Shamed (16 page)

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Authors: Theresa Taylor

BOOK: Shamed
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Some relief came to
him as he realised that the car had indeed turned off further down the road
into the car park of the Pink Lagoon. He really had only one option. The girls
and more importantly the car were his only way out of this mess. He saw a group
of people ambling up the road toward him. His mind in turmoil he knew the only
thing he could do was to walk the hundred yards to the Pink Lagoon drawing as
little attention to
as possible on the way,
apologise for whatever it was he had done to piss off the girls and get them to
take him home again.

He set off, clumsily
trying to get to grips with the heels. It wouldn’t strike him until days later
that he could have simply taken them off and walked barefoot. He hung his head
down and let the blond wisps of the wig fall forward across his face in an
attempt to disguise himself. He was conscious that he was not of a very big
build and for the first time in his life he was thankful for that. He spied
himself in a shop window and was startled at how well he was carrying off his
transformation. He started to walk with more confidence but felt his legs start
to tremble as the voices of the approaching people became audible. The
sensation of the false breasts moving to the rhythm of his stride struck him. A
group of three men and three women were fast approaching him. He was conscious
immediately that the men were eyeing him up and he was amazed at how obvious it
was. The women too looked at him but in a much more curious way. He stopped
suddenly and turned as to look in a shop window, his heart beating furiously in
his throat, his cheeks flushed and his knees trembling. The party passed him
and he heard stifled giggles from the women.

Turning sharply he
headed as fast as he could towards the Pink Lagoon. He passed two more people
on the way, both seemed not to see him and he breathed a sigh of relief when he
arrived at the Pink Lagoon and saw the car in the car park. His relief was
short live though as he realised the car was empty. In the window was a note -
you inside!

With trepidation he
approached the door of the club which was manned by two burly bouncers.

“Ladies night tonight”
One announced, a broad beaming grin across his face. Just as Steven was about to
turn and run the other bouncer spoke up.

“Amanda said you would
be along and to send you straight in.” He swung open the door and waived Steven
through. Chrissie was waiting just inside and looped her arm through his to
sweep him along to the bar. All the girls cheered as he arrived, a scowl on his

“Stephanie!” Amanda
squealed in greeting. It took a few moments for him to realise she was
referring to him. She turned to the barmaid and ordered drinks for everyone
then introduced Steven to the barmaid as “
, my
dear friend. She is so full of surprises!”

Steven was now full of
dread again. A quick glance around revealed that it was indeed Ladies Night and
he was more than conscious of the discomfort of his manhood beneath the tiny
skirt and flimsy g-string. One wrong move and the crown jewels would be on
public display. Collecting their drinks Chrissie once again looped an arm
through Stevens and Mary joined on the other side. They guided him across the
dance floor to a nest of tables on the far side. Finally they were seated and
Steven very carefully lowered himself onto the long seat between Chrissie and
Mary. Liz, Amanda and Cassie sat the opposite. Amanda was buoyant and
continually greeting friends who passed by. Steven held on the hem of his skirt
and tried to shrink down in the seat. He gulped back his first two drinks much
to the amusement of the rest of the girls. They drank profusely loving every
moment of their wicked deed and a waitress made regular trips to their table.

“Do you fancy a dance,
?” Chrissie asked mischievously.

“You know I bloody
well……” Steven hissed, afraid that someone may over hear his obviously
masculine voice.

“Oh but this is my
favourite song!” she announced and dragged him up from his seat and out onto
the dance floor. To resist would have brought attention to
so reluctantly he stumbled along with her.

In amongst the dancers
Steven was buffeted by a rowdy crowd of alcohol fuelled women. More disturbing
was the effect their gyrating close dancing was having on him. Try as he might
he could not stop the stirring in his loins as not one but three separate girls
in close proximity seemed intent on brushing breasts and buttocks against him.
Chrissie too was doing her best to antagonise him. She had allowed several
buttons of her blouse to fall open and with select moves bending forward
managed to constantly flash the braless flesh of her pert breasts to him. She
would turn, brushing against him as she did so and then wiggle her arse at him.
She stepped close to him and put her mouth to his ear “I’m not wearing any
knickers!” She called out loud enough that he was sure that it was audible to
everyone else despite the music. As she did so she pushed her hand beneath his
skirt and wrapped her fingers around his cock through the lace underwear.
Although she did so for only a few seconds his heart lurched into his mouth,
certain that someone must have seen her. 

“It’s ok, most of them
here tonight are lesbians!” she trilled into his ear again. His fear though had
rapidly progressed from being seen to now trying to hide the semi-erection that
was tenting his skirt. Chrissie roared with laughter on seeing his predicament.
She grabbed him by the wrist and led him back towards the table but not without
taking a less than direct route through the crowd. Steven buffeted and bumped
his way through the packed women all too aware of every instant of contact that
his cock made against each one of them. He took a deep breath as they crossed
the space between the dance floor and the tables crossing his hands in front of
him to cover himself. The g-string was now redundant and simply folded into the
crease of his leg down one side of his cock. Chrissie hurriedly informed the
excited girls of what had happened and they all leaned over to look at Steven
as he tried to push his erection out of sight beneath the skirt. The waitress
arrived with more drinks and as she placed them on the table he again tried to
make himself invisible by sliding down on the seat. To his horror though Mary
slipped her hand under the table and took a hold of his cock. It leapt to life
in her hand and as Amanda engaged the Waitress in conversation Mary began to
slowly masturbate him as she nonchalantly texted someone on her cell ‘phone.
Blood rushed to his cheeks and he looked at Mary with startled eyes. She
ignored him and merely looked up at the waitress and chipped in with the odd
bit of conversation as if nothing was happening beneath the table top. He tried
to discretely slap her wrist away but Mary simply tightened her grip and began
to work him faster. His heart started to race in his chest and sweat beaded his

“Is your friend Ok?”
The waitress asked noticing his discomfort.

Mary glanced at Steven
as if oblivious to his presence. “Oh yeah, she’s a bit hot that’s all.”

“I’d take her to the
, get her cooled off.” The
waitress advised. “She looks spent”.

“Almost,” Mary replied
with a wry grin. “But she will be soon. Maybe I’ll do that.”

The waitress moved off
and the girls all burst out laughing. Steven gasped and grabbed Mary’s hand
trying to prise her fingers free of his cock. She stopped the motion but still
kept a grip.

“I think we should
take you to the toilets, get you cooled down.” She said “I think you’re getting
much too excited“.

Amanda thrust her
handbag across the table to him. “Here, hide it behind that” she offered as
Mary let go of him. Steven stood awkwardly. He had to push his cock under the
skirt flat against his belly and hold it here by pressing the handbag to his
groin. He was so aroused that just the pressure of the bag brought him close to
the edge. Mary judged the strained look on his face correctly and laughed.

“I wouldn’t make a
mess of Amanda’s bag if I were you. She might make you walk home.” The girls
all shrieked with laughter.

Mary led the way
through the crowd closely followed by Steven. The girls followed in a line a
few paces behind. All of a sudden a drunken blonde tumbled over on the dance
floor and landed at Stevens’ feet. His mind focused on reaching the sanctity of
the toilets, he failed to notice in time and stumbled over her falling to the
floor legs splayed. In the fever of the thrumming music and flashing lighting
no-one noticed as Steven snapped his legs together and grabbed the bag to
tightly to his groin.  In seconds Mary had grabbed his hands and hauled
him to his feet. They raced away again through the crowd. As they reached the
toilets he turned to go into the Gents but Mary grabbed him just in time and
pushed him towards the Ladies.

“In there you fool!”
She hissed.

As the door closed
behind them the sound of the music reduced to muffled bass thumping. The room
was cooler and Steven was conscious of a breeze around his exposed upper thighs
and bare buttocks. His cock was relaxing now and hung down below the hem of the
skirt in its semi-flaccid state. He pulled the bag closer to himself. He was
shocked to see several of the cubical doors open even though they were
occupied, several girls in undignified positions sat astride the toilets,
knickers round their ankles talking to friends who stood at the open door. He
found an empty cubical and went in closing the door quickly behind him. Before
he could though Mary put a foot to the door and slid in with him before he
could react. She put the latch across the door.

“You haven’t had much
practice at this” she whispered. “I’ll help you.”

“I think you’ve done
enough helping today” he growled straining to keep his voice under control
thinking of the treatment she had given him at the table. She ignored him and
dropped to her knees. All of a sudden Steven was filled with thoughts other his
anger. He was desperate for release and now it seemed Mary was going to oblige
him. Instead she tugged his g-string to the floor and made him step out of it.
She tucked it up her sleeve and held his cock over the toilet bowl.

“Go on then” she
sniggered. “I’ve never seen a man pee!”

Steven was astounded
and yet somehow couldn’t find the will or reason to argue. He was conscious of
the other women close by and aware of the problems making a fuss would create.
He stood motionless, eyes to heaven, while the door to the ladies toilet
constantly opened and shut to a flow of traffic, toilets flushed, women sang,
talked, laughed, swore and all the time Mary held his cock and watched just a few
inches from his manhood until he finally managed to release a stream of golden

Seemingly satisfied
Mary gave him a shake, stood and shrugged her shoulders. She cupped his balls
in her hand and squeezed lightly.

“My, your balls are
tight” she purred in his ear. She took hold of his cock and stroked its length
teasing him into a full erection as he stood eyes closed, breathing deeply.

“Mary, please don’t.
That’s enough.” His words came out weaker than he had intended. Mary chuckled
and tightly gripped his now fully erect cock. Then, to his surprise she
unlocked the latch and swung open the cubical door and slipped away hurrying
out of the toilets and back to the dance floor.

Outside the cubicle
were six or seven women at the basins or touching up their make up in the
mirror, one by one their attention was drawn to the open cubicle door and the
bizarre sight of the odd looking woman, rigid cock protruding beneath the hem
of her skirt.

“What the fuck?” One burst
out turning to face him. The room burst into a flurry of insults and
indignation. Steven was struck rigid and found
unable to respond in any way.
An older women
first reaching into the cubicle and grabbed Steven’s wrist, pulling him out
into the washroom area. Another pushed him hard in the back towards the exit
door. All the time their angry voices ringing in his ears. Then a smaller girl
with a short elfin type haircut stood in his way. A smile reached across her

 “I’ll deal with
this.” She shouted above the others.

Grabbing Steven by the
cock she threw open the exit door and pulled him out into the thronging crowd
of gyrating dancers. Still clutching his manhood she ploughed through the
bodies taking Steven with her, her grip ensuring that he could do nothing but
follow. She stopped briefly alongside a group of girls, who Steven took to be
her friends, spoke animatedly to them -her words drowned out to Steven by the
music and then carried on - the group shrieking and laughing excitedly now
following behind.  They hurried across the dancefloor and at one point
Steven saw Amanda, Mary,
, Cassie and Liz
grouped around their table, drinking, their eyes scouring the crowd for a sign
of Steven. He raised his arm but a large girl stepped in front of his line of
vision blocking them from view and the fleeting glimpse was gone.

The elfin haired girl
weaved on through the crowd and then they arrived at a door marked Staff Only.
She discretely swung the door open and hauled him through, twisting so sharply
on his cock that he yelled out. Her friends piled through behind them and
Steven heard the door slam shut with a loud
The music suddenly became a muffled noise once again and they were in a bare
corridor. The girl stopped and turned on Steven, finally releasing her grip.
Her friends gathered around him chattering excitedly to each other. Steven’s
head was spinning and their comments came in a rush of words that he only
partly caught.
“Freak”, “Weirdo”, “Tranny”, “hard-on”.
The girl pushed back against the wall and cupped a hand on a false breast. She
was grinning broadly and her eyes had a devilish look.

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