Sex Me Down (39 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander,Bonnie Rose Leigh

Tags: #Fantasy, #Erotic, #Sex Me, #sexy books, #Bonnie Rose Leigh, #sex books, #werewolf, #shapeshifter, #sex stories, #sexuality, #vampire, #sex, #extasy, #Sex me Down, #vampire stories, #extasy books, #Tianna Xander, #erotica, #witch stories, #short stories, #Triad Series

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Tianna Xander and Bonnie Rose Leigh

Her gaze drifted around the glen, trying to take in everything at once. A thick carpet of purple and blue leaves covered the grove inside the stone circle. An altar, marbled with veins of deep pink, stood between the two largest upright stones.
blooms of pink and white decorated the circle. Their star shaped buds shimmered. Their stems were braided together in a delicate rope and draped over most of the shorter standing stones, though how they could still be alive she didn’t know. Then there were the plants that she couldn’t identify.

Towering flora of purple and pink butted up against the tallest of the stones, though they held no leaves of any kind. Instead it looked as though they were naught but colored stalks. Ferns of vibrant purple were growing in the shadow of the mystical
Stones of Savar
. She followed Sayre and Fane until they stopped, standing just outside the circle of stones. Their glimmering black and burgundy capes combined with their black leather trews made them appear more sinister than ever before. Though she knew in her heart they’d never hurt her, perhaps it was this place that made her shiver in fear, in dread.

Nervous now about what would happen, even though all had been explained her to, Laynee couldn’t seem to stand still. After all, she would be making love to her mates, pleasuring them in front 72

Sex Me Down

of witnesses. That thought should have scared her, infuriated her, knowing their lovemaking would be put on display, but instead her pussy grew wet with the thought. Her thighs trembled. Her clit grew turgid, twitching in need. What happened to the woman she used to be just four days ago?

Where had the wanton woman that now dwelled within her heart come from?

Laynee, you know that what happens in this circle is
an affirmation of your love and your trust in your
mates. You are only now seeing yourself as I have
always seen you. You had the strength, courage, and
passion in your soul just waiting until the right time to
burst forth. The love of your mates and the love you feel
for them was all that was needed to show you what
you’ve always been. You have much still to learn, more
growing yet to do, but with Fane and Sayre by your
side, you will become so much more than you can ever

As Sayre explained to you, if you refuse them, if you
show you do not trust them by not following their
requests, you will forfeit your right to bond with them.
You will also doom the three of you to a childless
existence. You can only bear the children of these two
men. To any other you are sterile.
Sayre honored you, honored the strength he has
always seen, by telling you of this ceremony though
custom dictates the woman enter The Hallowed Glenn
ignorant of what will occur. Don’t worry about what
others will see, will think. Just enjoy this time. This is

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