Shifters of Grrr 2 (77 page)

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Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Wednesday Raven,Terra Wolf,Alannah Blacke,Christy Rivers,Steffanie Holmes,Cara Wylde,Ever Coming,Annora Soule,Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 2
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Zorth pulled over and Dare, who was driving the other car, pulled in behind him. "We are close enough that we need to go on foot now," Zorth announced when Dare and Nicky walked up to them.

"How do you know?" she asked him. He placed the tracker into her hand and it was thrumming with energy. It was going much faster than it had before.

"That's its top speed. We're very close and the tracker can't pinpoint the spot for us. It's our job to search carefully now," Zorth explained.

She looked around at the fields and the woods at the edge of them. She saw signs of old buildings that had fallen down from neglect. "Do you think there might be a basement or a cellar he's put them in?"

"It's a good possibility. They must be underground since there are no buildings left standing. We should divide up in two groups and search from the outside parameters in," Zorth recommended.

"We'll go that way," Nicky said pointing to the north. He walked off and Dare followed. It looked like Will was sticking with them instead of her men.

Zorth moved to the south and she and Will trailed behind him. "What up?" she asked her cousin.

Will tried to pretend she didn't understand. "What do you mean?"

"You've never been a chicken before," she pointed out.

"I'm not a chicken now. I just don't want to make a huge mistake," she admitted.

"What does your heart tell you?"

"My heart may be ready to jump in, but my brain is saying the water's too deep," Will said before she stomped off to the right.

They were spaced out with Zorth on her left, Will on her right and she was in the middle. They were working their own squares slowly looking at the ground carefully for any sign it had been disturbed or that something might be underneath. They were approaching the middle when she noticed something that looked odd.

"Will," she called since Will was closest to her. "Come look at this."

Will rushed over and they both kneeled on the ground looking at what appeared to be the edge of an opening or at least might be. They exchanged glances and then they both slid their fingers under the edge and pulled up. It shook but it didn't want to open.

"Step back, Ladies," Zorth said and they both jumped back quickly aware he was about to use magic. Dare and Nicky were headed there way too since they were aware something might have been found.

Zorth looked around to make sure of where they all stood and with a wave of his hand, the cover went flying across the field.

"He's been eating his Wheaties," Will remarked with a smirk.

"You have no idea," she said and then she blushed when she realized what she had said.

"You'll tell me all about this later," Will whispered as they watched Zorth make his way down the steps that lay under the cover he had removed. She waited until he was a few steps down and then she followed. She sensed the others following too. It wasn't far down into the cellar and Zorth stepped into the room once he was at the bottom.

"I want you to stay back. You don't have any powers yet or the strength and training the others do. Let Will go first and Dare and Nicky can cover our backs," Zorth said.

"Why is Will tougher than I am?" she protested.

"Because I have years of training including special ops and a gun that can take someone's head off," Will answered.

She felt for her gun and realized she'd left it at home. "Damn!"

"C'mon, Cuz. He's leaving us behind," Will said.

She looked ahead to see Zorth had indeed gone through doorway and was out of sight. Will hurried forward and she was on her heels. She could feel the two big males following her closely. She was both jealous of Will having two and relieved that it was Will and not her. She couldn't imagine having two like Zorth to keep happy. She'd be worn to a nub in no time. It would be nice for a one time fantasy though. A little play would be okay but living with it all the time, well she wouldn't know how that would work.

She moved through the doorway into the larger room. It wasn't really large by her standards but the other room had been tiny. Zorth had a glowing light moving in front of him. It was magic of some kind and was sure coming in handy. She could see the four witches stacked up on shelves like cord wood. Were they even alive? Who knew how long they'd been here. Zorth was running his hands just over their bodies without actually touching them.

"They're under a spell. It's kind of like suspended animation. They're all alive but their power and life force is slowly being leached out. We'll have to try to release them one at a time," he said as he turned to face them.

"Don't look at me big guy. I have no magic and no need of any," Will said throwing her hands out to show they were empty.

"I'll need Arabella for this and you three will take the witches as they become aware and help them however you can," he said.

"Arabella has magic?" Will asked looking at her as if she'd grown a head.

"No magic, but she is a fulcrum," he replied.

"Never heard of that. What's it mean?" Will asked.

"She has no magic, but she can focus and magnify the magic of others. That information is not to be repeated. We'd best start now, they are weak as kittens," he said.

He motioned for her to take her place at his side and he grabbed her hand. He chanted something and waved his free hand over the top witch. She started moving restlessly. He chanted again and waved his hand and she sat up or tried to and screamed like a banshee. She hit her head on the low ceiling and fell back. There was little doubt she would have a headache later.

He reached in and pulled her free handing her off to Dare. He carried her out of the room presumably to the outside where she would get fresh air so she could be roused. Nicky stepped up for the next witch.

"I should hold her head down so she won't hit it," she suggested.

Zorth nodded and started his chanting. It was much like the first time and even though she tried to hold her head down, the witch ended up slamming her hand up against the ceiling. Damn that hurt. Nicky took her and carried her outside. The third witch was the smallest and when they got to her, she saw why. She was just a child and it made her angry that someone would use a child in this way. The little one was easier to work with and she woke up completely. Will carried her out anyway probably concerned that she'd even be able to walk. The little witch didn't make a sound which was scarier than the screaming the others had done.

Zorth turned to the last one on the bottom and started his chanting. He waved his hands and she tried to hold her head down so she wouldn't knock herself out. Her hand got smashed again but at least the witch didn't knock herself out. Zorth picked up the witch carrying her out and up the stairs. She was glad that they were all outside now. The cellar had a stale rotten smell she hadn't liked. All the witches were awake but she thought they were in shock from all they'd gone through. They all seemed to recognize Zorth or at least recognize the leader and the witch in him.

"I don't know what any of you remember, but Chief captured you and was draining your magic to give to another witch. She has been destroyed and we've freed you, but Chief is still on the loose," he told them.

They all looked at him with wide eyes hanging on every word. "Did you destroy her?" asked the oldest looking witch. It was possible she'd just been drained the longest and it was hopeful they'd recover with time.

"Yes," he replied.

"Thank you," she said and the others mumbled their thanks too.

"We need you to tell us who to take you to. Where are your families and homes?" he asked.

The little girl started crying. "My mother's gone," she cried.

"It's alright, Honey. We'll take care of you until we find your family," she said.

Zorth shot her an approving look. She was relieved he didn't mind her making the offer. The other women started talking about where they were from. Only one was local and they would get her taken care of first.

"We should get them seen to first. They need to be able to clean up, put on something clean and eat. I bet they're starved," she mentioned.

They all agreed and they took them to Zorth's house, while Will, Nicky, and Dare went to buy them clothes. As soon as they got into the house, they ordered enough takeout for everyone. The little girl, who said her name was Lilith, went in one bathroom to clean up and she would wear one of Zorth's big t-shirts. One of the ladies took the other bathroom and she took a t-shirt Zorth got for her too. His house wasn't really big enough for everyone to sleep at, but they'd get them cleaned up and fed before they decided where they would go.

Once all four witches were clean, they sat them at the table to write down their names and next of kin. Their families, if they had one, would make things so much easier for them. The food came and everyone ate with appetite which she took to be a good sign. They put up the food for Will and her guys and whatever leftovers there were. Lilith crashed on the couch but the other ladies all sat around talking little and still disbelieving of what had happened to them.

Zorth had gone to his bedroom and she was sure he was making the first calls to families or friends on behalf of their guests. They had a long way to go before they could reclaim their lives, but she had a good feeling about how far the witches had come so quickly. Will and her guys came about an hour later. They had something for each of them to wear and Will had done a good job on the sizes.

The first relation arrived an hour after that. It was the sister of the oldest witch, Matilda. They hugged and cried once they came face to face. Her sister was thankful they'd found her and so happy to have her back. It made them all feel good about the day's work. Gertrude and Leota looked happy for Matilda but it was clear to see they also felt left out. No one else was due to come that day, but one less made it easier to accommodate the three that were left. One of the older ladies stayed in the bedroom, one on the big couch, and Lilith stayed on the loveseat where she was already sleeping. She and Zorth, of course, would share his room.

The rest of the team had left and everyone was tired. Tomorrow they would see everyone to their family except Lilith who seemed to really have no one. She would stay with them for now. They saw their guests all bedded down for the night and they slipped off to their room. No hanky panky tonight with all the company nearby. They took a shower together but they did it quickly. They wore something to bed just in case a guest needed them because they kept in mind the witches had been through hell. They laid down in bed together snuggling into each other's arms. She didn't know when he fell asleep, but she drifted off quickly.

Someone was screaming. The noise kept ringing in her ears and it wouldn't stop. She sat up and saw Zorth already running to the living room. She followed but it wasn't either of them. It was the witch, Leota, the one in the room by herself, who was screaming hysterically. She must have had a terrible dream but it was no surprise after what they'd been through.

"Sh, Sweetheart. It's okay, no one can hurt you now," Zorth held the witch in his big strong arms and calmed her.

She cried now that the screams stopped. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scream, but he was after me and then I woke," she whispered. No one asked who, they all assumed it was Chief. All of them had met him before he took them prisoner.

"It's alright. No one will get you here," Zorth assured her.

She settled down and went back to sleep but it was dawn and she and Zorth wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. They dressed, and fixed coffee so they could sit up drinking coffee and talking until the others were all awake and dressed. Zorth took them out for breakfast on the way to where they were going. One of the witches would be going near where she and Zorth lived, Lilith would stay with them, and the other witch would have to be taken to St. Louis. Chief had taken them from wherever he happened to be at the time. No long planned out abductions, they'd been spur of the moment kidnappings.

Once they finished breakfast they all loaded up and headed southwest. It was good Zorth drove a big SUV since there was room for Lilith to sleep in the back, which might not be the best place to sleep but she was so tired. The other two witches were comfortably seated in the back seat. They had a long drive and she would have helped, but Zorth seemed to enjoy driving or he just liked to be in charge, she wasn't sure which. It was almost three hours later when they made it to Springfield. They drove straight to the house of the witch's family. They were overjoyed to see their mother. They'd only stayed a few minutes and they'd had to go.

They stopped in town to eat lunch and then continue to St. Louis. Once they took the witch to her family, they would spend the night at the house she was still renting. It would be a good time to move her things out and give Danny back the key when they left.

Chapter 9


It had been easy dropping off the witches, except for poor innocent Lilith who would be staying with them for an extended time. They were now going to a steakhouse to eat supper before they went to the house that Arabella had rented while she'd lived here. It was almost like a family the way they would be going everywhere with Lilith. He intended to have a family with his mate one day, soon if the goddess willed it.

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