Shamelessly Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 2) (5 page)

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Chapter Ten

I awoke to a talon batting at my face.

“Play with me!” Mr. Whiskers demanded.

Only another witch can truly understand the bond between a
witch and her familiar. Mr. Whiskers is my best friend, my child, and the most
annoying familiar in the world. I wouldn’t change any of that. I was prepared
for this sort of thing and reached into the drawer of my bedside table where I
kept a variety of cat toys. Tossing the jingling ball across the room, I waited
expectantly, but he simply stared down at me.

“I really thought that would work,” I grumbled.

“I’m lonely,” he whined, leaning in to rub his face against
mine before he started purring. If you’ve never heard a California condor purr,
you’re lucky. It’s one of the most disturbing sounds in the world.

“Just give me a few more minutes to sleep,” I pleaded,
peaking at the time. “It’s only nine in the morning!”

For those with day jobs, that might not seem too early, but
I was the head writer and creator of
Night High
. Since we had several
vampire actors on the show, we filmed at night, which meant I slept until at
least ten, unless I absolutely had to get up in the morning.

“Your phone keeps making noise,” Mr. Whiskers complained.

I cursed under my breath and grabbed my phone, surprised I’d
slept through six messages from Trevor. I scanned them, somewhat anxious
because I was now awake enough to remember I’d agreed to move in with Trevor
for a month. This was one of those times when I’d have loved to blame alcohol for
my bad judgment, but I hadn’t even been a little tipsy at the time. Maybe I
could blame horniness. Then I had to wonder what I could blame for the fact
that I wasn’t dreading it at all. I was actually excited about spending time
with Trevor.


TREVOR: I can’t stop thinking about you. You have no idea
the things I want to do to your body tomorrow.

TREVOR: It’s two in the morning and I’m still awake. I feel
like a kid the night before Christmas. I can’t wait to unwrap my present.

TREVOR: That sounded much less embarrassing before I sent
the text. I hope that message somehow got lost, and you never see it.

TREVOR: I hope you’re not answering any of my messages
because you’re dreaming about me. They’d better be dreams about me fucking you
until you can’t walk because that’s what I’ll be dreaming about.

TREVOR: I’ll be by your house about ten to help get you
moved. I know I said in the afternoon, but I want to see you. I hope you’re
awake then. I’ll bring breakfast.

TREVOR: I’m picking up breakfast now. See you soon.


Based on the time Trevor had sent that message, he’d be here
before ten. I probably had thirty minutes to shower and get dressed.

“Play now?” Mr. Whiskers asked hopefully.

I cuddled him close. “Not yet. Trevor is coming over, and I
need to shower first. We also need to pack.”

That had my familiar bouncing around my bed. “Trevor’s
coming? I love Trevor. He’s nice to me. Why are we packing? Are we going on
vacation? Can Trevor go on vacation with us? Did I tell you I love Trevor? I
missed Trevor so much when he stopped visiting us at work.”

“We’re going to stay with Trevor for a little while,” I
explained as I slid out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom, leaving Mr.
Whiskers dancing around my bed excitedly.

“We should live with Trevor forever!” he called out. “He
loves us, and we love him.”

I let out a frustrated sigh. After reading Trevor’s texts
and listening to Mr. Whiskers go on about how excited he was to stay at
Trevor’s house, I was beginning to see why they got along so well. Trevor had a
lot in common with my familiar.

“Fuck me, I’m so screwed,” I grumbled.

Chapter Eleven

I felt like a complete idiot after rereading my texts to
Melina. I couldn’t even use the excuse that I’d been drunk texting her, because
that wasn’t the case. The truth of the matter was, I’d cheated some with Melina
at the reception. While I wasn’t licensed to perform an affinity test, my
natural abilities were in that area. What I wasn’t trained to do was understand
less clear results. I’d tested Melina’s magic with my own, and it had been
explosive. Even knowing it wasn’t a perfect test since we both had magical
items on our persons, I was confident we’d pass our affinity test. I was more
than a little curious to see how strong the reaction would be if we were both
naked. Lying in bed, imagining Melina naked, had done nothing to help me get to
sleep. It had been close to three in the morning when I’d finally dozed off,
and I’d still been awake at eight, ready to pick her up.

In the past, I’d been excited about moving witches into my
place because of my tendency to feel an instant connection to the witches I
dated. Meeting Melina changed everything. Not one witch has spent the night at
my house since the day I met Melina because no matter what I did, I couldn’t get
her out of my head.

After making sure my house was clean and nothing
embarrassing had been left lying around, I went to pick up breakfast. I’ve
always been a breakfast person, and I was hoping Melina shared my love of the
most important meal of the day. One thing I’ve learned is that I hate living
with someone who tells me she’ll just have a yogurt in the morning. Yogurt is
not breakfast. Who wants to start their day with something that has the words
in the description? That does not sound the least bit

Standing at the door to Melina’s house, I was actually
nervous, which was something I’d also only experienced with Melina. While she
wasn’t the only witch to ever turn me down, she was the only witch I’d ever
wanted to fight for. When I rang the bell, I sensed the dampening spell on her
place, an unusual thing for a witch to have. Witches had a tendency to rely on
magic to do even the simplest things. I had spells to open my garage door,
start my dishwasher, and even one to turn on my laptop. Most witches would not
be happy living in a place with a dampening spell, but when I was around
Melina, I was constantly reminded that she’s not like other witches.

From the other side of the door, I could already hear her
muttering, and that actually helped with some of my nerves. I might sound crazy
for admitting it, but Melina in a bitchy mood has always been a huge turn on to
me. It made me think about angry sex with Melina. Admittedly, most things made
me think about sex with Melina, but I was currently focused on my angry sex
fantasy. She would claw at my back, while I thrust into her body over and over
again, until we were both panting and moaning.

The door opened to reveal Melina in a bathrobe. Her dark
hair was wet and hanging down her back. If I had to guess, I’d say she’d just
gotten out of the shower and had nothing under that robe, a thought that had me
biting back a groan.

“You’re early,” she remarked, sounding annoyed before she
inhaled deeply and sighed. “Is that bacon?”

“Sure is,” I confirmed, holding up the three large bags I
was carrying. “I also have pancakes, eggs, cinnamon rolls, and three types of
juice. I figured you’d have a coffee maker here.”

Melina stepped aside to let me into her condo, looking much
more inviting than she had when she’d opened the door. Although, I suspected
she was most happy about the bacon. As for me, my mind was no longer on food;
it was focused on what Melina had under her robe.

“I should get dressed before I eat,” Melina told me after
she led me to kitchen and I set the food on the counter.

“Not so fast,” I murmured, snaking an arm around her waist
to pull her closer. Her lips parted to speak, and I used that to my advantage,
covering her mouth with mine and sliding my tongue past her lips. She tasted of
minty toothpaste, and I drank in her moan, loving the fact that she was so
affected by my touch. My hand itched to slip under her robe and explore her
sexy body, but I held back.

Breaking the kiss, I rubbed the pad of my thumb along her
lower lip. “Wanna know what I was thinking about while I was waiting for you to
open the front door?”

“Bacon?” she guessed.

I shook my head. “I heard you grumbling, and it got me
thinking about angry sex. I can’t fucking wait to get inside of your body.”

Melina moaned.

“Tell me to fuck you,” I ordered her.

Chapter Twelve

I don’t take orders from warlocks, but I was seriously
tempted to make an exception this time. In fact, I might have been begging
Trevor to take me in the kitchen if it weren’t for one thing. “I don’t have any

Trevor’s grin turned downright predatory. “Is that the only
thing stopping you?”

“Honestly? Yes, it’s the only thing holding me back. I want
you in me so bad, I’d be willing to beg at this point, but I’m not willing to
risk getting pregnant.”

“Where’s Mr. Whiskers?” Trevor asked, looking around for my
familiar as if just noticing he wasn’t in the room.

“I locked him in his play room so he wouldn’t get into
trouble while I was packing,” I replied.

When Trevor took a step back and reached into his front
pocket to pull out a condom packet, my breathing became more labored. “Now, why
don’t you show me what you’ve got under that robe?” he suggested. “It took
every ounce of self-control I possess not to rip that dress off you yesterday.
I think I deserve a reward. Take the robe off for me, honey.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You want me to strip naked while you
stand there fully-clothed?” I asked.

The slow curl of his lips made my body clench with desire.
“I’ll make you a deal.”

“What’s that?” I was trying to sound only mildly interested
in his response—not that I was having much luck with that.

“You eat your breakfast,” he began, before reaching out to
play with the tie on my robe. “Then you let me open up this robe and eat you.”

“You want me to sit down and eat after an offer like that?”
He had to be joking.

“I wouldn’t want your food to get cold,” he insisted, with a
sexy grin.

I might think Trevor was unaffected by what was going on if
I hadn’t looked down and caught sight of his erection straining at the zipper
of his pants. There was no denying it; the warlock had impressive self-control,
and I was curious to know how good his self-control really was. Since I’d never
been shy, I decided to simply ask. “Did you go home and take care of yourself
last night?”

“Whatever do you mean?” he asked, with a teasing grin.

“Did you go home and wrap your hand around your dick, while
you thought about me?” I asked and then added. “I suppose you might have needed
two hands.”

Trevor let out a startled bark of laughter. “Two hands?
While my ego loves this conversation, I’m not that big.”

“Are you kidding? There was a short time while you where
pressed up against my ass when I thought you’d brought your pet anaconda with

Trevor had started to unload the bags of food, but he turned
to give me a lopsided grin. “Did you want to pet my anaconda?”

“I should probably say something about what a horrible line
that is, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I’m dying to get you in my
hands.” I enjoyed the look of surprise on Trevor’s face. While he’d spent
enough time around me to know I wasn’t afraid to say what I thought, I’d gone
to great efforts to avoid discussing sex. It seemed like the smartest thing to
do when I’d had no intention of letting things go that far with Trevor. All
that had changed, and I could finally open up to him.

“Fuck,” he hissed, sounding almost like he was in pain. “Are
you trying to make me embarrass myself?”

“Maybe a little,” I admitted with an impish grin. “Are you
telling me you didn’t take care of yourself after you got home?”

He chuckled. “Three times,” he admitted, and my mind was
suddenly filled with images of Trevor’s long fingers wrapped around his dick as
he stroked himself. That was something I definitely needed to see. “All I have
to do is think about you, and I get hard. I’m not sure I could have you enough
times in one day to stop that reaction, and my hand is a poor substitute for
your hot body. What would you say if I told you I want to tie you to my bed and
fuck you over and over again to see if I can ever truly get enough of you, or
if I’ll be craving you every second of every day, like I have since we met?”

Heat rushed between my legs, and my breathing became
labored. “Are you trying to make it hard for me to eat?”

“Yes,” he admitted. “You’ve teased me for months.”

“I haven’t done anything to tease you,” I argued.

Trevor slid my food across the counter, keeping his eyes
locked on mine. I found it impossible to look away from his hungry gaze.
“That’s just it, honey. You don’t have to do anything to tease me. I’ve been
dying to have you for months. Even when you stopped letting me see you, I still
woke up hard and aching for you. I still dreamt of you, and nothing could truly
take away that need. I know you think I’ll have you and then I’ll be bored with

“Not to sound like a bitch,” I began.

“But you are a bitch,” he finished for me, and I laughed
when I saw one corner of his lips kick up with amusement.

“Ass,” I shot back. “I was going to say that you can see how
your history would lead me to the conclusion that you’ll be bored with me

I waited for Trevor to get angry over my assumption. I knew
he didn’t like people bringing up his many relationships because it embarrassed
him, but it was a big part of why I didn’t fully trust his feelings.

There was a brief flash of something I couldn’t place in his
eyes. It might have been embarrassment or even anger, but it was gone too
quickly to identify. “Do you have any idea how much I’m going to enjoy proving
you wrong?” he asked.

I swallowed hard and looked away, not sure I wanted to
continue this discussion when I needed to focus on eating. Something told me
Trevor was going to be a big distraction. “Maybe you should tell me after we
eat breakfast.”

Trevor chuckled. “That might be a good idea.”

I moaned when I saw the pancakes, cinnamon rolls, eggs, and
bacon Trevor had set out for me. “I am so glad you aren’t one of those idiots
who think I want yogurt and fruit for breakfast.”

Trevor’s bark of laughter surprised me.

“Why is that so funny?” I asked.

“When I was standing outside your door, I was wondering if
you’d like what I brought and hoping you weren’t one of those women who eats
yogurt for breakfast,” he explained.

“Ugh! Never,” I assured him. “There is absolutely nothing
appetizing about a food item that boasts having live cultures in it. I have
zero interest in eating yogurt, and I need something with more substance to get
me moving in the morning.” I bit down on a piece of bacon and closed my eyes as
I made happy humming sounds.

“Has anyone ever told you how sexy you are when you talk
about hating yogurt?” he asked.

“Nope,” I told him after I swallowed my bacon. “Then again,
most guys seem to be laboring under the misconception that every woman wants
yogurt for breakfast and a light salad for lunch.”

“I like a woman who will eat with me. It annoys me to take a
witch to a steakhouse and see her order a salad and then say she’s full after
only a few bites. What the fuck is that about?” He sounded truly baffled.

“No need to worry about that with me,” I assured him. “If we
go to a steakhouse, I’m ordering the prime rib.”

“Damn, you are hot,” he murmured, and the craziest thing
was, I knew he wasn’t joking. Trevor seemed to love the fact that I enjoyed
food. This wasn’t exactly a surprise since he’d brought me dinner at the studio
before, and he’d always seemed oddly thrilled when I ate the food rather than
picking at it.

This was the first time I’d ever had a truly relaxed
conversation with Trevor. When he’d been pursuing me, I’d been trying hard to
avoid getting attached to him in any way. I was honestly enjoying myself, and
it wasn’t all about the bacon.

“Are you done eating?” Trevor asked when my plate was almost
empty, and I’d set my fork down.

“I couldn’t eat another bite,” I told him. “Go ahead and
finish up the food if you’re still hungry.”

“Oh, I’m hungry all right,” Trevor practically growled.
Coming around the breakfast bar, he spun my stool so I was facing him.

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