Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides (28 page)

BOOK: Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides
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Where to begin?

He was totally confused and frustrated. He’d show her he meant business, and it had to be big. Huge. He drove on autopilot. Sabrina told him when and where to turn.

Silverware clinked against plates, chatter and laughter vibrated off the wall-to-wall people. They waited at the bar and ordered drinks.

“What can I get you folks to drink?” the waitress asked.

“I’d like an Amaretto Colada,” Sabrina said.

He needed something stronger to take off the edge. “Scotch, neat.” He needed to stop dwelling on the fact that he was an idiot and concentrate on Sabrina.

They nibbled on pretzels until their drinks were delivered.

Sabrina sipped her fruity drink. “Care to try it?” she offered.

“Not bad. It reminds me of my last trip to Jamaica.” He threw back his drink. Even though it burned all the way to his stomach it was a matter of minutes before he felt the kink in his shoulders start to release. On second thought, he shouldn’t have passed up lunch, already had the start of a good buzz. Luckily their table was ready.

Seated in the middle of the restaurant at a small table, Sabrina spent an inordinate amount of time studying the menu. He’d leave the ordering up to her.

“I can’t decide what to order, it all looks so good. Do you mind if we order the sampler?”

It was a full four-course meal. “Are you sure you can eat that much?”

“Yes, I’m starving.”

“Whatever you want.”

The waitress came to take their order.

“We’d like the sampler. And can I get another Scotch?”

He was surprised at her appetite. He wasn’t sure they’d be able to eat it all, but if that’s what she wanted so be it.

The waitress delivered a lazy-susan laden with an assortment of breads and fruit and three different dipping sauces. He still didn’t think a meal like this had any merit. It seemed like too much effort.

“Thank you for bringing me here.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Oh Travis, this is heavenly.” Eyes closed, she moaned loudly. She licked cheese from the corner of her mouth. Her tongue captured the last of the cheese.

His mouth went dry as her words sank in. He halted his fork halfway to his mouth. “Excuse me?”

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“You called me Travis.” He tried to hide the irritation in his tone. Not working.

“Oh, sorry.” She covered her mouth as her cheeks tinged with a nice shade of red. “A slip of the tongue. I’m sure you understand. All things considered.”

“Yeah. Sure.” But it bothered him. A lot.

“You have to try this.” Sabrina reached across the table and pressed a piece of apple and cheese into his mouth. Too bad they hadn’t gotten a booth. Next time he’d make reservations and request one. Something more intimate.

“That’s good.”

“Good, it’s delicious. Aren’t you hungry?”

He nearly choked as he felt her foot on his calf. He dropped his napkin and bent to retrieve it. She’d slipped her shoes off, legs crossed, her top leg bobbing up and down rubbing against his slacks. He sat up straight. He was glad she was enjoying her food. He on the other hand had a ball of lust in his stomach the size of a cantaloupe. His pants grew tight as her stocking covered toes rubbed against his leg. He planned to go slow with her, to let her know he meant business. He wanted her to know beyond the shadow of a doubt he respected her.

“Mmm, this shrimp is wonderful.” Eyes closed, she made a mewling sound as she savored the bite. Then her eyes popped open and she tilted her head. “Is something wrong?”

“Uh—no, dropped my napkin.”

Before the salad course was even delivered, Trent flagged the waitress down. “Can I get another drink?” It was his third.

“How about you, miss?”

“I’m good. Thanks,” Sabrina said.

“This was a nice choice for dinner.”

“I’m enjoying this so much. I think this is going to be my number one for our restaurants list. Don’t you agree?”

“Absolutely.” The small talk was killing him. He wanted to take her home and teach her a few things, but that wouldn’t happen. Not tonight anyway.

Sabrina cut a slice of beef, and while she dipped it in the sauce she asked, “So Travis, I mean Trent, is there anything special you want to do when we’re done?” She didn’t wait for his response and popped the bite into her mouth, licking her lips, moaning, eyes shut.

The good news was she had managed to turn the meal into a sensuous experience and took great pleasure in each and every bite. The bad news was the more she enjoyed her food the tighter his pants grew, until he was completely uncomfortable. Damn. At the rate they were going he wouldn’t be able to stand without embarrassing himself when the time came to leave.

Every bite of chicken, every stinking chunk of beef, and every single God damned shrimp made him more and more uncomfortable. Every time she licked her lips he trembled, imagining her mouth on him. What the hell was wrong with him? He was a douche bag. His body’s reactions irritated him. He felt worse instead of better as the meal progressed.

The dishes were cleared from the third course.

“I’m going to use the powder room, back in a minute.” Sabrina excused herself.

He took advantage of the time alone to adjust his himself. His pants were so tight it did little to fix his problem. When she returned she dragged her chair to the left of him. The restaurant had begun to emptying, there was plenty of room.

“There, that’s cozier, don’t you think?”

“I agree.” He looked into the depths of her eyes wanting to see love. Hell, he’d settle for pity, although he honestly wanted to see a smile back in her eyes.

“Tra—Trent, this has been a wonderful meal.” Sabrina leaned an elbow on the table and gave him a smile that lit up her face. “I’m full, but I have to try the desserts or I’ll never forgive myself.”

“I’m glad you suggested it. I can’t wait to come back and try a few of the other samplers.”

“Me too.” Still gazing into his eyes she rested her hand on his forearm and stroked it, sending sparks of electricity through his extremities.

“Sabrina. What are you doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

He opened his mouth to speak.

She removed her hand from her chin and placed a manicured hand on his thigh.
. She gave his leg a gentle squeeze.

Uh-oh, something was up and it wasn’t the obvious swell in his pants.

A snicker squeaked out of her.

He shook his head. It all made sense. “You’ve been driving me nuts on purpose. You planned it, didn’t you? This whole dinner. You wanted a reaction out of me. A painful one.”

A cheeky smile lit her face. A devious twinkle sparkled in her eyes. The flush of her cheeks and gnawing on her lip made his stomach flip somersaults. The stinker had played him.

“Did it work?”

“More than you know.”

“Good. I suck at flirting. I figured I’d try to turn you on.”

“Oh, you did, believe me. Only if you don’t turn it off I’ll never be able to leave the restaurant.”

“Oh really. Whatever do you mean?” Batting her eyelashes, she smiled a broad toothy smile. At the last second, she crossed her eyes.

“Sabrina. Don’t. Please, I’m begging you.”

“I’m sure I have no idea what you mean.” It was abundantly clear she knew damn well exactly what she was doing to him.

“Yeah. Right.”

“You have to admit I did a decent job for an amateur.”

“Amateur my ass.”

“I think that was a compliment. I like it.” She beamed.

Dessert and coffee was served. He burned his mouth on the first sip of coffee. “Oh shit.”

“What’s the matter, Travis?” She stretched out the name.

“You even slipped his name in on purpose, didn’t you?”

“Who me?” She pointed to herself with those innocent green eyes yet oh-so-guilty smile.

“Okay, okay, I deserved it. Is this what dinner was all about? You needed to teach me a lesson?”

“For a start. Yes.”

“A start?” Damn, he was in serious trouble.

She smiled, picked up a long fork, dipped a strawberry in the luscious chocolate topping, and put it to his lips. Oh shit, he was a dead man. He took a bite of the strawberry. She put down the fork and wiped chocolate from the corner of his mouth. She put her finger in her mouth and licked the chocolate off, slowly and deliberately.

He tried to swallow but it felt like he’d swallowed the berry whole and the stem remained stuck in his throat. He threw down the last of his drink.

“You still have some chocolate on your mouth. Here, let me get it.” She leaned forward and licked the chocolate off his mouth.

The heat of her tongue sliding over his lips sent him into a fevered state. “Sabrina. Please. I’m begging you, behave. I’m doing my best to be mindful of your inexperience and show you the proper respect, but you’re killing me.” He closed his eyes and prayed to God she listened.

His eyes whipped open when he felt her tongue licking the last of the chocolate from the corner of him mouth. The groan that slipped from his lips made Sabrina laugh.

“Woman, two can play your game.” He picked up his fork, stabbed a piece of cheesecake and as she opened her mouth, he pressed the bite past her lips, and smeared the sauce across her bottom lip.

She moaned.

The second her eyes closed, he leaned in and kissed her.

Her eyes popped open and she almost choked. She pulled away, seized her drink and sucked in a bit too much. She chewed, coughed, and grabbed her napkin. She coughed a few more times, took another sip, and sat up straight in her chair.

“Had enough?” he asked.

She started to speak, stopped, blotted her mouth on her napkin, then folded it and set it on the edge of the table. “I’m full, can’t eat another bite.” Innocent as a lamb.

“Nice try. We’re sitting here until I can get up and not make a fool of myself.”

“Welcome to my world.” Her snicker did nothing to help his cause.

The meal had damn near killed him. Trent nibbled on bits of fruit, enjoying her discomfort. He had to hand it to her. She’d done a good job getting even.

“Is this what I have to look forward to?”

“Could be.” She gave him a snarky smile and focused on the waiter clearing the table next to them.

“I see. You know what they say about playing with fire.”

“That’s okay, I’ve already been scorched. You on the other hand, still have a bit of groveling and making up to do before I consider you well incinerated.”

He liked how she scrunched up her nose when she’d made her comment. Lord knew he had no reason to argue. Somehow he didn’t think her vengeance was over. She had enjoyed herself and he’d let her have a bit of revenge.

If it made her feel better, it was a small price to pay.

He could handle it.

* * * *

Step four. Make him pay. A very expensive make-up dinner. Check.

Sabrina felt exhilarated. Dinner had gone even better than she’d planned. She had so much fun pretending to be innocent. She’d even had to bite her cheek and pinch her arm to keep from laughing out loud with each reaction she drew from him. If Kat picked up the movies she promised, the rest of the night was sure to be even more fun.

Now that he’d caught on to her, she’d have to be careful how she approached the rest of her pay back. An evening of romantic chick flicks was in order. A completely opposite shift from her plans at dinner.

When they reached her apartment the videos were on the TV. Perfect.

“Do you mind if we watch a movie or two? More research.” She picked them up.

A single brow raised, he examined the titles before responding, “Sure.”

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