Shamed (2 page)

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Authors: Theresa Taylor

BOOK: Shamed
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The toothless man cursed but stood away from the women.

“Thank you Piper. It seems we do have a valuable cargo aboard this
vessel after all.” The large man said with a broad smile.

The women were hauled up on deck and for some moments Prudence was
speechless. A rabble of surly, boorish, pirates was busy ransacking the Elvira.
Alongside her was the ship that Prudence had spotted approaching earlier. Of
the Elvira’s crew there was no sign. The large rugged man who ordered that they
be brought to the deck was easily identified by Prudence as the leader. This
was confirmed when he cheerfully announced himself to them as Captain Bartram.
Strangely, he had directed his introduction to Maud and it took some moments as
he continued to talk to the girl for Prudence to work out that the pirate
captain believed that Maud was the lady of the party and Prudence her maid.
course, the dress!
She suddenly realised. Maud was wearing her expensive
gown and Prudence was still attired in the old clothes she kept for wearing on
board ship, lest they become soiled or torn. She realised that she should
correct the misunderstanding with the so called Captain but then she noticed
the rest of the pirates attention drawn towards them and the lustful looks of
some directed towards Maud.

“You my lady,” he announced looking at Maud “shall be worth a pretty
penny I have no doubt. I will insist on your remaining out of harm’s way by
staying in your quarters until contact can be made with your family for your
ransom.” Maud gasped and began to speak; she must have been startled and
wondering how on earth her poor family would ever raise a ransom fee. Prudence
interrupted, realising that she needed to do all she could to protect her young

“And what of me sire?” she asked the captain.

The captain looked at her askance and
shrugged his shoulders. “You are a servant, so I imagine you will do for us as
you do for your mistress.”

Maud looked puzzled and began to speak but Prudence gripped her hand and
signalled to her to remain silent. Then Maud was whisked away, a perplexed
expression on her face as she looked back at Prudence as she was returned to
her quarters by one of the pirates.

Prudence then was tasked to prepare a meal for the invaders. She was
sent to the galley and did the best she could, utilising much of the food that
the cook had been in the process of preparing for the crew before the Elvira
was stormed. She was thankful that as a child she would spend time in the
Kitchen at home watching Matilda prepare the family meals. Otherwise she would
have had no idea what she was supposed to do. That said the offerings available
to her here were of dubious quality. Accompanied by a pirate with a lazy eye
who kept watch over her, she busied herself in the unfamiliar surroundings,
conscious of his stare upon her. As she drained soup from a flagon into a row
of bowls and stacked hard tack biscuits and fruit on a tray she suddenly felt a
presence behind her.

Lazy Eye was standing close to her and then pressed himself against
her, a hand reaching around and cupping her bosom. Prudence froze; she had no
idea how to react.

“So, how about we just have little dalliance before breakfast?” He spoke
close to her ear, his breath tickling the hair on her neck. He squeezed her
breast and she could feel something hard pressing against her buttock.

These were dangerous men, Prudence was sure of it, and although until
now their behaviour had been reasonable, she knew that it could take little to
turn their conduct to a disadvantage. She had to act carefully, protect poor
Maud and ensure that they both had the best chance of surviving this awful

Lazy Eye wrapped his other hand around her waist and pulled her close
to him. He continued to knead her breast and was now attempting to unbutton her
dress and slip his hand inside her camisole. Prudence’s breath froze in her
chest. She had never been touched before by a man and now found
unable to react to this invasion of her person. Two
or three buttons now loosened, she felt his hand slip under the heavy material
of her dress and slide over the thin cotton of her camisole. The material did
little to dampen the sensation of his hard
as they sought to find a way beneath to her flesh. She tried to speak but her
words were breathless. His hand easily wriggled over the neck of the top of the
camisole and slipped eagerly down onto her breast. Prudence gasped aloud. She
was all at once horrified and intrigued as his hand roamed urgently over the
soft flesh and seemed to instinctively locate her nipple. As he cupped her
again she felt herself harden and he seemed pleased as the small bud stiffened
at his touch. He took it between his fingers and pinched. Prudence squealed.

He spun her around and tore open the buttons at the front of her dress.

“Stop!” she pleaded weakly, certain that her protestations would have
no effect. His hands easily ripped open her camisole and grabbed eagerly at her
exposed breasts. She fought to cover herself with her arm but he pinned her
arms back and pressed his groin against hers. He was laughing. She could feel
the hard ridge of something in his trousers pushing against her.
A dagger perhaps?
Or a cosh?

“Stop!” she pleaded again.
Finding her voice clearly
at last.

“Stop!” sounded another voice, deeper and more commanding
than her own
. Lazy Eye froze and released his grip on her.

stood in the doorway to the
galley an amused expression on his face. “The men are hungry and you are
delaying our breakfast.” He said to Lazy Eye as if his actions had been nothing
but a trivial misdemeanour. “You,” he said staring at Prudence as she clutched
the torn fabric across her chest “Serve the men and be sharp about it.”

“But, I need to make myself decent!” Prudence procrastinated.

The Captain turned back as he was leaving “You’re decent enough for the
likes of the rabble out there. Now get to it!”

Prudence stood for a moment uncertain what to do. Lazy Eye slapped her
backside. “Get on with it then! Afore I decide to finish off what was started.”

Shaken, Prudence gathered up the food on a large wooden tray. But as
much as she tried she could not hold the tray and cover herself at the same

“I can’ clothing, it won’t stay...” She stumbled over the

Lazy Eye grabbed her and forced her dress down over her shoulders,
ripping her camisole clean off. “There!” He said with delighted chuckle.
“Problem solved.”

Prudence felt herself colour up. She tried to cover her bosom, but Lazy
Eye pulled her arms away.

I seen

Nothing to be secretive about no more.
Now get
out there!” His voice became menacing and Prudence could hear angry voices
being raised out on deck.

Shaking with nerves, she lifted the tray and tried to hide her
nakedness behind it, knowing that there would be a point in the next few
minutes where she could no longer utilise it, where she would have to face the
embarrassment and shame of being seen by the whole of the pirate crew.
it takes
, she reminded herself
be strong!
She carried the tray out
onto the deck; Lazy Eye ambled along beside her, making no attempt to disguise
his enjoyment of her predicament.

They had set a long table on the main deck and the pirates were seated
around it, swilling back copious amounts of beer from several of the barrels
they had discovered. A cheer went up when they spotted her with the food and
then noticing her bare shoulders behind the tray of food, a crescendo of
approval rose up. The captain gesticulated to her to lay the tray on the table
and Prudence knew then that her situation was only likely to worsen.

As she bent forward to lay the food upon the table, she felt the weight
of her breasts and they swung freely beneath her. Hands eagerly grabbed at the
food on the table, snatching it up, but also a hand slipped from beneath the
table and grabbed her breast.

Prudence jumped back with a scream which delighted the rabble seated
around the table. Lazy Eye was behind her and caught hold of her arms as she
stepped back, preventing her from covering herself. She felt a surge of blood
race through her body and her cheeks burned furiously as she was displayed
before the mob. Then he was dragging her backwards until suddenly he brought up
against the mast. In a fluid movement that astonished Prudence he had her hands
tied behind her back around the girth of the mast.

“Now there’s a tidy decoration!” The Captain called out to cheers from
his men.

“A little too much decoration though?” one responded.

As if by some secret signal, Lazy Eye looked her up and down, squinted,
nodded his agreement and then proceeded to remove the remainder of her dress.
As if puzzled at first he took in the sight of her in her long frilly underwear
and then forcefully ripped them off too.

Naked now, Prudence’s heart was beating heavily in her chest. She could
feel her embarrassment pulsing in her cheeks. She had never before been naked
before anyone except her mother and a servant at bath time. Now she stood before
a rowdy, leering, gang of savage men without a stitch to protect her modesty.
She was a lady, the daughter of a gentleman, her family respected, held in
esteem. She was virtuous and eligible, morally upstanding, sincere, truthful
and honest. But none of those things mattered now as she stood, naked, bound to
the mast of the Elvira; her breasts firm and rounded, sensitive to the warm sea
breeze that crossed the ships bows, causing her nipples to stiffen and tickling
through the triangle of her pubic hair.

A pirate stood drunkenly and staggered towards her. With a leer, he
touched her breasts, lifting them and letting them fall, a look of childish
amusement on his heavily bearded face as he watched the ripple and bounce of
the falling flesh, he tweaked her nipples, then grabbed them harshly and
twisted. Prudence was astonished, demeaned and yet a strange feeling swept
through her body. She wanted to escape, to cover herself, end this dilemma and
yet on the contrary, she wanted him to continue doing what he had done,
whatever it was that had started that strange sensation racing through her
body.  She hung her head, ashamed, the laughter of the pirate crew ringing
in her ears. She didn’t want to face them, to see their leering, mocking
expressions, all eyes focused on her. The pirate kicked at her ankles, making
her move them further apart. She realised he wanted to expose her and show her
off to his colleagues. They knew nothing of dignity these brutes, why should
she ever imagine they would care a jot for her own?

Prudence screamed more from shock than fear as the big bearded man
suddenly ducked down and drove his hands between her thighs, grabbing her
buttocks and lifting her, cradling her in his powerful arms. Her legs draped
across and to the side of his forearms as his wide palms, grasping her
buttocks, supported her weight, her back pressed hard against the mast. She
gasped, stunned to find he had his head poised between her open legs, his face
inches from her most private of places as his devilish eyes looked up at hers.
He made of play of thrusting out his long meaty tongue and waggling it
profusely. Prudence was perplexed. She had no comprehension of what he was
trying to do. Suddenly he buried his face hard against her groin, pressing into
the soft folds of flesh and tangle of pubic hair. The pirates went into
raptures of laughter as Prudence went rigid with shock, a startled, open
mouthed, wide eyed expression on her face. He slavered against her, sucking her
labia into his mouth, then drew his tongue up between them, parting her and
lapped hungrily, his strong tongue prodding and poking as if searching for
something. Prudence simply omitted a series of startled squeals, unable to form
any words of protest. This was incomprehensible to her, what was he doing? Was
he a cannibal, trying to eat her? Without warning he drove his tongue into her
entrance and Prudence let out a shrill squeal. She felt the stiffened tongue
push into her, its tip flicking inside her. The sensation was indescribable. A
degree of realisation dawned on her. He was using his tongue as a phallus. She
was astonished. There was no mention of this in her father’s medical almanac.

As his face and tongue squirmed around against her genitals, she
realised that he must be slavering profusely as she felt wetter and wetter from
the touch of his mouth. Taking a moment to gather his breath, he plunged back
again, grabbing one of her labia in his teeth and drew back teasing her open.
How defiled she felt! Then his brutal tongue began once more to invade her.
This time though he pressed it hard against the little pea-like nub above the
opening of her vagina and fluctuated between lashing it hard and drawing hard
little circles around it with the tip of his tongue.

“Oh! No
No, no, no, no!” Prudence yelled.
This she knew. That little pea-like nub, she was aware, could be the source of
the most delightful pleasure, a fact she had discovered alone in her room, back
at home acting out her fantasies. She was all too aware of the outcome of any
degree of attention to that secret little place. It was then that she really
became aware of how she felt, how similar the attention of this brute was to
the feeling she would have in her loins when she would make herself up like a
fallen woman and play out the scenarios in private. Of course, the wetness
between her legs was not just from the slavering, drooling brute. She was
contributing too.

She tried to protest, conscious of the cheering clamour of the pirates as
they looked on, but her bearded assailant was not going to stop. His tongue was
lashing at her, his lips enveloping her clitoris as he sucked it into his
mouth, holding it there somehow,
, super
sensitive. Prudence began to tremble. Her breathing became deeper and her pulse
was racing. She tried to resist,
to ignore
sensations that were building within her. She was blowing now, short sharp
trembling exhalations of breath, trying to control herself. She felt a
tightening in her womb.

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