Sex for Sale~Prostitution, Pornography and the Sex Industry (64 page)

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11; screening of clients 206

feminism: abolitionist 32, 326, 341;

escorts 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 205–232; advertising

antipornography 67, 299, 300; gay male

213–216; characteristics of 8; emotional

pornography 84; globalization 308;

labor 11; girlfriend experience 11, 187,

mainstream organizations 327, 345n7;

213, 215, 235; job satisfaction 11–12;

prostitution 233, 235, 237, 243; sex-

law enforcement 26, 27; Nevada 265;

positive 98–99, 287; strippers 116;

niche markets 216–219, 228; on-the-job

theoretical debates 47; women-made

training 209, 212–213; race and racism

pornography 16, 94, 96, 97–98, 106,

219–221, 228; screening of clients 206,

109; women’s market 293

209, 210, 236; sexual negotiation

femmes 126

226–227; stigma 222–225, 228–229;

fetishism 93, 140, 196

call girls; indoor sex work

films 1–2, 15, 16, 48; Adult Entertainment

essentialism 5, 6, 287, 300

Expo 289; gay male pornography 68–81;

ethnic groups: female escorts 208–209; gay

women-made pornography 92;
see also

male pornography 72; male escorts 208;

porn stars

massage parlors 42n129; prostitute

Flint, George 273, 275

customers 238, 239; women-made

Flowers, Amy 141, 142, 152, 159n35

pornography 94;
see also

Flynt, Larry 286, 302

Americans; race

Foucault, Michel 300

ethnography 16, 91, 117, 209, 287, 320

Fox, Steve 73

Europe 2, 23, 24, 81, 330

Fox, Ty 73

evangelical Christians 4, 332

France 23, 24, 81

Eve’s Garden 293

Freddy and Eddy 302

exploitation 3, 5, 6; prostitution 235; sex

Freedman, Estelle 69

tourism 309, 320, 321;
see also
oppression French, Dolores 10


Friedman, David 69

FyreTV 290

Falcon Productions 73, 75, 81

fame 52–53, 58–60, 61, 63, 109

gay male pornography 17, 67–89; bareback

family relations: phone sex workers

genre 76–77; changes in the 1990s

146–147; street prostitutes 170,

72–77; comparison with straight porn 79;

173–174, 177, 178–179, 182

gay community 81–84; history of 68–71;

fans 59, 60, 289, 290

lack of research on 32–33; sidestepped by

fantasies: call girls 188; escorts 215;

feminist antipornography movement 300;

pornography 16; racial 220; sex tourism

video industry 77–81; websites 75–76

310, 317, 318; strip clubs 122, 123,

gay men: brothels 277; escorts 207, 208,

128, 133; telephone sex 152, 153,

223–224, 228–229; social space 124;


strip clubs 14;
see also

Farr, Kathryn 337

male escorts; male prostitutes



gender 119–120, 134; African-American

Hawaii 24, 29–30

women 123–124; cultural expectations

health and safety 259–260, 266, 272

133; differences between male and female

health services: lesbian women 130–131;

porn stars 51, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60–61, 64;

street prostitutes 170–171, 174, 175,

hierarchies of 311, 312–313; telephone as

178, 180;
see also
street outreach

“gendered technology” 139, 156n5;

Henderson, Lisa 287, 300

feminism; masculinity

Herkes, Bob 30

gender presentation 125–127

heroin 168–170, 171, 177–178, 179, 180

gender-benders 126

heteronormativity 123, 130, 151, 229

General Social Survey 2, 34n23, 234, 235,

heterosexuality 67, 82, 84, 133, 259


Hew Haven 30–31

“gentlemen’s clubs” 50, 53

Heyl, Barbara 212, 213

gentrification 132

Hick, Jochen 88n64

Germany 338

Higgins, William 71

(1983) 83

HIV: brothel workers 266; escorts 226, 227;

Giordani, Jessica 297

gay male pornography 73, 76; hostility

girlfriend experience (GFE) 11, 140, 187,

towards AIDS educators 178; Los Angeles

213, 215, 235

Women’s Health Risk Study 189; male

girl/girl scenes 50, 57, 58;
see also
lesbian escorts 208; porn stars 50, 65n13, 66n18;


sex education 95; street prostitutes

glamour 52–53

163–165, 166, 170–171, 174, 177, 181,

Global AIDS Act (2003) 342

see also

Global Alliance Against Trafficking in

Hochschild, Arlie 187, 188

Women 327

Hof, Dennis 275

globalization 308–309

Hofler, Robert 83, 88n66

Goffman, Erving 146

Holland, Kelly 293

Gonzales, Alberto 20

Holzman, Harold 245, 248

“gonzo” porn 48, 75, 76, 92, 98, 105

homophobia 120

Good Vibrations 293, 295, 298, 302–303

homosexuality 66n18, 222, 268;
see also
gay Goodman, Oscar 270

male pornography; gay men; lesbian

gossip 66n18

pornography; lesbians; male escorts; male

Grand Opening 295


green products 296–298

Horowitz, Michael 334

Griffin, Kathy 78

Hotaling, Norma 335

group sex 196, 197

hotels 167, 173, 175–177, 179–180, 181,

group stepping 130

182, 194

Gutek, Barbara 201

Hudson Institute 334


Hughes, Donna 332, 333–334, 341,

347n43, 350n88

Haggard, Ted 4

Hunt, Brad 73

Hall, Stuart 300

Hamilton, Annette 317, 318

I Am Curious (Yellow)
(1969) 70

Hammers, Corie 124

identity: black 130; gay 74, 82, 84;

Hanna, Judith 131

heterosexual 84; male 121, 133; phone

harm-reduction principle 28, 32

sex workers 146, 147; “same-sex desiring”

Harris, Daniel 83, 88n66

135n10; social activism 225; strippers

Hartley, Nina 75, 108, 289–290, 300–301




identity politics 96, 99–101

Kinsley, Jennifer 292

Idol, Ryan 82

kissing 73, 197, 198–199

Idol in the Sky

Korean sex workers 328

impression management 146–148, 154

incest 140, 152, 154

laboratory experiments, pornography

income: call girls 12; gay male pornography


79; male escorts 208; phone sex workers

Lambton, Anthony 4

149, 158n33; porn stars 50–52;
see also

lap dancing 118


Larsen, Ronnie 87n42, 88n64

Indianapolis 18–19

LaRue, Chi Chi 77–78, 80, 83

indoor sex work 7, 8, 9–10, 11–12, 251; law

Las Vegas 255, 257–258, 260, 270, 277;

enforcement 41n118, 41n120; two-track

Adult Entertainment Expo 285, 289;

policy 25, 26–28, 29, 30, 236; violence

arrests 30; illegal sex workers 24, 265;

see also
brothels; call girls; escorts

“john schools” 237, 238; opposition to

industry trends
sex industry trends

legalization 22

inequality: sex tourism 312–313, 320, 321,

Latin America 81

322; strippers 115, 134;
see also

Latinos 166, 167, 208

oppression paradigm

Lederer, Laura 326, 332, 340

Internet 2, 251, 286; escorts 206, 207, 213;

legal seminars 292

gay male pornography 75–76, 77, 79;

legalization 10, 22–25, 32, 235; attitudes

obscenity 21; phone sex advertisements

towards 23, 24, 240–243; decline in

156n1, 158n33; prostitute customers

brothels 349n75; denial of US funding

see also

for organizations supporting 342;

Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) 290

dual policy 29; moral crusade against

intimacy 11, 187–188, 190–191, 196,

338–339; Nevada 255–256,

197–199, 200

258–259, 267, 274, 277;
see also

iPods 291

decriminalization, New Zealand,

Isherwood, Charles 82

Western Australia

Island Fever
(1989) 72

lesbian pornography: lack of research on

Israel 23

32–33; sidestepped by feminist

antipornography movement 300; women-

Jameson, Jenna 82

made 93, 99–100, 104;
see also
girl/girl Japan 15


Jeffreys, Sheila 115–116

lesbians: activism 95, 99–100; health issues

Jellicoe, George 4

130–131; sex education 107; strip clubs

Jensen, Robert 299–300, 301, 306n40

116–117, 118, 119–120, 123–127,

job satisfaction 6, 11–12, 13, 145–146, 149

129–131, 132–133; telephone sex 140;

“john schools” 31, 234, 237–238

watchers of gay male porn 81

Jolly, Margaret 309

liberals 32

Jordan, Jan 245, 249

Liepe-Levinson, Katherine 125

Loftus, David 16

Kaminsky, Joel 303

Los Angeles 48, 52, 80, 82, 88n64

Kane, Sharon 80

Los Angeles Women’s Health Risk Study

Kansas City 30

189–190, 199

Kempadoo, Kamala 315

Louisville 41n120, 41n124

Kinney, Nan 99–100

Lovett, Tony 302

Kinsey, Alfred 191, 196, 235, 244

Lucas, Michael 80–81



MacKinnon, Catherine 18, 98

migration strategies 315–316, 318–319,

Madell, Kelly 119


magazines 1, 50, 52, 68, 78, 85n4

Miller, John R. 340

mainstreaming 2, 21, 298;
see also

Miller, Nancy Eva 158n25


Miller v. California
(1973) 18, 19

The Making of a Gay Video
(1995) 83

Minneapolis 18

Making Porn
(1994) 88n64

minors 28

male escorts 16–17, 207, 208; advertising

misogyny 17, 299, 301, 317–318

213, 214–215, 216; agencies 210, 211,

Mizer, Bob 70

212–213; BDSM 217; boyfriend experience

money: brothel workers 271; call girls 195;

11, 213; porn stars 79–80; race 220, 221,

escorts 217, 220–221, 228; gay male

228; rates 217, 228; sexual negotiation

pornography 79; phone sex workers 149,

226–227; stigma 222, 223–224, 228

158n33; porn stars 50–52, 109; street

male porn stars 50–51, 53, 56, 57–58, 59,

prostitutes 169, 172, 177, 195

60–62, 64, 66n18

Montemurro, Beth 119

male prostitutes 4, 64, 235–236; “boyfriend

Moonlite Bunny Ranch 267, 275, 278

experience” 11; brothel owners’ attitudes

Moore, Lisa Jean 226

268, 277–278; emotional labor 201;

Moore, Mignon 125, 126

stigma 222

moral crusade 325, 331, 332–344;

male strippers 14, 64, 117, 119, 125

characteristics of 325–326, 343; denial of

Manderson, Lenore 309

agency 333–334; institutionalization of

Mann, Marc 85n19

claims 339–343; opposition to

Mann Act (1910) 345n7

legalization 338–339; organizations

marriage: marital status of clients 191–193,

326–327; prevalence of trafficking

238, 239, 250; sex tourism 315–316,

335–337; prostitution linked with

319, 320

trafficking 332–333; violence 333;
see also

masculinity 68, 120–123, 128, 201

antipornography campaigns; oppression

Maskell, Jason 289


massage 197–198, 218

morality 2–3, 332

massage parlors 7, 10, 328; characteristics of

“mother I love to fuck” (MILF) 140

8; ethnic groups 42n129; job satisfaction

Murray, Alison 338–339

11–12; lack of research on 33; law

mutilation 140, 152–153, 155

enforcement 26, 27, 29, 41n120, 41n124

My Hustler
(1965) 69

Masters, R. E. L. 235

Matinee Idol
(1996) 73

Naked Highway
(1997) 74

Maxon, Brian 71

Nashville 26

McIlwaine, Cathy 315

National Family Legal Foundation 131

McKeganey, Neil 244

National Health and Social Life Survey

McLeod, Eileen 6

(NHSLS) 234, 235

Meese Commission 19

National Organization for Women (NOW)

men’s attitudes 2, 3, 16

327, 345n7

Miami 31

Nevada Brothel Association

Midnight Cowboy

needle exchanges 166, 167, 168, 179,

migrant labor: Nevada 263, 264; sex


tourism in the Dominican Republic

Netherlands (Holland) 9, 23, 24, 330, 338,

309–310; sex workers 328, 329–330,


331, 334

Network of Sex Work Projects 327



networking 55, 60, 61–62, 63, 102

“physique” pornography 68

Nevada 11, 12, 21, 22–24, 235, 237,

pimps 9, 164, 165, 174–175, 180, 182, 272

255–281, 339

Pines, Sharon 245, 248

Nevada Brothel Association (NBA)

Playing with Fire
(1996) 73

272–276, 278

police operations 26, 28, 41n124, 210, 234,

New Orleans 27


New York City: closure of establishments

policies: antiprostitution movement’s

17–18; gay male pornography 80–81;

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