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Authors: Susan Renee

Seven (16 page)

BOOK: Seven
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so all the normal red flags be a good sign…”


Rachel is the Jennifer Hudson to my Iggy. Raising her arms as she belts out the chorus, I stand back and dance behind her, allowing all the troubles of my world to melt into oblivion around me. This song has meaning to Rachel and I. We both see it as one of those situations when you realize you’re meant to be friends because of a moment you both shared.

Working in the salon one day, I was trimming up one of the local high school cheerleaders who seemed a way more down in the dumps than she ever had been. I don’t remember if she ever told us what the problem was but when “Trouble”
came on the radio, my motherly/BFF instinct kicked in and I immediately knew how to make her smile. I started rapping and to everyone’s surprise, I knew every word Iggy said. All Rachel could do was laugh, grab a round hair brush to use as her microphone and sing along to Jennifer’s part. We’ve been good friends ever since.

Our song finishes and the roar of the crowd in the bar is even louder than it was for Bryant. Rachel and I give each other a high five and a big hug before handing the microphone to the next performer. As we proudly walk back to our table, Bryant is standing next to my chair with a shit eating grin on his face, shaking his head back and forth. “How was that Mr. Wood? Did that pass your ‘Savannah can’t possibly rap’ test?” I raise my hands back to fix my hair that had started to fall out of my ponytail and the moment I bow my head slightly to reach back he grabs me.

Pressing his body against mine with one hand on my back and one holding my hands on the back of my head, Bryant kisses me hard. Electricity shoots through me all the way to my core. I feel the pulse of my heartbeat in places I didn’t know a pulse could be felt. Bryant’s warmth, his fiery passion, and his apt for surprise make me hunger for more of him. I match his kiss with the same intensity wishing to God we were anywhere but standing in a public bar being whistled at by more people than I probably care to notice.

Sober me would care.

But I’m not sober.

So I don’t care.

When Bryant pulls back, softly kissing my nose, I peer up at him with a desire to tug his hand and take him in a back room somewhere.

There’s always a back room somewhere, right?

“I think that performance was…the hottest, sexiest, most arousing thing I’ve ever seen a girl do in this bar and I’ve seen some pretty…rare things.”

“Hmm…well I thought about doing ‘Like a Virgin’, but I’m glad you approve.”

“Yeah well I almost sang about checking you for ticks so we’re even, and I’ll always approve of you dancing, Seven. You can move your body around this bar any fucking time you want on one condition.”

I raise my eyebrows at his proposal. “Oh? And what condition is that?”

“I have to be here to watch. Every time. I don’t know if I could stand it knowing that you were here without me dancing while other guys were here watching you so please, just make sure I’m here so I can watch, and then protect you from the fuckin’ sharks.”

Why does that make me blush? Damn, this guy knows how to say all the right things. Not that I feel the need to be protected. God knows I can obviously handle myself just fine, but it’s nice to know there’s a man looking out for me again. Females can be strong, independent bitches, but in the end, none of us mind knowing that someone is there for us, looking out for our safety. It’s what I find attractive in Bryant. Well, that and his strong arms, and nice ass.

“Deal.” I wrap my arms around him and kiss him sweetly one more time. Kissing Bryant could be my new hobby.

I turn my head to look at the girls who are all now seated at the table around me. Audrey and Heather both try to nonchalantly pick their jaws up off the table while Rachel squeals loudly, clapping her hands in approval. Audrey pours us all a glass of water from the pitcher sitting on the table. Scooting a glass in my direction she says, “Soooo I guess your date went pretty well today then, huh?”

That earns Audrey a round of laughter from the rest of us.

“I should go check on the bar. I’ll check in on ya’ll in a bit. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll send over another pitcher of water.” The girls all smile at Bryant, thanking him for his hospitality. He looks to me before walking away. “Did you drive here tonight?”

“Nope.” I shake my head. The room spins around me a little bit but nothing I can’t handle with a few more glasses of water. “We came in Rachel’s car.”

Rachel chimes in, “And since I’m the DD for the night, I only had one beer and that was when we got here. I’m good.”

Bryant nods but looks seriously between the two of us. “All the same I would like to make sure you get home safely. That okay with you Sev?”

Alone time with Bryant? Uh… yeah.

“Yeah. That would be great. Thanks Bryant.”

“Don’t mention it. I’ll check on ya in a bit.” He kisses my head lightly and walks back to the bar.

“Phew girl, he’s got it bad,” Rachel teases.

“Nah, he’s just being a nice guy. I guess I’m new to the nice-guy treatment these days so I’ll take it while I can even if it means I’ll get hurt in the long run.”

Rachel tilts her head in my direction, confused. “Why would you get hurt? Bryant
a great guy. You don’t know him like I do. I think his feelings are legit. I’ve never seen him like this around a girl before…like, ever.” Rachel raises her eyebrows before winking at me. “Face it, Savannah. You have yourself an admirer.”

I gulp down my water, hoping to God that I really can handle this.

What if Bryant’s the one who ends up getting hurt because of me?


Chapter 20


I didn’t think I believed in second chances at life until I met Savannah Turner. I resigned myself to thinking that I would forever be a single daddy to the world’s cutest little girl, feeling grateful for the gift of her life and living with the guilt of knowing where her new liver came from and never telling a damn soul. But then fate had a way of answering my long-awaited unanswered prayers when Savannah moved back into town. I knew then that no matter what happened, I owed this woman my life and would do whatever I could to make sure she was cared for. I can’t explain what’s happening now between Savannah and me, but whatever it is I’ll take it. I’ll take all of it and I’ll hold onto it for the rest of my life if she’ll let me.

This might be one of the best days and nights I’ve had in my adult life. Sun up to sun down I’ll remember this day for as long as I live. It’s the day I started falling hard for a girl I don’t deserve. I don’t even know how it happened but watching her tonight, seeing her smile, her eyes as they lit up when she performed with Rachel, feeling the desire in her kiss, the warmth of her hand in mine…she’s the one. She has to be, but something about that possibility feels so damn impossible to me. I’m lying to her by omission…because I have to…but at some point in our future, maybe next week, next month, next year, or ten years from now, the truth is going to make its way out and when it does…

I have to tell her before it does.

But not tonight.

Tonight is not that time.

She probably wouldn’t remember anyway.

“Hey? You okay? You’re quiet.” Savannah bumps my shoulder gently as we walk the steps to her apartment. She stumbles a little bit so I wrap my arm around her waist to steady her. I’m not judging this girl at all for her intoxicated state. She needed a night like this to let go of her demons, and what better place than amongst friends and in my bar where I could watch her, take care of her.

“Yeah Seven. I’m great.” I smile warmly at her as I basically lift her up the steps. I can still smell her perfume as she leans into me. It’s intoxicating. When we reach the top of the steps Savannah pulls her keys out of her purse. I watch as she tries to put the key in the door to her apartment and can’t. It’s humorous and endearing all at the same time. She’s a cute drunk.

“Son of a bitch, it won’t go in,” she says loudly before giggling and exclaiming, “That’s what he said.” I shake my head laughing at her as I gently take her key chain out of her hand.

“That was your car key Seven. Here, let me help you.” I find the correct key on the ring and quickly unlock the door, but not before the door next to her apartment opens. A petite woman who looks to be in her late sixties, dressed in a zipped up bathrobe and fluffy pink slippers stands in the door. She doesn’t look at all pleased with what she sees in the hallway.

“What’s going on out here?” she asks.

“Oh, hi Patty,” Savannah leans back and waves to her like the two of them are across the room from each other. “Sorry. I was just having trouble with my door. It’s okay now. Bryant got it for me. You can go back to your
Golden Girls
. Sorry to bother you.”

Patty sneers at the both of us before running her eyes up and down my entire body.

Is this old lady checking me out?

Eat your heart out lady.

I nod politely to her before wrapping a hand back around Savannah and lead her inside. “Good night ma’am.”

Once we’re finally behind closed doors Savannah announces, “I gotta pee. Make yourself at home, Bryant.”

While she’s in the bathroom I take a minute to get us each a glass of water. The bottle of Advil is still on her kitchen counter where I had left it the last time I was here, so I shake a few out for Savannah. Hopefully I can help her morning be a little more bearable. At least her head won’t be in a toilet.

Savannah comes back down the hallway carrying her denim jacket and the boots she had on tonight. She throws her boots on the floor in the hall closet and hangs up her jacket. She’s now dressed only in her strapless purple dress, walking quietly to where I am in the kitchen in her bare feet.

Even tired and drunk she looks amazing.

I hand her the glass of water I poured for her along with the Advil which she takes immediately. “Thank you,” she says.

“You’re welcome; that should help come morning,” I wink at her.

I watch her drink her water as she watches me. She blinks her eyes and all I see are the longest, softest eyelashes I’ve ever seen. I can feel the knot in my throat as I try to swallow. I don’t know what she’s thinking about but she’s studying me silently.

“Will you dance with me?” she asks softly.

Her question almost catches me by surprise. “Dance with you? You mean now?”

“Yeah. Right here. Right now.” Her eyes are seductive yet…pleading.

I look around the room for a radio or CD player but don’t see one.

I shrug my shoulders slightly and nod. “Of course I’ll dance with you. Do you…want some music?” I ask.

Who needs music?

Savannah pulls her phone out of the pocket of her dress and slowly slides her thumb up the screen a few times. When she stops, she lays her phone down on the counter. Music starts to play as she steps closer to me. I don’t know the song and I don’t care. I’ll take any excuse I can to hold her in my arms.

I take her hands in mine, holding them both near my shoulder so I can wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close to me. She looks up at me and smiles contently. We sway back and forth to the rhythm of the music before I slowly lead her in small circles around her kitchen floor. I don’t usually pay attention to sappy music but with this girl in my arms and my heart starting to attach itself to her I can’t help but hear the words of Lady Antebellum and wonder if this is what she’s really feeling or if it’s just the first slow song she came to. Maybe it’s her favorite song. I have a lot to learn.

Seems like I was walking in the wrong direction…
Not scared of love but scared of life alone…

It must be time to move on now…
Without the fear of how it might end...


There’s no way she randomly chose this song.

I slowly slide my hand up her back until my hand is touching the skin of her upper back and shoulder. I glide my fingers across her back, lightly causing goosebumps to rise up on her soft skin. She sinks into me, leaning her head on my chest right at the crook of my shoulder; she fits there perfectly. I could hold her like this all night, but as the song ends Savannah looks up at me again, her eyes searching mine. For what, I don’t know. Permission maybe? Perhaps she’s trying to decide if she’s brave enough to do what her body says she wants to do. Before I can even consider that thought, her hand is on the back of my neck and her lips are on mine.

Like long-distance lovers finally reunited, I feel the adrenaline of arousal shoot through me to my core when she kisses me. It’s anything but delicate. Her lips are strong against mine as she takes what she’s hungry for, taking over all of my senses. Her tongue, swirling with mine, tastes of bourbon and cranberries. Her body leaning against mine…shit, I haven’t felt something this good against my body in a long time. Her skin is silky smooth, but the tension in her body as she presses herself into me gives her desire away. She works her lips against mine, and I feel the warmth of her palm when she places her hand on my cheek. My stubble is not a deterrent for her. I wrap my arms around her thin frame, squeezing her tighter against me. The give and the take of her kiss has my mind running wild.

I want this girl.

And I’m pretty sure she wants me.

When I hear the gentle moan of desire escape from the back of her throat I can’t stop myself. My hands make their way to her waist, enjoying the feel of her curves along the way. Fervently, I lift her body and turn us both around until she’s seated on the kitchen counter. Immediately she wraps her legs around me as I stand in between her thighs.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I’m standing in between her thighs.

How does a guy get this lucky?

Music is still coming from her phone on the counter but I’ll be damned if I’m even listening to it. Whatever it is, it’s slower in tempo which only fuels the flames between us.

My lips leave hers as she slowly rolls her head to the side, granting me access to her neck. Like an animal pouncing on his prey my lips are on her without a moment’s hesitation. I carefully brush her neck with my tongue before sampling the same spot lightly with my teeth. Savannah gasps before releasing a satisfied moan, making my dick scream for attention.

And it’s right there…

Between her thighs…

Blocked by my damn jeans…

Her hands hastily make their way to the hemline of my t-shirt. She tugs at it fiercely until I help her pull it up and over my head.

Dear God, this is happening

“Bryant...” I hear her whisper as I continue my trail of kisses across her neckline. She folds into me, hugging my head and holding me against her chest. I take that as my cue that it’s time to move her. I kiss her chest lightly right at the top of her dress while moving my hands slowly up her legs. I’m about to go where I’ve never gone before with her and fuck if I’m not enjoying every minute of it. My hands glide underneath her dress as they slide eagerly up her thighs. I’m trying so hard to slow down and take it all in but this girl is hungry and I want to be the one she feeds on.

“Hold on to me, Baby, I’ve got you,” I tell her. She wraps her arms around my neck as I lift her and turn to walk down the hallway toward her bedroom. She continues to rake her fingers through my hair as I carry her, causing a desire-filled moan to escape me. She gives me her best cat-ate-the-canary grin before tugging my hair slightly.

Fuck me…she just pulled my hair.

I stumble back a step when her lips smack into mine. My breath hitches but I meet her challenge head-on, pushing my tongue into her mouth, pulling it back and grazing her bottom lip with my teeth. When we enter her bedroom, I sit on the edge of her bed, her body now straddling my own. Time slows down. We slow down. Our kiss slows until it ends. When I finally open my eyes she’s watching me, gazing at my chest as it rises up and down with each breath. Her hands glide up and down my upper body and all I can do is close my eyes and take in the heady feeling. I realize I’m panting but, it’s the best feeling in the world to have her hands touching me like this, like she’s memorizing the feel of me. It’s like she can fucking see me…see all the way into my soul and for a minute, that scares the shit out of me.

What am I doing?

My eyes move with hers as they roam up and down my body with her hands. When her gaze finally reaches mine she takes my hands in hers and moves them up her body until she’s holding my hands on her chest. I’ve wanted to go there since this all started but I’m trying as hard as I can to be a gentleman with Savannah. I need her to know that I’m not the guy she thought I was.

“Touch me, Bryant,” she says.

Immediately my dick stirs underneath her. I feel like a damn virgin, like this is the first time I’ve ever touched a pair of tits. Maybe if I just keep telling myself they’re just tits, I’ll be okay.

But they’re Savannah’s tits.


I squeeze her breasts lightly as they rest in my hands. I can feel her hardened peaks underneath the material of her dress. Damn if I don’t want to explore this part of her body a little further.

I can still be a gentleman.

Slowly I pull the elastic top of her dress down over her chest and come face to face with an exquisite black lace strapless bra.

Oh fuck.

Black lace is my kryptonite.

“On a scale of one to four, you’re Goddamn beautiful, Seven,” I tell her. She smiles in response as she pushes her chest forward slightly. I reach in front of me to touch them again and as I do, I lightly run my thumbs over her most sensitive peaks.

“Oh my God, Bryant!” she cries out. Her breathing is hard and fast. Sitting astride me she grinds herself into me. Her body is speaking to me. I know what she wants. I can feel her warmth even through what I know are soft silk panties. It would take nothing to make this happen. A snap of a button, a tug of a zipper and a ripping of a small piece of material and I could be inside her, feeling the heaven I know she has underneath this purple dress.

But this isn’t right.

I can’t do this.

Not to her.

Not yet.

“Savannah…” I whisper.

“Yes, Bryant. Please.” She’s kissing me, my lips, my neck, my cheek, my forehead. Her hands are gliding smoothly through my hair and it feels so damn good.


“Touch me again, Bryant.”

“No, Savannah, stop. We have to stop.”

Enter sounds of screeching record here.

I feel her body stop as she sits back and looks at me. “Are you okay? What’s wrong? Do you want to be on top?”

I chuckle lightly only because there’s nothing I want more than to be on top…entering her…pushing myself into her again and again. I can feel the pulse just thinking about it. “Savannah, there’s nowhere I would rather be, believe me, but this isn’t right. We shouldn’t do this.” I shake my head slowly as I watch her face. I don’t want to let her down, disappoint her, but I don’t want to take advantage of her either. Especially if she’s still a bit inebriated.

BOOK: Seven
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