SHEIKH'S SURPRISE BABY: A Sheikh Romance (103 page)

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“Only got enough for one.”

Geoff pushed it back. “On the house — can I get you something to eat?”

Norah smiled at him gratefully. “Thank you but no. I need to get across town — and it’s the bike race thing today so I need all the time I can get.”

“You go get ‘em, killer.”


Ten minutes later and seventeen blocks later, Norah skidded to a halt, breathless. Somewhere, somehow she’d taken a wrong turn. She pulled out her phone to check the directions, cursing softly under her breath. She turned and then the world went haywire. Screeching brakes, screeching tires and all the air in her lungs seemed to disappear. The Mercedes that had almost hit her seemed like it had grown out of all proportion, towered above her until she realized she was lying on the ground. Her head spun as a man, a very tall, dark man sprung from the car and bent over her. He was talking but she couldn’t quite understand what he was saying. All she could see was the vivid green of his eyes, ringed with the darkest lashes, the beautiful classical angles of his man, his maleness. She must be dead. Damn, and she wasn’t even a believer but if this was what angels looked like then…

“Hey, space cakes? I don’t think she can understand me. Let’s just get to a doctor.”

Not an angel then. Norah fought the dark spots that were crowding in at the corners of her eyes.

“No…I’m fine, just let me down.” He had her in his arms by them and was moving towards the death car.

“No way, baby girl. I’m not having a million dollar lawsuit on my hands.”

Norah felt a jolt of anger. “I’m fine, I just got shocked, is all. Let me down, I’m all good, I have to go.”

The angel —
no, definitely not an angel, more like a pain in the butt
— ignored her and Norah thought up a million ways to kick and bite her way free, or to cuss him out. Instead, she did the most humiliating thing possible.

She fainted.


Norah opened her eyes and stared up an unfamiliar ceiling. By the smell filling her nostrils and the mechanical beep and the irritating i.v. line in her arm, she guessed the angel/ass had brought her to the hospital. She raised her head and groaned. Yep, this wasn’t the local emergency room. A private room and nurses in exquisitely fitted uniforms, the hushed, serene atmosphere.

Shoot. There goes next month’s rent…and the next…and the next…

Someone cleared his throat and she started, her head whipping around to see her annoying savior, sitting in a very plush armchair in the corner of the room. He was dressed in a beautiful dark gray suit, a dusky blue shirt which made his green eyes pop and the angles of his face were softened by his smile.
Norah shook herself and glared at him.

“You nearly killed me.”

He chuckled. “Technically,
ran out in front of
. Too busy texting — or
— maybe. Oh, the youth of today.” He shook his head somberly but his eyes twinkled with merriment.

Norah gaped at him.
But she felt a flush climb up her face as he gazed at her, his eyes dropping to her mouth in a way that made her pulse quicken. A weird fluttering feeling stole into her belly. He stood and approached and suddenly she felt panicky. He sat on the edge of the bed and touched a finger to her burning cheek.

“Hi,” he said softly.
Oh that voice,
deep and resonant, soft and sure, “I’m Jay.”

She swallowed. “Norah.”

He smiled and she was lost. “Hello, Norah.” His face was so close to hers, she could see the dark blue rings around his green eyes. They dropped to her mouth again and Norah could feel her heart beating too fast. Surely he wasn’t about to kiss her? In the split second after the first thought, she realized she had already made her decision.
Let it happen.

“Hello, you two, sorry if I’m interrupting.”

The doctor beamed at them both as he barreled into the room. Jay stepped away and sat back down in the armchair as Norah silently invented new and gruesome ways to murder the doctor. Also, the way Jay was smirking behind the doctor’s back infuriated her. She glared at him.

“Doctor,” her voice was gratifyingly steady, “I’m terribly sorry to have wasted your time. I just got a little light-headed is all.”

The doctor smiled at her. “No trouble, Miss…?” He looked down at the notes. “Miss Quinn.”

Norah frowned. “How did you know…”

The doctor nodded at Jay who beamed cheekily at her. “I gave admission all your details, darling.”


“When I paid the fees,

That shut her up. Jay met her gaze with an amused look as the doctor told her to take care of herself and eat some breakfast the next time. Norah thanked him and swung her legs off the bed. Jay offered her his hand. It was big, and warm and dry and felt as if it were made to fit hers.
Damn it.
The doctor said his goodbyes and Jay handed her bag to her. It was only then she remembered and she sat back down on the bed, dropped her bag and buried her face in her hands.

Jay sat down beside her and when she looked up, his glorious face was creased with concern.

“What is it? Should I get the doctor back?”

She shook her head and to her annoyance, her eyes filled at his kindness. “No, it’s okay…it’s just…oh,
darn it


“I was on my way to an interview. An important one and…”

Jay whipped out his phone. “We’ll just reschedule, I’m sure…”

She put out a hand to stop him. “No. Believe me, it won’t make any difference.” The woman at the company already hated her. She would love this.
Oh, damn it, damn it.

Jay was still watching her with those heavenly eyes. “Norah? Are you sure I can’t call someone for you?”

No-one. There was no-one.
She didn’t trust herself to speak so just shook her head, the lump settling in the back of her throat. She closed her eyes and felt his arm wrap around her shoulder.

“Come on. I’m taking to you to lunch.”

She opened her eyes and glanced at the clock on the wall. “It’s nine a.m.”

Jay shrugged good-naturedly. “Brunch then. I can’t call it breakfast because unlike some people, I ate this morning.”

Nope. No way. Nope
. “Okay.”


She was aware of the lust-filled glances of the female staff — and some male staff — to the tall god walking beside her. She could only imagine they looked at Jay then at her and shook their heads in disbelief.
He’s not mine
, she wanted to yell,
he’s just a loaner.
That made her grin to herself and she was still smiling when Jay’s driver pulled up at one of the city’s most exclusive restaurants.

“Something funny?” His voice was amused and she grinned at him and told him what she was thinking. He laughed.

“A loaner, huh? Well, we’ll see about that.”

Her stomach dropped, desire flash-burned over her skin, and she could feel her face coloring. Jay got out of the car and helped her out, and kept her hand in his as they walked into the restaurant.


She really was lovely, he thought, that dark olive skin that colored a deep rose when she was embarrassed, the deep brown of her large eyes, the wayward dark hair, half-clipped up, half tumbling down her back. Jay McKittridge was used to beautiful women — his position as one of the city’s — hell,
the world’s
— most eligible billionaires guaranteed him ready access to the A list of gorgeous women but this girl…she had what he thought was starting to become extinct — a personality. And she also possessed something else he found irresistible…

She had absolutely no idea who he was.

Jay signaled to a waiter, greeted him with a smile. Norah watched in silence, nodded when he asked if he could order for them both. Clearly she was overwhelmed and as the waiter moved away, she started to chew her lip.



She grinned then. “Your name is Jay Jay? Did your parents hate you?”

“Funny girl. What were you asking?”

She took a deep breath in. “Look, thank you. I really appreciate you taking care of me. I will pay you back for the doctor’s fees, it just might take a while.”

Jay waved a hand. “Don’t be silly, it’s my pleasure. After all, I nearly ran you down, didn’t I?”

She half-smiled. “No, I…”

“Norah,” he leaned forward and put his hand over hers. “I mean it. It’s my pleasure.” God, just a little closer and he could brush his lips against that rosebud mouth, inhale her fresh, clean scent, the scent that had driven him almost out of his mind the last couple of hours. He held her gaze then as the waiter appeared with their drinks, he sat back.

“Tell me about this interview.”

Norah shrugged. “It was a long-shot anyhow. Marshall Harrington likes experience over qualifications. I have the qualification but…”

“May I ask…how old are you?”

She didn’t appear to mind the question. “Twenty-four. I graduated
Summa Cum Laude
from Harvard Business School last year. I’ve been looking for the right position ever since.”

Jay looked askance. “
Summa Cum Laude
and you’re having
? Jeez…” He shook his head, disbelieving. What the hell were graduates supposed to do to get the experience? “That’s ridiculous.”

She raised her glass of orange juice to him. “Amen.”

Their food arrived and he was gratified to see she enjoyed his choice — smoked salmon with such light scrambled eggs and truffle that they were like air.

“Oh,’ she said after a few minutes of eating, “this is truly heavenly, thank you.”

“My pleasure. Norah?”

“Yes?” She said, grinning with her mouth full. She was utterly adorable, he thought with a smile.

“Will you have dinner with me?”


Later, at home, she went over what had happened and cursed herself out for being so stupid. It was just dinner…and she’d said
. She’d been polite, thanked him for the doctor’s fees and brunch but said it really wasn’t a good idea. Now as she sat alone in her tiny studio apartment, staring blankly at an old black and white movie on the tiny portable television set, she repeated one word to herself.


The disappointment in his eyes when she’d turned him down, however gently, had made her cringe inwardly. How ungrateful could she be? And yet…her feminist side yelled at her for thinking she owed him something…and her femi
shouted at her that he was, without a doubt the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.

Like I said…idiot.

She should have been thinking of what she could do career-wise after missing the Harrington interview. She pulled her laptop over and, chewing her lip, typed Jay’s name into Google.

And immediately wished she’d hadn’t. How the hell did she not know about this guy? James ‘Jay’ Whitney McKittridge III, thirty-seven, single (unbelievably) and the billionaire CEO of America’s largest media corporation, JWM.

“Jay Double-U Em…” Norah intoned to herself. “Freakin’ Jay Double-U Em.” She was suddenly glad she hadn’t gotten to the interview with Harrington that morning. If she was so out of touch that she didn’t know who Harrington’s biggest competition was… Embarrassment mixed with confusion — she’d told Jay who her interview was with so why hadn’t he admitted who he was? Maybe he assumed she did know who he was and…

.” She said out loud. Did he think she was hinting at a job?
Oh god, no…
She might never see him again but she hated to think that he would think that about her. She picked up a pillow from the couch and screamed into it.
Why? Why me? Why do I have to be such a doofus?

She didn’t realize the doorbell was buzzing until she took her face out of the pillow. She threw it across the room and skittered over to the door and yanked it open.

James Whitney McKittridge III grinned at her. “I’m really bad at taking no for an answer.” He said and Norah, her mind a confusion of embarrassment, mortification, attraction and amusement, chose amusement and burst out laughing.


Jay took Norah to a local place, quiet, non-assuming. As he ordered their drinks, she studied him, his elegance, his sheer machismo set every nerve ending in her skin alive. Goddamn, it was that feeling all over again. When she’d agreed to a date with him, she’d made a promise to herself. Just drinks. Nothing else. Just a polite drink and then home.
, she told herself sternly

But then, as soon as he’d offered her a hand out of the cab and their skin had touched, albeit briefly, electricity had surged through her and when he gave a sharp, almost inaudible, intake of breath, she knew he felt it too.

Here, on mutual territory, she no longer felt overwhelmed by him and his status. He was dressed in simple jeans and t-shirt,
just like the rest of us mortals,
Norah grinned to herself.

“Something funny?” He was back and smiling down at her. She accepted the drink he offered, sipped it as he took the seat next to her.

“I was just thinking, despite being — what was it —
Forbes’ Most Eligible Billionaire this
last year…you seem almost normal.”

Jay smiled. “Is that a compliment or…?”

She grinned wickedly. “It’s whatever you think it is.”

He pretended to consider. “Then I’m going to take it as a compliment. But please,” he intoned dryly, “stop throwing yourself at me. It’s embarrassing.”

Norah giggled. “And clearly, you’re a loon.
Forbes Most Eligible Loon

Jay inclined his head. “Thas’ me Ma’am.”

They both laughed and Norah was amazed how easy it was to be here with him.

“I wanted to thank you for coming out with me tonight, for letting me apologize in person. You know, for almost killing you this morning.”

Norah bit back a twang of disappointment. Was that all this was? An apology? Get a grip, she told herself, what did you expect? “You’re welcome. More than welcome, you paid my medical bills (not that I needed medical help) and bought me lunch.”

“Brunch,” he corrected, grinning, “and yeah, next time, eat some cereal, would you?”

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