Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 (50 page)

BOOK: Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2
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     But I was done resisting what I viewed as inevitable.

     I was also done thinking at all because Nadia’s mouth
was sucking my mind blank. Hiking her legs up around my waist I pushed her up
against the door and would have likely taken our make out session too far in
the middle of the foyer if we hadn’t been interrupted.

     “Seth! What have I told you about the clothed porn in
the middle of the hallway? Bring your girlfriend in here so we get this evening
started.” Nic shouted from the kitchen.

     I pulled away with a pained growl. Nic couldn’t see us
but apparently he was catching onto my uncontrollable conduct around Nadia. Dropping
her legs I set my forehead to hers. “Come on. Everyone was excited to know
you’d be joining us.”

     Nadia’s flushed face brightened. “Really.”

     I smiled seeing her pleased expression. “Yeah, of
course. They think you’re the bomb.”

     Wrapping my arm around her waist possessively I lead
her toward the kitchen. I knew as soon as we entered the guys were going to
bust a nut at her outfit, and I think Blake already had an unhealthy interest
in her…unhealthy, because I would knock him on his ass if he made any sort of
move on her.

     “Holy shit, I’m in love.” Evan’s mouth fell open as
soon as we appeared in the entry way. I gave him a glare that he completely
missed as his gaze was fused to Nadia’s frame.    

     “Damn girl, I hate you.” Amanda exclaim. She turned to
Noah in disgruntlement. “Whose decision was it to go as cops and robbers?”

      Noah pulled his appreciative gaze away from Nadia.

     Amanda’s eyes narrowed. “Shit, you’re right.”

     Nadia chuckled. “Amanda, you’re the sexiest prisoner
that’s ever been cuffed. You guys do have cuffs, right?” She asked grinning

     Amanda hooted raising her arm to show the pink fuzzy
handcuffs she had latched to her wrist like bracelets. “You know it girl.”

     Nadia laughed. “Oh, my
. I love it.”

     “Throw a couple dozen tattoos on you two and you’d be dangerously
scary.” Nic declared.

     Nadia turned and pointed to her arm where a glittery
pink and blue butterfly rested. “Does this put the fear of badness biker in

     Nic’s brow rose and his lip quirked. “It says you’d
kill me in a fun and adorable way.”

     “In what possible way would death be fun and adorable?”
Evan snorted.

     “Maybe if it involved jello pools and puppies?” Blake
suggested with a grin. He gave Nadia a nod that was a little too warm for my
taste. “Hey Nadia.”

     She smiled back. “Blake. I see you went all out with
your costume tonight.”

     Blake looked down at his Lacrosse jersey. “It was a
last minute decision to come; I had to go with what I had lying around.”

     “What’s up, Nadia?” Landon raised his bottle of beer in
greeting. He and Nadia hadn’t seen each other since the beach house and I could
see a little bit of hesitancy in his greeting.  

     “Not you, from what she said.” Nadia said grinning.

     Landon’s gaze cleared and he grinned raising his beer again
in salute while everyone else laughed. With one light hearted joke Nadia had
eased his mind. The girl had a gift, even if it was kind of twisted.

     Carrie jumped up from her chair and Nic stood as well.
Wherever she went he wasn’t far behind. “Nadia you look awesome, and you’re
here, so now we can go. I’ve been looking forward to this scavenger hunt all

     Most everyone pitched in to clean up dinner; we let the
girls out of the chore so they could hang and get reacquainted. There was no
food left so we only needed to wash up the dishes which didn’t take long. Then
we all hustled out the door into my and Nic’s trucks to head for UVA’s campus. Nic,
Carrie, Amanda, and Noah were in Nic’s truck, while Landon, Evan, and Blake
rode with me and Nadia.

     “So, this scavenger hunt is put together by a
Fraternity?” Nadia asked sliding her hand over my thigh. When she’d climbed in
I’d hauled her over so she was pressed up right next to me, and now she was
driving me to distraction with her touch.

     “Yeah, the Kappa Sigma’s.” Landon said.

     He was sitting next to Nadia sipping from the beer that
he’d brought. He’d started drinking at six-thirty and had six beers in the last
hour and a half.

     “Half of the guys in the house are asses, and the other
half are dicks, but the scavenger hunt they put together is one of the biggest
events of the year.” Blake offered up from the back seat.

     “What’s the prize?” Nadia asked tracing designs on my
thigh with her finger. I put all my concentration into driving and let the
other guys answer her question.

     Evan filled her in. “They never tell, leaving it as a
surprise, but it’s always something big. Last year it was two tickets to Cancun for five days including hotel accommodations. The year before that it was four
tickets for a three day white water rafting trip. And the year before that it
was three thousand dollars.”

Nichego sebe
(wow). How are they able to afford
these prizes?”

     “Alumni provide the prizes. It would be considered a
tax exemption for them so they won’t be out any real money.” Landon answered in
a slightly bitter tone.

     Evan chuckled. “Shit, Landon, I forgot that your dad
and brother were members of that Frat. You were a legacy, and your dad wasn’t
too happy that you didn’t rush, was he?”

     “Love my dad, but like Blake said, they’re all
assholes. And I didn’t want to be anywhere near my brother.” Landon growled.

     You couldn’t miss the anger in Landon’s voice, and out
of the corner of my eye I saw Nadia nudge Landon’s knee with hers at the same
time giving him a grin.

     “I can’t imagine living in a house full of assholes;
they must be wading through shit constantly.” She joked.

     Blake and Evan laughed from the back seat, and Landon
threw her an indebted smile that raised some unexpected feelings of jealously
in me. While I knew they weren’t flirting with each other it did hit me that
they shared a secret that involved just the two of them. It hadn’t bothered me
before but seeing them share looks and touches raised some definite green

      Reaching over I situated her knee farther away from
Landon’s and closer to me. Landon of course noticed, even on his way to drunk.
Shaking his head he lifted his beer to his shitass grinning mouth.

     Nadia looked at me with a frown. “And what was that

     I kept my eyes on the road. “I don’t want those knees
anywhere but near me.” I grumbled lowly.

     She paused momentarily before answering. “Maybe you
should write your name on them so everyone will know not to go near them.”
Nadia whispered acerbically.

     Landon was too near not to hear us and he sputtered
into his beer.

     “Honey, I’d write my name everywhere on you if I
thought you would let me.” I replied heatedly giving her a brief, but
concentrated stare.

     Landon coughed uncontrollably at that while Nadia
seemed stumped for a comeback. I smiled at reducing her to silence knowing she
was still coming to terms with what I had revealed to her Thursday, and while I
had been worried previously where she was in her feelings for me, I was now willing
to wait for her to get there at her own pace.




Chapter Twenty-Nine



     My heart thudded erratically at Seth’s tone, look, and
words. Ever since he’d made that claim last Thursday about how easy I would be
to love I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it. Now that he’d brought
them into the open they weighed on my heart constantly and I realized those same
emotions had been growing in me and I had been doing my best to suppress them,
or discount them as intense feelings of lust. But I couldn’t seem to ignore
them any longer.

     I was falling in love with Seth—subconsciously I think
it might be further along than that but was unwilling delve that deeply into my
feelings—and I could now better understand his emotions during those four days
he’d distanced himself…love was an extremely daunting emotion.   

     Driving through the UVA’s campus Seth pulled into a
large parking area holding countless other parked vehicles. “Looks like its
going to be just as big as last year.” He commented. Finding an empty spot he
parked shutting off the engine.

     I climbed out Seth’s side of the truck after he exited
and looked around at what seemed like hundreds of people standing or walking aimlessly
around. “I’ve never been on campus before, so I’m not going to be much help if
we need to find landmarks or anything like that.”

     Seth’s arm curled around me as he locked his truck with
the remote. “Don’t worry,” he said kissing the top of my head. “There’s more
random shit than anything else.”

     “They should be sending the list out any second.” Blake
said stepping up next to us.

     “Sending out the list?” I asked as we made our way out
of the parking lot to the grassy area where a number of people already

     Blake pulled out his cell phone. “Whoever was
interested in doing the scavenger hunt signed up with their cell number, and
the Kappa’s send the list out to everyone at eight o’clock.”

     A thought just occurred to me and I frowned. “Hey,
there are nine of us; how are we going to split this prize between all of us if
its two tickets to somewhere.”

     Seth grinned. “We’ve never won so we haven’t needed to
make that decision yet, but if somehow we hit the lottery we’ll figure it out.
It’s more fun than anything.”

     Seeing Nic, Carrie, Amanda, and Noah waiting on the
lawn ahead of us I waved. Carrie smiled and waved wildly back. “Hurry, Nic says
the list is coming any second.”

     Right when we stepped up next to them five phones
beeped simultaneously. Carrie’s face lit with more excitement and I found myself
grinning and catching her enthusiasm. Seth pulled his phone out and I wedged
myself between his arms so we could look at his screen together. It was both
practical and fed my desire to be close to him.

     Seth’s chest vibrated against my back as he growled his
approval at my position and this caused my core to clench in need. I forgot
about the list completely as he bent down to nuzzle my neck.

     “What the hell? This isn’t the list. It’s a riddle.”  

     Evan’s shout of frustration had me jerking to
attention. I jabbed my elbow back gently to let him know that now was not the
time. He bit me lightly before withdrawing which had me sighing in pleasure.

     “It says we have to answer the riddle to get the first
seven items, and that there will be two other riddles after this one for the
other fourteen.” Nic said reading his screen his chin resting on Carrie’s head.
They were standing in the same exact same position as Seth and I.

     “Hey, this is a math question and we have a math wizard
on our team.” Noah exclaimed excitedly.

     Suddenly everyone was looking at me.

     “Uh…I’m a human calculator, not a wizard.” I corrected.

     “Let’s all try to figure this out.” Seth began reading
off the riddle. “A fast food restaurant sells chicken in orders of 6, 9, and
20. What is the largest number of pieces of chicken you cannot order from this

     My brain immediately began clicking out the equations
and I responded without thinking. “Okay, that was rather easy; 43.”

     Everyone looked at me again with smiles of amazement
and delight.

     “Hooya.” Evan yelled putting in the answer and sending.

     “Awesome Nadia.” Amanda held her hand up for a high
five which I returned. Carrie held hers up for one as well. 

     “Hell, hopefully we get two more riddles just like that
one.” Blake said smiling at me. “We just might have a chance at this thing.”

     Seth pulled me back into him and whispered. “Told you;
you’re the bomb.”

     I smiled feeling extremely pleased with myself, and at
receiving his admiration.

     Evan’s phone pinged and he hit a few buttons resending
the message to the other guys.

    “Aw man, what the hell. These are going to be almost
impossible to find.” Noah complained.

     “A tattoo of a skull and cross bones. A bat belly button
piercing. Twins…What the hell?” Nic exclaimed.  

    “How are we going to find a chick wearing panties that
have Saturday printed on them? I thought those went out of style decades ago.” Blake
looked around at us girls like we could give him the answer.

     I read the list from Seth’s phone and two solutions popped
in my head. “The tattoo doesn’t say it has to be real so we can draw one on
someone and take a picture, but to cover our
who wants to own up as
being the best artist among us.”

     Seth kissed my cheek. “Good job, honey. Landon, I’ve
seen some of your drawings. You want to do it?”

     Landon sighed tossing his empty beer can in a trash
can. “Give me a pen and an arm.” He waved for his victim to come forth. Amanda
dug around in her purse and handed Landon a pen.

     “I’ll do it since it seems I need one to match
Nadia’s.” Seth volunteered.

     “Seth, I need to borrow your truck keys for a second.”
I asked holding out my hand and wiggling my finger with a secret grin.

     He raised his brow at me in question.
     “I’m not going to take it anywhere. I just need to do something. Trust
me.” I stressed heavily with a return brow arch.

     Pulling them from his pocket he handed them over with a
kiss. “Always.” He whispered on my lips.

     I smiled crazily. “Amanda, Carrie, I need your help.”
Waving my hands I had them follow me.

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