Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (6 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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For a moment Tooth wasn’t sure whether the boy was
joking or serious. “No, he just... he lost touch with you, but that
doesn’t mean he wants you to rot in some fucking strip joint.” He
leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, watching the
boy’s every move. He wasn’t sure how to handle someone so young,
someone unwilling to be here.

For a moment Tooth wasn’t sure what the boy was
doing, but then it registered that Lucifer was washing the bathtub.
“Yeah? Too bad, I’m an adult now.”

Tooth got up and slowly walked over to lean against
the doorframe, watching his teenage guest clean after himself. That
was the last thing he would expect from someone so bratty. “Doesn’t
matter. Priest wants to help you on your feet. You can stay here,
finish school, and all that.”

“He didn’t ask me. I haven’t seen him in years. Who
does he think he is?” The scrubbing got more intense.

Tooth agreed with that. Kind of. The kid was right
that Priest hadn’t taken care of him the way a father should,
committing all his time to his
family, and now he wanted to impose rules. If he were in
Lucifer’s place, he’d be just as unimpressed. Then again, the new
rules would be beneficial for the boy. “You don’t want that? Your
own room, food, some money to spend?”

“And someone telling me what to do? No thanks.”
Lucifer even did a quick clean under the few bottles of soap and
shampoo. “I can manage on my own.” He straightened up and put his
hands on his hips.

Tooth stared down at him. “I think it’s gonna be a

Why so?” Luci
fer eyed him suspiciously and put away the

Tooth folded his arms across his chest and stood
straight. “Priest doesn’t want you to suck cock for money.”

took a step closer and despite being at an obvious disadvantage of
strength, he poked Tooth’s chest. “Well, he can go fuck himself,
because I will do what I want,” he said, looking up into Tooth’s

Tooth slowly inhaled the shampoo-infused air,
feeling that finger sink deeper into his muscle as his chest
expanded. “Tell him tomorrow.”

“I’d suck yours for free though.” A silly smile
spread across Lucifer’s lips as his finger travelled lower, blue
eyes never looking away from Tooth’s. “Or are you gonna spank me
for this as well?”

The situation became dangerous all of a sudden, but
Tooth couldn’t let this boy manipulate him. He grabbed his hand and
pulled it away from his body. “I’ll pass.”

Okay, okay, jeez
…” Lucifer was going to babble more, but someone
knocked on the door and to Tooth’s surprise, Lucifer left the
bathroom and spoke as if it was his place. “Come in!”

Tooth knocked his forehead against the wall but
followed him to see who it was. The door opened, revealing the
stocky figure of Bell, who marched in with a barely held back scowl
and a sports bag in one hand.

Tooth frowned, surprised to see him of all people,
but he didn’t say a thing when Bell closed the door behind him, his
dark eyes scanning Lucifer like a foul bug that
had invaded his home.

stood his ground and held out his hand for the bag. “Is that my

Bell looked down at the bag and dropped it to the
floor. The second of distress on Luci
fer’s face was hard to miss, but it was quickly
masked with a scowl.

What the fuck?” he hissed and picked
up his bag in an instant, the
too-large shorts sliding down his hips and barely staying

Tooth frowned. “You can put it on the bed for
now,” he said to Luci
fer, but he kept his eyes firmly on Bell, who met his gaze
with even more fire.

Lucifer sat down on the bed and began rummaging
through the bag. “Half of my stuff is missing. Where’s my shampoo?
My hair straightener?”

“Maybe we’ll cut your hair, and you won’t have to
worry about those,” Bell said in a low, grumbly voice, and, like
magic, Lucifer went completely still.

Tooth straightened and folded his arms, stepping
closer to Bell. He’d seen boys like Luci
fer being pushed around too many times to ignore
it on his own territory. “No one will touch your hair.”

Lucifer’s shoulders relaxed slightly, and he looked
up at Bell. “You may go.”

Bell pursed his lips. “You little fucker! You really
a fag? I bet it’s your mother’s blood,” he hissed and curled his
hands into fists.

Tooth stepped even closer to
Bell, ready to pacify him if he loses his
temper again. “Calm the fuck down.”

“I’m just asking a question.”

Lucifer watched Bell from the bed with the bag in
his lap. “Why you wanna know? You’re interested?” He raised his

Tooth glanced back with a scowl. That brat needed
to learn some manners and stop pushing his sexuality into
everyone’s face like that. There was no place for this in a Coffin
Nails clubhouse. “Shut up, boy. This is your
half brother.”

Bell just stood there, huffing through his nose like
a bull.

fer’s lips formed an ‘o’. “Ah, I’m not into that,” he said
in the end, but eyed Bell with a newfound interest.

Tooth gave Bell a gentle swat on the arm and
nodded toward the door. “Why don’t you sleep on it? Everybody’s
getting a bit
overexcited for my taste.”

Bell pointed a finger at Luci
fer, but went for the door. “I’m not gonna
have that attitude around here.”

Lucifer just rolled his eyes and fished out a pair
of briefs from his bag.

“You’re not policing anyone on my watch, Bell. You
need to cool down.” Tooth reached over to open the door.

Bell just groaned and stormed out with a sway to his
shoulders. When Tooth closed the door behind him, the room was
completely silent.

Tooth let out a soft sigh, not yet ready to look at
Lucifer. “Why are you provoking everyone? Did that ever work out
well for you?”

He started it…” Luci
fer muttered, followed by the sound of a cell
phone being turned on.

That spun Tooth around right away. “What are you
doing?” he asked, rushing to the bed. Those idiots
took Lucifer’s hair
straightener but left in the cell phone? Did they leave their
brains in that strip joint?

I just wanna text my friend so he doesn’t worry,”
fer began tapping on
the screen.

“Drop the phone,” said Tooth and stretched his hand
out for the cell. “Now.”

pursed his lips and slowly passed the phone to Tooth, who nodded
and looked at the text. All Lucifer had managed to write was ‘I’m
ok, I’ll be back next week’. “Thank you. Who’s your

He’s… a bouncer at Vanilla Lounge,”
fer said.

Tooth noticed his own shorts nicely folded on top
of Luci
fer’s bag. The
boy had probably put on his own briefs, but the T-shirt was too
long to tell, only Lucifer’s lean thighs on show.

Tooth deleted the message and slowly sat down next
to Luci
fer, switching
off the cell. “Is he your boyfriend?” he asked in a tone as neutral
as possible. A man who let his young boyfriend do what Lucifer did
was a scumbag.

“No…” The boy slouched slightly and picked on the
tiny blond hairs on his knee. “He’s just… he’s all right to

Tooth swallowed, resisting the urge to put his arm
around the slim shoulders. It wouldn’t be proper in this situation,
so he just rested his elbows on his knees and looked on. “Is he
your pimp?”

“No, he works for the club. Makes sure the guys
behave. He’s a really nice guy actually. He’s got this juicer, and
makes power-shakes for me.” A little smile appeared on Lucifer’s

Tooth frowned. That was odd behavior for someone in
that situation, but he supposed nice guys could appear everywhere.
“So it’s just a friendship? No sex?”

unwound his wet hair from the bun. “He’s straight. And he actually
spoke to the boss so I just do the lapdances and help out by the

Tooth nodded slowly and put the phone into his
pocket. He wondered what was this bouncer
’s deal. “You can’t contact him right now. Sorry.
But you’ll be fine. I and Priest won’t let anything happen to you
so you don’t have to provoke anyone to protect yourself, all

Why are you so nice to me?” Luci
fer looked up at Tooth with a frown, his
blue eyes as inquisitive as pretty.

It took a lot for Tooth to hold his gaze, and he
shrugged. The boy’s behavior really reminded him of some people he
knew way back, but he wouldn’t tell Lucifer that. “You’re being

What if I’m not? You gonna hit me again?”
fer kept playing
with his hair, braiding it now, but never taking his eyes off

That was a difficult question but Tooth was
willing to be sincere. “I spanked you. But would I beat at you with
my fists? Make you bleed? Probably not.” He couldn’t really explain
why, he had no issues with hitting other men, but with
fer’s physique, it
wouldn’t feel right.

licked his lips. “Okay, but I’m… I’m not a good boy.”

Tooth snorted. “Maybe you should try to be? We’d get
along much better if you follow the rules.”

We’ll see, we’ll see.” Lucifer got up, and
fortunately he did
a pair of briefs under the T-shirt.

Tooth sighed. “You hungry, or do you want to go to

I’m tired. I just wanna sleep,”
fer said and towel
dried his hair once more before rolling back into bed and under the
big comforter of Tooth’s double bed. “What’s this guy’s name? The
one who came with my bag?”

Tooth pulled out the handcuffs and slowly approached
him. “Beelzebub.” As he put his knee on the mattress, it hit him
that they would be sleeping together. He didn’t even remember when
was the last time when he stayed with someone overnight actually
sleeping, and he’d never taken anyone to this bed.

fer’s face fell as his gaze drifted to the cuffs, and Tooth
couldn’t help but feel guilty at the rush Lucifer’s quicker breaths
and widened pupils gave him. “What’s that for?”

Tooth took Luci
fer’s hand and put the cuff around it. “I can’t worry all
night about you running off.”

That fake, sly smile was back on Lucifer’s lips.
“Come on, you’d have to throw me out of your bed. I’m digging the

Tooth felt heat spreading in his stomach, but he
wouldn’t give in to it. “That’s not gonna happen.”

Lucifer sighed and let Tooth cuff him. “Guess I’m
gonna have to try my luck elsewhere.”

“You better not,” muttered Tooth, watching him with
a deep frown. “It’s not gonna get you anything.”

shrugged, laying his head on the pillow. “It’s gonna get me an

Tooth got up as soon as he
’d fastened the other cuff to the bedframe
and went over to his closet. He usually slept in just his
underwear, but he wouldn’t do that now. “Yeah, I can understand
that. But don’t seek that here.”

Well, I’m stuck here now, so what can a guy do?”
fer’s gaze followed
Tooth around.

“Do it during the shower,” said Tooth, walking over
to the bathroom. He would definitely follow that advice in a
moment, to avoid any incidents at night.

groaned and followed Tooth with a longing look. It seemed to pull
him close, but he refused to catch the bait and feast on the wrong
prey. And not only because of Priest. He wouldn’t go down
road again. The past was the
past, and now, it was time for a cold shower.




Tooth slept lightly, barely able to really drift off
with the presence in his bed. Not to mention that he had to cuff
Luci to his own wrist because the chain kept rattling against the
bed. A shift on the mattress had Tooth waking up to attention, but
he kept his eyes closed to see what the boy would do.

gently raised Tooth’s arm, clearly trying not to wake him up, but
when Tooth expected Lucifer to try to wiggle out of the cuff, the
boy turned and slid under Tooth’s arm. His body molded itself to
each curve of Tooth’s body.

That was a surprise. Was Lucifer feeling more at
ease when someone held him? Was he afraid of something? Tooth
remained motionless, trying not to let his breath quicken.

pulled the arm they were cuffed with over himself and snuggled into
Tooth’s embrace, his shoulder blades molding into Tooth’s pecs and
his ass slowly pushing into Tooth’s groin. Tooth’s self-control was
the only thing keeping him from groaning. That ass felt so fine, so
soft, and it pressed on the right spots. Torn between the urge to
speak out and uneasiness, Tooth stayed silent, thinking of cold,
wet eels.

The hot body against him stirred, and shifted, and
wiggled, setting Tooth’s nerve endings on fire. He should tell
fer to stop, he knew
he should, but it felt too good to deny himself. The fresh smelling
hair was so close Tooth wanted to sniff it all over. But his focus
shifted when he felt Lucifer’s ass wiggle some more and then grind
into his crotch rhythmically. Lucifer’s breathing picked up, just
as his heartbeat, drumming against Tooth’s chest.

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