Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 (53 page)

BOOK: Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2
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     The sound of Nic’s truck pulling into the driveway broke
through my haze of lust and I pulled away breathing heavily. Letting her legs drop
I looked down at her intently. “Before we finish any of this I want to know
what went down at the Frat house first.”

     Panting just as hard as me Nadia raised a brow. “Maybe
I want to do it the other way around.”

     Shit, her sass stimulated me further. “I guess we’ll
see who prevails.” I grunted.

     She smirked. “I guess we will.”

     Pulling her in the house I immediately dragged her
upstairs calling out loudly. “Nadia and I are hanging out here for the rest of
the night…watching movies. You guys have fun.” I’d shared her for two hours;
the rest of the night was mine.

     There was laughter and hooting from the kitchen and
Nadia gave me a glare with a blush on the side. “You couldn’t have handled that
a little more smoothly.”

     I shrugged trying to look apologetic when I wasn’t. “No
matter what I said they would have been thinking the same thing.” Moreover, a couple
of my friends needed it shoved down their throats that Nadia was completely
mine. It was ‘cavemanish’ of me but I could give a shit at the moment. Evan’s
and Blake’s expressions of appreciation towards her had been steadily rubbing
me raw all night.

     She huffed out an exasperated sigh as I tugged her down
the hallway to my room. Pulling her inside I closed the door and locked it
behind us. Forcing myself to stay by the door I watched as Nadia took in my

     It was a good sized room holding a queen sized
bed…being a big guy I needed a big bed. There was an oak dresser and bedside
table, a stand holding a 48” flat screen with blue ray DVD player and surround
sound speakers, a small refrigerator, and a desk and chair with my laptop and
printer. I didn’t have anything on my eggshell walls…I wasn’t much for
decorating. All the bedrooms had wood flooring as well as their own bathroom
and closet. 

     Watching her stand in the center of my room taking
everything in all I could think was she belonged here.     

     “Are you hungry, thirsty?” I asked reigning in my
desire to tackle her onto the bed.

     She turned toward me and her expression was slightly
uncertain. “Uhm…maybe some water…no, scratch that; I’ll take whatever you have
alcoholic. I’m going to use the bathroom real quick.” Without a backwards
glance she stepped into the bathroom closing the door.

     I frowned at the closed door. As the weeks passed I
noticed that Nadia’s expressions became easier to read, like she trusted me
more with her emotions. The thought that she might pleased me immensely. Right
now I could see that she was nervous, but was it because she was in my bedroom,
or was she not looking forward to explaining what happened tonight? Or perhaps
a little of both?

     I had stocked my mini-frig with water, cola, and
several beers in hopes that Nadia would end up in my room tonight. Grabbing two
beers I twisted the top off one and chugged it. Now that I was alone I
acknowledged the extreme emotions riding me; anger, frustration, and lust
churned inside of me. I was pissed that someone had dared to try something with
Nadia, and that I hadn’t been there to protect her…again. I was angry that she
had had to fight and not Landon…although that was probably why the fight hadn’t
turned into a free for all; most guys really didn’t want to get into a physical
altercation with a woman. I was frustrated at not being able to pound that Graham
guy into the ground; it might have relieved some of my anger. I was irritated that
her and Landon shared secrets, and that Blake and Evan admiration was a little
too apparent.

    My lust…well, my lust was always there and the other
emotions were only intensifying it. I felt like I was about ready to explode…or

     For my peace of mind I needed to find out what happened
tonight. I was hoping there was a stupid explanation and I would then be able
to calm down. I didn’t believe Landon’s story about the guy going after him.
Nadia and that Graham guy had known each...but how?

     The beer wasn’t working so I opened the drawer of my
bedside table and pulled out the fifth of vodka I’d bought just for Nadia. Twisting
off the top I brought it to my lips and downed about two shots worth. The
bathroom door opened and I lowered the bottle and nearly spit out what was in
my mouth…because Damn!

     Nadia stood there in a black lacey bra and…thank fuck,
matching black panties. My chest heated up, and my hands hummed as I gazed at
all her exposed skin; her shapely shoulders and perfectly cupped breast, trim
waist, and long slender legs. My body hardened and with difficulty I swallowed
the liquid in my mouth. “What…” I couldn’t seem to wrap any other words around
my tongue.

     The uncertain expression from before lingered on
Nadia’s face as she sauntered toward me, and watching her was like hearing
music in my head; the beat of her hips, the slight shake of her breasts, the
graceful roll of her walk. And even in her insecurity—and I recognized that’s
what it was—she maintained eye contacted with me.

     When she stopped to stand in front of me her gaze
flickered down to the bottle of vodka in my hand and her lip twitched. Reaching
out she took the bottle from my hand, bringing it to her lips for a healthy
swig. Her face pinched a little as she lowered it. “The first one always makes
me catch my breath.” She gasped.

     Catching my own breath I asked huskily. “Just what are
you doing, Nadia?”

     Raising her arm she trailed her finger around my ear
and down my neck. “If I hadn’t already experienced your touch I would be
worried by that question. What do you think I’m doing?”

     I didn’t think it was possible but my body hardened
even further. Gathering my swiftly dwindling willpower I growled. “I want to
talk to you about what happened at the Frat house.”     

     Stepping flush against my body her lips trailed over my
jaw. “I told

     Groaning at the feel of her pressed up against my
bulging cock my hands reflexively grasped her hips to pull her into me harder.
Before…after, what was the difference? But as I looked into her eyes I saw more
than self-consciousness and heat. It looked like sadness.  

     The sexual current buzzing between us was nearly
tangible, but I held her body immobile against mine and grumbled. “Nadia, you
were extremely upset tonight with that guy, and I think you still are. Who was
he, honey? What did he do?”

     I might have been holding her body inert but her mouth continued
to play; kissing and nipping my collar bone. “
, please, Sez.
I need you first, and then we’ll talk.”

     Her wanton pleading and kissing were not aiding my self-control.
And what did she mean she needed me? She needed an orgasm, or she needed
We’d been doing everything but actual intercourse because she hadn’t been ready
yet, and while I wanted her to an unbelievable degree, I didn’t want her making
that decision while upset. But Damn, she was making this hard…making me hard.

     “I don’t want you doing something you might regret
while upset.” I gritted out.

     “I want you, Sez. I always want you. I won’t regret
anyzing we do. I just…I need you so much.” She breathed these words against the
skin of my neck as her hands burrowed under my shirt, nails scrapping across my
back, her nearly naked body rubbing mine.

    Fuck my self-control. There was only so much I could
take. Clasping her head between my hands I bent down seizing her mouth, devouring
her feverishly. None of my emotions from earlier had lessened and all I wanted
to do was eat her alive. I couldn’t imagine being hungry for anything else but

     I went deep, tasting her tongue and breath until every
single little squeeze, nibble, and lick was like lightening through my body. Nadia,
of course, didn’t sit back and take it…no, she was just as aggressive with her
desires; her tongue wrestled, her teeth dragged and bit at mine, then sucked

     “I lofe how you make me feel.” She breathed. Nipping
her way down my jaw she sent sparks of electricity shooting from my heart straight
to my dick with her words. I loved hearing the word ‘lofe’ from her lips. “I
lofe loosing control wiz you, and only you.”

     Hands were inside my shirt scrapping and digging as she
pulled herself fully into me. My hands fastened on her ass almost brutally to
hold her there and rub her against my confined cock. Both she and I moaned at
the friction.

     “I love…” Nadia tilted her head back to look at me and
the emotions in her aquamarine eyes raged and churned with their intensity,
burning me. “I love you.”

     My hands tightened on her ass in shock, my heart
expanded and thudded violently in my chest at her open and direct declaration.
She stared at me boldly, like only she could as she revealed her deepest
emotions. But even in my stunned state I didn’t miss the trepidation in her
gaze as she waited for my response.

     “Do you mean that?” Her words ran over and over in my
head. It was something I’d been waiting to hear from her, but hadn’t expected
to hear so soon. From my experience with her stubborn nature I’d thought she
would fight tooth and nail before admitting them.

     “I wouldn’t say them if I didn’t mean them.” Her hands
came up to cup my face, her gaze direct, her skin flushed. “I don’t like
secrets, truth is very important to me as you should know, so when it slapped
me in the face tonight as you came charging through that crowd to get to me, I
knew I had to tell you. No matter how difficult it might be.”

     The hair on the back of my neck spiked, and I set my
forehead to hers. “Shit, you humble me…and just made me feel like the biggest
pussy alive.”

     She frowned. “How?”

     “Because I’ve loved you for days but was too chicken
shit to say it thinking you would freak out and pull away like I did when I realized

     Nadia’s face lit up in joy and she pulled me down for
consuming kiss. Pulling away she smiled up at me. “That’s okay. I don’t mind
you being a chicken shit or pussy.”

     I barked out a hoarse laugh crushing her in my embrace.
I felt like a kid on Christmas, being given everything on my list. “You are the
most amazing person I’ve ever met, do you know that?”

     She chuckled into my chest. “Because I don’t mind that
you’re a pussy or chicken shit?”

     I shook my head at her impudence. “Yeah, that, and
because you are one of the most fearless people I know, as well as one of the
most truthful…well, except for when you’re making up completely outrageous
stories that is.”

     She snorted. But then her lips were back to kissing my
neck, her hands returned to the naked skin of my back, abrading and kneading.
“To be completely truthful right now, I want you naked, Seth. I want your hard
warm skin pressed to mine, feel your hands every where on my body.” She sucked
on my neck and than licked, making my blood pressure skyrocket and my insides

     Fuck, I loved this woman. Stepping back I shucked my
leather vest, then grabbing the back of my t-shirt pulling it over my head.
Nadia moved forward to touch but I grabbed her hands. “Get on the bed.” I
commanded, needing to get some control of the situation before I ended up
screwing her standing up. Divulging her love for me had only fueled the inferno
of lust inside of me. I felt like I could combust at any second.

     Staring up at me, eyes hooded and smoldering at my
command, her chest rising and falling with shallow breaths, she slowly took
steps back until the back of her knees hit my bed. Sitting down she scooted
back to the middle of my bed on my dark green coverlet. Relaxing back on her
arms she raised a leg and smiled sexily, adopting a seductive pose.

     “Like zis?” She breathed.

     I felt like I had to be burning her with my eyes as they
traveled over every each of her delectable curves. Unfastening my belt I
stepped up to the end of the bed. “You have the most beautiful body I’ve ever
seen, do you know that?” Unbuttoning my pants I grinned at the slight blush
that suffused her face. She was so damn sexy, and even used it to her advantage
when she played poker, receiving compliments all the time on her beauty, but
seeing her flush at my praise told me she hadn’t let any of them go to her
head. She wasn’t conceited.

     “Yours is way more beautiful zan mine.” She said
watching me keenly as I dropped my jeans, taking them off along with my socks
and boots.

     I shook my head at her description. “I don’t know about

     Nadia’s gaze seemed transfixed to my groin area, her
face flushing further, her breathing deepening. “Oh, you are.” She assured me
licking her lips.

     My aching cock twitched uncontrollably at the sight of
her tongue wetting those pink lips. Grasping the waistband of my boxers I
hauled them down kicking them away. A fire flared in her eyes, and when I
seized her ankles hauling her down the bed they widened with excitement as she
gasped in surprise.

     Hooking my fingers in her black lace panties I looked
her in the eye. “You’re lucky you came out wearing these tonight. I was not
happy thinking I was handing over your panties to those Frat pricks tonight.” Dragging
the small scrape of lace down her legs I salivated at the sight of her wet
center open to me.

     “Does that mean no spanking?” She exhaled breathily.

     My eyes shot up to hers as my body tightened in acute
arousal. Crimson covered her cheeks even as she grinned at me mischievously. Was
that possible disappointment in her voice?

     Without thinking I raised my hand and gave a firm slap
to her mound. Nadia jumped and yelped, staring at me in open-mouth amazement,
and I swear I smelled the increase in her arousal. “How about that for making
me wonder?”

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