Sexy Beast (11 page)

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Authors: Georgia le Carre

BOOK: Sexy Beast
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I touch his scar and he flinches.

‘What happened?’

‘Someone bit me,’ he says quietly, but I know it was not just anyone. The scar is still alive in his mind. And sometimes when I look at him, it even seems so to me.

‘A scar is a special thing. It means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.’

His eyes widen. He stares at me in wonder.


He shakes his head. ‘You’re just different than what I thought you would be.’

I smile. ‘What did you think I’d be?’

He shakes his head again and looks away. ‘Not like this.’ He sits up. ‘Are you hungry?’

‘Starving actually.’

‘Come on. I’ll feed you and then take you home.’

We dress quickly as if we are leaving the scene of a crime. I have a great desire to stroke his cheek and make it better. But what am I making better? We have nothing but sex between us. There can be nothing between us, but secret passion. He looks at me, his stance, waiting, watching, patient.

I tie my skirt over my shirt, shrug on my jacket, and slip into my shoes. ‘Ready,’ I declare.

He takes me to a Chinese restaurant, one of these places that stays open all night. He orders what seems to be the entire menu.

‘Are you really going to eat all that?’

‘I burned a lot of calories tonight,’ he says with a grin.

The food starts arriving almost immediately. He has ordered all kinds of food, but I feel full after a helping of Kung Po chicken and ginger prawns on half a bowl of rice. It is actually too late to eat.

Feeling lethargic and satiated and happy, I lean my chin on my hand and watch with sleepy detachment as he goes through the pile of food. In the car, I yawn and lean my head back against the head rest. He turns towards me.

‘Meet me for dinner tomorrow?’

‘I can’t. I have to be in bed early. I have a job interview on Wednesday.’

‘I’ll call you and we’ll meet for lunch instead,’ he suggests.

The feeling of contentment disappears. ‘Let me call you,’ I say quickly.


I bite my lip. ‘Jake doesn’t approve of me dating you.’

He leans away from me, his eyes grim. ‘I’m not going to sneak around behind anyone’s back.’

I feel the happiness ebbing away. ‘I was using the word approve euphemistically. He promised all-out war.’

He runs his hand through his hair. ‘Let me talk to him.’

‘No, don’t. Please. Don’t. It’s better if you don’t.’

‘I’m not afraid of Jake, Layla. I’ll fight anybody for what’s mine.’

I stare at him in shock as a flare of pure joy zings through my body. ‘I’m yours?’

‘Yeah, you’re fucking mine. And I don’t take kindly to anyone standing between me and my woman.’

‘He thinks you’re a drug dealer and he wants better for me.’

‘Too fucking bad. I don’t tell him how to live his life. If I want you, I’ll fucking have you.’

‘Maybe if you weren’t dealing in drugs, Jake wouldn’t be so against our relationship?’

He looks at me. ‘I do what I do because this is what I am. This is what I know and this is what I am good at. I won’t change for Jake.’

I sigh. ‘But what you’re doing is dangerous. It’s only a matter of time before you end up behind bars.

He shakes his head. ‘You have to trust me. I deal only in class 3 grass where the sentence is light and I have set it up in such a way that it never passes through my hands.’

I feel suddenly heavy hearted and tearful. Jake is right. What future is there for me with someone like him? He won’t change.

I drop my face. ‘Anyway, what we have might burn out quickly and we would have upset everyone for nothing.’

He grabs my chin. ‘You don’t get it. I don’t give a shit about upsetting everyone else. You’re mine and the sooner everyone knows it the better.’

‘Don’t push me, BJ. I love my family and I don’t want to hurt them. I’ll tell Jake when the time is right. You have to trust me that I know my brother better than you.’

His jaw is set hard. A pulse throbs in it like a heart. ‘Don’t delay it too long, or I’ll have to take it into my own hands.’



id you sleep last night?’ Dominic asks.

I flush. ‘Why do you ask?’ I question defensively. We are standing outside my flat in the weak morning sunshine.

‘You always have blue shadows under your eyes when you don’t sleep well.’

‘Oh! Yeah, I didn’t sleep too well last night. Just a bit worried about my interview tomorrow, I guess,’ I lie.

‘If that asshole doesn’t give you the job, just let me know and I’ll send a couple of boys around to smash up his offices.’

I give him a dirty look and he grins.

‘That might have been funny if it had come from Shane. From you it’s just downright scary,’ I say, getting into his brand new BMW i8.

He laughs and I join in. I love it when Dominic laughs. It changes his whole face.

The car is filled with the scent of new leather and the strawberry air freshener that hangs from the rearview mirror. The engine roars aggressively to life and I settle back to enjoy a wild ride. My brother drives like a mad man.

He says he wants to try out his new chef, so he takes me to breakfast at a wine bar he has recently acquired. It’s an old railway station that has been converted for commercial purposes. It still has the metal finials and a platform in the middle. He has named it Applegate Station. The décor is a cross between eclectic and sophisticated with a painted piano, French farmhouse style rustic accessories, chintz upholstery with peacocks and bright foliage, and dark wooden floors. The overall effect is effortless chic.

‘What do you want to eat?’

He orders scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and I tell the waiter to double the order.

People are terrified of Dominic because he has such a ready and explosive temper, but I know he is the only one who can stand up to Jake if necessary. So I decide to very gently put out some feelers.

‘I was out with Ria last night,’ I say stirring sugar into my coffee, ‘and I was curious. What was the feud with the Pilkingtons actually about?’

‘I don’t know. I don’t think anyone knows. It was centuries ago. These things start for small matters and carry on through the generations. Each generation hating each other without knowing why.’

‘I see. So now our families are friends?’

He takes a sip of orange juice and studies me over his glass. ‘I guess so.’

I have to be careful. Dominic is a hot head but he is very intelligent. Very quick to catch on.

‘Do we do business with the Pilkingtons?’

‘Not really. We have our territories clearly drawn up so there are no misunderstandings. BJ doesn’t mess with us and we don’t mess with him.’

‘So why did Jake and BJ fight then?’

‘It was a misunderstanding.’

‘Right.’ I pause. ‘So technically there’s no reason why our families shouldn’t do business or socialize?’

‘Technically? No.’ His voice has become still and his face watchful.

‘Well, I think you’ve done a fine job with this place. It’s beautiful. Ah… and here comes the food.’

The waiter puts the food on the table. After a flurry of questions about whether we want black pepper or more drinks, we are alone again. I pick up my knife and fork. ‘
Bon appetito
,’ I wish heartily.

‘Layla.’ Dominic’s voice is too quiet.

I put my fork and knife down and slowly lift my eyes up to his.

He is staring at me with disbelief. ‘Who did you really go out with last night?’

I lean back against the bright peacock and foliage upholstered chair. ‘BJ,’ I admit quietly.

His hand comes crashing down on the table. The cutlery and plates jump. I jump. I have never seen Dominic get angry with me.

My hand covers my mouth.

‘Fuck!’ he swears loudly.

I stare at him. He puts his palm over one eye. ‘What the fuck, Layla?’

‘Please,’ I beg. ‘Please don’t tell Jake.’

At the mention of Jake’s name, Dominic erupts into another litany of loud curses. Fortunately, the place is not yet open to the public. I can hear the staff in the bar scurrying out to the back.

I sit it out until he gets a hold of himself. ‘How far has the relationship gone?’

‘I’ve only met him a few times. It’s not really a relationship. It’s just a sex thing.’

‘Don’t fucking tell me that! I’m your fucking brother.’

‘Sorry,’ I apologize quickly.

‘BJ! Why? Why on earth did you have to choose him? He’s such a fucking dog. He’s gone through
the women in Shane’s club.’ He stares at me. ‘Every fucking one.’

I look down. I know I should be ashamed. I should be mortified that I’ve given myself to a man who is so obviously a man-whore, but I’m not. And that thought gives me sudden strength. I won’t sit here and let my brother abuse BJ. I have something with BJ and I don’t want to be disloyal to that thing, whatever it is. I reach out my hand and place it on my brother’s arm. It pulls him out of his rage.

‘He’s not like what you think.’

My brother groans. ‘How can you even say that? He’s got you going behind all our backs and lying! Shit! He’s havin’ a laugh at our family’s expense. I thought he was more honorable than that!’

I flush to the roots of my hair. ‘It’s not his fault. He wanted to confront Jake, but I begged him not to. It’s the wrong time. Jake is so happy at the moment. In less than a month he is going to be a dad. I don’t want to spoil it for him.’

I see Dominic’s expression change and I press my advantage. ‘Besides, if BJ is the dog you say he is, it will all be over in the next couple of weeks. Why worry and upset Jake unnecessarily?’

‘You deserve better than that barbarian, Layla.’ He looks sad when he says it.

‘It’s just an experience, Dom. I’m not planning to marry him or have a family with him. I’m all grown up now and I’m just spreading my wings, living my life.’

‘If he fucking hurts you …’

‘I am not going to get hurt. I’m going in with my eyes wide open. But if I do get hurt, then I’ll pick myself up, dust myself off, and I’ll be wiser for it. I won’t shame our family.’

‘I’ll give you until the baby is born. If you’re not finished spreading your wings by then I’m telling Jake,’ he says sternly.

‘Thank you. I know it will have died away by then.’

‘It better fucking have,’ he says morosely.

After that we eat our breakfast, but my news has put Dominic in a foul mood and by the time he drops me off I too have been affected by it.

I call BJ.

He answers on the first ring. There is tension in his voice. ‘Hi. Everything OK?’

‘Not really. I stupidly asked Dom a few questions about the feud and you, and he immediately guessed. So I had to tell him. He didn’t react very well, but he did promise not to interfere and to let me tell Jake when I’m ready.’

‘Want to do lunch?’

‘Yeah, but let’s go somewhere no one knows us.’

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