Sex with the Queen (66 page)

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Authors: Eleanor Herman

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Morton, p. 126.


Ibid., p. 237.


Sally Bedell Smith,


Sally Bedell Smith,

p. 283.

p. 339.


Colin Campbell, p. 220.


Ibid., p. 352.


Morton, p. 124.


Spoto, p. 160.


Beatrix Campbell,


Sally Bedell Smith,

p. 214.

p. 367.

c o n c l u s i o n : t h e p o l i t i c s o f a d u l t e r y 1.

Cardini, p. 92.


Wright, p. 398.


Chapman, p. 125.


“Videotape Reveals Body-3.

Fraser, p. 410.

guard Affair,”
The Age,


Levin, p. 129.

December 8, 2004.


Coryn, p. 300.


Marcus, p. 342.


Forster, pp. 129–130.


Epton, p. 200.


Ibid., p. 160.

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n o t e s

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