Seth's Chance [Brac Pack 27] (9 page)

Read Seth's Chance [Brac Pack 27] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Seth's Chance [Brac Pack 27]
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Chapter Nine

Seth felt the warmth seep into him. His body had been so cold that his teeth had been chattering and his body had been jerking. It slowly eased, his muscles relaxing with Chance’s body heat. He snuggled into the heat, greedily stealing it away from the bear as he tried to get warm.

“Better?” Chance asked as his hand rubbed up and down Seth’s arm, chasing the chill away. Seth didn’t think he could talk right now, so he just nodded. He was still trying to figure out what the hell just happened to him. Nothing made sense, which only confused him even further.

“Can you answer a question for me?” Chance’s voice was calm, docile in tone as he shifted around a little, which put Seth in a position to see the bear better.

“Yes,” he answered as he burrowed deeper into Chance’s chest. It was so warm there. Seth still felt cold.
“Why did you let him in?”
The question wasn’t accusatory. It was asked curiously. Seth was still trying to figure out what the hell just happened in his apartment. “He said his daughter was out in the car choking and he needed to use my phone.”
“So you invited him in?” Chance asked as he tucked the blankets around Seth’s shoulders.
“Yes,” Seth answered. He normally didn’t let strangers in, but the man had looked so damn desperate. Seth couldn’t understand why he had been targeted. He knew he should have stuck to his rule about not letting strangers into his home. Not only had he endangered his life, but Oscar’s as well.
“You have to pack, Seth,” Chance said as he pulled Seth closer into his warm arms. “He was a vampire. Now that you invited him into your home, he has the capability to enter at will.”
Seth wasn’t sure he had heard Chance clearly. Maybe he was still in shock from what had happened. He did lose a hell of a lot of blood, after all. “I’m sorry, but I thought you just said vampire.”
“I did.”
No he didn’t. There was no way Chance had just said vampire. They didn’t exist. They couldn’t exist. Seth was already having a hard time accepting the fact that the man sitting underneath him, holding him close, had shifted into a bear. No, no, no. Vampires
did not
exist. No, they couldn’t.
Ah hell.
Seth was quite sure he was going to faint from this knowledge. His logic waged a war with his sanity. His sanity was losing. “Say it one more time. My sanity needs to hear the words once more so it knows why it fled.”
“Ah, sweets,” Chance said as he gave Seth a tight squeeze. “If I felt good about lying to you, I would. I would save your sanity. But the truth is, vampires do exist. I won’t lie to you. You’re my mate. I would never lie to you.”
“God, please, lie to me,” Seth said as he buried his face in Chance’s chest. “I’ll forgive you this one lie.”
“Vampires don’t exist.”
Boy, he sure wished he could believe the lie. It would be so easy. But, he already knew the truth, and Seth was certain he wouldn’t be sane if he found out any other creatures existed. He was afraid to ask Chance if there were any more surprises. He had had enough shockers for one damn night.
“I don’t like that I’m being forced from my apartment,” he confessed.
“I know, Seth. But it’s no longer safe here.”
Again, Seth truly wished Chance would lie to him. He liked feeling safe in his own home. Once the door was locked and the chain in place, Seth had always felt safe. Now that was gone.
Would he ever feel safe again knowing that there were true nightmares out there?

* * * *

Seth sighed as he dropped his suitcase onto Chance’s bed. He couldn’t believe he was here. The packing didn’t take long. Seth didn’t own all that many clothes. Oscar had been given a room down the hall. Seth didn’t like his nephew so far away. Sure, Oscar had spent the night here before, but from Seth’s understanding, this was on a more permanent basis.

He wondered how much more he could take. Today had taken a toll on Seth, and he was ready to run far and fast. The problem with that thought was that Seth didn’t run from his problems. Okay, he ran when the hunter’s hand shoved a gun toward his head. But he hadn’t left town.

Besides, how far could he get with Oscar in tow? The sad truth was, Seth knew he had to face what was happening in his life. Whether he wanted to or not.

Things were changing, and no matter how hard he smashed life’s brakes, nothing was slowing down. He sat down on the bed, running his hands across the deep-brown-colored comforter, wondering to himself if he could really deal with the twists and turns he had just been tossed into.

“Settled in?”

Seth glanced at the door to see Mr. Lakeland standing there, his hands in his front pockets and leaning against the door frame. The man resembled Chance so closely that it always amazed Seth when he saw the father. All of Chance’s brothers looked alike as well. It was as if they were created from the same exact mold.
Seth couldn’t believe he was on a ranch with so many goodlooking men. He only wanted Chance, but the eye candy was definitely a bonus.

“Somewhat.” How settled in could he really be? This wasn’t his home, or lately, his life. Seth wasn’t sure what to think or do anymore. Life had thrown him a curveball and whacked him in the head with it.

“Have you eaten dinner yet?”

Food. It was the last thing on Seth’s mind. He hadn’t had dinner. He was too busy running from one crazy situation to the next. Maybe when life stopped shocking the shit out of him, he would think about eating. “I’ll see if Oscar is hungry.”

“No need. The whelp is downstairs eating with Chance and Cole.” That was one good thing about Oscar being at the Lakeland ranch. There was another child here. Although Cole wasn’t any more than a year old, it still made Oscar feel better that there was another child to play with. It also made Seth feel better.

“I’ll pass on dinner.”
“You should eat, son. You’ve had too many shockers today.” The man spoke Seth’s thoughts. Not about the eating, but about

too many revelations. But Seth knew he couldn’t eat right now. His stomach was in knots. “I’m just going to rest right now if that’s okay.”

“That’s fine. But make sure you eat breakfast.”

Seth nodded, giving Mr. Lakeland a polite smile. The father walked out of the room, leaving Seth to catch his breath. Maybe a nap was a good thing. Being tired and scared wasn’t a very good combination. Seth kicked off his shoes and curled up onto Chance’s large bed. He tucked a few pillows under his head and sighed.

Today was one for the records, and Seth prayed that tomorrow was calmer.


* * * *

“I don’t think he’s handling it too well,” Malcolm said as he sat down at the kitchen table. “He seems to be in shock.”
Chance glanced at him and then Oscar.
“Son, the boy knows what’s going on better than his uncle. Oscar is a smart kid. Don’t insult him by hiding things from him.”
Chance’s jaw clenched as he looked down at his plate of food and then over at Cole. Malcolm could see pain in his son’s eyes, and wished he could take it away. But it seemed that Chance wasn’t going to have an easy road. None of the Lakelands did when it came to mating.
“I didn’t want this for him,” Chance said as he cleared his throat and then looked up. “I didn’t want him to come into this life scared half to death. He is shutting down on me, Pa.”
Malcolm wished he had an easy solution for Chance. But it was up to Seth to either accept his new life or walk away from it. He just prayed the man didn’t leave Chance high and dry. He knew his son wouldn’t take it very well, and Malcolm was afraid of what his son would do if Seth walked away.
“Give him time. He needs to come to terms with all these revelations that have been thrown at him.”
“But what if he doesn’t? What if my mate decides he can’t handle this life and takes Oscar and leaves?”
“I’m not going,” Oscar announced as he gave Cole a bite of his mashed potatoes. Malcolm watched as Cole slobbered all over the spoon, leaving a gooey mess behind.
“We are hoping it doesn’t come to that, Oscar,” Malcolm tried to reassure the whelp.
“He will be fine,” Oscar said.
Damn if the kid wasn’t smart as hell. Malcolm was impressed with Oscar. He was very intelligent for his age. But sometimes living through a tragedy made a person grow up fast. He just hoped Oscar enjoyed his childhood.
“I’m going to check on Seth. Can Oscar hang out with you?”
Malcolm nodded as he ruffled Oscar’s hair. “Go ahead. Oscar can help me bathe Cole.”
Chance stood, smiling down at the kids. “I don’t want to lose this, Pa. I finally have a family, and I’m scared to death it will be taken from me.”
“Just have faith that your mate will be able to adjust.” Because if the lost look on Seth’s face was anything to go by, Chance was in a world of trouble.

* * * *

Chance stood by his bed, watching Seth sleep. His mate looked so peaceful. He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He leaned against the closed door, just staring at perfection.

Seth was gorgeous. His black hair spilled over his face, half hiding his eyes. Chance’s fingers itched to push that fall of hair from his eyes and kiss those beautiful lips. His mate looked so peaceful sleeping, as if the demons that were metaphorically chasing them didn’t exist as long as Seth had his eyes closed.

Chance crossed the room, standing close to the bed, close enough to touch his mate. But he didn’t. He wanted to memorize every feature, every line, and every angle. Seth lay on his back, one arm curled over his head, the other resting on his stomach.

Seth’s eyes fluttered open, showing Chance just how green Seth’s eyes truly were. He lay there staring at Chance, not saying a word. Chance stood there frozen, wondering if he was allowed to touch his mate. Would Seth fight him on this, or give in to what should be between them? They hadn’t had sex but once, and Chance would give anything in that moment to be inside Seth’s body.

“You’re staring at me,” Seth finally said, light teasing in his voice. “That’s because you are so damn handsome.”

The blush crept up Seth’s neck and spanned across his face, adding color to his pale cheeks, making him look totally edible. It was a look Chance wanted to see as often as possible. Seth looked vulnerable, even shy when he blushed.

Moving a little closer, Chance reached out and pushed Seth’s hair from his eyes. Seth didn’t jerk away. He didn’t tell Chance to stop. Taking that as a good sign, Chance sat on the side of the bed, letting his fingers linger on Seth’s face. The tips touched his mate’s forehead, his eyebrow, and then went lower to trace along Seth’s cheek until he touched Seth’s soft lips. It was like touching fire. Seth’s breath came out in shallow pants, his breath tickling along Chance’s hand.

“Let me make love to you.” Chance moved in closer, bringing his mouth so close to Seth’s that all his mate had to do was lean a fraction of an inch closer and they would be kissing. But Seth didn’t move closer. He pulled into Chance’s breath into his mouth, but didn’t close the gap. It was frustrating and exciting all in one. Not knowing if Seth was going to accept Chance, and being so close, made Chance’s body tight with anticipation.

Chance’s body tightened when Seth’s tongue snaked out to lick along his own lips. He could feel the movement with Seth being so damn close. Seth’s eyes gazed into Chance’s. He knew in that moment that Seth was waiting for Chance to make the first move. Chance could see the hesitation in Seth’s eyes.

“Kiss me,” Seth said breathily.

Chance inched forward. His lips feathered across Seth’s, not quite touching. As unstable as their relationship was, Chance wanted to savor this moment. He wasn’t sure when Seth would be so receptive again.

“Kiss me, Chance,” Seth repeated a little more firmly. When Chance gazed up into Seth’s green eyes, he could see nothing but pure male lust and it was unfocused. Chance reached behind Seth, cupping the back of his head, holding Seth in place as he smashed their mouths together. It was not only the kiss that had Chance’s shaft hard, but the closeness, the intimacy of the act. He’d kissed before, but the others hadn’t been his mate.

Seth was.
His tongue pushed past Seth’s lips, devouring Seth’s tongue, swiping the roof of Seth’s mouth as Chance climbed onto the bed. He stretched over Seth, still using one hand to hold his mate’s head, while using the other to hold his body weight away from Seth.
When Chance pulled away, he could feel Seth’s body trying to follow. His back bowed, and he craned his neck to get another kiss. Chance curled his fingers into Seth’s hair, holding him in place.
“Let me have you.”
Chance shook his head. “No.” He shook his head again. “I don’t think you understand what I mean.”
Seth looked confused. But his eyes were eager, begging even. “I don’t understand what you mean then.”
Chance knew he didn’t. “Let me have you the way I want to have you.”
The skin between Seth’s brows crinkled as he frowned. “I still don’t understand.”
“Then let me show you.”
Seth gave a halfhearted shrug, but Chance could still see the confusion in Seth’s eyes. He released Seth’s hair and then slid down Seth’s body. He looked up to see Seth watching him intently. Chance nuzzled his face into Seth’s groin. It was still completely covered by denim, but Chance could still smell his mate through the material. He nipped at the hardness outlined by Seth’s jeans.
Seth shuddered and gasped, his legs sliding apart. Chance unsnapped the jeans and pulled them down to Seth’s thighs. He leaned back in, rubbing his cheek along Seth’s legs, his nose grazing Seth’s sac.
“Take them off,” Seth said, almost whimpering the words.
Chance shook his head, as he let his bottom lip ghost over Seth’s thighs, up one, and down the other. Seth shivered. Chance glanced up at Seth, watching his mate watch him. He smiled and then let his tongue flick along the gooseflesh that began to rise up on Seth’s skin.
“Please, Chance. Stop teasing me. Take my pants all of the way off.”
Chance shook his head. His tongue kept climbing upward, until he tasted his mate’s sac. Chance opened wide, taking in one side, and then licking it inside his mouth.
Chance released the right side, and then pulled the left side in. His tongue bathed Seth’s body as he pulled in his mate’s scent. He opened wider and took the entire sac into his mouth, humming as his hand curled around Seth’s aching shaft. The length was long and hard, the head leaking.
“Chance, don’t make me come this way, please.”
Chance let Seth’s balls slide from between his lips, giving his mate a moment’s reprieve. “Why?”
Seth blushed deeply. “I want to come while you are inside of me.”
Chance wrapped his hand around the base of Seth and squeezed. Seth writhed underneath him. “Let me have you.”
Seth glanced down at Chance. His green eyes had gone darker. He hesitated and then nodded. Chance pulled Seth’s length toward his mouth, his eyes never leaving Seth’s as his lips parted and Seth’s hot shaft slid into his mouth. His mate was completely hard. Chance slid Seth down the back of his throat. He was a little hard to swallow. Chance knew Seth was thick, and trying to deep throat him without choking took some doing.
He found that if he didn’t struggle, if he fought the need to choke, he could take Seth. He breathed through his nose and then slid Seth’s shaft further down. It wasn’t easy, but Chance found that relaxing his throat helped. He may have had sex with other men, and shared men with his twin, but Chance didn’t go down on men too often. He usually liked receiving that pleasure more than he gave it.
But Seth was his mate, and Chance wanted Seth to have it all. His lips finally touched Seth’s smooth skin of his body, and knew that he had taken it all. He let his tongue slide around Seth’s shaft before he pulled back up his mate’s length. Seth hissed as his hips jerked.
Chance was breathless, but pleased that he had done it. Taking in a deep swallow of air, he slid his mouth back down Seth’s length.
“Please,” Seth whimpered.
Chance wasn’t sure what his mate was begging for, but he didn’t stop, didn’t let up. He didn’t give Seth time to catch his breath. Chance opened and took him all the way down.
His throat convulsed around Seth’s erection, and he could feel his throat close around the hard length. Seth’s cock was buried in his throat so deeply. He bit down gently before pulling back once more. He slid back up the long, thick shaft and then forced himself to go right back down.
Chance looked up to see Seth’s hands curled into the headboard, his eyes rolled back until only the whites showed. The green was gone. Seth began to kick his legs, as if trying to free them from the denim.
Chance used one hand to grab the pants between Seth’s legs and hold them in place as he pulled Seth’s hardness from his mouth. Wetness trailed between them, Chance’s saliva trailing a thick line from his mouth to Seth’s dick.
“God, Chance, please.”
Chance licked the head of Seth’s shaft, licking it clean before he leaned back. He pulled one shoe, and then the other off. He grabbed the edge of Seth’s jeans from around his mate’s ankle and pulled. Then he pulled the other until Seth’s pants slid from his body.
Chance unsnapped his pants, releasing the heavy weight of his cock, palming the flesh as he turned to the side, letting Seth get a full visual as he stroked himself. “What are you begging for?”
Seth threw his head back and laughed. “God, you are the best lover I have ever had, and I can’t even ask you to fuck me without feeling embarrassed as hell.”
Chance grinned as he squeezed his shaft, shuddering at the feeling of slight pain. “Why is it so hard for you to ask me to fuck you?”
Seth let his head fall back to the bed, his eyes staring up at the ceiling as he sighed. “I’m not sure.”
“Ask me.”
“I thought you wanted me quiet as you had your way with me?”
Chance released himself as he kicked his shoes off and then slid his pants from his body. He pulled his shirt off and then reached for Seth’s, yanking it off in seconds. He leaned over his mate, almost like doing a push-up as he met Seth’s eyes. “I want my way with you, but I don’t want you quiet, sweets. I want to know that I’m pleasing you, driving you insane.”
“You are.”
“Then tell me that I’m driving you insane. Tell me how good it feels when I touch you. Tell me what you want me to do with you, even if I decide to do something different. I won’t learn what you like unless you tell me, Seth.”
There went that blush again. “I’m not very good at talking during sex, Chance.”
“Then we need to work on that, love. I need to know what you want, what you desire, what you crave the most. As much as I would love to be able to read your mind, that talent is lost to me.” Chance settled between Seth’s legs, his length brushing over Seth’s. “Tell me how I make you feel, Seth.”
“You make me feel wonderful, Chance.”
“Just wonderful?” Chance hadn’t meant to let the hurt show in his voice, but he thought that he had gone past wonderful into the land of fucking fantastic.
Seth shook his head, his eyes begging Chance to help him. “I told you I’m no good at talking during sex. I’m screwing this up.”
Chance wrapped his fingers around Seth’s wrists, holding them in place. “Do you want me to hold you down?”
Seth tugged at his arms, but Chance had too strong of a hold on him. He could smell the excitement coming off of his mate.
Now they were getting somewhere. “Do you want me to go gently, or take from you?”
“Like rape?” Seth asked, his eyes wide.
“No, never rape, Seth. That’s not my kink.” He could smell relief on Seth’s skin.
It would have been hard to be with Seth if he was into fantasy rape. It wasn’t Chance’s cup of tea. He knew everyone had their own flavor that they liked during sex, but Chance didn’t think he could oblige Seth if he was into fantasy rape.
“Then what do you mean?” Seth asked as he pulled at his wrists again. Chance wasn’t even sure Seth was aware of what he was doing. He tightened his hold.
“I mean, do you like sex rough?”
Seth looked like he was thinking about Chance’s question. Really thinking about it.
Chance didn’t want quick answers. If they were going to be mated for the rest of their lives, share their bed, Chance needed the honest truth from Seth.
“I’m not sure. I’ve never had rough sex before.”
“Are you willing to try, or isn’t that something you’re interested in?” Chance shifted a little, letting his hard erection slide along Seth’s. Seth gasped and then moaned, his eyes closing briefly and then opening.
“Will you stop if I don’t like it?”
“All you have to do is ask, and I’ll stop.”
Chance leaned forward, kissing Seth slowly, gently. “I’ll never hurt you on purpose, Seth,” he said into his mate’s mouth. “You tell me how far to go and when to stop.”
“So I’m in control?” Seth asked as he squirmed under Chance.
Seth spread his legs, his eyes trusting as he nodded. “Then have me.”
A soft growl rumbled in Chance’s throat as he reached for the lube and prepared his mate. Seth cried out, writhed under Chance’s touch, and begged to be fucked, but Chance didn’t give in until Seth was well lubed and stretched. He pulled his hand free, and then let the tip of his cock brush Seth’s entrance.
His hands glided down Seth’s arms, down his sides, and then rested on his mate’s hips. “Tell me if I hurt you?”
Seth nodded. “I will.”
Chance took Seth at his word as he plunged into his mate’s body, grabbing Seth’s wrists once more and holding them in place. Seth cried out, but Chance could tell it was pleasure making his mate scream. He didn’t let up. Seth pulled at his wrists, but Chance held them firmly in his grasp.
When Seth dug his nails into Chance’s hands, he growled, feeling his teeth unsheathe. Chance could feel how deeply Seth’s nails dug, and the sensation only made Chance thrust harder. Seth pulled at his wrists, almost struggling.
“Do you want free?” Chance asked as his body slammed into Seth’s so hard that his own damn teeth rattled. His voice had grown deeper, and Chance knew his bear was close to the surface. He had to fight to keep it inside, to not let it have its way and break free. Seth was turning Chance on, tapping into a deeper part of him that Chance only touched on in fantasy.
“No,” Seth cried out as his head thrashed back and forth. “Please, don’t stop.”
“Then why are you trying to break free?” he asked as his shaft sank deeper into Seth’s body with every powerful thrust he gave.
“I don’t know,” Seth whimpered as he lifted his legs, wrapping them around Chance’s hips. “But don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t.” Chance’s voice was painfully low as his hips snapped forcefully, giving Seth what he was begging for, and what Chance was wanting as well.
Seth screamed, and Chance felt his claws coming out. Sweat glistened over his body as he fought to retract them. He could see that Seth was truly enjoying what Chance was doing, but he didn’t want to hurt his mate, not like that, not at all. He only wanted to give Seth what he was screaming for.
“Oh, gods,” Seth cried as his back bowed.
“Tell me,” Chance growled as he thrust harder.
“So thick, so good.” Seth moaned. “So full.”
“That’s because you’re so tight,” Chance answered as his cock rammed home.
Chance leaned forward and licked along Seth’s neck. He could feel the pulse under his tongue. His teeth ached to bite into that soft flesh. He pushed his shaft into Seth until there was no more room and then slid free. Seth whimpered until Chance shoved his erection back into Seth’s body with brute strength.
“I’m drowning, Chance. Please, I’m drowning.”
“Let go,” Chance said as he licked along Seth’s collarbone. “Let me have you.”
Small sounds fell from Seth’s lips as Chance teased his mate’s skin with his tongue. He rose up enough to gaze down at his mate. Seth’s eyes were half closed, his lips only slightly parted as his glazed look sent shivers over Chance. He kissed each cheek and then glanced down his body, watching his shaft plunge into Seth, the skin making the loudest slapping sound Chance had ever heard. Chance rolled his eyes shut for a moment. The feeling of Seth wrapped around his cock was everything and more.
Chance opened his eyes and then sank his teeth into Seth’s shoulder. He drove his cock harder and faster inside of Seth. It was so hard, so fast, and so deep that for a fleeting second, Chance feared he would hurt Seth.
“Don’t you dare slow down, Chance,” Seth warned.
Chance sank his teeth deeper into Seth’s neck as he picked his rhythm back up. He pounded into Seth as he tasted his mate between his lips. Seth cried out, his body convulsing as his seed exploded between them. Chance didn’t stop until his orgasm slammed into him. He growled around the wound, releasing his hold and licking the mark as he quickened his strokes, shuddering when he felt the last of his seed empty into his mate.
“Chance,” Seth breathed out as he stopped struggling and lay still on the bed.
Chance knew it would be a while before he could pull free. He grabbed Seth around the waist and dropped to his back, Seth spread out over his chest.
“Did I hurt you?” Chance asked as he ran his hands over Seth’s hair.
“Not at all,” Seth said and then yawned, snuggling closer to Chance.
Chance wrapped his arms around Seth, smiling as he lay there enjoying the afterglow.

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