Shadows of the Redwood (21 page)

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Authors: Gillian Summers

BOOK: Shadows of the Redwood
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A low murmur of voices came from behind a door. A religious service? A poetry reading? She opened the door carefully, not wanting to make noise. Inside, a circle of folding wooden chairs, each holding a costumed courtier, surrounded a small armchair upon which sat Grandmother, sumptuously costumed as Queen Elizabeth. She wore a white and crimson gown, and her face was painted white in a style Keelie knew had been popular in Shakespeare’s time. A woman in street clothes stood behind Grandmother, gluing pearls onto her tightly curled red wig.

Grandmother lowered the jeweled hand mirror she was using to observe the woman’s work. “Keliel, my dear, you should not be back here.”

Keelie wanted to tell her about the Northwoods healers, and about Peascod and Tavyn in the woods, and also ask what she thought of Kalix and Sariela’s strange behavior, but she couldn’t do it in front of all these people. Suddenly uncertain, Keelie backed up a step. “I wanted to be sure you were okay. I’m out front with Sean and Scott and Laurie.”

Grandmother made a motion as if to dismiss her. The courtiers looked at her curiously, but Grandmother did not introduce her. Embarrassed, Keelie closed the door gently behind her and pushed her way toward the stage.

The boy in the long golden wig smirked as she went by. “Granny didn’t care to see you?”

Keelie ignored him. Sure, Grandmother’s indifference stung a little, but she knew her better now. Grandmother was unpredictable. And she was glad for her—Grandmother was probably having more fun than she’d had in centuries.

Laurie waved to her from one of the upper balconies. Sean appeared a moment later with bottles of water, and the four of them sat packed together tightly on the bench seats.

Sean and Scott talked to a nearby group of vendors. Sean quickly introduced her to everyone, and they discussed taxes, inventory, foot traffic, and whose food shop was likeliest to induce food poisoning. Even Laurie joined in. After a while Keelie felt almost normal again.

By now the Globe was bursting with people. They hung over the balconies and swarmed in front of the stage, holding drinks dispensed from a bar by the tall, splintery doors. Keelie leaned forward in her seat, holding onto the round timber banister (yellow pine from Alabama). From here she could see the front doorway, where people were still piling in, trying to squeeze through the crowd to find a good vantage point.

“I wonder if it was like this in Shakespeare’s day,” Keelie mused aloud.

“Before my time,” Sean said, and he was serious.

“It was much like this,” the man to her left confided. He wore a University of California-Berkeley T-shirt. “I come every year and bring my students.”

A fanfare played on long golden trumpets, and then Master Oswald introduced the festival court. The crowd went wild as the lords and ladies of the court sashayed to their places, dressed in colorful silks and satins and wearing bejeweled hats. Peascod, playing the royal jester, followed. He seemed to look straight at her, then pointed his jester’s scepter at her.

The biggest cheers were for Grandmother, who waved solemnly to the crowd, her red, pearl-sewn wig now sporting a tiny diamond crown. She looked pretty authentic, Keelie had to admit.

Grandmother held up her gloved hands and the crowd fell silent. All faces turned to her. “Play on, good folk,” she pronounced, and took her seat to wild applause. A cannon shot from the top of the wall, the boom rattling the whole theater, and then the actor playing Theseus stepped onto the stage, arms spread wide and face uplifted. Everyone settled in for a night of fun.

Back in the tree house later that night, Keelie didn’t have to fight to stay awake. The coffee they’d had at the Capulet Café had taken care of that. But then she’d studied the Compendium, and now she was yawning over her cup of tea. The elves could get rich selling sample chapters of the charm book as sleep aids. But Keelie had to stay awake, in order to bring Laurie up the sap when she returned. Scott had taken her for a long walk on the road that bordered the moonlit beach.

Grandmother was missing in action as well—probably carrying on with the rowdy players. It made Keelie twitch to think about it.

Keelie glanced up at the clock. It was 1:00 in the morning. She sat up, suddenly worried. Despite their active social lives, Laurie and Grandmother shouldn’t be out this late. She glanced over at Knot, who slept on his back with his paws up in the air. His tail twitched in his sleep, and he meowed angrily. Maybe he was dreaming about catching
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. Keelie closed the Compendium. She didn’t want to read about spells and charms, although the book really had some doozies. She wanted to sneak outside and be with Sean. The memory of his kisses trailing down her neck still lingered.

On the opposite side of the room, Risa lifted her eyes and scowled. She was reading a worn, leatherbound book. It looked like one of Elianard’s lore books.

Keelie glanced toward the door.

Risa closed her book. “Don’t even think about it.”


“It’s written all over your face. You want to go down there and snuggle up to our favorite elf guy.”

“I thought you didn’t want him anymore?”

“I love Knot, but Sean and I were meant to be together. It’s an elf thing.” Her eyes rested on the cat’s sleeping form.

“Like I’m not an elf.”

Risa rolled her eyes. “You’re half elf. I’ll give you that. But you and Sean are too different, and it won’t last. When he’s tired of you, or you get old and ugly real fast because you’re half human, then I’ll be waiting.” Risa ran a hand over her chest to emphasize her point. “I’ll still be firm while you’ll be all saggy. Patience is an elven virtue that you obviously don’t have.”

Risa had given voice to one of Keelie’s worries: would she age faster than Sean? She wasn’t going to let Risa get the best of her.

“Who knows. Maybe I won’t age at all. Then what are you going to do? Dig in your garden and talk to your plants and collect cats?”

“Collect cats? There is only one cat I want, and we both know who it is.” Risa’s face became all aglow with adoration as her gaze fell upon Knot. “You took Sean from me, so I’ll take Knot from you.”

Knot yawned and stretched his paws, sinking his claws into Keelie’s thighs.

Risa sighed and her eyes misted over. “Isn’t he an amazing specimen of feline elegance? Angeliello, the famous elven sculptor, couldn’t have captured Knot’s grace and beauty in marble. I don’t think any artist would be able to do justice to Knot.”

Keelie wrinkled her nose at Risa’s obsession over Knot. “What did you put in that love potion?”

Risa eased back in her chair and arched an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Because you need to find an antidote, and you need to find it real fast.”

Risa picked at the dress material on her knee. “There is no antidote. I’ve been searching for one.”

“What? You were going to give Sean a potion without an antidote? That’s cruel and stupid. Not to mention selfish.”

Risa lifted her head, her green eyes bright with tears. She rose and walked over to the fireplace. “I didn’t give it to him, so it all worked out in the end. I’m the one being punished. It is my heart that is breaking. My love for Knot will forever be unrequited and I will have to endure my days upon this earth alone, knowing he is with you.”

Knot sat up, twisted, and began washing his butt. Risa looked over and placed her fist in her mouth to stop her cry.

The doorknob turned. Keelie’s heart raced as Grandmother stepped in. She had bright rosy cheeks and her eyes were glowing a deep green. “Why are the jousters camped at the base of the tree?”

“Sean thought I needed extra protection. There was something following us in the woods earlier tonight.” Keelie spoke impatiently, anxious to find out if Grandmother had noticed anything off about the redwood elves.

“You should not be alone in these woods. We have already seen what great danger there is here.”

Keelie lowered her head and sighed. “I’m never alone in the woods.” She looked toward Knot.

Grandmother shook her head. “I’m glad Sean was with you.”

Keelie was glad of that, too. “You know, we saw Peascod walking with Tavyn.”

“There is no law governing walks in the woods,” Grandmother said. “But that is indeed a curious thing. Peascod is a player, not an elf. What was he doing in the forest?”

Risa wrinkled her nose. “Peascod never changes his costume.”

“What’s that got to do with anything?” Keelie parked her hands on her hips. “I’m trying to tell Grandmother something serious and you’re going on about fashion. It’s not like jesters have a lot of choice.”

“I mean, he never changes. Have you smelled him?”

Keelie shuddered, remembering her first job at the Wildewood Faire, when she’d worn a smelly purple dragon suit. Even thinking about it brought the stench back. “I could have gone the rest of my life not knowing that.”

Risa sat up. “Did you hear that? Knot needs me.” She went to the door and looked out. “I’ll be right back.”

Grandmother sighed, but the corners of her lips were raised in a little smile. “Keelie, you’ll soon have some help looking for Viran. Bloodroot has volunteered to help you.”

“Bloodroot the tree? Did they pin your wig on too tight?” Even his name sounded sinister. “I can do it with Knot and Sean.”

“But my dear, Bloodroot knows this forest as you do not.”

Kalix and Sariela glided into the room. Kalix lifted his haughty face. “Your grandmother is right. You need to listen to her.”

Sariela sat down in a chair by Keelie and stared pensively toward the doorway.

Grandmother was oblivious to Keelie’s bemusement. “He seems to have many interests and talents. It’s amazing what the Ancients can do.”

Kalix nodded. “Your grandmother is right. You will benefit from the benevolent wisdom of Bloodroot.”

Benevolent? More like malevolent. Was something wrong with Grandmother? Suddenly she seemed to trust the trees. Something wasn’t right. Keelie needed to talk to Dad.

The room suddenly shook strongly, causing the dishes to rattle in the cupboards. “Earthquake. Minor one,” Keelie said. There wasn’t much point standing in the doorway. They were in a tree, for Pete’s sake.

“I suppose they have more temblors than we do farther north,” Grandmother mused. The doorknob turned and Grandmother smiled as the door opened. “Ah, there you are. We were just talking about you.”

Tavyn stood in the open doorway. Keelie bit her lip. Tavyn came closer and Keelie backed away, staring. His skin had a reddish cast, as if he were sunburned, but too much sun didn’t explain why the whites of his eyes were deep green and there was a loamy scent about him, very much like the redwoods.

The answer hit her as he turned to her with a ravenous stare. Her hands clenched.

“Good evening, Keelie.” His voice sounded like scraping branches. Bloodroot looked out at her through the ranger’s eyes.

Keelie stared at the tree spirit–infested ranger. “This is wrong. You aren’t supposed to do this. Grandmother, tell him this is wrong.” She glared at Tavyn. Or was it Bloodroot? “How can you let him possess you like that?” It chilled Keelie to the core of her very soul.

Bloodroot stared at her through irises slitted like a cat’s. But it was the young elf ranger’s voice that now answered her. “It’s okay, Keelie. The Ancients want to help us.”

Keelie turned to Kalix. “You approve of this.”

He looked regal and self-assured—there was no question where his loyalties lay. “We live in harmony with the trees. If Bloodroot deems it necessary, then we are honored to do as he asks. Tavyn has been chosen to be a vessel, one who carries the spirit of the trees, so that they can walk among humans. If Norzan would see the wisdom of our ways, then he wouldn’t be having problems in the Northwoods.”

Turning to Grandmother for support, Keelie noticed that her face was pale with fatigue. She didn’t say anything, just sat there as if overwhelmed by what was happening.

Keelie looked at Sariela, but the elven woman seemed defeated. Her shoulders sagged. “My son has chosen his path with the Ancients.” Sariela bowed her head and stared down at the floor.

Keelie still couldn’t understand why Tavyn would allow Bloodroot to possess him. Or why Kalix approved of it. Trees as powerful as the Ancients could override an elf’s free will, even in the case of someone as strong as Grandmother. Keelie didn’t stand a chance, and it scared her to think of being taken over, as Bella Matera had done to the actors at the Globe.

Tavyn-Bloodroot regarded her with a critical eye, like a scientist studying his lab rats in anticipation of what their reaction will be to the next stimulus. He seemed to be contemplating his next move. Then he spoke, deep and hypnotic, his alien eyes sparked with confidence. “Come, Keelie. You know that we need you.”

Keelie’s heart banged against her ribs. She wanted to go to him. His voice was working on her, eroding her self-control. Keelie took a deep breath, then pulled on a thread of Earth magic. It gave her a moment to think, and she remembered the calm charm. She said the magic words and her shields snapped into place.

“I don’t trust you,” she said to Tavyn-Bloodroot. “The redwood elves follow you like some cult leader, doing as you say and not asking questions.”

She looked at Grandmother, expecting a reaction, but Grandmother was just staring at Bloodroot as if he were an interesting creature.

There was a flicker of anger in Bloodroot’s eyes. He must be used to having everyone do as he ordered, but he quickly plastered his charming smile on again, as if he were talking to an intelligent but naughty child. “In your human cultures, you have societies that do things differently from one another. The Dread Forest way does not follow the Redwood Forest way, nor should it. We simply are different, and that makes you uncomfortable. That is why your Grandmother thought it best to send Norzan back to his forest, when we could have healed him here,” he added.

“I agreed that it was best to send him back to the Northwoods,” Keelie said. “The home forest is the best place for an injured elf.”

Bloodroot nodded. “That is what you think, Keliel. But how do you know he wouldn’t have healed if he had stayed in the redwoods? You must open your mind to new things. Our way of life with our elves is symbiotic.”

“I am open-minded, but I question your concept of living in a symbiotic relationship.” She couldn’t help but stare at Tavyn, whose eyes seem to drink her in like a double latte of tree shepherd. She turned to her grandmother. “Does Dad know about this symbiotic lifestyle between the redwood elves and the trees?”

“I don’t know.” Grandmother stared blankly at Keelie. Something wasn’t right with her.

To Keelie’s relief, Sean came through the door. “I thought I saw someone walk in. Is everything okay?” He didn’t seem pleased to see Tavyn’s new look. Knot sat at Sean’s feet, his tail twitching angrily.

Tavyn-Bloodroot stared back at Sean, and the possessed ranger breathed in deeply. His voice, still a mingle of woodsy tones and human language, came out in a rough growl. “Elf. You are strong.” Bloodroot’s eyes turned black, glowing like onyx with flashes of green fir.

“Thanks for waiting for me, you two.” Risa’s whine warbled in from the walkway outside. “If that had been Keelie, you would’ve waited for her.” She came in, but stopped suddenly when she noticed Tavyn’s changed appearance. “I have a salve for that.”

Tavyn-Bloodroot’s lecherous gaze fell upon Risa. “I’ve been observing you.” He walked over to her and kissed her hand like they did in the old movies. He lifted his head and studied Risa like an artist. “You are a beauty.”

She seemed confused, yet flattered. She let him hold her hand a moment longer, then withdrew it from his grasp.

Keelie noticed that Tavyn’s nails were green. There was a lot of chlorophyll pumping through his body. Just a little made her sick. How was Tavyn staying alive? He must be drinking giant pots of coffee, the surefire cure for chlorophyll poisoning.

Tavyn-Bloodroot bowed to Risa, then to Keelie. “Until our next meeting, Lady Keliel. I hope you will expand your mind and consider all that I’ve said.”

“I don’t think I’ll change my mind,” she said, but she extended her hand to him and held his gaze as they shook.

He walked out the door, and moments later, Keelie felt a strong wave of green energy. Tavyn’s body was traveling the sap with Bloodroot on board, and Wena’s trunk vibrated as the Ancient’s spirit rode her sap.

Kalix bowed to his guests. “I must bid you good night. My lady wife is unwell, and I must see that she rests.” Kalix extended a hand toward Sariela, and she stood. She pushed past him and exited, leaving him to follow.

Keelie bowed her head to acknowledge his courtesy, because Grandmother’s mind was apparently somewhere else. Keelie was getting really worried.

Risa glided over to Sean and leaned against him, her hand on his shoulder. “I’m so glad you’re here. That was strange, even for them.” Risa seemed to mean Keelie and her grandmother.

“Dad needs to know about this,” Keelie said.

Grandmother shrugged. “Yes, I suppose he does. I’ll talk to him tomorrow. I’m tired, and I need to be rested for rehearsal in the morning. I’d forgotten how much fun it is to recite Will’s words. He was such a wonderful poet.”

It bothered Keelie that Grandmother was putting the play ahead of the trees.

“You knew William Shakespeare?” Risa seemed in awe of Lady Keliatiel.

“Yes, I did.” She smoothed a few strands of gray hair back from her forehead. “If you will excuse me, I must retire so I’ll be ready for tomorrow. Lord Sean, you may see yourself out.”

Sean moved away from Risa, who frowned when he did, and walked over to Keelie’s side. He took her hand. “I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

“That’s really not necessary, Sean,” Grandmother said. “We are quite safe.”

“Maybe not, but I’ll feel better.” Sean kissed Keelie on the forehead.

“It’s going to be cold out there,” Keelie said. “I hate for you to spend a miserable night because of us.” Actually, she felt safer with him close by.

“I’m happy to help.” Sean turned to Risa. “Good night, Risa,” he said coolly. She glared at him. He saluted Knot. “Good night, Knot.” The cat blinked cordially.

Sean stepped outside. Despite the danger, Keelie wanted to follow him and snag another kiss. It was wonderful being this close to him, but she was worried. What if she did age faster than him? Would he eventually go to Risa? Of course, if that happened, she’d be beyond caring. She had to live for today.

“Keelie, you and I must speak tomorrow,” Grandmother said. “You’ll find me at the Globe.”

Well, good. Maybe they’d be able to discuss the strange situation here. Missing and injured tree shepherds, trees with delusions of world domination—what more could they have to discuss?

Grandmother glided to bed. She wasn’t simply tired, Keelie knew. There was more going on, and after what happened to Norzan, Keelie thought she was right to be worried. She needed to talk to Dad. He needed to know about Tavyn-Bloodroot.

Risa went to bed, but Keelie stayed up, wondering if Laurie was spending the night somewhere else and if she should be worried. Laurie was with Scott, and it wasn’t as if they were wandering around in the forest, even though they both had rose quartz charms.

She fixed herself a cup of tea, then went out to the bridge, dangling her feet over the edge and watching the fog-shrouded forest floor below. Nothing moved, although a small light glowed from one of the jouster’s tents.

Keelie tried contacting Dad telepathically, but a strange voice answered

I’m here.

Who was that? It was definitely not Dad.

Where are you?
she asked.

I’m in the forest.

It didn’t sound like Bloodroot’s strong voice and personality. In fact, it didn’t sound like a tree at all.
Who are you?

I am part of them, now.

Dark green filled Keelie’s mind. She could feel her feet growing into roots sinking deep into the Earth, and her head elongated, her arms transforming into branches. Her trunk hardened, and bark protected her.

Keelie felt pleasure as ocean mist rolled in and dampened her roots. In the distance, she heard the echoes of a play being performed.

Gasping for air, Keelie awakened. Something hard had landed on her stomach. A loud purring brought her back to the moment. She opened her eyes. Knot was staring at her. Mist surrounded the tree house.

When had she gone to sleep? Her head ached as if she had an overdose of chlorophyll. Stumbling inside, she rubbed her cold hands together. Her nails were tinged green, the same color as the numbers on Laurie’s travel alarm clock, which was glowing 3:00 am.

Keelie really wanted to go to sleep. But wherever Laurie was, she had to find her. She needed to know that her friend was safe.

She walked to Grandmother’s door on tiptoe. Grandmother was asleep, looking kind of small under the covers. A big part of Lady Keliatiel was her personality.

Keelie crept outside, then traveled the sap to Wena’s base. Bromliel was standing guard, playing his Nintendo DS.

“Lady Keliel,” he said, surprised.

“Where’s Sean?”

Sean emerged from a nearby tent, dressed, but with his hair tousled from sleep. He looked adorable. His expression darkened when he noticed Keelie.

“What’s wrong?”

“Laurie never came home. I thought I’d go look for her on the festival grounds. She might be at a party.” Keelie tried to keep the worry out of her voice, but what was the point?

“I’ll come with you.” Sean nodded to Bromliel, who gave him the two-finger Boy Scout salute.

They walked toward the road, hearing the owls and night birds, and the crashing of small animals in the underbrush.

“Something is following us,” Sean said quietly.

Not again. Keelie stopped, but he grabbed her arm and kept her moving. “You don’t want to stop, Keelie. We’ll look around when we get to the road.”

The ferns moved to their left, and Keelie felt her heart thud against her ribs. “Did you bring a sword?”

“No. Nor a gun, nor a knife. Not even a spork,” Sean said grimly. “How fast can you run?”

“Kind of fast. There were always girls who were faster. But I don’t know about running through the woods at night. Isn’t that how the guy with the chain saw catches you?”

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