Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 (56 page)

BOOK: Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2
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Chapter Thirty-Two



     Nadia followed my command, twisting around in the tub
to face me. She attempted to straddle me but it was rather impossible in the
tight confines of the tub. Scooting forward I wrapped her legs around my waist
instead, sitting her on my lap, her pussy hot against the steel rod of my cock.

     Her breasts were right in front of my face and I had to
taste them. Cupping one firm orb I licked her areole with my tongue, circling
it, nipping at the turgid tip. “These should be bronzed, they are so fucking
perfect.” I groaned.

     “But zen you wouldn’t be able to do zis to zem.” She
gasped, clenching at my shoulders firmly, just the way I liked.

     “True,” I responded gruffly swallowing what I could of

     Nadia cried out and rubbed insistently along my
throbbing cock. Before I knew it she was rising, and then slowly lowering
herself onto me. This woman of mine didn’t mess around when she wanted

O moy Bog.
You are so big. I lofe zee feel of
you stretching me, filling me.”

     She slid all the way down, our groins connecting, every
single inch of me inside her. It staggered me that she was able to take all of
me. I mean, she’d been a virgin, and before her some pretty well used woman had
a difficult time taking me. It just showed how perfect we were for each other.
     “We are perfect together.” I groaned locking her to me. Wrapping my arms
around her waist, sinking my fingers into her back, I gazed into her face; passion-filled,
wild and lovely. Taking control I thrust into her slowly, wanting this time to
be unhurried and tender like the first time should have been.

     Nadia leaned forward pressing her breasts into my
chest, entwining her arms behind my head so she could grasp it and press our
lips firmly together. Stabilizing my feet on the tub we began a slow rocking
dance that had the water swishing back and forth, and spilling over the sides.
I didn’t care about any mess we were making, all I was focused on was the
sharp, agonizing need that was building inside of me.

     Fuck, this woman killed me. Nothing had ever felt so
good as her in my arms, and me deep inside her.

     Gripping her ass roughly I ground her harder into me,
forcing myself deeper, inundated with indescribable pleasure. When I didn’t
think it could get any better…it did; the sensations becoming sharper.

     “This feels so fucking amazing, honey. I never want it
to end.” I growled against her jaw fighting for breaths and control, because
from the intensity of pressure building inside me I knew it certainly wasn’t
going to last as long as I was hoping.  

…yes…forefer.” She agreed incoherently. Her thighs
rhythmically cinched around my waist with each plunge, and her fingers did the
same in my hair and on my back.

     My cock shuttled in and out of her and I began to feel
the first flutters of Nadia’s impending orgasm as her inner muscles compressed
even tighter around me. I gritted my teeth at the amplified stimulus, and
reached for restraint.

     “I can feel that your close, honey…Those lovely muscles
of yours are wringing my cock to death….I love it…Get there for my, baby…Take
what’s yours.” I grunted out each sentence in between every exquisite thrust. I
could feel what my words did to her, because each time I spoke there was an
answering hard contraction around me, and a building tension in her body, until
finally she stiffened, clamped down on me, and ignited.

     I was right there with her, and the intensity of my
orgasm was tremendous as it roared through every part of my body. Grinding her
down onto me I exploded everything I had inside of her, ecstatic beyond belief
that there was no condom between us, and that I could mark her on the inside as
well as her outside.

     When the tsunami passed Nadia slumped on top of me, her
head resting on my shoulder, her erratic breaths blowing against my neck. My lungs
were having a work out of their own getting air in and out.

     My hands stroked over Nadia’s back, while her fingers
fiddle with the ends of my hair. “I can’t believe people aren’t constantly
having sex if it’s like this. We just got done and I want to do it all over
again.” Her groin pressed down and her vaginal muscles clenched around me.

     Unbelievably, I swelled slightly inside of her in
renewed interest at those words. Damn, I’d just spilled everything I had, and
thought I was utterly used up. My dick didn’t seem to be getting the message

     I chuckled weakly, but at the same time my hands moved
down to her ass to grind her down on me. “Honey, what just happened between us
is not your everyday sex.”

     She went still. “Really?”

     The hopeful curiosity in her voice had me smiling
tenderly. While I loved her confidence, seeing the vulnerable side of her
tugged at my heart. “Yeah honey. We have something special I’ve never
encountered before. We are like flint and steel and whenever we touch sparks
fly. Why do you think you’re molesting me all the time, you don’t do that with
anyone else, do you?”

     She tilted back slapping my shoulder, mouth agape in
mock outrage. “Hey, I’m not the only one doing the molesting.”

     I grinned, squeezing her ass and ogling her breasts.
“I’m not arguing that point.”

     Smiling, she leaned forward smoothing her fingers over
each side of my mouth. “It’s these dimples, their like kryptonite to me.
Whenever you flash them my mind goes gooey.”

     “Just the dimples, huh?” I teased.

     Her face turned reflective. “Well, I have to say the
first time I met you, it was your voice that called to something inside me. You
have this deep rumbling quality that made my insides quiver.” Nadia’s fingers
rose to stroke over my eyebrows. “And your blue eyes were so intense that
whenever they landed on me it was like a heat across my skin.” Her hands
dropped to my shoulders and biceps, and she gave me a wicked grin. “Then, of
course, there was your body; clothed, it’s imposing, but naked, it’s

     My body was stirring all over again as she touched me
reciting her list, and involuntarily my hips surged into hers. She gasped, eyes
widening, fingers digging into my shoulders.

     “Hold on to me.” I commanded.

     Gripping the sides of the tub I got my feet under me
and lifted us both out of the tub of water, hitting the drain plug as I did.
Nadia’s legs and arms held on to me securely, but I put an arm under her ass
just to make certain she didn’t fall. There was a towel hanging on a hook next
to the tub and I threw that on the floor so I wouldn’t slip and end up on my

     We were still connected intimately and my movements
were causing us to slide, grind, and surge into each other. It was an amazing
feeling, and Nadia just stared at me, eyes bright with desire.

     Walking out of the bathroom I grabbed a clean towel and
patted the moisture off her back as I moved us toward the bed. With some
maneuvering I laid the towel out on the rumpled bed cover and then I tumbled us
both down on the bed, me on top of Nadia.

     She gasped at the fall, and again when I plunged deeper
inside of her. I grunted at the feeling. I’d never gone three rounds in one
night before, but my dick was almost fully engorged again alerting me to the
possibility…if she was up to it.

     “You know what caught my interest the first time I saw
you?” I asked nipping at the skin of her collarbone.

     Her head arched back, encouraging more. “No, what.” She

     Moving up her neck I caught her earlobe between my
teeth and tugged. “Your hair.”

     Her lip twitched. “My hair?”

     “Well, I came into the room and saw the back of you
first, and your hair, with both the blonde and the red, it was quite distinct
and striking…beautiful.”

     The lip twitch turned into full smile.

     “Then I progressed around the table and took in every
aspect of your appearance from your brilliant aquamarine eyes…” I kissed her
eyes. “Your dainty nose.” Kiss. “High cheekbones.” Kiss. “Cupid bow mouth.” I
went deep, sucking and biting, and then pulled away after several long moments,
traveling down her jaw. “Deep in my bones I knew you were going to cause a huge
upheaval in my life. I think that’s why I was such ass around you.”

     Nadia’s nails scraped across my shoulders, raising
goose bumps. “What did I say about calling yourself names…it reflects badly on

     I chuckled. Damn, she was lippy. “You’re right; I’m
exceptionally brilliant. I did snag the most beautiful, smartest, cleverest
woman in the world.”

     Flushing, she smiled self-consciously. “Damn right.”
She declared intrepidly.

     That had me laughing huskily. “But wait…I didn’t stop
at your face. There was another sixty inches of you I noticed.” I declared
nipping down her neck.

     Her breath caught, her eyes flaring. “Do tell,

     So I proceeded to tell her, and she let me, down to the
tiniest feature.  


∞                    ∞


     Halloween night was a game changer for Nadia and me. Before
that night she had gradually been giving me her trust, but the revelation of
our love seemed to fully drop all guards towards me. She looked at me now with
complete joy on her face and love in her eyes, and every time I observed it my
heart swelled with emotion.

     I had convinced myself that I would wait patiently for
her to reach the same feelings as me, but I hadn’t realized how on edge I’d been
until she’d finally divulged the words.

     She was mine now, both physically and emotionally.

     It was an incredible feeling.

     I’d taken Nadia home after our evening together because
she wasn’t comfortable being away from Luka and Issy the entire night. I’d
hated being separated from her because I would have loved to wake up with her
the next morning, curled up in my arms, but I knew we still needed to be
discrete for Luka and Issy’s sake.

     However, Nadia wasn’t stingy in showing her love for me
in their presence. When I’d come back the next morning to accompany them to
church she’d smiled dazzlingly, embracing and kissing me in the doorway with
both her sibling looking on, and throughout the day she’d continually touched and
kissed me, allowing me to do the same.

     Her open displays of love were an extremely pleasant
surprise. She wasn’t clingy, just not afraid to show her feelings. She was so
independent and willful I wouldn’t have thought she would appreciate public
acts of affection. But again, she proved me wrong. It was something about her I
hoped never changed…her ability to throw me sideways.

     I’d been over at Nadia’s apartment everyday since Halloween.
Luka had two wrestling matches during this last week, one on Monday and the
other Thursday. Nadia was limiting her poker games to only one a week and that
had been on Wednesday. After the game we hit our hill, with a heavier blanket
because it was getting chillier at night. However, we had kept each more than
warm enough that night under the stars.

     The other nights we’d sneak into her room and try our
best to be quiet, but both of us were finding that somewhat difficult to do. We
would end up either fusing our mouths together during our orgasms, or find some
other method to stifle our cries of release, such as a pillow or body part.

     I’d never been overly vocal before Nadia, normally a
good loud grunt was the most noise I’d make, but sex with Nadia was a full
body, and emotional experience. It seemed to be the same with her, and it was
something I loved witnessing, her complete and utter loss of control.

     Each night I hated leaving, and I was hoping that after
more time went by her view on my sleeping over would relax somewhat. I wanted
to go to sleep next to her, holding her, and wake up in the morning with my
arms still around her…maybe even do a little more than holding in the morning.

     That’s why I was standing outside her apartment door
this early Saturday morning instead of inside cuddling with her.

     The door opened and Nadia launched herself into my
arms. “Happy Birthday!”

     I frowned. “How in the heck did you find out that it
was my birthday today?” I wasn’t that big on birthdays and on the whole just
wanted them to pass as any ordinary day.

     She pulled back wearing a sunny grin. God, she was
beautiful. “You know when Luka did that search of you on the internet and found
out about all you sports stats…well, he found your fan page and low and behold,
everything you would want to know about Seth Weston.” Stepping back she slapped
my shoulder, giving a scowl. “I’ve been waiting for you to say something.”

     I guided us both into her apartment. “Birthday’s really
aren’t that big of a deal to me. I haven’t had one since I was twelve.”

     Nadia looked scandalous for a moment, but then she
frowned. “That’s when your…” Her face twisted as if she was deliberating on what,
or how she wanted to say something. I knew what was going on in her head. That
memory of hers was sharp as a tack.   

     Wrapping an arm around her waist I pulled her close.
“Yeah, my dislike of birthday parties began with my cousin, Derek’s, death. We
used to have them together, and when he was gone…it just didn’t feel right.”

     Her face softened with sympathy, and she tilted up to
softly brush her lips against mine. “Oh,
lyubov moya
. Your friends said
you didn’t celebrate it, but I didn’t know it was because of that.”

     My heart always skipped a beat when she spoke in
Russian; especially, when directed solely at me…and I’m positive I recognized
one of those words. “What did you say?” I asked pulling her in tighter.

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