Shadowed (34 page)

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Authors: Kariss Lynch

BOOK: Shadowed
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“In a card game it is not good to show your hand. I think I will still keep some
cards close to the vest, as you Americans like to say.”

Nick could feel his calm slipping away again. They were losing
time. He dug his ringing
phone out of his pocket. Logan. The Feds had a possible location. At least it was

“The name, Janus?” He took another step, his face towering over her, and the only
place she had to point her nose was up at him. “My offer stands this last time. Name
and location.”

He could almost feel the war rage in her. For the first time he saw her face flinch
in fear. He wondered how many people she had double-crossed or left in her wake as
she slipped into the shadows. If he won this battle, what others could he win on
the hunt to capture her boss and end a major arms operation?

“And what if I said it is too late? She cannot be saved?”

“Then your boss and all your former clients will know where you are kept. I'll make
sure of it.” He turned his back on her and began to walk away.

“Dmitri Novechek,” she nearly shouted.

Nick breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn't called his bluff. He slowly turned
around. “Location. Now,” he gritted.

Her hands shifted, the metal cuffs jingling with the movement. “I do not know a location,
but you will be lucky to find him. He is ruthless, cunning, and knows how to hide.
I do know where he is going but not when.” She spat an address before a small smile
of triumph twisted her bitter features. “It may already be too late for your nosy
girlfriend and her terrible friend.”

Nick took a step back, fighting the urge to run in her presence. “Fiancée. She's
my fiancée. And she's tougher than you give her credit for.”

“I would not count on that if I were you.”

This time it was Nick's turn to smirk as he turned to walk away. “Oh, I like my odds.
You see, she's marrying a United States Navy SEAL.”

Chapter 42

outward, the beams of a flashlight streaming into the dimness. They
had a direct view of the moonlit ocean from what appeared to be a quiet inlet. A
man entered, but Kaylan couldn't make out his features behind the glow of the orb.

“Come out, come out, my beauties. There are few places to hide, and I am not in the
mood for games.”

Kaylan bit down on her tongue, fighting a sarcastic reply. Better to learn what he
wanted and try to play her cards right. She needed to buy time. Squaring her shoulders,
she skirted the edge of the boat to stand before him. Tall and stylish, his blond
hair fell across his forehead in a boy-band style. Gorgeous didn't quite describe
him. Neither did ruthless. His eyes were as fathomless as a pit, and she tensed as
his gaze raked her body.

He laughed. “Anya did not do you justice. My clients will be very pleased with you.”

He closed the space between them with a few steps. Kaylan spotted two more men entering
behind him, both Arab in appearance, both impassive. Two on three. She wasn't thrilled
with those odds.

The blond man reached behind her head, pulling her hair loose
from the band and fluffing
it around her shoulders. His fingers drifted down her jawline to her neck, and he
stepped even closer, shining the light into her face. Kaylan fought the urge to cringe
and run, but she refused to show fear.

“If I didn't want the money, I would be tempted to keep you for myself.”

Kaylan inwardly curled away from his leering gaze as his hands settled on her waist
and pulled her close to his body.

“Oh, please.” Megan broke in, shouldering her way between them. “Why does Kaylan
get all the hot guys? Can't a girl get a little appreciation around here?” Megan
threw a hand on her hip, her dark sultry gaze raking the man before them.

Kaylan almost grabbed her friend when the man threw his head back and roared with
laughter. “Janus did not tell me she sent a comedian. We will have to identify just
the right buyer for you.” His smile fell away immediately, and his hand cracked across
Megan's face, sending her to the floor. “But you will learn to control your mouth,
my flower. These men like their women seen, not heard.”

Kaylan fought the urge to kneel down next to her friend, but her gaze remained unwavering
on their assailant. She anchored her feet, preparing to defend herself if necessary,
but his smooth smile had returned. “You may call me Dmitri. I think I will have some
fun with you. I promised two beauties, but I did not say when.”

Grabbing Kaylan's chin, he placed a rough kiss on her mouth. She yanked away, running
the back of her hand over her lips, and spitting on the rough boards beneath her
feet. His grin made her blood run cold.

One of the Arabs began preparing the boat, the other standing off to the side while
Dmitri stood watch. Kaylan eyed any means for escape. They could slip out the doors
into the shallow water and up the slight sandy embankment she could barely see in
the darkness. Shadows of other boat docks sat what seemed like miles
away in the
moonlight. If she could make it to one of those . . . The grind of a crank caught
her attention. The Arab man lowered the speedboat into the shallow water below. If
they got on that boat, they would lose their ability to escape. If only . . .

Dmitri motioned to the deck. “Climb aboard, lovelies. Time to leave.”

Kaylan placed her hand on Megan's arm, and neither of them budged. The smile slipped
from Dmitri's face, and he maneuvered around the sinking boat to stand in front of

“Let us establish a few ground rules,
? When I give you a command, you will obey
immediately.” He gripped Kaylan's chin again.
“Or I will make life very difficult.” His gaze drifted to Megan. “Do we understand
one another?”

While his gaze focused on Megan, Kaylan let the wrench slide down her sleeve and
into her waiting hand. She swung with all the strength she could muster, clobbering
Dmitri on the side of his head. He stumbled backward, falling onto the deck of the
descending boat.

“Megan, run!”

The two bolted out the open doors, Kaylan splashing into water that came up to her
waist. They fought through it and hit the sand. Another splash sounded behind her,
and she knew they didn't have long before the Arab and Dmitri caught up. She forced
herself to run as fast as she could. Her long legs kicked up sand in the cove, but
she kept pace with Megan's shorter strides. They would get out of this together.
She would accept no other alternative.

Kaylan glanced behind her. The guy who had stood watch was in close pursuit.

“Faster, Meg!” Kaylan wasn't sure where they were running. She aimed for the closest
boat dock, but it was too far down the beach. She realized for the first time how
isolated their hiding place seemed. She didn't know if they were still in Imperial
Beach or
Coronado or farther up the coast, but one thing seemed certain: they needed
to get to civilization quickly.

The man lunged and grabbed Megan around her waist. She tumbled to the ground under
his weight, crying out as she fell. With one hard slap of his hand, Megan went limp,
groaning as she lay in the sand.

Kaylan turned around, facing off with Megan's attacker. Her hands itched to still
hold the wrench, and she regretted that she'd lost it after hitting Dmitri. Her eyes
darted around the beach near her feet. She spotted a rock the size of her palm lying
a foot away. Keeping her eyes on the man before her, she snatched it from the sand,
suddenly feeling stronger with a weapon in her possession.

The man remained expressionless. His fingers twitched, and his eyes studied her every
move. Kaylan doubted he spoke English.

“Just let us go, and I won't say a word.” She shifted the rock in her hand as she
moved toward Megan, who struggled to sit up.

Down the beach, Dmitri screamed instructions in a language she didn't understand
as he advanced on their position. She reached for Megan.

“Go, Kayles.” Megan shoved at her hand, trying to push herself up.

Kaylan could run. She could attack the man, hope to knock him out with some of the
moves Nick had taught her and then get help. But she knew she would never find Megan
again, and she wouldn't leave her friend behind.

Too late; the decision was made for her. Dmitri appeared and yanked Megan from the
sand, gripping her arms in his thin hands. His white teeth glistened in the moonlight
as he reached behind his back and retrieved a gun. He raked the barrel down Megan's
cheek, and she whimpered in response.

Kaylan's heart sank.

“You have spirit, my flower. But I will beat it out of you yet. That was stupid.”
He spat and nodded to his companion. “Take her.”

The man standing before Kaylan took a step closer, his eyes on the rock in her hand.
She could tell by his movements he didn't fear her, and her heart sank. She dropped
the rock and raised her hands, but the man lunged forward and gripped the back of
her neck in his hands, tossing her forward.

Kaylan fought to stay on her feet, but she went down hard, feeling the impact as
her knees hit the sand first. Her hands stung from the bite of the tiny grains. She
pushed herself to her feet, just as a booted foot made impact with her ribs. Her
body jerked as she flew onto her back. A groan slipped through her lips, betraying
her pain.

“Enough.” Dmitri barked. “Get her on her feet.”

The Arab yanked her up. Pain rippled through her body. Her ribs ached as she forced
herself to walk in front of the man back to the boat shed, her heart heavy at what
lay ahead. Dmitri shoved Megan along in front of her.

As her feet hit the wood of the shed, her gaze found Dmitri glaring at her, the gash
above his eyes running with blood. She fought the fear welling inside her. He looked
mad enough to kill. Dmitri grabbed Kaylan's arm in an iron grip and tossed her to
the boarded floor. Megan cried out, but remained powerless as the Arab shoved her
into the boat. The other Arab had stayed with the boat, and at Dmitri's nod he started
the engine.

Kaylan tried to stand, but Dmitri's hand flew, colliding with her cheek and sending
her head smacking into the floor. She tasted blood and spat, refusing the tears.

The cold feel of metal at her neck paralyzed her as Dmitri crouched over her, pressing
his body to hers. A knife dug into her throat, and she fought the urge to swallow,
despite her cotton mouth.

“I think I will have some fun with you, my beauty. Teach you some manners, hmm? I
like my women feisty, but I do not tolerate disobedience.”

The knife dug into her skin, and something warm and wet trickled down to meet her

His finger traced down her face, and she recoiled as his eyes studied her as one
would a deer they had just killed. He let the knife tip drift down her chest and
hover over her heart, his face inches from hers. She fought the urge to turn away
and instead glared, anger burning away every passive bone in her body.

“What a pity to waste something so unique, so beautiful.” He leaned closer and smelled
her hair. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered, “Do not defy me again, or your
friend will taste the bitterness of this blade.”

He placed a long, harsh kiss on her mouth, and Kaylan thrashed beneath him. When
he finally lifted his head, her lips tingled and burned where he'd made contact.

He pushed off her, towering over her crumpled frame as she shoved up on her elbows.
“You will learn respect before I am through with you.” He yanked her up and dragged
her on the boat.

Despite the weakness in her knees, Kaylan fought to stand. She tore away from his
grip and took a seat next to Megan. The two huddled together, shivering and holding
hands as the boat maneuvered into the bay. With each passing second Kaylan fought
hopelessness. It was an emotion she couldn't afford. Not now. Not ever.

Chapter 43

seat as the boat rocketed out to sea. She studied the water skidding
by beneath them and swallowed. Jumping would feel like hitting a sheet of cement.
She remembered being thrown from the jet skis one too many times going forty miles
an hour. She needed a different plan, but nothing came to mind.

Nothing but prayer. She'd sacrificed her peace with the Lord for her anger over what
He allowed with the earthquake and Sarah Beth's death. This time she refused to question
Him. But somehow none of this seemed fair. Just when she'd found a rhythm with Nick
and the beginning of a beautiful future together, all hell broke loose.

Again she struggled to trust God in a new way. She knew none of this would have happened
if she weren't dating Nick. But regardless of where this situation led, she wouldn't
trade one day with Nick for a thousand days of safety.

Megan leaned in close to be heard over the engine and thrashing waves. “Got any bright

“Prayer.” Kaylan smiled at her roommate.

“What is it with you and thinking some invisible man in the sky is going to get us
out of this? You have no idea what's coming.”

Inwardly Kaylan groaned. “I have a good guess.”

The boat turned quickly, tossing Kaylan and Megan to the floor. The driver yelled
gibberish over the noise and banked the other way, adding another burst of speed.
Kaylan could almost hear the engine groan in response. Dmitri pulled a gun and stalked
toward them. Bracing his feet, he pointed the gun at Megan's head and looked to Kaylan.

“Who did you notify?” he yelled, a vein popping at his temple.

Kaylan stared back, her hands forming fists.

He pressed the barrel into Megan's head. “Who did you tell? How?” he screamed. Kaylan
wondered if he would sacrifice money to kill them before reaching their destination.

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