Seth's Chance [Brac Pack 27] (7 page)

Read Seth's Chance [Brac Pack 27] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Seth's Chance [Brac Pack 27]
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Seth rolled to the floor, right from under Chance. He wasn’t sure why he had done this as his knees hit carpet. Chance was right behind him, springing from the couch and landing on his knees as if he’d done this a million times.
“Chance.” Seth shook his head, trying to remember what he had called Chance’s name for.
“I warned you about running from me,” Chance said in a low growl right before he plunged into Seth’s ass. Seth cried out, riding the pleasure as it crashed over him. Having Chance inside of him made him forget everything. Chance’s cock was thick, stretching Seth wide almost to the point of pain. He screamed, but it was wordless, soundless. Seth felt as if he were being consumed.
Seth felt like his very soul was being drunk in by Chance. Wave after wave pulled Seth further down into the abyss that contained nothing but Chance. He was being absorbed into the man, into his beast. Seth could feel it. Chance bit into Seth’s neck, the tender flesh between neck and shoulder. This wasn’t normal, but Seth couldn’t find his voice to say a word. Not when he was being ridden hard.
An orgasm ripped through Seth, making his limbs shake and his muscles tight as Chance rode him through the desire. Seth heard Chance’s cries, felt his body shudder, but he remained ramrod hard, still taking Seth roughly as…Seth swallowed hard when he realized that Chance’s cock had thickened even further. That was impossible, but Seth could feel his body stretching, giving Chance the room he needed.
Chance released his teeth, his tongue caressing Seth’s skin as a small whimper fell from his lips. Seth thought it was over, that Chance had finished. But he learned the truth when Chance locked his arms around Seth in a full nelson and then began to pound into his body once more.
Seth damn near pulled the carpet up as Chance bit into the back of his neck, the soft spot right below his hairline. His legs gave out, but Seth didn’t fall. Chance’s legs took up the slack and held him up, his muscular thighs cradling Seth’s thighs.
Seth screamed Chance’s name, half in pleasure, half in pain as his body convulsed with his release. His release must have been what Chance was waiting for, because he roared behind Seth, his cock that was buried deep inside of Seth throbbing as Chance’s seed spilt inside of him.
His chest pulling in ragged gulps of air, Seth went limp in Chance’s arms. He couldn’t even manage to keep his eyes open as Chance slowly lowered him to the floor and then nuzzled his face into Seth’s shoulder. Seth felt the sharp teeth graze his skin. But instead of hurting, it made his entire body shiver.
“My mate,” Chance murmured, his erection still inside Seth.
Seth blew out a ragged breath and then let the satiation wash over him as he lay there boneless and well fucked.

Chapter Seven

Chance leaned against the doorframe of Chauncey’s bedroom, watching his twin as he slept in his bear form. His brother weighed a good five hundred pounds in this form with dark fur that looked as soft as clouds in the sky. Chance was the same weight, but seeing his twin lying there always reminded him just how big he truly was. He and Chauncey were even identical in their werebear form.

As twins, Chance and Chauncey were as close as they should be. They shared a lot of the same interests, loved getting into trouble together, and could read each other without uttering a single word. But they had their differences. Where Chauncey was playful and laidback, Chance was serious and more reserved. They were like a yin and yang to each other’s personality.

Chauncey told Chance a time or two that he was way too serious. Chance knew this. He also knew fate gave him a twin to balance him out. Chauncey never let Chance turn into Riley. Their older brother never really smiled, never cracked jokes, and seemed to think he was put on this earth to make sure his brothers were safe and protected. Riley was old before his time, taking on responsibilities that he didn’t need to.

Chauncey swore that if Chance became as anal as Riley, he’d drown him in the bathtub first. For some odd reason, Chance believed his twin. Chance needed Chauncey. He needed him to help Chance keep his feet planted firmly on the ground. If his twin was brain damaged, Chance wasn’t sure how he would go on. Chauncey was light to his darkness, fresh air in the stagnant gloom that Chance saw just outside the perimeter of his existence. If he didn’t have Chauncey, Chance just wasn’t sure what would happen to him.

Yeah, Chance was carefree and loved to laugh, but that was only because he had Chauncey.
Chance noticed that Curtis was curled up next to his mate, almost buried under mounds of darkened fur. The only thing Chance could see was the top of Curtis’s head. Fate had been truly kind to Chauncey when giving him Curtis. They fit each other’s personalities perfectly.
Chance wondered if Seth would fit him perfectly. They had been friends for two months, but being friends was different from being mates. Once they woke this morning, Seth had been standoffish, asking Chance to take him to Oscar right away. Chance had given Seth the room he needed to absorb what had happened last night, but Chance wasn’t going to allow Seth to pretend it never happened.
Whether Seth admitted the fact or not, they were bonded mates. There was no going back, no undoing the ties, so the man either had to accept Chance, or they were going to have a hell of a road ahead of them.
“Dr. Carmichael thinks he will make a full recovery,” Pa said as he walked up behind Chance.
“But he doesn’t know for sure,” Chance said. “He can’t give us any reassurance that Chauncey will make a full recovery.” His words held bitterness. Chance wanted his brother up, moving around, and acting the same exact way he had his entire life. Seeing Chauncey lying there, possibly a shell of who he once was, tore a hole in the center of Chance’s chest, making him feel empty and bleak. The wolf physician was good, but he wasn’t a miracle worker. Chance would believe Chauncey made a full recovery when he saw his brother up and around, talking and joking like he always did.
“Give it time, son. Chauncey is a fighter. He survived the blast. That only shows us that he isn’t going to just lie down and take this.”
If only Chance was so optimistic. “Call me as soon as he wakes.”
His pa nodded as Chance went in search of his mate. He needed Seth right now. Chance needed his mate in his arms to make him feel like his world wasn’t careening out of control. He found his mate and Oscar in the barn with Bryce. His brother was showing Oscar how to saddle a horse.
Chance took a moment to stand there and watch. Oscar’s face was lit up as he stared up at the horse. Seth was standing off to the side, his expression reserved as he stared at Bryce. It almost looked like he was trying to figure out if Bryce was going to shift into a bear or not. His eyes flickered to Chance, his expression unreadable.
“Are you having fun, Mr. McGavin?” Chance asked as he stepped further into the barn. Seth glanced at him again, his green eyes searching Chance’s face. What was he looking for?
“I’m gonna ride,” Oscar boasted proudly. “Bryce said he would take me.”
Chance glanced over at his mate. “Is that okay with you?”
Seth shrugged. “I think I’m outvoted.” He glanced over at Oscar and then at Bryce. The look wasn’t friendly when he stared at Chance’s brother. What in the hell was going on?
“Can I talk to you outside for a moment, Seth?” Chance asked and walked away, not waiting for an answer. If Seth had a problem with shifters, he needed to direct his anger at Chance, not Bryce.
Chance stopped a good distance away so Oscar and Bryce didn’t get an earful. Their talk was for Chance and Seth’s ears only. Seth glanced back at the barn like he really didn’t want to leave Oscar alone with Bryce.
“Talk to me, Seth.”
“About what?” Seth asked as he turned back toward Chance.
“Don’t play coy with me. I see how you’re watching Bryce like he’s gonna shift and eat Oscar.”
Seth’s shoulders stiffened and Chance knew he hit the nail on the head. His anger thundered through his veins as he stared at his mate. “Do you honestly think any of us would harm you or Oscar?” He was steaming mad now. “In the two months that I’ve known you, have I ever given you a reason to be afraid?” Chance felt like he was being redundant, but he had to ask.
“I already told you no, Chance.” Seth glanced back at the barn and then back at Chance. “But you can’t blame me for worrying about Oscar. I just found out that your family can shift into bears. Hello, big news there. Was I just supposed to say okay, cool, how nifty?”
Chance stood there studying Seth for a moment and then chuckled. “I guess not. But stop staring at Bryce like he’s the devil. You’ll give him a complex.”
Seth grinned. “He’s six foot four, built like a linebacker, and can shift into a bear. I think the complex is already there.”
Chance frowned. “You think so?” He never thought of anyone looking at his brother like he was a freak. “Wait, I’m an inch taller than him. That means I should have a complex as well.”
Seth just stared at him.
“Boy, you ain’t no good for a guy’s ego.” Chance grumbled.
“I’m not trying to stroke your ego. But face it, Chance. The Lakelands do stand out.”
“That’s because we’re a bunch of handsome devils.” Chance wiggled his brows. “Admit it. I’m the most gorgeous man you’ve ever met.”
“And the most vain.” Chance would have been offended if he hadn’t seen the smile tugging at Seth’s lips.
“You want my body,” Chance teased as he ran his hands down his chest. “You know you do.”
Seth began to laugh, and Chance felt his heart skip a damn beat. His mate’s smile lit up his entire body. Seth was already gorgeous, but seeing his smile made him twice as good-looking. Chance wanted to fuck the man right here in the yard. Too bad there were whelps around.
“You keep smiling like that and I just might snack on you.”
Seth’s laughter died, but his green eyes darkened as he caught on to the innuendo. He cleared his throat and looked back at the barn once again. Chance felt his adrenaline spike when he saw Seth take a step back.
Chance growled when Seth took off, racing toward the woods behind the barn. Chance let his mate get a head start and then gave chase. The man just didn’t know what he had started. Chance shifted, and then gave chase. He had tried to hold his bear inside, but seeing Seth all-out run from him had forced the change.
“Chance!” Seth shouted when he looked behind him and saw a five-hundred-pound bear chasing him.
“He won’t hurt you!” Bryce yelled from behind them. “Just lie down in the fetal position and let him sniff you.”
Chance growled and chased his mate into the woods. His paws dug into the earth, stopping Chance when he saw Seth lying down in the fetal position just inside the woods. His arms were covering his head, and his legs were tucked to his chest.
He was going to
Bryce. His brother was fucking with Seth. His mate didn’t need to ball up.
Chance was just enjoying the game.
Bryce was going to get his ass handed to him. He could actually hear Bryce laughing from the barn. Chance looked behind him to see Bryce taking Oscar’s hand and leading him away to ride the horse. Oscar smiled when he saw Chance’s bear form and then walked away with Bryce.
Chance pushed his muzzle into Seth’s back, sniffing and inhaling his mate’s scent. Not only could he smell earth and trees, but that unique scent that belonged to his mate.
“Don’t eat me.”
Chance gave a low growl.
“Well, I can’t help it. I’m trying my best not to freak out here. You just turned into a damn bear. What do you expect me to say?”
Chance licked a long path over Seth’s arm and then butted his head gently into Seth’s chest. Or what he could reach of it.
Seth slowly lowered his arms, staring up at Chance with fear and curiosity in his eyes. “You are one big ass scary bear, Chance.”
Chance looked back at the house, making sure no one was watching and then lowered himself to the ground, rolling to his back in a playful manner. He had to make Seth relax. He didn’t want Seth to be afraid of him, ever.
Seth pushed to his knees, staring over at Chance. Seth reached a hand out to touch Chance when Seth’s head snapped up, his eyes widening. Chance heard the sound too late.
“We have him in our sights. Just back away slowly. If the bear comes near you, we’ll kill him.”
Chance slowly turned his head to see two humans standing there with hunting gear on. What in the hell were hunters doing in these woods? The two men were wearing camouflage outfits, complete with bright orange decals for safety so another hunter didn’t accidently shoot them. Both their rifles were aimed at Chance’s head. As long as Chance had lived here, he’d never seen any hunters around these parts. Maverick had made sure No Hunting signs that threatened heavy penalties were posted throughout the wooded areas to keep his pack safe.
Chance stayed very still. He was a shifter, able to heal from wounds, but a gunshot to the head was something he wouldn’t recover from.
“Don’t shoot him,” Seth said as he leaned back, slowly moving away from Chance. “He’s not a threat to me.”
“He your pet?” the man who had warned Seth to move away asked.
“Something like that.”
Chance knew that he and Seth were in a very dangerous situation.
They were hunters.
Chance was a bear.
The math was pretty damn simple. Even if Seth got up and walked away, Chance had a feeling that he wouldn’t be walking anywhere. He shivered at the thought of having his hide spread out in front of one of these yahoos’ fireplace. As handsome as he was, his head would not look good mounted.
“Lower your guns,” Seth said. His voice was shaky and unsure, but his mate began to move back toward Chance. “I won’t let you shoot him.”
“It’s hunting season, boy. I can shoot him, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.”
“I’m not sure you’re allowed to hunt in these parts.” Seth didn’t sound convinced, but he was correct. Maverick had made sure that these woods were protected.
“Who’s gonna know?” the man asked.
“I will,” Seth replied.
Somehow Chance was not comforted by his mate’s statement. His hackles rose when the second hunter slid his gun from Chance’s head to Seth’s. “Then I guess we have two kills here.”
“You wouldn’t,” Seth said in astonishment, but Chance could see that the man would. What the hell kind of hunters were these men? There were plenty of deer in the woods for them to kill. But Chance had a feeling these men went beyond what was legal to kill. He could see it in their eyes. There was nothing but pure excitement in the speaking man’s eyes.
“Yes, I would.”
The gun was still aimed at Chance’s head. He hated feeling helpless. His mate’s life was endangered, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Even if he jumped to block the shot from reaching Seth, Chance knew the man would kill him, and then Seth. These men meant business. It was clear as day on their faces. They wanted Seth to give them an excuse to kill them both.
“You’ve done it before,” Seth said softly, almost a whisper as his eyes widened. “You’ve killed before.”
“We have licenses. We’re hunters.”
“No.” Seth shook his head. “You’ve killed men before.”
The man’s eyes slid to narrow slits, his tongue flicking out to lick at his dry lips. Chance wanted to tell Seth to be quiet, not to push the man, but he could see that it was already too late for any kind of warning. Seth had guessed correctly, and these men weren’t going to allow his mate to tell a soul what he knew.
“Get up,” the man with his rifle aimed at Seth’s head said. “Don’t make a fucking sound.”
Chance saw from his peripheral vision that Seth hadn’t moved. His heart was beating so fast that he thought it was going to burst. They were far enough in the woods that no one would see them. And the barn was blocking the house, stopping his family from seeing these two men with their guns aimed at Chance and Seth.
They were on their own.

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