Shifters Gone Alpha (11 page)

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Authors: Michele Bardsley,Renee George,Brandy Walker,Sydney Addae,Lisa Carlisle,Julia Mills,Ellis Leigh,Skye Jones,Solease M Barner,Cristina Rayne,Lynn Tyler,Sedona Venez

BOOK: Shifters Gone Alpha
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Selena’s alarm went off, pulling her out of the wonderful dream she’d been having. Stretching to reach the blasted thing blaring at her, her hand landed on a warm body. Eyes popping open, she turned her head to see who was next to her.

A dark head of hair and impressive chest greeted her.
Maybe it wasn’t a dream after all.
Propping herself up on her elbow, she peered down into the man’s face.

“Malcolm,” she whispered, the events earlier in the day coming back to her in full force. She’d slept with a shifter of some sort and her ex-boyfriend was dead. Oddly, she wasn’t too upset about the latter. The former was the one blowing her mind at the moment.

Malcolm reached over and shut off the alarm she’d somehow tuned out. “That is a most vile thing,” he mumbled; sleep coating his voice.

“I agree.”

A slow grin curved his lips and he opened his eyes. “Hello sweetling.”

A sudden attack of shyness hit her square in the chest. Licking her lips nervously, she grabbed at the sheet and made sure she was covered up. “Hey.”

Malcolm rolled to his side to face her. “Don’t pull away from me now.”

“I’m not,” she said quickly. “I’m just not used to waking up with a man in my bed.”

“I know.” Malcolm’s cocky grin almost made her want to punch him.

“Tell me what you are and why you were tasked to watch over me.”

“I will, but first let’s get dressed and grab some food. I’m starving and I think this is a conversation best held with clothes on.” Leaning into her, he kissed her. The brush of his lips didn’t last long enough and had her sighing when he rolled away and out of bed.

She ogled him as he walked into the bathroom. “Damn, that is a fine ass.”

“I heard that,” he shouted.

Of course he did. She’d bet he had super cat hearing. Selena got out of bed and pulled some clothes from her dresser. “Oh, I guess you need something to wear.”

“I’m good.” He ambled out of the bathroom dressed in clothes she’d never seen. Her mouth dropped open in surprise.

He walked up to her and placed a finger under her chin, closing her mouth for her. “I’ll explain this as well.”

“Sure,” she mumbled as confusion took up residence in her brain. Knowing there were not-quite-human people out in the world was one thing, seeing one was another thing, but knowing they did magic was way beyond her imagination.

“I’ll pour us some cereal while you get cleaned up.”

Selena rushed into the bathroom when he left the room and was out in a matter of minutes. Malcolm was ready for her when she emerged from her room. He handed her a bowl, grabbed the other and then guided her to the couch.

They settled in and ate in silence as if by some unspoken agreement. After they were both finished eating, he placed their dishes on the coffee table. She turned to make herself more comfortable and so she could look into his face while they talked.

“I’m a Thalocian, a shifter of sorts, but then you know that. You’ve seen the different forms I can take; a small black cat, a large cat walking on hind legs, a man with black wings similar to an angel’s; and, of course, a man with working parts and all.” He shot her a smoky look that made her tummy flutter. She was glad about that. “I can also change into a winged cat or fox. It all depends on what I need to conceal or use to terrify.”

“Like you did to Jason.”

“Yes. What I did to him was necessary, you understand that, right?”

Selena reached out and grasped his hands. “I do. Jason was always a piece of shit. It just took me a while to figure it out and do something about it.”

Malcolm nodded sharply, but didn’t press her for information like most people would. “I have the ability to summon clothing.” He motioned down his body with his hand. “And the ability to steal human souls and converse with demons and angels.”

“Is that what you did when you placed your hand on his heart?”

“Yes. An Oni demon came and took it away. Jason is now exactly where he belongs—in Hell.”

Selena tried to feel bad for him, but it didn’t happen. “Good. But how does all of that lead you to me? Why would you be tasked with watching out for me when you should probably be out crime-fighting?”

Malcolm chuckled and drew her closer. “Because the most important job of a Thaloc is that of a witch’s familiar.”

“I’m not a witch,” she protested, pushing against his chest in order to look at him.

“You will be. You are the last of the Supreme Witches. Untapped power flows through your veins.”

“Excuse me?”

“I know it sounds a bit crazy, but you are destined to help save the supernatural beings of the world in the future. I was tasked to become your guide, your
. The one person put on this earth to assist you in becoming who you were meant to be. The person who will stand by you as you grow into your powers. Teaching you and helping you. Loving you with every piece of my soul.”

“Oh!” She had no idea what else to say. “That’s a lot to swallow.”

“You don’t believe me?”

“I’ve seen you shift a couple times, trust me, I believe you. It’s just that—how come I didn’t know about this? Shouldn’t I have felt something magical all of my life?”

“No. Supreme Witches do not come into their power until later in life. They must experience the good and evil in the world. Suffer trials and tribulations. See that not everything is as it seems. Your understanding of humanity helps mold you into a better witch. Your decisions will not be made on a narrowed view like Witchborn who lead with their emotions and feelings.”

“Well, I’ve certainly done that,” she quipped quietly.

“You have, but now that is all in the past. We will work on your future—our future—together.”

Selena nibbled her bottom lip as she thought through everything Malcolm had said. Could she accept what he was saying as the truth? She accepted he was a shifter without a second thought. Granted, he’d done it right in front of her face, so there was no bluffing her way out of that one.

She was drawn to him, attached in a way that should frighten her but didn’t. She trusted him implicitly thanks to his cat form and him saving her from her douche bag ex.


Malcolm’s brows furrowed. “That was quick. Are you sure?”

“Did you want me to argue?”

“No, but I had hoped I could try various—techniques to persuade you.”

“Oh really,” she drawled. “What kind of techniques?”

Malcolm grinned and pulled her to straddle his legs.

“Oh, that kind. I’ll let you give it a try,” she grinned before kissing him.




Selena stood in the middle of the clearing in the woods outside of town. A black-hooded cape covering her body and head. Faceless men and women surrounded her, chanting low and steady. It was her dream come to life, except it was very real, and she now knew the reason behind it.

A week had passed since finding out what Malcolm was and who she was meant to be when he declared it was time she meet the coven she was to become a part of. Time to start her journey into the supernatural world of witches and familiars.

Malcolm would be by her side through it all. He was destined to be her lover…her teacher…her companion through the ages. She could deal with that. Plus, he’d done a damn good job of convincing her they belonged together through all eternity.

Stepping up behind her, he rested his big hands on her shoulders, bringing her back into the moment. He pulled the cape off, letting it fall to the ground. Cool air rushed over her naked body, chasing away the heat radiating from his closeness. Malcolm brushed a kiss onto her smooth skin. His firm lips trailing up her neck until they brushed the outer shell of her ear.

“I’ve been waiting for you. Waiting until you were ready.” He bit her lobe gently, soothing the mark with his tongue. Her mind raced to clear the dream from her head and allow the reality of what was happening to take hold in its place. “Little did I know it was the other way around. You were waiting for me to claim you. Declare my love for the woman who captured my cat’s heart one day at a time. With each passing day I wanted more. Every day I cursed myself for leaving when you called to me. I knew I needed to turn away, put distance between us. Our lives weren’t meant to be twined together so deeply at the time. It was supposed to be a gradual fall.”

She understood what he meant. The previous week had been filled with lovemaking and conversations. The love she held for the cat spilled over to the man he truly was. He was with her constantly now, though he still liked to follow her home from work in cat form.

That was another thing that would soon change. She put her two-week’s notice in with Dr. Hammond, who only smiled and said he understood. She simply told her boss it was time to move on, but she had the feeling he knew there was more to it.

Malcolm spun her around to face him. “It’s time sweetling.”

Her nerves assaulted her, a shudder running down her spine. “What do I do?”

“The words will come to you after we seal the circle.”

Malcolm stepped away and took the last open space in the circle of bodies. He flicked his hood over his head, shielding his face from her view. She felt his heated gaze roam over her body, setting it on fire. Her muscles relaxed, her mind cleared.

She was as ready as she would ever be.


In the name of the Guardians

The goddesses of magic, witchcraft, the night, and the moon

We bless this sacred place

In the name of the Goddesses, this circle is sealed


The deep, low rumble of voices washed over her. The fine hairs on her body standing on end. The moonlight brightened as a breeze picked up and swirled around her. It felt like soft delicate hands were running over her nude body, caressing her arms and thighs, rushing up between her legs.

Her gasp caught on the air and turned into a moan as electric heat suffused her limbs, crawling to her chest. Her ears buzzed, blocking out all sound.

She opened her mouth and the words came tumbling out.


Guardians of the East, who rule the power of air

I call upon you

Instill in me creativity and inspiration


Guardians of the South, who rule over the power of fire

I call upon you

Instill in me courage and passion


Guardians of the West, who rule over the power of water

I call upon you

Instill in me wisdom gained through experience


Guardians of the North, who rule over the power of earth

I call upon you

Instill in me death and rebirth


I am of your world

Beyond the bounds of time

Where night and day, birth and death, joy and sorrow meet as one


Bless me with the power to protect

The power to become what I was meant to be


I thank thee Guardians

The circle is open but never is it broken.


Breath whooshed from Selena’s chest, and she crumpled to the ground. Sound came back, the buzzing gone. Malcolm was by her side just like he said he would be when her eyes fluttered open, his brilliant smile beaming down at her.

“Wow,” she said.

“Indeed.” He gathered her in his arms and kissed her softly. She was aware of figures crowding around them, but she didn’t give a damn.

Wrapping her hand around the back of his neck, she pulled him to her, kissing him with all her might, pouring everything into it.

“Love you, Malcolm,” she said, her tone husky with emotion.

“I love you too.”



About the Author


Brandy is a paranormal romance author who, on occasion, likes to dabble with contemporary. She’s addicted to murder mystery shows and who-done-its. You’ll almost never see her without some type of skull paraphernalia on and is always dreaming of more tattoos.


Brandy is a Navy brat, prior enlisted Army, current Army wife, and mom. She lives in Virginia with her husband of almost 20 years, their three kids and one dog.


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