Serve His Needs - Encounter (4 page)

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Authors: Karolyn James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Serve His Needs - Encounter
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The driver’s side door to the limo opened and a short man with a thick moustache stepped out, wearing a hat that made Amanda want to burst out laughing.  The man looked like a limo driver.  He wore a black suit and tipped his hat to Amanda as he walked to the back of the vehicle.

He opened the door and motioned for Amanda to step inside.

“Mr. Porter waits,” he said.

Amanda assessed herself, feeling one more bite of self-consciousness attack her.  She was in blue jeans and a white shirt with a long sleeve blue shirt over that.  Her skin smelled of some flowery soap and body spray she had in her car, and her hair felt gross.  Makeup didn’t exist and if anything, she felt she should run home, shower, get ready, and come back in a few days for this to happen.

The limo driver cleared his throat and Amanda snapped back to reality. 

She stepped forward and as she put one foot into the limo, she realized that everything would change.

This was her night… her night with Alexander Porter.


The limo carried the amazing smell of Alexander Porter, telling Amanda that this was maybe his personal limo, one he purchased and always used.  For some reason, that made it even hotter.  She slid onto the leather seat and watched as Alexander stared at her, one hand on top of the seat (an open invitation, just like in the restaurant) and the other hand holding a glass half full.

“Jack and Coke,” Amanda said and pointed to the glass.

“The only drink that matters,” Alexander replied.  He put the glass to his mouth and drank the rest of the drink. 

He slid forward and reached for the bar, which looked more extravagant than the bar at the restaurant.  Custom built for sure, it had two levels of bottles, each level with its own dim lighting, casting a fine glare upon all the glass. 

“What’s your poison?” Alexander asked.

Amanda didn’t consider herself a drinker other than wine or the occasional social beer. 

But fuck it, tonight was different.

“I’ll have a scotch on the rocks, please.”

“Hard drink,” Alexander replied.

Amanda smiled.

Alexander found a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue, a kind of scotch Amanda had never had the pleasure of touching her lips.  He poured two fingers full into the glass and then dropped in two ice cubes.  He held the glass out and Amanda took it, thanking him, and taking a sip.

The alcohol hit her like a hammer, burning her throat and stomach, then spreading out into a warmth that collided with the lust churning in her body.  Three sips later, she felt relaxed and really,

Alexander watched Amanda the entire time, sensing the change in her mood and the visibility of her desires.  He enjoyed one more drink and then took Amanda’s empty glass, placing them on the bar.  He sat back and let a few seconds of silence come between he and Amanda.

She felt a little uncomfortable, unsure what came next.

“Come sit next to me,” Alexander said, tapping his fingers on top of the leather seat.

Amanda climbed across the moving limo and sat down next to Alexander.  His aura blanketed her, as did his arm, as his hand touched her shoulder.  He pulled her in gently, making sure her body touched his.

He took a deep breath.  “Oh, Mandy, look at us…”

“Look at us,” Amanda replied, her voice obviously shaking.

His left hand moved to Amanda’s knee.  By the time her eyes looked to her knee, Alexander was on the move.  His hand moved up inch by inch.  He turned his head and looked at Amanda.  She looked to him.  Her eyes were wide, desperate to look back to his hand.

“Look at me,” he commanded.  “Stare at me.  Get lost in me… as I… get lost… in you…”

Amanda shifted her body and spread her legs, just in time for Alexander’s hand to slide up between her legs.  She felt his fingers pressing against her jeans and panties, massaging her moist skin through her jeans.  Waves of pleasure rolled through her body and Amanda let out a sigh of pleasure and desperation.  His hand continued up until his thumb reached the button on her jeans.  He circled it a few times and then put his thumb to the top of her jeans and pulled.  The tips of his fingers were together, still massaging Amanda’s vagina.

Amanda lowered her body and found herself already thrusting at Alexander’s hand.

Their eyes were deadlocked, Amanda sighing and Alexander looking at her without reaction or emotion.  With a simple twist and flick of his wrist, her button was undone. 

Fuck, he was good.

Her zipper crackled and then Alexander’s hand moved over her panties, running down the silky garment to the wet spot between her legs. 

She moaned again as his middle finger pressed, forcing her sweet skin to open, allowing her most sensitive of spots to become open, warm and decadent.

Amanda tried to moan again, but Alexander came forward and put his lips to hers, catching her breath and moan.

Fuck, he was really good.

She began to come a moment later, the building of her lust and fantasy coming to life.  With just the tip of his middle finger, still over her panties, Alexander pressed and moved in a slow circle working with Amanda’s body as she thrust, working her through the fast moving and messy orgasm. 

The obvious rush of warmth and wet attacked her panties and soon she felt herself sticking to herself and sticking to her panties.  Alexander noticed it too and his hand climbed back up her vagina, moving painfully slow, leaving Amanda throbbing inside and out. 

Alexander’s tongue entered her mouth, tasting her tongue, then quickly pulled back from the entire kiss and smiled at Amanda.

“You taste wonderful,” he whispered.  “Now… to feel…”

His fingers cut under Amanda’s panties, moving down her smooth skin.  He paused at her mound, rubbing left to right, appreciating that she kept herself well shaved.  Then his travels continued, leading again with his middle finger as he curled it at the start of her moist skin, pulling her back, exposing her perfectly to touch her clitoris. 

The mere touch on such an erotic spot made Amanda jump a little.

“It’s okay,” Alexander whispered.  “I’ll be gentle.”

Amanda relaxed back against the limo seat and let Alexander continue.  His fingers, one at a time, reached the wettest of parts and with two fingers, he spread her labia open as his middle finger caressed her vagina, testing its tightness, enjoying the way she reacted to him.

He pressed, working his finger into her vagina, feeling the pressure of her body and the reminisce of her orgasm.  The heat and moisture were intense, and Alexander liked it.

“Oh… oh wow,” Amanda whispered as Alexander took care of her.

His finger moved deeper into her vagina until he could reach no more.  He then pressed up, curled his finger, and pulled out, drawing waves of pleasure that soared through Amanda’s body.  As he entered her again with his finger, Amanda let out a breath and relaxed, wanting to give herself to him completely.  Alexander surprised her when he added a second finger, forcing his way in. 

The sudden burst of pressure between her legs made Amanda cry out.  She then gasped for air, hoping to remain silent, just in case.

“No worries,” Alexander said.  “Nobody can hear a thing, I swear.”

Amanda nodded and let out a series of moans, as loud as they needed to be, as the rush of warmth spread through her, all coming right back between her legs for Alexander’s fingers to enjoy.

“Take those pants off,” Alexander said.  “They’re getting in the way.”

Amanda grabbed her jeans, and panties, and worked them down her body.  Alexander’s fingers slipped from her vagina but he lingered between her legs, waiting for a chance to get back at it.  Amanda kicked off her shoes and as she pushed her jeans and panties past her ankles, she took her socks off too.  She then leaned back and let out a long breath, looking down at her lower naked half, Alexander’s hand gripping on her thigh. 

“You’re beautiful,” Alexander said.  “So beautiful.  You deserve all your fantasies…”

There were no words that could be found right now.  Amanda opened her legs wider this time now that her pants weren’t in the way.  She stared down at her moist skin as it glistened against the soft light in the back of the limo.  She curled her body a little to exposed herself more.  She watched as Alexander’s fingertips touched her flowering labia and then her hole, working his way right back inside of her.

Her right hand gripped the leather seat and her left hand had no other choice than to go for Alexander.  She reached between his legs and squeezed his leg.  In a hurry, her hand moved up until she felt the stiffness of his erection as it battled against the space in his pants.

She slid her hand down the length of his erection, mentally noting how long his shaft was.  She gripped her hand around him, his girth enough to make her flood the leather seat she sat on. 

Alexander picked up speed with his fingers, working Amanda into a grinding frenzy as she kept up with his motion and started to add her own.  Her hand struggled to hold and pleasure Alexander’s erection through his jeans. 

“Hold on here,” he whispered.  “We can get a little more comfortable.”

Alexander moved away from Amanda again and this time she whimpered and even reached for his hand, grabbing his wrist.

“Well now,” Alexander said.  “She comes alive.”

“Touch me,” Amanda said.  “Please.  Just touch me.”

Alexander’s eyes were deadly as he stared into Amanda’s.  “In time… in time…”

Alexander twisted himself free from Amanda’s grip and took the lead, gripping her wrist.  He placed her hand to himself and put his arms up across the seat.

Amanda looked at Alexander, then to her hand, then back to Alexander.

“Show me,” he said.  “Show me what you can do.”

Nothing ever sounded so good coming from a man before, especially a man like Alexander Porter who radiated success and power. 

Her hand pressed, forcing his penis against the inside of his leg.  That allowed her to rub him, feeling just how long he really was, even giving her a few seconds to torture him.  In return, however, she ended up torturing herself as she was the one half naked, with her wettest of parts exposed, throbbing for more of his touch. 

She couldn’t bear it any longer as her desperate hands went for Alexander’s belt and pants.  He moved his tie aside and as she worked at his pants, he used just his left hand to pull his tie, loosening it and then throwing it to the floor of the limo.  For a second, Amanda looked at the tie, crumpled like a silky snake and realized that the tie probably cost more than the beat up car she drove to and from work everyday.  With his belt and the clasp of his pants both undone, Amanda unzipped his pants and reached inside.

“Show me,” he whispered again.  “How desperate are you Mandy?”

A question like that from any other man would have deserved a smack to the face, but something about Alexander had her roped in and in submission. 

How desperate was she?

Between her legs, she melted and somewhere in her heart, she felt she could cry.  She’d already been taken away by Alexander, touched by him, brought to an orgasm from the smallest touch, and now, as her hand moved into boxer briefs, her small fingers wrapped around the base of his erection, trying to see if her entire hand would fit around him.

It did, but barely.

She stroked Alexander, much like the way she fantasized about it, loving his shaft, his length, his girth, and the tip of his erection and its perfect definition.  She could only imagine what he would do to her, inside of her.

Alexander’s words came back to her…
in time… in time…

Her hand worked his penis, gripping him tight along his shaft and then loosening at the tip of his penis, allowing her soft skin to rub against his soft skin, knowing it had to be the most sensitive spot on his body.

She then pulled at his erection and pushed on his pants and boxer briefs with her other hand, finally exposing Alexander for her sweet eyes to see.  What she saw was nothing like she could have ever pictured or fantasized.  His member was immaculate, a sexual creation of perfection.  He was hard and tall, much like himself, and her hand looked even smaller as it scaled and declined along him.

“That’s right,” Alexander whispered.  “Your soft hand feels so good… oh, Mandy…”

Amanda moaned as she ached between her legs.  Her breasts soon joined in and her body raged with passion.  She needed to be touched again, by Alexander.  A swell of fire from a sensual place she didn’t know existed began and Amanda looked deep into Alexander’s eyes.

She wanted to be fucked.

She wanted to be fucked, right there, in the limo, by Alexander

Her eyes screamed it and her hand showed it.  She increased her speed on his penis, gripping him the entire way, up and down.  She wanted him to feel pleasure and she wanted him to feel desperate.

But a man like Alexander Porter never feels desperate.  He was rich, a self-made billionaire, and he worked on his own time, schedule, and purpose.

Lucky for Amanda, that purpose was the same desire she had…


Alexander moved so fast, Amanda couldn’t breathe, but her eyes were clear, focused, and taking in everything as it happened.

He pulled her hand from his penis as his right arm slid behind her back and down.  By the time she realized his hand was on her bare ass, he had already started to move her.  As Amanda lifted up, Alexander reached across with his left and took hold of her leg.  He lifted and pulled her not just towards him, but directly on top of him.

Another amazing feat to add to Alexander’s sexy resume – his strength.

As he moved Amanda, she instinctively grabbed for something, touching Alexander’s shoulders, feeling them tighten with his amazing strength. 

He held Amanda in the air, cupping her firm ass, letting his erection teeter just an inch away from penetrating her sweet, wet spot.

Amanda looked down, admiring just how close they were to having sex.  The white flaps of Alexander’s shirt rest perfectly apart, leaving his chiseled stomach exposed down to his pubes and finally, his thick and ready erection.

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