She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity (81 page)

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Helen Barrett and Helen Koch
: Cravens 1993.

“One of the few fixed stars in the creed . . .”
: “I.Q. Control” 1938.

World War II . . . focused the country's attention abroad
: Vinovskis 2008.

white person after a lobotomy
: Tucker 1994.

Garrett was an ardent supporter of segregation
: Winston 1998.

reporting on the “Communistic theories”
: Jackson 2005.

“the scientific hoax of the century”
: Quoted in Garrett 1961.

“The fundamental theoretical basis . . .”
: Quoted in Castles 2012, p. 114.

many benefits to the Head Start program
: Bauer 2016.

only to drift back down
: Montialoux 2016.

an educational psychologist named Arthur Jensen
: Jensen 1967.

have rejected them
: Colman 2016; deBoer 2017; Lewontin 1970; Nisbett 2013; Nisbett et al. 2012.

The Flynn effect did not leave behind American blacks
: Nisbett 2013; Rindermann and Pichelmann 2015.

Dorothy Roberts
: Roberts 2015.

When education researchers test out new programs
: Cesarini and Visscher 2017.

tailor school programs to each child
: See Asbury 2015; Asbury and Plomin 2013.

“If a simple blood test at birth could spot children . . .”
: Quoted in Asbury 2015.

“Precision education,” as this approach has been called
: See Hart 2016.

it's only a placeholder of an idea
: Panofsky 2015.

dubbed this kind of thinking “genetic essentialism”
: Dar-Nimrod and Heine 2011.

our minds instinctively sort things into categories
: Gelman 2003.

nothing we do in our lives
: Cheung, Dar-Nimrod, and Gonsalkorale 2014.

manipulate people's genetic essentialism
: Dar-Nimrod et al. 2014.

Ex Ovo Omnia

how many cell types there are
: See Regev et al. 2017; Yong 2016a.

Aristotle asked himself this question
: Leroi 2014.

“This point beats and moves . . .”
: Aristotle,
The History of Animals.

much as the mind produces thoughts
: Cobb 2012.

He drew the head of a sperm
: Lawrence 2008.

Caspar Friedrich Wolff
: Aulie 1961.

they were all variations on a theme
: See Harris 1999; Mazzarello 1999.

“And this principle . . .”
: Schwann 1847, p. 166.

the overgrowth of their two parents
: See Amundson 2007; Churchill 2015.

“How is it,” he asked, “that such a single cell can reproduce . . .”
: Quoted in Churchill 2015, p. 303.

a mysterious thing Weismann called “hereditary tendencies”
: Dröscher 2014.

Weismann also recognized another kind of heredity
: Churchill 1987; Griesemer 2005.

a “theoretical illustration”
: Weismann 1893, p.103.

draw trees of their own
: Maienschein 1978.

Edwin Grant Conklin
: Clement 1979.

“They called it cellular bookkeeping”
: Bonner and Bell, 1952, p. 81.

“came behind me while I was anxiously studying . . .”
: Conklin 1968, p. 115.

an essential part of embryology
: See Buckingham and Meilhac 2011; Kretzschmar and Watt 2012; Stern and Fraser 2001.

“The ‘Wanderlust' of geneticists . . .”
: Quoted in Harrison 1937.

Conrad Waddington
: See Baedke 2013; Slack 2002; Stern 2003.

It used its many genes to produce many proteins
: Henikoff and Greally 2016.

“. . . a rough and ready picture of the developing embryo . . .”
: Waddington 1957.

like visions from the future
: See Allis and Jenuwein 2016; Felsenfeld 2014.

Mary Lyon
: See Cooper 2011; Fisher and Peters 2015; Gartler 2015; Gitschier 2010; Harper 2011; Kalantry and Mueller 2015; Nightingale 2015; Opitz 2015; Rastan 2015a, 2015b; Vines 1997.

She carried out elegant experiments
: Silvers 1979.

“They wanted me to get married at one point”
: Quoted in Gitschier 2010.

“always tried to stick to the mouse work”
: Quoted in Genetics and Medicine Historical Network 2004.

seven paragraphs
: Lyon 1961.

“He may not have realized I wasn't a PhD student . . .”
: Quoted in Vines 1997, p. 269.

“It is concluded”
: Grüneberg 1967, p. 255.

Ronald Davidson
: Davidson, Nitowsky, and Childs 1963.

molecules that shut down X chromosomes
: See Jegu and Lee 2017; Payer 2016; Vacca et al. 2016; Vallot, Ouimette, and Rougeulle 2016.

rolls the genetic dice
: See Galupa and Heard 2015; Xu, Tsai, and Lee 2006.

Jeremy Nathans
: Wu et al. 2014.

more steps on the journey
: Henikoff and Greally 2016.

master genes also sustain each other
: Moris, Pina, and Arias 2016; Semrau and Van Oudenaarden 2015.

right back to controlling the DNA in the two new cells
: Teves et al. 2016.

These fluctuations can throw the cell's feedback loops out of whack
: Goolam 2016.

Leila Boubakar
: Boubakar et al. 2017.

survive for only four months
: Milo and Phillips 2015.

hidden refuges of stem cells
: Goodell, Nguyen, and Shroyer 2015.

So-called satellite cells
: Yablonka-Reuveni 2011.

Stem cells need to hide in their refuges
: Adam and Fuchs 2016.

manipulating the way their daughter cells inherit their molecules
: Knoblich 2008.

one of the last places where they were discovered: in the brain
: See Bergmann and Frisén 2013; Bergmann et al. 2012; Bergmann, Spalding, and Frisén 2015; Bhardwaj et al. 2006; Spalding et al. 2013, 2005.

“Everything may die; nothing may be regenerated”
: Quoted in Rubin 2009, p. 410.

this tiny infusion may make an important difference
: See Anacker and Hen 2017; Bergmann and Frisén 2013.

12. Witches'-Broom

translated into English as witches'-broom
: Fordham 1967.

a pair of Boston horticulturalists
: “Dwarf Alberta Spruce.”

they dubbed it a bud sport
: Bossinger and Spokevicius 2011; Marcotrigiano 1997.

all pink grapefruits descend
: da Graca, Louzada, and Sauls 2004.

“the spark which ignites a mass of combustible matter.”
: Quoted in Darwin 1868.

T. D. A. Cockrell wrote in 1917
: Cockerell 1917.

animals can be mosaics, too
: Spinner and Conlin 2014.

German dermatologist Alfred Blaschko
: Kouzak, Mendes, and Costa 2013.

“Brace yourselves up to witness . . .”
: Quoted in Howell and Ford 2010, p. 74.

“the most disgusting specimen of humanity . . .”
: Treves 1923.

“an animal in a cattle market”
: Quoted in Howell and Ford 2010, p. 77.

Theodor Boveri
: See Balmain 2001; Boveri 2008; Dietel 2014; Gull 2010; Heim 2014; McKusick 1985; Meijer 2005; Ried 2009; Wright 2014.

“The skepticism with which my ideas were met . . .”
: Boveri 2008.

The altered chromosomes drove cells to become cancerous
: Nowell 1960.

sequencing entire genomes from tumor cells
: Griffith et al. 2015.

They steal mitochondrial genes from healthy cells
: Tan et al. 2015.

simple arithmetic
: See Campbell et al. 2014; Forsberg, Gisselsson, and Dumanski 2016.

On August 5, 1959
: Hirschhorn, Decker, and Cooper 1960.

a team of Israeli geneticists
: Chemke, Rappaport, and Etrog 1983.

Proteus syndrome
: See Biesecker 2005, 2006; de Souza 2012; Tibbles and Cohen 1986; Wiedeman 1983.

Leslie Biesecker
: Lindhurst et al. 2011.

it may one day become curable
: Lindhurst 2015.

the genetic causes of more mosaic diseases
: See Campbell et al. 2015; Lupski 2013.

A mutation may arise at any stage
: Frank 2014.

Epidermal cells stream in rivers
: See Happle 2002; Kouzak et al. 2013.

Jonathan Pevsner
: See Freed, Stevens, and Pevsner 2014; Shirley et al. 2013.

: Flores-Sarnat et al. 2003.

brain tissue taken from eight people
: Poduri et al. 2013, 2012.

a long stretch of chromosome 1 was duplicated
: D'Gama et al. 2015.

her third child, a daughter named Astrea
: Dusheck 2016; Priest et al. 2016.

genetic purgatory
: Ackerman 2015.

mosaicism can heal
: See Gajecka 2016; Lai-Cheong, McGrath, and Uitto 2011; Pasmooij, Jonkman, and Uitto 2012.

over half of its cells end up with the wrong number of chromosomes
: See Freed et al. 2014; Oetting et al. 2015; Spinner and Conlin 2014; Vanneste et al. 2009.

reject the embryo altogether
: Freed et al. 2014.

can survive with some variety in their chromosomes
: Rutledge and Cimini 2016.

Markus Grompe
: Duncan et al. 2012.

all down to their descendants as a mosaic legacy
: See Frank 2014; Ju 2017.

reconstruct the cell lineages of the brain
: See Evrony 2016; Linnarsson 2015; Lodato et al. 2015.

13. Chimeras

“the bull-calf becomes a very proper bull”
: Hunter 1779, p. 279.

“The flesh of a fatted free martin . . .”
: Mills 1776, p. 262.

Frank Lillie started dissecting cow fetuses
: Capel and Coveney 2004.

Cows were Owen's life
: Owen 1983.

“It was a kind of bio-business venture.”
: Ibid., p. 11.

a Maryland cattle farmer got in touch
: Owen 1959.

carried proteins matching both bulls
: Martin 2015.

Peter Medawar
: Martin 2007b; Martin 2015.

punched out bits of skin
: Anderson et al. 1951.

Mrs. McK
: See Dunsford et al. 1953; Martin 2007a, 2007b.

“The Uniqueness of the Individual”
: Medawar 1957.

“to lift the phenomenon out of the ‘freak' category.”
: Quoted in Martin 2007a.

Patricia Tippett
: Tippett 1983.

8 percent of the twins were chimeras
: Van Dijk, Boomsma, and de Man 1996.

a thirty-year-old woman in Germany
: Sudik 2001.

a girl was born in a Seattle hospital
: Gartler, Waxman, and Giblett 1962; Waxman, Gartler, and Kelley 1962.

a tetragametic chimera
: Yunis et al. 2007.

to produce a girl or a boy with ordinary genitals
: Malan et al. 2007.

Lydia Fairchild
: See Arcabascio 2007; Martin 2007a;
ABC News
2016; Wolinsky 2007.

Karen Keegan
: Yu et al. 2002.

“. . . part of me hadn't passed on to them”
: Quoted in Baron 2003.

a doctor first took note of this traffic
: Jeanty, Derderian, and Mackenzie 2014.

Christian Georg Schmorl
: Lapaire et al. 2007.

Rajendra Desai and William Creger
: Desai and Creger 1963.

Desai and colleagues in Boston ran the reverse experiment
: Desai et al. 1966.

new method to sort the cells of a fetus
: Herzenberg et al. 1979.

Diana Bianchi
: See Bianchi 2007; Bianchi et al. 1996; Martin 2010.

up to half of mothers
: Forsberg et al. 2016.

a legacy in reverse
: Khosrotehrani and Bianchi 2005.

42 percent of children
: Jeanty, Derderian, and Mackenzie 2014.

blood samples from 154 girls
: Müller et al. 2016.

a group of researchers at Leiden University
: Rijnink et al. 2015.

Lee Nelson
: Chan et al. 2012.

Gerald Udolph
: Zeng et al. 2010.

what effects their divided inheritance had on them
: Martin 2010.

: Nelson et al. 1998.

good for your health
: Bianchi 2007; Falick Michaeli, Bergman, and Gielchinsky 2015; Martin 2010.

Peter Geck
: Dhimolea et al. 2013.

Ruth Fischbach and John Loike
: Fischbach and Loike 2014; Loike and Fischbach 2013.

The Tasmanian Devil couldn't have been dead long
: Murchison 2016.

A singular epidemic
: See Ostrander, Davis, and Ostrander 2016; Ujvari, Gatenby, and Thomas 2016b; Ujvari, Papenfuss, and Belov 2016; Ujvari et al. 2014.

The genome in the tumors
: Murchison et al. 2012.

a type of nerve known as a Schwann cell
: Murchison et al. 2010.

Delabere Blaine
: Blaine 1810.

Mstislav Novinski
: Shabad and Ponomarkov 1976; Shimkin 1955.

In 1934, a veterinarian and a pathologist reported
: Stubbs and Furth 1934.

Robin Weiss
: Murgia et al. 2006.

humans have spread CTVT
: Strakova et al. 2016.

in the sea
: Metzger et al. 2015.

a second devil facial tumor
: Pye et al. 2015.

journey from one host to another
: See Tissot et al. 2016; Ujvari, Gatenby, and Thomas 2016a.

genes linked to immune surveillance
: Ostrander et al. 2016.

CTVT cells have stolen mitochondria
: Strakova et al. 2016.

the eight cases identified so far
: Riquet 2017.

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