsome man.  Those at the bar would join in and with a few shots of liquor rolling through their veins, they would add to the stories.

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