Sex with the Queen (67 page)

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Authors: Eleanor Herman

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New York: William Morrow & Co., 1964.

Weir, Alison.
Eleanor of Aquitaine.
New York: Ballantine Books, 1999.

Henr y VIII: The King and His Court.
New York: Ballantine Books, 2001.

The Six Wives of Henry VIII.
New York: Grove Press, 1991.

Wilkins, W. H.
The Love of an Uncrowned Queen, Sophie Dorothea, Consort of
George I, and Her Correspondence with Philip Christopher Count Königsmarck.

2 volumes. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1900.

A Queen of Tears, Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway and
Princess of Great Britain and Ireland.
2 volumes. New York and Bombay: Longmans, Green & Co., 1904.

Williams, H. Noel.
Queen Margot, Wife of Henry of Navarre.
London: Harper

& Brothers, 1907.

Williams, Robert Folkstone.
Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea, Consort of George I.

2 volumes. London: Henry Colburn Publisher, 1845.

Wright, Constance.
Daughter to Napoleon: A Biography of Hortense, Queen of Hol-
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1961.

b i b l i o g r a p h y

3 1 1

i n d e x

Abrantès, Laure d’, 48

Alfonso the Battler, king of Aragon,

Acton, Sir John, 40, 50, 192–93


adultery, 9–12

Alfonso VI, king of Castile and

and Anne Boleyn, 68–73, 276,

Leon, 56


Alfonso VI, king of Portugal, 35,

and Caroline Matilda of

88–92, 292

Denmark, 216–31, 276, 293

Alfonso XII, king of Castile, 252

and Caroline of Brunswick,

Alguier, J. M., 190

246–49, 250

Amelia, Princess, 44

and Catherine Howard, 81–86,

American Revolutionary War, 196


Andrew, duke of York, 279

closed trials of, 85

Anna, empress of Russia, 139, 140,

and Diana, 8, 275–89

141, 142

politics of, 291–95

Anne, queen of Great Britain, 124

and Sophia Dorothea, 119–24,

Anne Boleyn, queen of England,

127, 276, 293

64–73, 78, 138, 276, 293,

Agnes, dowager duchess of Norfolk,


74, 75, 84

Anne of Austria, 22–23, 36, 40,

Alba, duque de, 30, 33, 34


Albert, king of Saxony, 259, 260

Anne of Cleves, queen of England,

Alembert, Jean d’, 156

74, 76–77

Alexander, czar of Russia, 11, 184

Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, Princess of

Alexandra, daughter of Paul I of

Wales, 217, 222

Russia, 182

Austin, Willy, 240, 241, 243, 245

Alexandra, empress of Russia, 263,


Alexis, son of Nicholas II, 268, 270

Bajaumont, lover of Margot de

Alexis, son of Peter the Great, 135,

Valois, 47

137, 139

Balk, Matriona, 136, 137

3 1 3

Bashir, Martin, 275, 285

Callimachi, Princess Anne-Marie,

bastards, royal, 7–8, 9, 44–45


Beketov, Nikita, 144–45

Campan, Jeanne-Louise, 201

Beltran de la Cueva, 63

Campbell, Lady Colin, 279

Bentivoglio, Cardinal Guido,

Canning, George, 240


Canova, Antonio, 237

Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot, 56

Carling, Will and Julia, 284

Berni, Mara, 283

Carlos III, king of Spain, 40

Bernstorff, Count Johann, 104,

Carlos IV, king of Spain, 40–41,

122, 218

49, 188–91

Berry, Charles-Ferdinand, duc de,

Carlota Joaquina, queen of


Portugal, 8

Bestuzhev, Alexei, 144, 145

Carol I, king of Romania, 27, 30,

Bigge, Arthur, 254

263, 264, 265, 266

Biron, Ernest, 130, 140

Carol II, king of Romania, 27, 43,

Blanca, Princess (Navarre), 61–62


Blois, Françoise-Marie,

Caroline, queen of Naples, 48,

Mademoiselle de, 28


bloodline, royal, 6–8, 9

Caroline Matilda, queen of

Bobrinsky, Count, 170

Denmark, 209–34, 276

Bonaparte, Joseph, king of Spain,

daughter of, 221–22, 226, 228,

51, 190

229, 232

Bonaparte, Louis, king of the

death of, 234

Netherlands, 44, 237

divorce of, 229, 231

Bonaparte, Napoleon,

and Juliana, 212, 215, 219–20,

I, emperor of France

222, 223, 224, 226–27,

Borghese, Prince Camillo, 236

229–32, 233

Borghese, Princess Pauline, 42–43,

in Kronborg/Elsinore prison,

48, 236–37


Bothwell, James Hepburn, earl of,

marriage of, 209–10, 212–13,


214, 216, 292, 293

Brandt, Count Enevold, 230

son of, 214, 220, 229, 234

Brereton, William, 69, 70

and Struensee, 50, 213–31

Brougham, Henry, 247–48

Caroline of Brunswick, queen of

Brown, Carolan, 284–85

Great Britain, 31, 52, 237–50,

Brown, John, 39, 253–55, 267

292, 293, 294

Bruce, Countess Prascovya, 169, 171

Carter, Charlie, 279

Brunswick, duke of, 238

Castlemaine, Barbara, Lady, 2

Burrell, Paul, 17

Catherine de Medici, queen regent

Bute, John Stuart, marquess of, 217,

of France, 32–34


Catherine Howard, queen of

England, 42, 46, 74–86, 276,

293, 294

Cadiz, Don Francisco d’Assisi,

Catherine I, empress of Russia,

duque de, 39, 251–53

3, 130, 131–38, 139, 141

3 1 4

i n d e x

Catherine II (the Great), empress of

Conyngham, Lady, 244

Russia, 15, 27, 36–37, 50,

Cornwallis, Lord Charles, 196

130, 146–85, 203, 217, 220,

Cosimo III, grand duke of Tuscany,


92, 93–96, 291

death of, 183–84

Cranmer, Archbishop Thomas, 81

and Lanskoy, 171–73

Creutz, Gustaf, 196

and Orlov, 150–53, 155, 156,

Cristina, queen of Spain, 251

157–62, 164, 165, 170, 172,

cuckolds, royal, 7–8, 40


Culpeper, Thomas, 42, 79–80,

and Peter III, 40, 146–53, 155,

83–84, 85

167, 184

and Poniatowski, 148–50, 157,

176–77, 183

Damas, Count Roger de, 191

and Potemkin, 52, 154, 156, 159,

Darnley, Henry, 158–59


Derby, Lord Edward, 254

proclaimed empress, 153–85

Dereham, Francis, 46, 75–76, 77,

and Saltikov, 147–48, 157, 166

79, 81–83, 85

as Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst,

Diana, Princess of Wales, 8–9, 16,


28–29, 48, 258, 262, 275–89,

voyage to provinces, 175–77

291, 295

and Yermalov, 173–75

Diderot, Denis, 156

and Zubov, 179–80, 181–82, 183

DNA analysis, 9

Catherine of Aragon, queen of

Douglas, Lady Charlotte, 241

England, 64, 65, 66–67, 68

du Barry, Madame ( Jeanne), 2

Catherine of Portugal, queen of

Dudley, Robert, 4, 44–45

Britain, 2

Dunne, Philip, 280–81

Charles, Hippolyte, 236

Charles, prince of the Franks, 10

Charles, Prince of Wales, 8, 276,

Edward II, king of England, 25, 58,

277–82, 285, 287

60, 61

Charles II, king of Britain, 1–2, 102

Edward III, king of England, 60

Charles IX, king of France, 32–34

Edward VIII, king of England, 277

Charles of Lorraine, Prince, 92–93,

Effiat, marquis d’, 28


Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of

Charles the Fat, king of the Franks,

France, 31, 56–58


Eleonore, duchess of Celle, 98–99,

Charlotte, Princess, daughter of

117, 125

George III and Caroline, 239,

Elise, queen of Tuscany, 48, 236

242, 244, 248

Elizabeth, empress of Russia, 15, 27,

Charlotte, queen of Great Britain,

39, 139–45

45, 187

and Catherine, 142–43, 146–48,

Chastity Commission, 188


Christian VII, king of Denmark,

death of, 151

25–26, 50, 210–26

Elizabeth, queen of Great Britain

Conroy, John, 52–53

(Queen Mum), 277

i n d e x

3 1 5

Elizabeth, queen of Romania, 27

Forbin, Auguste de, 43

Elizabeth Charlotte, duchesse

Forstmann, Teddy, 284

d’Orléans, 7, 15–16, 18–19,

Fouquet, Nicolas, 94

28, 34–36, 37, 100, 294

Francis II, emperor of Austria, 236

Elizabeth de Valois, queen of Spain,

Francis of Lorraine, Holy Roman

29–30, 32–34

Emperor, 188

Elizabeth I, queen of England, 4–6,

François I, king of France, 85

39, 44–45, 67, 69, 71, 294,

Frederica Dorothea, queen of


Sweden, 21

Elizabeth II, queen of Great

Frederick Augustus, Prince

Britain, 16, 278, 280

(Saxony), 20, 259–62

Elizabeth of Brunswick-Bevern,

Frederick Christian, son of Louisa

Princess, 26–27

of Saxony, 260

Emma, Lady Hamilton, 11

Frederick VI, king of Denmark,

Enrique IV, king of Castile, 61–63

212, 214, 220, 229, 234

Ernst August, elector of Hanover,

Frederick William I, king of Prussia,

98, 99, 102–3, 104, 109, 110,


111, 112, 114, 115–16, 119, 120,

Frederick William II (the Great),

123, 127

king of Prussia, 11, 26–27, 127,

Eudoxia, queen of Russia, 48, 131,

146, 152, 153, 155, 157, 160,


165, 166, 170, 203, 217

Fayed, Dodi, 286–87, 289, 291

Garth, Thomas, 45

Fayed, Mohammed, 29

Gaveston, Piers, 58–59

Ferdinand, king of Aragon, 63

George, king of Saxony, 259, 260,

Ferdinand, king of Romania, 50,


263, 265

George, Prince of Wales, 31

Ferdinand II, grand duke of

George, son of Louisa of Saxony,

Tuscany, 92, 94, 95


Ferdinand IV, king of Naples, 12,

George, son of Sophia Dorothea,

19–20, 40–41, 191–92

102, 123

Ferdinand VII, king of Spain, 190,

George I, king of Great Britain,


124–25, 127

Ferguson, Sarah, 279

George II, king of Great Britain,

Fersen, Count Axel, 24, 193–209

124–25, 127, 211

Fersen, Sophie, 197–98, 200, 204,

George III, king of Great Britain,

205, 207–8

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