Shades of Earth (35 page)

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Authors: Beth Revis

BOOK: Shades of Earth
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When I was writing
Shades of Earth
, it felt like something of a miracle to me that I could build a whole new world with ink and paper and have my characters discover it. But the truth of the matter is that ink and paper aren't enough, and Centauri-Earth—and indeed this entire book—would not exist without the help of some amazing people.

Thanks always to my wonderful agent Merrilee Heifetz, who knew the story would take me to the planet's surface even before I did, and Cecilia de la Campa at Writers House for taking the books all across the surface of
planet to get it into the hands of international readers.

The problem with discovering a whole new world is that it could be
, and without the guidance of Ben Schrank and Gillian Levinson, Centauri-Earth would be nothing but a pale imitation of what it is now. They made me dig into the sandy soil and uncover what lay beneath the surface of the planet; they tilted my head to the skies so I could see the pteros flying there, and they led me to the poisoned heart of the world and helped me to discover a way to cure it. And extra thanks to Gillian, who never let me rest with “good enough,” but pushed me to make it even better. Even when I complain, that is the quality I love the best about you.

I thank the stars that I landed with such an amazing publishing team as Razorbill. I don't even know where to start—you're all so wonderful! Thanks to Natalie Sousa and Emily Osborne for the covers that captured the spirit of each book; Erin Gallagher, Courtney Wood, Emilie Bandy, and Anna Jarzab for all the help with the online marketing; Jessica Shoffel for organizing the Breathless Reads Tour and working on publicity, Erin Dempsey for always being in my corner, and everyone else at Razorbill—you're all frexing brilly.

I have the best friends on Sol-Earth, and I can't thank them enough. Laura Parker, thank you for lending me your French. Jennifer Randolph, thanks for being there for me when I need you. Lauren DeStefano, you're my kind of crazy. Carrie Ryan, I want to be you when I grow up. Stephanie Perkins, you're too awesome for words. Elana Johnson, you inspire me. Heather Zundel, you have the biggest heart of anyone I know. Erin Anderson, may the zombies never eat your brains. Christy Farley, I'm so glad I stole you!

The Breathless Girls were with me during some of the hardest and best times of writing
, and their friendship made this book even better. Thank you so much Andrea Cremer, Marie Lu, and Jessica Spotswood: may our adventures continue!

Special thanks to the students of Burns High School, who are still asking me to kill them off in my books. I hope you enjoyed your gruesome deaths!

Bookstores and libraries are magical places, and some of the most magical ones include Malaprops, Books of Wonder, Fireside Books and Gifts, Little Shop of Stories, Anderson's Bookshop, Politics and Prose, Towne Center, Doylestown Bookshop, Blue Willow, Barnes & Noble (especially the Dallas branch), Once Upon a Time, Blue Bicycle Books, BookPeople, Morganton Public Library, Irving Public Library, and so many more.

The deepest place of love and gratitude in my heart belongs to my parents, Ted and JoAnne Graham, who are worth crossing the universe for, and my husband Corwin Revis, whose love is brighter than a million suns. You are the ones who help me create every shade of Earth.

Thank you all.

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