Sex Me Down (41 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander,Bonnie Rose Leigh

Tags: #Fantasy, #Erotic, #Sex Me, #sexy books, #Bonnie Rose Leigh, #sex books, #werewolf, #shapeshifter, #sex stories, #sexuality, #vampire, #sex, #extasy, #Sex me Down, #vampire stories, #extasy books, #Tianna Xander, #erotica, #witch stories, #short stories, #Triad Series

BOOK: Sex Me Down
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Tianna Xander and Bonnie Rose Leigh

Laynee stepped forward, willing strength to her body and her voice, building the aura-shield she’d learned to depend on in the short time since Sayre and Fane pointed out this particular skill she’d had and never known about. Knowing now wasn’t the appropriate time to wonder how she could have been so ignorant of her own abilities, Laynee shoved it to the back of her mind to think on later.

Knowing she could show no doubt, no fear, she raised her voice, determined that all within hearing distance would find the truth in her vows.

“I do.” The man and woman took each other’s hands and reached out to take theirs. She knew what came next, knew the

appropriate words to say. The five of them formed a loose circle around the altar and they all began to chant the Savar Binding Spell. Everyone in the grove began chanting, giving their strength to ensure none could beak the bonds being forged between the new Triad. Sayre prepared her well for this, for what would come next. He told her the language was ancient, a rite to draw the power from the moon to bless their union, uniting the three of them together. Though she didn’t know what all the words meant, she knew enough to know they were asking for the Lady Goddess’


A small moonbeam filtered down from the sky, 76

Sex Me Down

it touched Sayre, the light growing, expanding around him. The robed man and woman left the circle, still chanting as the bright glow surrounded Sayre, encompassing Laynee and Fane and the marbled stone altar. What happened next surprised her, and from Sayre’s shocked gasp and those of the witnesses, it had not been expected. Her own aura began to expand. The

shimmering blue of her aura merged with the brilliant yellow of Sayre’s, forming a green bubble around her and her mates. A solid wall formed around them, blocking out all sound from the outside. What in the world?

You have power within you. Together the three of
you will be able to do many things never before realized.
While you’re encased in this shield, the three of you can
not be heard by others, and only those with magick in
their blood can even see this shield. To all others, you
are invisible. Now you know the truth depth of your
strengths, your powers. You and your mates are
necessary if the Banart plague is to be defeated before
your worlds fall.

She could feel her mates tense beside her, knew without asking they too could hear the words of the Lady Goddess. Before she could speak, she could feel the Goddess withdrawal, could feel the protective shield around them thin until it was no more.

Once the green aura-shield disappeared, her 77

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