Shifter Singles (Dating the Werewolves)(BBW Steamy Paranormal Menage Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Shifter Singles (Dating the Werewolves)(BBW Steamy Paranormal Menage Romance)
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Me? I was a different story. I didn't want what was best for them, I just
them. The insatiable desire that started throbbing deep in my core made me cross my legs and shimmy slightly in my chair. I felt like I was sitting on pins and needles, my whole sex tingling like it was waking up for the first time in a while.


Call, still wearing that cockeyed grin, leaned forward on his backwards chair and cradled his chin on his elbows. "So I was thinking something here," he said in that rumbling, sexy voice of his.


Jor lifted his head and broke his gaze from mine. He gave a slight nod, and Call went on talking. "I think we are all adults here. And I think we all know why we came. So my only question now is, where would you like to go next?"


"My place," I squeaked, blushing hard at how slutty I was becoming. But fuck it; these guys were a once in a lifetime opportunity. If nothing else, Jill would kill me on sight if I didn't at least kiss them.


Jor and Call both jumped up, chairs scraping across the linoleum floor of the cafe as loud as rolling thunder. I jumped up, propelled to my feet by nothing less than wild desire. Just then, a thought occurred to me, one that up until now I had been too damn horny to notice.


There was something I had to know. Something that tickled at my brain, even though my body screamed at me to shut up and just let this happen. "Both of you?" I squeaked hesitantly "Like, together? You're okay with this?"


Call cocked that perfect sideways grin, and shot a secret look at Jor. "Guys like us," he started slowly, flicking a casual finger between the two of them, "well, we're kind of used to this."


"It's what you have to do when there's a shortage of perfect women," Jor added, running his long, thick index finger along my forearm, brushing it electrically against the fine soft hairs.


I shook my head in confusion. "
?" I waved my hands dramatically, taking in their perfect features, their rock hard bodies, their devastatingly sexy grins. "Forgive me for being blunt, but I can't see how
guys like you
would ever have trouble finding a woman."


Call touched my hand and then trailed it lightly up my arm, his finger tracing the line that Jor's had just carved up my skin. "He didn't say just any woman," he clarified, his voice throaty, husky. "He said
the perfect woman."


Any instincts that I had to demure, to protest that there was nothing perfect about me, were drowned out by the feel of their hands on my skin. I felt a moan bubble up out of my chest, escaping through my lips before I could catch it.


Call clutched me close, lifting me from the chair and guiding me rapidly towards the door. Jor flanked me, his broad hand braced possessively at the base of my spine.


Even though neither one of them knew where my apartment was, I still couldn't shake the feeling that it they were the ones leading me.


And I didn't mind a bit.


We didn't say a word the whole two blocks. We didn't need to. Our thoughts projected electrically across our skin, promises of what was to come. My whole body was on fire, lightning flashes rifling through my body, leaving nothing but desire in their wake. I felt like I was moving through water; my head detached from my body, my body nothing more than a vessel of pounding, pulsing need.


When we reached the door of my building I fumbled for my key until Call, in one smooth motion that barely registered in my head, delicately snatched the jumble from me and opened the door.


"You got it right on the first try," I mumbled distractedly.


"Instinct," he murmured back.


The minute we were inside the vestibule, the slow smoldering of the fire that had been building between us flamed upward to life. All at once my senses were assaulted by the feel of lips on my skin, hands across my body, whispers in my ear. "God damn… Shit girl… Driving me crazy… Need you now…" I wasn't sure whose voice was saying what, and I didn't care. Jor and Call had morphed into some eight-limbed, two-mouthed twenty-fingered organism of pure sensation.


I moaned as fingers delved below the neckline of my dress, but when one of my generous breasts spilled free from its confines, I suddenly snapped back to reality and realized that I was making out with two men at the front door of my building. "Let's go inside," I moaned, my voice practically hoarse with need.


We move as one; grappling, stroking, and kneading, until we crashed through the door of my apartment and fell writhing upon the couch


"Ah!" I gasped as Call's hand snaked up the soft flesh of my inner thigh.


He looked up at me from where he was now kneeling in between my legs. "Are you okay?" he asked. His words were gentle, but his voice had something else contained in it. It was strained, the muscles in his jaw jumping with tension, his chin jutting forward. Barely contained animal desire that strained at the edges of his kind words.


I'm fine," I gasped, my head reeling. "But I still don't understand. Why do you think I'm the perfect woman?"


Call knelt up, sinking his fingers into my thighs with a low growl. "I have these…" he seemed to be struggling to find the proper word… "needs."


"They get overwhelming," Jor added from where he sat behind me on the couch, cradling my whole body snugly between his long legs, his voice rasping against my ear lobe.


"They are, different… " Call went on tightly. His eyes were so bright they were practically glowing. "And sometimes these desires...scare...ordinary women."


I shook my head slowly, watching his beautiful face contorting there down between my knees. "How could any woman be scared of you?" I demanded, hardly able to keep the whine of frustration out of my voice. "I mean, fuck...look at you."


Call didn't the answer right away. Instead he held up his hand in front of me. "Watch," he ordered, something strange in his voice.


I stared at it, peering closely. Call furrowed his brow, making a low sound that was almost a growl. No, wait, it was definitely a growl.


As I watched, his hand…changed.


I felt my breath leave my lungs in a hoarse gasp as his long, strong fingers melted and shifted, somehow compressing and growing at the same time. From out of his tawny gold skin, chestnut brown hair… No not hair,
… erupted upward, marching along his forearm and down to the tips of his fingers, which were now capped with long, vicious claws.


I was scared. I was terrified. But I was also completely mesmerized; thrilled to see something magical happened right in front of me. "What are you?" I gasped.


"We are werewolves." Jor's voice in my ear had that same rumbling growl lurking underneath.


I waited a moment to see how I was reacting, checking my body for any sign that this bothered me.


And I came up with nothing.


," I exhaled. "I guess now I understand why it's hard for you to find dates," I quipped.


Call's eyes snapped back to mine, and his gorgeous mouth twitched. All of a sudden he burst out laughing, his body coming back under control as the clawed hand slowly twisted its way back into its human shape. I watched awestruck as he flexed his fingers for me.


"Nicole, I swear, I had planned on making you come so hard your eyes rolled back, even before you said that. But now…?"


He didn't finish his sentence, because his words were muffled against the fabric of my panties. With a gasp of surprise and desire, I pressed my hips upward, as his thick fingers, yes they were fingers again, yanked at the delicate fabric. I heard the stitches pop in my best lingerie, and I didn't give a fuck, because his nose was now pressed up against the fierce, buzzing nub of my clit.


From behind me on the couch, Jor gathered a fistful of my hair and yanked my head to one side, layering a mass of fierce, sucking kisses from under my ear, all the way down to the soft skin of my shoulder. His hands undid the clasp against my neck, letting the halter top flop down. The minute my breasts were cupped in his hands, I arched upward in a kinetic frenzy, pressing my sex into Call's rapidfire tongue.


Call was devouring me; lapping, sucking, swearing, his tongue swirling along my soft folds from the base of my puckered opening of all the way up to the center of my need. All the while he growled, a constant vibration against my skin that was driving me crazy.


Jor was making a similar sound against my breasts, curling his tongue along the delicate flesh of my nipple before drawing it upward into his mouth and rolling the hardened bead in between his lips. He suckled and kissed, until the pink peak was standing firmly erect, then he trailed his lips down the valley and back up to the other one, groping and squeezing while I gasped and moaned. The frenetic energy of their combined efforts drew me higher and higher, closer and closer to the peak of pleasure.


I could feel my orgasm right there, waiting, tightly balled in the center of me, poised to break free. All I needed was one more sensation, one more pleasure before I was shattered and broken.


As if he could read my mind, Call's thick finger circled my hot pussy, tracing the outline before delving inside. "Ah!" I screamed. As the surging pleasure rushed to meet him I felt the walls of my pussy clutching and grabbing him, desperate to pull him higher, harder, faster, as he plunged in and out of me.


All at once that tight little ball inside of me exploded outward, the Big Bang happening internally. I screamed a hoarse, shuddering cry, losing all control as I bucked and thrashed. The sensation whip-cracked through me, ricocheting back and forth inside with incredible heat, before settling into a languid slow burn.


I fell back on the couch, sagging against Jor's rock-hard chest. "I don't think I can move," I half moaned, half purred.


"No need to," Call growled. His face had changed, the animal he was underneath the human skin so near to the surface. His teeth looked longer, his eyes more dangerous. He was hanging on to his self-control by a very delicate thread. I felt like I was in a dream.


Through heavy lidded eyes, I watched him stand up and wipe my juices from his stubble with the back of his hand, his eyes never leaving mine. But when his fingers went to the buttons on his jeans, I suddenly snapped awake again.


"Let me," I begged, dropping to my knees in front of the couch, my pulse throbbing with excitement.


I hooked my fingers around the waistband of his jeans and yanked down, gasping with excitement when his massive cock broke free from its prison. He was already as hard as iron, so hard it almost looked painful. The throbbing head was tipped in a tiny pearl of pre-cum that glistened. Instantly, I closed my lips around it.


I had never wanted anything more that I wanted both of them, right now. I had never needed anything so badly as how much I needed both of them inside of my mouth.


I lapped and sucked greedily, from the base all the way to the bulbous tip. I had never enjoyed giving head before, but this was somehow different. The taste of Call, the feel of Call, the low growls of pleasure that emanated from Call's throat when I snaked my tongue around the ridged head of his cock...all of these things were spurring me on to new heights of excitement.


I heard Jor untangle himself from my couch, unfurling his long limbs as he stood up next to Call. My frantic need doubled. Eagerly, I switched my rhythm, slowly sliding my lips up Call's veined shaft before turning my head just as Jor's curved cock bobbed into place. I licked my lips greedily, and then plunged them down his silky shaft.


One after another I took them into my mouth, sliding all the way down, taking all of them in. I was feeling like a goddess there on my knees, reveling in my power to drag grunts and growls and moans from the lips of these powerful, otherworldly men.


I could have gone on like that forever, but Call and Jor had other plans for the three of us.


All at once I felt myself lifted into the air and turned so that I was facing Call as he held me aloft with perfect, unerring strength. "The perfect woman," he growled, throatily. He shifted, and I felt the press of him against my tight entrance. A flood of wetness flowed out to greet him just before he came surging upward with his slick cock, impaling me there in the air.

BOOK: Shifter Singles (Dating the Werewolves)(BBW Steamy Paranormal Menage Romance)
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