Sharing Sirius (3 page)

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Authors: Shona Husk

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Sharing Sirius
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“Maybe. Maybe I’m addicted.” Owen grinned, not bothering to hide his fangs. Katya wasn’t telling him the whole truth, but he let it slide because he knew Jack would confess. “If I am, I’m not stopping.”

It had been torture waiting for the house to be finished so he could have Jack as his lover. Jack had handed over the keys and they’d barely gotten inside before Owen had taken him on the floor. But he’d met Jack and had discovered what he was fifty years before. Back then, the timing had been wrong for both of them. That they’d crossed paths again had been serendipitous.

After seven centuries, he didn’t let second chances slip past without a fight.

“I’m going to speak to Jack. You can finalize the media requests?” He was pretty sure that was one of the things he was supposed to have been listening to.

She bit her lip in a way that made his skin ache for similar treatment. Then she smiled, but it was forced and the concern was back in her eyes, making him feel every one of his seven hundred and…three—or was it four?—years.

“Of course I can.” She touched his arm. Through the fabric of his shirt, the warmth of her fingers fueled the heat riding in his blood. “Are you okay, Owen? You don’t seem quite yourself.”

That made three of them.

Something was going on and Jack was at the center.

“I’m fine.” Wasn’t he? What had Jack said to Katya?

He didn’t give her a chance to argue. He strode out of the study, determined to confront Jack. He took the stairs two at a time and walked into the bedroom. The shower was already running, so he took a few more paces and leaned against the bathroom doorframe to watch and wait.

Jack had his back to him, lean and muscled with only the faintest tan line on his buttocks—something that no Vampire would ever get. The number of times he’d traced that line with his tongue. Jack turned. Owen’s gaze traveled over the golden dusting of hair on Jack’s legs that thickened around his sac and then arrowed up to his navel.

“You just going to watch?” Jack said as he turned off the taps and reached for his towel, his cock waking under the attention.

“Yep.” For the moment. Until he got some answers.

Jack dried his hair, giving Owen full view of his body and his rising shaft. He rubbed the towel over his chest and arms, never breaking Owen’s gaze. He slowly ran the towel over his thighs, between his legs, before throwing it over the rail. There was never any false modesty in anything Jack did.

“Why’d you tell Katya?”

“Time to stop keeping secrets. I’m not the scared youngster in need of saving anymore.” He gave his shaft a slow stroke, knowing he had Owen’s full consideration.

Owen didn’t move, but his gaze took in everything and his fingers curled at his side. Not the whole truth, he could see the edge in Jack’s eye. The shadow of doubt. Warning flickered in his mind, but he pushed it down. He’d get the truth from Jack’s lips one way or another. Jack had never been able to lie to him—or keep a secret.

“Half-dead if I recall.” Owen’s cock twitched as he watched Jack make another stroke along his length. His fangs were down, but he didn’t care. He wanted to taste Jack as the dhampir came. The hunger for blood was already lightening his eyes.

“I prefer to think I was half-alive.” Jack’s lip curled in a sexy grin as he walked closer, then ran his hand down Owen’s chest. He jerked on the belt holding up Owen’s jeans, but he didn’t unbuckle it. Instead, his hand cupped Owen’s cock through the denim. “I trust her not to tell anyone.”

A groan escaped Owen’s lips as Jack’s hand stroked. Jack knew exactly what to do to elicit a reaction after years together. He nipped at Owen’s lip without breaking the skin, ran his tongue over the bite and delved deeper. Owen opened his mouth and slid his tongue over Jack’s. The faint scent of the sea and salt clung to Jack despite the shower to wash off the sand. Owen raked his teeth over Jack’s lip but didn’t use his fangs. Not yet. Blood tasted better when loaded with sexual energy—just before climax. He rubbed his hips against Jack and felt his lover’s lips curve against his as Jack grinned.

“Ah, so you did come up here for something.” Jack’s voice was soft and deep in his ear. The rasping of the zipper as it was dragged down was too loud. Then Jack’s hand wrapped around Owen’s shaft. “I totally understand why you watch her. That pert ass and tiny fangs.”

“I don’t—” His denial was cut short by a growl as Jack bit his neck, harder than usual. Every tooth leaving an impression in his skin, but never breaking the surface the way he wished Jack would. The need to be bitten was burning through his blood. The scorching lust made his knees weak even though no blood was spilled and never would be. Jack couldn’t stomach the thought of blood.

Jack’s thumb brushed over the slit of Owen’s cock and circled the smooth head. “You want to feel her fangs in your neck?” He yanked open the shirt buttons and raked his teeth over one nipple. “Or here?” He dropped to his knees and pulled Owen’s jeans down. “How about here?” He nipped at Owen’s sac.

Images of Katya, fangs down, filled his head. His skin tingled, craving the bite that would cut. He forced himself to focus on the man in front of him. Owen gripped Jack’s hair, the damp golden curls wrapping around his fingers like silk, and tugged on Jack’s head so he was forced to look up. “I want to feel

Even as the words left his lips, he knew it was a lie. While he loved the feel of Jack’s teeth on his skin, it wasn’t the same as a lover’s fangs, biting deep and rousing an ecstasy that couldn’t be matched. But he would not cheat on Jack by having another bite him. No matter how much his blood burned. No matter how delicately she’d phrased the question. His gut tightened. Did Jack know how much he longed to be bitten? Had that been the conversation?

The thought scattered as Jack flicked out his tongue and tasted the hot flesh of Owen’s cock. Owen couldn’t suppress the shiver of desire that followed, chasing through his veins. Jack knew how to tease him. Owen eased his grip but didn’t let go entirely. Jack’s dark brown eyes glinted with mischief as he ignored Owen’s shaft and traced his tongue over the vein in Owen’s thigh instead as if he intended to bite. Jack’s fingers curled around Owen’s balls and Owen knew who was in control at that moment, and it wasn’t him. He should’ve taken him in the bathroom, fucked him while his fangs were buried deep in Jack’s neck.

The touch of Jack’s tongue on his skin sent heat spiking through his blood. His cock jumped and the glans scraped against Jack’s unshaven cheek. He watched as Jack turned his head slightly and licked along the length of Owen’s cock. His tongue was soft against the hard flesh, using teasing strokes that circled the head and flicked across the slit almost carelessly. But Jack was anything but careless—with anything. Then Jack put his lips around Owen’s cock and sucked.

Owen fought to keep his eyes open as a delicious frisson of pleasure slid into his balls and filled his belly with heat. Jack’s teeth grazed the sensitive skin. For a man who wouldn’t bite, he knew how to use his teeth. Before he could get too close to the edge, Jack replaced his mouth with his hand, fisting Owen’s shaft roughly. Owen watched, torn between letting Jack continue, the golden dhampir on his knees, and wanting to taste his lover’s blood as he came, something he couldn’t do like this.

Jack glanced up as if sensing his dilemma. Owen stared back, unable to make the decision. He just needed the release. Jack waited a couple of heartbeats, the stroke of his hand firm. He lapped a bead of cum from the tip of Owen’s shaft. Owen gasped and Jack did it again, never looking away as his tongue caressed the head of Owen’s cock. There was something unreadable in Jack’s eyes, but before Owen had a chance to analyze, Jack swallowed the length of his lover’s shaft. His finger circled the pucker of Owen’s ass.

Owen gave up and closed his eyes, his hips bucking in response to Jack’s ministrations. The muscles in his thighs clenched as he held back. His balls tightened, and heat eddied in his blood and burned in his veins.

But for a moment in his mind, it wasn’t Jack’s mouth around his cock and it wasn’t Jack’s teeth on his skin. It was Katya’s. Her fangs pressing deep and cutting. Her tongue circling his cock and stroking the head. His cock hardened further. A groan formed on his lips.

His blood needed to be spilled as much as he needed to come. His fangs lengthened and pressed against his lip as his fingers kneaded Jack’s scalp. Jack responded by sucking as if he could tear the climax from Owen. His breath caught and for a moment he was drowning in sensation.

The reality coupled with his fantasy of being bitten by Katya was more than enough to push him over the edge. His cock twitched, then he came, pumping his hips and spilling into Jack’s mouth. Jack swallowed and took his time to finish, licking every drop.

Owen let himself breathe again. His heart hammering, his blood too hot and too fast to be contained. Jack stood and kissed him hard so he could taste his salty essence on the other man’s tongue. Another day and the situation would’ve been reversed. Owen’s fingers skimmed over Jack’s hip and drew him close. His lover’s hard cock pressed against him, still needing attention.

Jack wrapped his hand around the back of Owen’s neck and rested his cheek against his. “I won’t be hurt if you want her.”

“I don’t,” Owen said through clenched teeth. She was an employee. It was wrong he was even thinking about her like that. But he couldn’t deny that the idea didn’t live in his mind or the lust she thought she hid didn’t exist. He could hear the truth in the beating of her heart even if her features were schooled.

“I hear it in your heart and see it in your eyes. Just do me the courtesy of being honest.” Jack forced the words out.

“I’m not leaving you.”

“That’s not what I said. Have her, get what you need.” Jack drew back and placed his hand over Owen’s heart.

The soft touch made him feel lower than a legless lizard. He pulled away, breaking the embrace. “Don’t tell me what I need. Or what I want.”

Jack’s lipped thinned. “Do you know what you want anymore?”

Owen zipped up his jeans and did up his belt with short sharp movements. “Of course I do. I don’t want a casual bite.”

“It doesn’t have to be casual.”

He turned slowly and looked at his lover. Still naked, still hard. They should be fucking, not arguing over his PA. A decade together and Jack had never once suggested anything like this. “What’s going on, Jack?”

Jack’s tongue darted over his lip, but the smile was gone, replaced with something darker. “You’re the oldest Vampire I know, have ever known. When was the last time you decided what movie to go see? Which pizza to order? Hell, what to have for breakfast?”

“What does it matter?” He’d done those things a thousand times before. Why did he have to think about them? Or be concerned with them?

Jack looked at his toes as they curled against the carpet. “I’m worried.” He glanced up as if not wanting to admit what was on his mind. His sighed before speaking. “I think you are showing signs of ennui.”

Ennui, the Vampire equivalent of senility. Young in body, old of mind. He’d seen it happen. Seen old ones literally sit down and, after a few days of not moving, die. At some point life had to stop. For many Vampires it was a violent end, and most would prefer that to just slipping away.

And Jack thought he was starting to slide. Was he? The fear he’d been ignoring bathed him in ice, cooling his skin and raising gooseflesh down his back. He’d seen the concern in Katya’s eyes and now Jack’s. They’d been discussing him. He didn’t want their pity.

“I’m fine, just distracted by the new album and the associated promo crap. It’s not enough to just make good music these days.” He gave Jack a hug and hoped his lover couldn’t feel the disquiet in his embrace. “You’re an idiot. I love you for caring enough to worry.” He kissed the dhampir’s cheek and whispered in his ear, “Are you sure it isn’t you who wants to feel my bite on one side and hers on the other?”

Jack swallowed but didn’t pull away and deny it. “You crave to be bitten. You need it. I’m giving you that freedom.”

“It’s not your choice to make.” Owen released him. The heat and lust that had just existed were gone. He took a few steps back and then walked out of their bedroom, leaving Jack standing there alone.

But Jack’s words echoed in his ears, louder than the pounding of his blood. In the corridor, he curled his hands into fists and let his nails break the skin. Blood oozed out of the crescent-shaped wounds, but the relief was instant. Waves of release, as if he were coming again, coursed through him. The tension eased, but his self-loathing increased.

He’d never had to release blood before. But over the past couple of weeks, the need had been growing. And Jack knew. He hung his head. He hadn’t betrayed his lover in action, but the thoughts were there, fully formed, the desire was there and it was only a very fine thread of control keeping him from acting. He couldn’t be trusted if he couldn’t control himself.

Ennui. Were these really the first signs or was he just absorbed with the band? Just self-absorbed.

He opened his fists. The blood had already stopped flowing. He went to the spare bathroom and washed his hands, the water running pink, then clear. His palms were already healing. Around Jack, he healed faster than he ever had, something to do with the dhampir blood. How could he love Jack but crave the one thing Jack couldn’t give him?

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