Shadow on the Sand (24 page)

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Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Shadow on the Sand
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You roll away a split second before the mace smashes down, crushing the dark soil where your head once lay. Unless you have the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, deduct 2 points from your
for the duration of the combat, for the Vordak is attacking you with the power of its Mindforce. This creature is immune to Mindblast.


If you win and the fight lasts 4 rounds or less,
turn to 249

If you win and the fight lasts longer than 4 rounds,
turn to 304


‘I knew Tipasa once, when my body was young and strong like yours. We fought the Lakuri pirates at Samiz and voyaged to a distant land where ice and snow lay thick on the ground, and the sun had not the power to melt them. Yes, I knew Tipasa the Wanderer … once. All I know now is that he dwells in Ikaresh. Find the widow Soushilla — she will know. She knows all that passes in Ikaresh.’

Turn to 281


The gangplank springs up and down as you stride across the gap, and you are forced to slow your pace for fear of falling over the edge. The sentry wheels round, alerted by the noise of creaking planks. He runs to intercept your attack, his spear levelled to thrust at your waist. You cannot avoid combat and must fight the sentry to the death. Deduct 2 from your
for the duration of this fight, for the plank on which you are standing is very unstable.

Platform Sentry:

If at any time during this combat you pick a 1 from the
Random Number Table
, you lose your balance and fall.
Turn to 293

If you win the combat and decide to search the sentry's body,
turn to 207

If you win but decide to ignore the body and hurry into the Itikar's pen,
turn to 224


You sense that the old woman is lying. She is not Soushilla the widow — she is a fraud, attempting to fleece you of your gold. When you confront her, she turns tail and disappears into the alley like a bolt of lightning.

‘Let her go,’ says Banedon. ‘Our time is worth more than the gold she took.’

If you wish to continue along the Avenue of Eagles,
turn to 388

If you decide to retrace your steps to the Eagle Square, you can either go north towards the Dougga Market, by
turning to 376

Or west towards the Main Square, by
turning to 216


The fatigue of your ordeal finally catches up with you; you are finding it impossible to keep your eyes open. Nolrim shows you to a bunk in the hull of the
. Gratefully you climb into bed and pull the blankets over your aching limbs. Nolrim apologizes that the bunk is too short, but his words fall on deaf ears — you are already asleep. Restore 2
points for this much needed rest.

Turn to 300


Two black-clad guards suddenly appear on the stairs below. You are both surprised by the encounter and are slow to react.

Pick a number for the
Random Number Table
. If you have the Kai Discipline of Hunting, add 1 to the number you have picked. Now, pick another number from the
Random Number Table

If the second number is less than the first,
turn to 226

If it is more than the first number,
turn to 297

If it is exactly the same,
turn to 334


Ducking beneath the boom-sail, you clamber onto the platform in time to witness a desperate struggle. The blond-haired magician is pinned to the deck, his left arm skewered by a spear. With a staff in his right hand, he is trying to fend off the dismounted Kraan-rider. The Drakkar senses your presence; he whirls round and draws a twisted black scimitar from its scabbard.


If you win and the fight lasts 3 rounds of combat or less,
turn to 288

If the fight continues to a fourth round of combat, do not resolve it. Instead,
turn immediately to 382


The smoke is cool and fragrant. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of your hosts. Their long coats of Dougga hide are perfumed with a musk that holds no appeal for Sommlending nostrils.

A young girl appears with a tray full of steaming jala cups. ‘1 Crown each,’ she says, as she places the tray upon the table.

If you wish to purchase a cup of the delicious beverage,
turn to 237

If you not wish to purchase a cup of jala or do not have any gold, you must bid farewell and leave the eating-house.
Turn to 388


You dive into the garden below, avoiding death by a fraction of a second. The crossbow bolts ricochet off the poison-tipped spikes and shoot into the air, the whine of their twisted metal shafts fading into the sky.

The enclosed garden is full of the fragrance of exotic plants and flowers, clustered around a sculptured pool of deep blue water. It is a beautiful sight but one that you dare not stop to enjoy. The palace guards are sure to give chase and you must keep moving.

Ahead, beyond a tree-lined colonnade, a flight of steps ascends to a small portal in the wall of the upper palace. To your right, a leafy tunnel winds away into the shrubs and trees.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking,
turn to 220

If you do not possess this skill, you can either climb the stairs to the small portal by
turning to 352

Or follow the winding path into the trees, by
turning to 391


The room is moving, at first only imperceptibly, but in the space of a few minutes, the dwarves and the cabin have become a blur of colour. You grasp the table, your knuckles whitening as you fight to control the feeling of dizziness that overcomes you. Sounds seem distant like echoes in a cave. Suddenly, the spinning stops and blackness engulfs your senses. You have collapsed unconscious to the floor.

Turn to 380


You sense that the man's show of friendship is genuine. He may be able to help you find Tipasa the Wanderer if you accept his hospitality.

If you wish to enter his home,
turn to 225

If you decide to press on towards Ikaresh,
turn to 272


Nervously, you wait for the chance to leap up and open the door, but the crossbow bolts ricocheting from the wall and parapet are increasing in number. Suddenly, the sound of running footsteps sends a cold shiver down your spine; the Drakkarim are storming the stairs — it is now or never!

You spring to your feet and run to the door, grasping the iron bolt between trembling fingers. As you fight to open it, a pain tears through your back: you have been hit. Another bolt strikes home, sinking deep into your shoulder and throwing you flat against the door.

As darkness falls before your eyes, you are unaware of the Drakkarim leaping towards you, their black swords raised for the death-blow. Their blades bite deep but you feel nothing: you are already dead.

Your life and the hopes of Sommerlund end here.


Silently, you are beginning to despair. The street is becoming narrower and more disgusting the further you go. A scraggy cat dashes across your path, closely pursued by an equally scraggy street urchin; the dagger that he carries in his hand suggests he is trying to catch his supper.

You are about to give up and suggest to Banedon that you should retrace your steps to the junction, when the street ends and turns abruptly left. A sign on the opposite wall points to the Dougga Market.

If you wish to follow the sign,
turn to 376

If you wish to go back to the fork and take the other street,
turn to 216


The axe bites deeply into your calf, making you cry out in pain and surprise. Lose 3
points. However, before the guard can strike again, you lash out, sending the axe spinning from his hand. He howls, clutching broken fingers to his chest.

Gritting your teeth, you hobble away towards an open door. The air is alive with the sound of pounding feet, for the Grand Palace is now on full alert. Both the Drakkarim and the palace guard are bent on finding you; their lives will be forfeit if they fail.

Beyond the door, a bridge rises over an enclosed garden, joining the palace to a needle-like tower of white marble. At the entrance to the bridge, a narrow stair disappears into the garden below.

If you wish cross the bridge and enter the tower,
turn to 396

If you decide to descend the stair that leads to the garden below,
turn to 215


The terrible pain causes spasms throughout every muscle of your body, making them twist and contort uncontrollably. You plead for the agony to cease. Lose 6

If you are still alive after this psychic ordeal,
turn to 253


You sidestep to avoid its slashing beak but are caught by its talons and suffer a deep wound to your back. Lose 3

Itikar are wild and malicious creatures, and it can take many years for a rider to tame and train one. However, it is well worth the effort as, once trained, they become fiercely loyal to their master. The Itikar has sensed that you are a stranger and is ferociously attacking you with its long, curved beak and talons.


Fight the combat as usual, but double all
points lost by the bird. When its score falls to zero or below, you will have succeeded in subduing it enough to be able to climb into the saddle and take control. All
points that you lose are from ordinary wounds and must be deducted from your current
points total.

If you successfully reduce the Itikar's
points to zero or below,
turn to 217


The axe howls through the dark; you sidestep, guided only by instinct, for you cannot see the lethal axe-blade, which hurtles towards you. Black steel bites into your side, the sudden pain making you gasp in shocked surprise. You clutch at your wounded ribs to feel warm blood oozing through your fingers. Lose 4

A deafening
rings out and the Drakkar is flung backwards, his breastplate torn open by dwarf shot. He screams a long, agonizing death-cry as he disappears from sight, tumbling into the darkness, which surrounds the speeding skyship. From Barrakeesh, a roll of thunder rumbles across the dark plain, full of brooding menace, as if the city itself were cursing your escape.

Banedon appears at your side, his face lined with concern. As he offers a shaky hand to help you to your feet, you notice that the makeshift bandage which binds his wound is soaked with blood. He is weak and pale, and close to collapse.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing,
turn to 377

If you do not possess this skill,
turn to 339


A crossbow bolt grazes your shoulder as you reach the walkway, making you dive for cover behind its low parapet wall. You lose 1
point. Two more bolts ricochet from the stone lip barely inches from your head.

The stone door is shut, secured by an iron bolt on this side. To pull open the bolt, you will have to expose yourself to crossbow fire, for the bolt is clearly in view above the lip of the wall.

If you possess the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter,
turn to 269

If you do not have this skill, pick a number for the
Random Number Table
. If you have reached the Kai rank of Aspirant or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked.

If your total is now is 0–3,
turn to 366

If it is 4 or more,
turn to 277


‘That's it!’ exclaims Banedon, stabbing his finger at a map of the Dry Main that covers his chart table. ‘One hundred and fifteen miles due west of Bir Rabalou; one hundred and fifteen miles due south of the oasis of Bal-loftan.’ He picks up a quill pen and marks the spot. ‘The Tomb of the Majhan.’

You study the map and ponder the miles of desolation separating you from your goal. Banedon notices your look of dismay and quickly tries to put your mind at ease.

‘Fear not, Lone Wolf — we'll be there before the dawn.’

You smile at his confidence, but it is not the actual journey that worries you — your concern is what you may or may not find upon your arrival.

Turn to 320

[9] This section is the correct answer to the code in
Section 331


As you tumble earthwards, a blur of colour flashes before your eyes as the Kraan-riders, the skyship, and the distant horizon all melt into a kaleidoscope of shapes and images, which you fear will be the last things you will ever see.

You have prepared yourself for death and are calm and relaxed, when suddenly you feel your body entwined by a mass of sticky fibres. There is a terrific jolt, which leaves you breathless and stunned. The impossible is happening; you are no longer falling, but rising!

A net of clinging strands has caught you like a fly in a web. You rise up into the sky towards the flying ship as quickly as you fell. Three bearded dwarves clad in bright, padded battle-jerkins pull you aboard an outrigger that runs the length of the hull. However, there is no time to express your gratitude, for the small skyship is under attack from the Kraan-riders.

At the end of the outrigger, a dwarf is engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a snarling Drakkar. He is obviously losing. As you rush to his aid, another of the evil warriors lands in the centre of the craft, on top of the fortified platform.

If you wish to help the dwarf,
turn to 280

If you wish to leap from the outrigger onto the platform,
turn to 361

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