Shifters of Grrr 2 (63 page)

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Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Wednesday Raven,Terra Wolf,Alannah Blacke,Christy Rivers,Steffanie Holmes,Cara Wylde,Ever Coming,Annora Soule,Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 2
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"Call Danny." It was funny that he only knew one Danny when it was such a popular name. It was probably because most supernaturals had a flare for unusual names and Danny wasn't that.

"Hello," said a deep voice.

"It's Zorth. I'm going to be in your neck of the woods and I might need some back up."

"Tell me when and what you need."

He let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He didn't know Ariel's son that well, but he had done him a minor favor once. He didn't know if he'd be willing to do him one in return or not. Damn it was good to have friends. He explained the situation to Danny who became more invested when he heard the witch had Harry. He should have realized they were friends since Harry was considered an honorary cousin of the white wolf clan.

The white wolves were a bloodline the werewolves had thought long lost until Danny's mother was found. Now they seemed to be everywhere in greater numbers than anyone could have imagined. They were loyal to a fault, to each other, friends, and even to allies. He now had hope that he would be able to free Harry and finally deal with Serena. He couldn't say her name without memories surfacing.

Those had been different times and they'd come together each needing something from the other. Zorth wanted to learn magic. He had the aptitude and while he'd been born with his own kind of magic, he'd not been born a witch. He'd worked hard to blend the magic he had with the magic she taught him and he'd done well if he did say so himself. His mistake had been getting involved on a personal level but she'd been bewitching, pun intended. Her hair had been a vivid red like a flame and he'd been a moth led right to it. Her eyes had been emerald green, bright but filled with sensual secrets. Her body, the gods themselves had formed to torment the males of the world. Lips the deepest red, plump, and begging for a kiss. How could a sex demon resist a girl like that?

For her part, she'd needed a protector and provider. It was a cruel world for a witch back then. Any strong male supernatural could take her and keep her to use as he would. She'd fallen for him even though he'd warned her about what he was and that he could never stay. He'd known right away that although she was tempting and lovely, she would never be the one for him for more than a little while. As soon as he suspected she was falling for him, he'd broken things off. They'd been together a little more than a year and he knew she'd taken it hard although she'd said little more than goodbye.

It seemed she was the type to smolder. He had to wonder why she'd picked Harry. While it was true he was fond of the little witch, she wasn't family, a close friend, or even his novice. She had only the ties to him that hundreds of witches did in that he was, for lack of a better term, their boss. It made no sense to him and yet he was on his way. Maybe Serena had seen something that made her realize he would do the same for any of his witches. It made him feel vulnerable now that he acknowledged that weakness.

His brain had been spinning the entire trip and while it made him feel stressed and half sick with the feeling, he was nearly there. Claxton Inn was an obscure place or at least it had been when he and Serena had stayed there. Built in the eighteen fifties, in nineteen fourteen it had already seen better days. It was a cheap and isolated place to hide out and learn magic where the rest of the world wouldn't intrude. It had once been a home of a reclusive wealthy merchant but had fallen into disrepair after his death. It had gone unclaimed by heirs and the small community had claimed it, selling it to a widow who made it a boarding house.

He was surprised considering the shape it had been in, that it still stood. He was shocked when he drove by it on the way to meet Danny when he saw it was now a historic building and had been fully restored to its former glory. It claimed to be the finest bed and breakfast in the area. He drove past it slowly taking in all the details. Somewhere inside its walls, Serena threatened Harry's safety and she'd have to be dealt with.

He drove on closer to St. Louis where he was meeting Danny, Ariel's oldest son. Ariel was the matriarch of the white wolf clan. Danny was the pack alpha of his pack headquartered in St. Louis. He had fought an alpha challenge, a rare contest to the death, against the old alpha. He'd had his hands full trying to build loyalty in a pack where members expected to be mistreated, but he and his mate, a pack alpha's daughter, had been bringing order to their area.

He pulled into the bar and got out of his SUV. He walked past some big guys, probably wolves. The whole place was like a supernatural hangout, it was not a place most humans would feel safe. Even the air carried a dangerous vibe and the smell of wet dogs. Not that he'd ever mention it. The odor was so strong and the vibe so intense, even a human would sense it. He saw Danny sitting in the corner with his wife and his beta. Some of his other wolves were space around the place for security. Danny would take no chances with his mate and if Zorth wasn't mistaken, she carried a brother or a sister for the pup they already had.

He watched them as he approached and could see the love they held for each other. True love shone from their eyes when they looked at each other and he felt a pain in his chest at the thought that he might never find his one. He sat down in the chair Danny indicated and he felt a charge of energy as his demon powers recharged slightly by sucking the love out of the air. It might seem odd to others, but incubi thrived on this kind of emotion. They might be called sex demons, but love made a satisfying snack for them. Sex on the other hand was a meal.

"Zorth," Danny nodded in greeting. He'd forgotten that Ariel's sons were both over six foot, broad shouldered, and well-muscled. It was easy to forget when they weren't around and she was on the small side of average. They weren't as tall as he was, he was a giant few came close to in height or in muscles, but they weren't small by any means.

"Danny, Dru," he acknowledged. "It's nice to see you but I wish it were under more pleasant circumstances."

"Tell me again why they took Harry and who Serena is. It makes no sense that an ex-girlfriend from a hundred years ago takes what's basically your employee hostage. Why didn't she find someone closer to you?" Danny asked.

"Because Zorth allows no one closer to him. Harry's as close as anyone. Everyone likes Harry and Zorth is always protective of those he considers his. Aren't you Zorth?" Dru asked.

"I suppose you're right. One's as good as any. I wouldn't want any of them to be hurt and I feel awful that Harry was taken like this. She's been through enough and come through better each time. She's matured and she's been coming into her magic. She'll be perfect to be Cherry's second soon," he replied.

"I suppose you plan to go in and you want some back up in case things get out of hand?" Danny asked.

"That pretty much sums it up," Zorth said.

He discussed everything with Danny including what they'd need to do to find Serena if she managed to take him out. He didn't think she could but he hadn't seen her in a century. He remembered when he'd met her how impressed he'd been with her magic but he knew now she'd been a low level witch then. It had all been smoke and mirrors and she'd played him like some snake oil salesman. He knew more now and he'd blended his magics which she'd never see coming since no one knew he was a demon. All demons had some magic of their own but as a royal demon, he had more than most.

The plan was decided and the time to act was now. He allowed Danny and his men to leave before him while one stayed behind to watch over Dru. She and Zorth ate a meal and spoke of people they both knew. Dru had grown close to Ariel before she'd mated Danny and she wanted to know about her and the two children she'd had. It was nice to relax but soon he'd have to leave. He was just killing some time pleasantly, while Danny and his wolves got into place. When thirty minutes had passed, he said goodbye and left Dru and her guard behind.

The drive back to Claxton Inn passed quickly and he found himself parking near the door in no time. He didn't search around because someone might see and realize he had backup nearby. He knew anyone would recognize him since his appearance and size made him stand out like a sore thumb. He went straight to the front desk and secured a room for the night.

"Hello, I'd like to get a room for the night," he told the young desk clerk. He was barely more than a boy with a smooth face that looked like it had never needed a shave. He wore his hair halfway down his back. It was curly and dirty blond and he looked at him with big blue eyes that widened once he got a good look.

"I-I, let me check to see what we have available. Do you have any preference, Sir?"

"The largest bed available," he replied.

"We have a king on the third floor. It's actually the honeymoon suite so it will be higher than the other rooms," the boy said.

"How much?"

"One hundred and fifty for the night, less if you want it for more than one night."

"One night will do."

"That will be a one hundred and sixty-five dollars with tax."

Zorth handed him the money. "That's less tax than I expected."

"That's because we're not in St. Louis. It's higher there."

Zorth grunted and the boy counted out his change, giving him a receipt, and sending him on his way after telling him how to find his room. He could feel magic in the air and it only got stronger as he went up the steps to the second floor. The magic drew him up to the third floor and it seemed to saturate the air. He took his bag to his room before returning to the hallway in an attempt to find out where Harry might be. It was her magic calling him and he wondered how she'd sent out her magical SOS without Serena knowing. There was also the possibility that Serena had known and allowed her to get away with it to draw him right to her.

He moved down the hallway until he stood at the landing once more. It looked like their room was on the opposite side of the staircase. It was one of those wide curved staircases with a rail that you could imagine sliding down. It was the kind of thing an incubus demon would do because most of them were all about having fun all the time. They hadn't a serious bone on their body, but he and his brother were different. It might be because they were royal and someone had to stay serious to see to the needs and business of their realm.

He passed the mirror that was on the wall across from the stairway. He looked at it for a moment and saw a serious man on his way to take care of business. He saw fear in his eyes but it wasn't for himself, it was for Harry who was young and should have a full life ahead of her without the worry that it might end abruptly. Serena needed to be taught a lesson for including others in a private matter. There was a room on each side of the hall so he stood in front of one and sent out his senses to attempt to find out if they were in it. They were not.

He moved to the only remaining possibility but he again tried to sense what he could so he knew if Harry was at risk. He could tell they were both in there. He tried harder to sense more and he felt they were close to each other. He only had the element of surprise working in his favor and he would have only seconds to ensure Harry's safety once he burst into the room. The door didn't seem strong but he needed a magical attack to block the noise and make the door open without damaging it if possible. He sensed no magical reinforcement of the door. Only one thing was clear, Serena wanted him in that room.

He cast the spell and waited for it to take effect. The door blew open as if a great wind had hit it. He rushed in and cast a spell to free Harry from the magical and physical restraints as he placed himself between her and Serena.

"Go now, Harry!" he commanded.

"I can't just abandon you," she said.

"Leave, this is my fight," he replied. "I order you to."

She hesitated and seemed to see he meant it. She reluctantly left and he hoped she would find Danny or he would find her. He now turned his attention to the witch in front of him. She was still breathtakingly lovely. Of course he knew and had always known her type of beauty was only skin deep.

"You wanted me Serena, and here I am."

"You've changed little Zorth. I thought you said you weren't a born witch. Did you lie to me?"

"Not about that. I'm not a born witch only a taught one."

"You've managed to move up in the ranks for a barely schooled witch. How did you do so well for yourself?"

"Trying to ferret out my weaknesses? I think I'll pass on giving you that information. I will, however warn you that if we fight, you'll lose."

"You think so, do you? You were always the arrogant one. So sure of your superiority, so certain no matter what you turned your hand to, you would be the best."

"I wasn't arrogant and I am the best."

"Some things never change."

"Why, Serena? Why try to seek revenge for me leaving you after all this time?"

"See, you are arrogant! This isn't about us. This is about you and him."

"Him who?" he asked confused about who he was and why she seemed so certain he would know who he was."

"I thought you smarter than that. You truly can't think of anyone you've been dealing with that might be unhappy with you?"

A thought came into his mind. "Chief?"

"Yes, he's had enough of you and he's through playing."

"He's sent you into a battle you'll never win. You never used to be so careless with your life."

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