Severed Threads (46 page)

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Authors: Kaylin McFarren

Tags: #Thrillers, #Fiction

BOOK: Severed Threads
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Rachel could feel his eyes on her, adding heat to the room. As she focused on the box of crayons and Pirates of the Caribbean coloring book waiting on the bedside table, everything fell into place. Tucked under the sheets was the reason for Chase’s sudden disappearance, his financial shortfalls. His obsession with finding treasure. Whatever his daughter’s needs and condition might be, he’d obviously been dealing with exorbitant medical bills in addition to his salvage company’s expenditures.

Rachel didn’t know how to answer that. The connection he felt with his wife was apparent, but she was no longer part of his life. Or was she? “I just have one question,” Rachel said. “All this time…why did you keep this a secret? Is it because you still loved her? Maybe even still do?”

“I told you to fix a tank…same as you did when you were working in the dive shop. No one’s going to suspect nitrogen narcosis or your part in this. Just like they didn’t four years ago.”

Rachel’s close call hadn’t seemed real to her – not at the time. She glanced away as the image of Viktor’s body being torn apart replayed in her mind. Although she preferred to keep her experience buried for the rest of her life, the gruesome scene would be forever ingrained in her memories.

“A guy on the second floor gave me a cookbook after smelling the macaroni and cheese I burned. Haven’t cracked the cover yet. Just don’t see the need when you’re cooking for one…at least until Allie comes home.” Chase ran his hand over his jaw. “You sure I can’t get you something to drink? I’ve got a bottle of white wine open, if you’d like."

Novak stole a sidelong glance. “Not right off. Pollero liked everyone thinking I was his bodyguard, but in reality I was part of a sting – posing as a launderer, picking up his drug money, making deposits in legitimate banks then wiring funds to traffickers in Mexico. His guys would tell me they were bringing me two hundred-fifty grand and show up with a cool million. In a matter of months, Pollero was climbing the ladder, approaching Class One. You know…one of the big money makers. I was told to do whatever necessary to gain his trust.”

Her lips curled. “Guess my brother’s kind of used to getting his own way,” she said. “Anyway, there’s still something I’ve been meaning to ask you. What about Tom Nash? Your cryptic comment had me wondering about him all morning. I was honestly half-expecting Brennan to incriminate him as part of his drug smuggling ring.”

She looked around for a place to sit. Discovering none, she eased onto the edge of the mattress. “I’ll make this quick and painless,” she said. “First off, I checked on Blaine and he came out of surgery just fine. He was actually alert enough to recommend a new book on computer science…not that I’d ever read it. I also met with Wade down at the marina. He wanted me to assure you that everything’s been safely transferred from Stargazer to a bank vault pending your release from the hospital. The chief of police even loaned out some of his men to help.”

“Because it is,” she assured him. “You’ve touched my heart, my mind…the deepest part of my soul. I can’t imagine my life without you. Is that what you want to hear? Is that what you need to know?”


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