Shamed (3 page)

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Authors: Theresa Taylor

BOOK: Shamed
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“Please...” She gasped “please stop!” But he went on.

Her resistance was failing her. “Please stop.”
voice tight in her throat, through clenched teeth.
“No!” feeble, her
heart full of trepidation. She was going to embarrass herself if he didn’t
stop. In front of all these men, that strange, breathtaking upheaval would grip
her body and she knew she would struggle to control herself. This was so
different to before. Stretched out on her bed at home in the middle of the
night, her hand busy between her legs, slowly easing herself to that point,
gently, protracted, she would come and whimper gently as she was immersed in
the waves of pleasure, careful that she should not make too much noise less it
disturb her parents and alert them to her abominable actions. This time, his
assault on her was frantic, forceful and was driving her, remiss of her
consent, towards orgasm and she could do nothing to stop him.

It happened so suddenly that it caught her by surprise. Before she knew
it a crushing climax gripped her and she felt herself thrash and shake, her
body convulsing with pleasure and she was aware of rasping wail singing out
around her. The sound was coming from her own lungs, the bearded brut between
her legs laughed raucously and then dropped her to her feet.

Prudence staggered as she landed, her orgasm still not spent. Her knees
buckled and for a few moments she dropped to her haunches, as much as her arms
bound around the mast would allow, and endured her hypersensitive clitoris
throbbing between her legs, sporadically sending out aftershocks which made her
tremble and gibber. Her head hung low as she tried to hide her face and what
she felt must be the glaringly obvious ignominious behaviour of her sex. Oh!
How wretched she felt.  The pirates were making merry now, the bearded
brute was dancing in circles with several other pirates, a bottle of rum in his
grasp, celebrating his triumphant coercion over her. His beard was matted and
wet, she realised, with her own creamy secretions. 

Lazy Eye approached her now and untied her hands releasing her from the
mast. He pushed her forcefully in amongst the dancing crowd. She was instantly
manhandled, spun in one direction, then another, at each turn groping hands
savoured at her breasts and between her legs. She came to a sudden halt against
the chest of Captain Bartram. He looked down at her for a moment and then
grasped a bunch of her hair in his hand. He levered her down until she had to
kneel to prevent herself from toppling over. As she did so he lowered his
breeches and drew out his semi erect cock. Prudence came face to face for the
first time with a man’s appendage. Her breath caught in her throat. It was much
larger than the primitive sketches in the medical almanac had suggested. He
held it in his hand, stroking his fingers along its length and as he did so she
was amazed to see that grew even bigger. She turned her head away, a mixture of
timidity and wariness but he forced her to face him again and pushed his cock
towards her lips. Prudence felt revulsion swell up inside her. Surely he didn’t
expect her to take him in her mouth? What barbaric practices did these devils
indulge in? She wriggled and squirmed and finally drove her fist into his
groin. The captain let out a loud yelp and hopped away from her clutching his
manhood. The crew burst into rapturous laughter but then seeing the disdain on
the Captains face they became more solemn and a pirate with a bandana hauled
her to her feet and thrust her across the deck into the arms of Lazy Eye.

“You’re in for it now!” he chuckled.

As she stood there naked, feebly trying to cover herself, two pirates
dragged a large chest out into the middle of the deck and then gathered up
several pieces of short rope. Lazy Eye pushed her towards the chest and several
pirates gathered around her. They took her wrists and tied a length of rope to
each before levering her over the chest until she lay across it face down. Her
resistance was feeble; she was resigned now to a torrid fate. They tied off the
ends of the rope to the brass handles on either side of the chest leaving her
stretched across its top, her breasts hanging either side of the curve. She
protruded over the ends of the chest, her head at one end and from her waist at
the other, her bottom in the air, her legs slightly apart. Captain Bartram
stood before her now and slipped off his leather belt. He walked slowly around
her a couple of times slapping the belt against his thigh.

“Strike me would you, wench?” He growled.

“I’m sorry!” she appealed to him “I lost my senses.”

“You’ll lose more than your senses once I’ve finished with you.” He

“Please, this is not common to me. I didn’t know what you wanted of

“For sure.
And now you’ll have a lesson.
One that you’ll remember.”
He turned to the other pirates,
gathered closely around now to watch the spectacle. “Not common to her! Ha!” he
observed with disbelief. “Didn’t we all see the whore come like a bitch in heat
ate her little puss?”

Prudence blushed with shame. Is that what she had looked like?
A bitch in heat?
She was mortified by her uncontrolled
exhibition. Mortified and yet exhilarated. Her body felt alive in a way she had
never felt before. Her moral self was tormented and humiliated, her guilt beat
at her like a divine hammer and yet, her soul, her free spirit was savouring
every moment. The contradiction sat uncomfortably upon her and yet she decided
she must deal with what confronted her now and, if necessary worry about it

The crack of the belt across her buttocks sounded a fraction of a second
after she felt the stinging pain. As if seeping from her pores, a burning
sensation spread across the rounded spheres of her bottom. Her cry had been
more like a puppy’s startled yelp. She twisted her head around just in time to
see the belt swing again and the burst of pain stung her into making the same
noise again. The pirate crew laughed raucously and mimicked the sound. Prudence
felt her cheeks burn as red as her bottom. Another lash bit hard and she bit
her bottom lip to control her cry this time. Captain Bartram was ranting about
her being a deceitful whore, pronouncing that he would punish her for striking
him so that she wouldn’t sit down until Christmas, and only then with a cushion
to protect her bumptious derriere.

He struck her across the top of her thighs and again across her already
smarting buttocks. Then she rose up, straining at the ropes, a real scream this
time as a strike caught the top of her thigh and the edge of her labia. Her
backside burned and throbbed and the sensation spread into her sex. It was a
disagreeable, belittling scene yet curiously she found it electrified her. She
felt herself become wet again, and as the burning, smarting sensation
proliferated her clitoris seemed to awaken in a desperate, needy desire for
more attention. Prudence was shocked at her physical response, no matter how
her mind shied away from her dilemma; her body was doing the exact opposite.
She became incredibly aroused and as Captain Bartram laid the last stripe to
her burning buttocks Prudence found herself in the grip of desire, wishing that
the brutal Captain would satisfy the raging turbulent yearning that flowed
through her every nerve ending.

The Captain stood before her again and bent down to look her in the

“Now, I intended that you should satisfy me wench, but since you’re act
of spiteful resistance I have changed my mind. I decree that you shall satisfy
me yet, but also the whole of my crew!” A cheer rose from the crew as a
bewildered Prudence tried to engage his words. “Or should I drag out that idle
mistress of yours and vent myself upon her?”

Prudence took a moment to realise that he was referring to Maud. She
knew she had to protect the girl in every way she could.
the whole crew?
A shiver ran down her spine. She was to be ravished
then. Her first time was not to be in the arms of a loving, caring sweetheart
on their wedding night; but at the hands of a rowdy, drunken, bestial gang of
ruffian pirates. Prudence looked about her as the crowding throng closed in,
breeches open and cocks in their hands. How big they looked. How stiff and
erect and strangely proud. Prudence instinctively strained against the ropes
that bound her to the chest and yet found
longing to experience them all, to feel them inside her.

The Captain was the first; his cock pushed into her mouth as he
encouraged her to suck and lick him. He tasted strangely salty. Too many years
at sea she fathomed. She released him a moment to look back over her shoulder
as pair of hands grasped her buttocks. Lazy Eye was stood behind her, his long
thin cock poised over her buttocks, a broad grin on his face.
So be it
Prudence thought with a shrug. She didn’t much care who. His cock dipped down
and she felt the head nudging at her entrance, probing her. She was very wet and
felt a flood of her juices flow to meet the intruding body and ease it on its
way. For a moment she thought it wasn’t going to happen, he seemed to find it
difficult to squeeze it in to her. Then with a determined thrust he burst into
her, a short lived snap of pain surprised her as her maidenhead gave way but
then she was overawed by the long thrusting cock pounding into her. She turned
her head back to the Captain and eagerly took him in her mouth again.

It seemed just a few briefs seconds later that Lazy Eye drove into her
hard one final time and then she felt a strange sensation as he paused and
seemed to twitch inside her. He leapt away from her whooping and hollering in
triumph. From the corner of her eye she noticed his cock already going flaccid.
The pirate Captain nudged his cock in her mouth to end her distraction and she
felt another hard hot cock nudge between her legs. This one was wider, but
perhaps shorter. It went into her easily this time, and the rogue it belonged
to grunted hard with each thrust, his fingers gripping her hips and digging
into the flesh. Prudence found she loved the sensation of his body slamming
against her sore buttocks. It sent a new thrill through her body. The pirate’s
strokes became shorter and harder the longer he went on until finally he too
seemed twitch and buck inside her. She suddenly felt her muscles near that
strange point where they would cramp and send wave after wave of blissful
sensation through her.

She continued to work hungrily on Captain Bartram’s meat in her mouth,
discovering new ways to tease and manipulate him, realising that certain
actions caused him to groan appreciatively more than others. At the same time
other pirates took their place behind her and took their pleasure. Her mind was
awash with the new sensations, her surprise at how different each felt. She
realised after the third that the pause and twitching was them expelling their
seed within her. She loved the sensation and the depravity of what it meant.
Just like her fantasy of the fallen women, they were queued up to use her and
shamelessly fill her with their unwanted ejaculate. Like a receptacle, simply
using her as a place to deposit their spent desire. Three times she had small
orgasms, but the pirates were quick with taking their turns, encouraged by
their still waiting colleagues.

She lost count of the number that took her. The Captain finally gripped
her by the hair and forced his cock firmly into her mouth holding her thus, his
growl audible above the clamour of excited drunken crewmen as his cock seemed
to rear up within her mouth and then jerk violently as
splashing seed came in hard, copious shots of thick salty liquid. She wasn’t
sure what to do with it. Her eyes rose to his for help.

“Swallow.” he encouraged as if it were the most natural thing in the
world. So she did.

“Ship ahoy!”
a loud shout from one of the
“Navy cutter approaching, south east!”

There was consternation amongst the pirates. Captain Bartram hurriedly
buttoned his breeches and began calling out orders.

“Back to our ship!
Back to our ship! Take what
you can and let’s get moving!” he yelled out.

A desperate chaos ensued as stores and goods were loaded from the
Elvira to the pirate ship. Finally the last of the pirates clambered over the
side and boarded his vessel. The pirate Captain called out orders as Prudence
watched on, arrogantly stood with hands on hips on the
deck and finally the pirate ship moved away from the Elvira and broke out
quickly into the open sea. They seemed to have forgotten all about Prudence;
leaving her there as she was, tied to the chest, naked, exhausted. She could
feel the deposits of her pirate assailants seeping from between her legs,
spilling out of her with a steady patter upon the now quietened and lonely

For a moment there was silence. She tried to free her hands but the
bindings held tight. She was suddenly panicked by the thought of being found
like this by the rescuing navy sailors that were approaching. Then there was
the screech of a door opening and soft footsteps drew near unseen. Prudence
twisted to see who it was and gasped with relief when she saw Maud slowly
approach, a terrified and appalled look on her face.

Oh, by the lord I thought they had
slit your throat.”

“No, Maud.” Prudence sighed with relief. “I’m unharmed. But the Navy
approaches and you must help free me quickly.” Thank God she thought. They had
forgotten Maud too.

Maud looked strained, in shock almost at the sight of her mistress. But
she quickly untied her and they rushed to the cabin and Prudence dressed just
as they heard calls from the approaching Navy boat.

They found the Elvira’s crew bound in the hold and bar a few
superficial wounds, all safe and well. Prudence and Elvira were taken aboard
the navy ship and treated as guests of the Captain. They sailed on to their
destination and by nightfall were back at the estate with Prudence’s parents.
Other than a reluctance to sit down and an awkward moment in the company of the
navy captain as she explained the events of the day and she felt a leaking
dribble running down the inside of her thighs, Prudence was in good spirit. She
explained that she had simply been forced to cook for the rogues and feed them,
but otherwise their behaviour had been tolerable.

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