Seven Day Seduction (8 page)

Read Seven Day Seduction Online

Authors: Emma Shortt

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #seduction, #alpha

BOOK: Seven Day Seduction
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As he drove he replayed the night before
over and over again. He swore he could still taste her on his lips,
could still feel her luscious breasts pressed against him, even
hear the soft mews she’d given as he sucked her tongue.

The kiss had been everything he had imagined
it to be, and Jude wasn’t even sure how he’d managed to stop
himself from taking more.

It had to be the boyfriend.

As much as he wanted Louise, Jude had
decided that he would not have her until she severed that
connection. It seemed almost like that was a pivotal point between
them. That the moment Louise made that decision everything else
would fall into place, and they could finally do what they’d both
wanted to since the moment they met.

He’d thought about texting her last night,
or even emailing her, but it seemed to him that everything in their
relationship was about being face to face. Looking at one another,
feeling the tension arc between them. Besides it would far too easy
for her to resist him that way. Jude couldn’t allow that to

He pulled into his space, his brakes
screeching, and jumped out of his car. Louise’s was parked next to
him, and Jude scowled as he noticed the rust along one of the
doors. He’d already decided to give her a new car as part of her
bonus. He gave all his staff regular bonuses, it encouraged loyalty
and he liked doing it. After all, what else did he have to spend
his money on? He had the apartment, the cars, the tech, the art,
everything he wanted. His family—mother, sisters and various nieces
and nephews—were well taken care of, so what else was there?

Ginny was playing a God awful love song on
full blast, and she gave him a knowing smile as he passed her desk.
All his staff knew he was chasing Louise. They’d kept quiet about
it, even the men were not ribbing him, but Jude knew they were
aware of it. He was hardly being subtle.

She was in her usual spot. Her head bent
over her laptop, her eyes narrowed. Jude rushed straight over to
her, not even attempting to disguise his intentions.



He knew the moment their eyes met that she
was hiding, pretending, making like they hadn’t kissed each other
senseless, like they hadn’t been a hair’s breadth away from more.
His stomach dropped and he had to clench his fists to hold the
sudden anger in.

“Come into my office,” he said.

She looked around her, like she was trying
to find somewhere to escape to. “Right now?”

“Yes. Right now.”

She stood up, smoothed her hair back, and
walked around her desk. She wore a pants suit today, and Jude
scowled when he saw it. It was obvious exactly what she was trying
to say with her choice of dress. He did not like it.

His staff all took a sudden, and intense,
interest in whatever they were working on as he and Louise passed.
Jude appreciated their discretion and decided there and then to
install the pool out back, the one they’d lobbied him for this past

The moment they were in his office Jude
slammed the door shut, turned to Louise, and pulled her into his
arms. She squeaked.

“Stop! What are you doing?”

“I missed you,” he said.

“Jude, please don’t.”

“Did you miss me?”

She blushed and shivered. “You have to
stop…hugging me.”

? Despite the anger of just moments ago Jude grinned. “Hugging
you is rapidly becoming one of my favorite pastimes. Don’t pretend
you don’t like it.”

“I suspect I wouldn’t get much of a choice
either way.”

“From you that’s equivalent to a yes. Now…”
He paused, the question that had been burning him suddenly foremost
in his mind. “Did you do it?”

“I haven’t been able to.”

The grin faded, and Jude leaned back so that
he could look into her eyes. “Why the fuck not?”

She shrugged. “William isn’t here. He had a
job interview down in Texas. He’ll be back tonight.”

. Jude hadn’t figured his own scheming into his plans, and it
seemed like he should have, but it was too late now.

“So you’ll do it then,” he said, nodding to
himself. “When he gets back.”

“Jude I’m not sure, I—”

“We talked about this,” he said, cutting her

“No, you talked about it,” she snapped,
pulling herself out of his arms. “Or rather you demanded it. I
don’t remember being given much of a choice.”

“What other option is there?” he

“There are plenty of options.”

“No, Louise. Your options narrowed down to
one the day we fucking met.” He paused. “Are you trying to anger
me? Trying to push me?”

She sighed. “I’m not trying
to do anything. You’re pushing

“If I don’t you’ll dither for God knows how

“I can dither as much as I want. This is
easy for you. You have nothing you’re going to lose. Nothing has to
change in your life.”

Jude rubbed a hand across his forehead,
anger and confusion running through him. This was not going how he
imagined. In truth he’d thought she’d be sat on his lap right now,
those luscious breasts finally in his hands.

“He isn’t right for you,” he grated. “You
aren’t losing anything.”

“I’ve spent the last year with him. We’re
supposed to be getting married in three months! I care about

“Care,” Jude said. “I care for my fucking

Stop trying to force my
hand!” she shrieked. “I need time to think. I need to see

Suddenly, and though he’d pushed her to do
just that, the idea of Louise being in the same room as the man she
was engaged to made him want to smack something. Jude moved
quickly, before Louise could guess his intentions, and pulled her
back against him.

“Louise, I swear to God if you see him
tonight. If you fuck him…”

She gasped, tried to pull herself free, but
Jude held her tight. “What I do with him is none of your

Her words severed what little control he was
holding on to. He pushed her against her wall, threaded his hands
through her hair, and lowered his mouth to hers. The second kiss
was just as explosive as the first—maybe more so. This time Louise
did not simply let him hold her in place, she lifted her arms,
wrapped them around his neck, and gave back everything she got.

They kissed for minutes that turned into
minutes more, and by the time they pulled apart they were both

Jude was unbelievably hard. His cock
desperate to spring free and bury itself in Louise’s waiting
wetness. He knew she was just as aroused. He could feel the heat
coming off her body. See the rapid rise and fall of her chest.

“You keep your legs closed,” he growled,
before reaching down to cup her ass. “This is just for me now,
every single inch.”

She gasped. “You are so crude.”

“I’m jealous,” he said, his voice low and
harsh. “Is that what you want to hear? You’re making me fucking
insensible with it. He cannot have you. I can’t spend the night
imagining you in bed with someone else. Jesus Christ, Louise.”

“I’m not going to,” she said quickly. “I
didn’t mean…you made me angry…but of course I won’t.”

Jude let out a sigh of relief, and rested
his chin on her head. He held her against him. She fit so fucking

“Do you want me to be there?” he asked.
“When you tell him?”

She made a sound that Jude could only
describe as horrified. “No! Good God, don’t be so thoughtless.”

“I was just trying to be supportive.”

“I don’t even know what to do,” she
whispered. “I’m so confused.”

“There’s only one thing you can do.”

She pulled back, shrugging herself out of
his embrace, and fell into one of the chairs, the very same one
she’d sat in during their interview, the moment he’d realized she
wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Was it really just a handful of days

“Jude, William and I have been together for
months,” she said slowly. “How can I justify finishing a
relationship of that long after only a few days with you?”

“The time doesn’t matter,” he said. “He’ll
never make you feel like I do. You could spend the next twenty
years with him and he won’t make your nipples ache.”

She dropped her head into her hands. “Oh my

“He won’t make you wet, Louise.”

“Jude, please.”

He bent down in front of her, letting his
knees touch the floor, and his hands her thighs.

“The next time you say those words I want it
to be when I’m buried inside you. You want that don’t you? Want me
to make you stop aching?”

Jude ran his fingers up her legs until he
reached her hips. Then, his heart racing, he traced a path to her
breasts—those perfect breasts—and lightly ran his palms over them.
Louise shuddered, her hands falling to her sides.


He palmed them again and she moaned. Jude
could feel her nipples, stiff as rocks against his hands. He took
one between each thumb and finger, and rolled them, making them
pucker even more.

“No?” he asked.

He increased the pressure and Louise let her
head fall back against the chair, her breath now coming in short,
sharp little gasps.

“No?” he asked again.

She made an indecipherable sound, something
like a mew, and Jude groaned. He pulled his hand away from one
nipple, placing it in between her legs instead. The heat of her
pussy was flooding through her pants. Jude cupped it, and started
to rub along the length of it.

Louise arched her hips, encouraging his
action. That simple movement made him feel about ten foot tall,
made all the days of waiting seem worthwhile.

Jude leaned forward and took her mouth,
kissing her furiously as he continued to rub her pussy, to coax her
nipple. She gasped against him, squirmed in her seat. When he
touched one particular spot she let out a cry. Jude smothered it
with his mouth but remained right there. His fingers worked her
over and over. His dick throbbed, his bulls ached, but he ignored
it all, wanting only this, to give Louise pleasure, to watch her
explode around him.

When she did Jude almost came with her. She
screamed into his mouth, her hands clutched his shoulders, and her
entire body shuddered. He drained every bit of the orgasm he could
from her, only slowing his motions when she went limp in his

“No?” he whispered against her mouth.

“Yes,” she whispered back.

It was the word he’d been waiting for. Jude
moved his fingers from her pussy and lifted her hand, her left
hand. He ran the fingers that had just pumped an orgasm from her
along her skin. She watched his movements, a dazed sort of look in
her eyes, and yet they both knew exactly what he was going to

The ring slipped off with only the slightest
of pulls, and Jude felt satisfaction flood every part of him. He
opened her hand, so that her palm was facing him, and dropped the
ring into it.

She did not say a word, but she didn’t need

Jude had never felt so…relieved? Was that
the word, the emotion? Whatever it was it filled every part of him,
and when he bent to kiss her once more it felt like everything had

“You’re mine now, Louise,” he said against
her lips. “Do you understand that?”

She wrapped one arm around his neck, scooted
to the very edge of the chair, and reached down to palm his
throbbing length. “Yes,” she said. “I understand perfectly.”


Louise’s hands were shaking so badly as she
poured herself a glass of wine that she almost missed the glass.
William was due any minute and she still had no idea how she was
going to deal with the situation.

She lifted the glass and took a healthy
swallow, and then another one. Dutch courage, she thought, and
frowned to herself.

She’d never been very good at
confrontations, preferring instead to take the easy path. She knew
it was a bit of a character flaw in her, but it was simply the way
she dealt with things. Maybe it was why she had acquiesced to
William’s wishes so easily, why she was like putty in Jude’s

She closed her eyes and let out a groan as
she replayed the moment his fingers had touched her pussy. Even
with the fabric of her pants separating them it had been amazing.
Like nothing she had ever felt before. Louise might not have slept
with her fiancé yet, but she wasn’t a virgin. There had been a few
boyfriends in her early twenties and she’d found sex with them to
be okay, even enjoyable, but Jude…

She took another swig of
wine. He made her come with just his fingers and his mouth, and
though she’d wanted to do the same for him, he’d stilled her hand.
Insisting that he would wait until he could have her properly,
her. The
idea of exactly how that was likely to feel made Louise painfully
wet. How explosive would it be?

It seemed like she was going to find

Louise shivered as she made her way into her
living area, and sat down on her couch. Her engagement ring was on
the table in front of her, back in the little box it had came in.
She planned to give it back to William the moment he arrived. To
explain to him why she could no longer go ahead with the

He was going to be so hurt, and she felt
like such a bitch, and yet Louise knew there was no way around it.
Even if Jude wasn’t chasing her, even if there was no possibility
of anything happening between them, the last few days had changed

Like it or not, Jude was right. She would
not be feeling this way about another man if she was truly in love
with William.

The doorbell sounded. Louise’s heart leapt
into her chest. She stood up on shaky legs, and made her way into
the hall. Deep breath, she told herself, and then pulled the door

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