Shifters of Grrr 2 (76 page)

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Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Wednesday Raven,Terra Wolf,Alannah Blacke,Christy Rivers,Steffanie Holmes,Cara Wylde,Ever Coming,Annora Soule,Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 2
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He noticed he wasn't the only one staring at his mate, even Damon seemed to realize something was going on. The item they were concentrating on was in the middle of the table. Their hands were all glowing as the magic built between them. He could hear the energy thrum because that was what magic was, a special type of energy that only a few could use. Arabella was shaking from the power she was focusing. He knew from his experience with other fulcrums that she would be exhausted when they were through. He could feel the energy, the magic rolling through her. It was no surprise since a fulcrum drew the power to them and then turned it where it needed to go. The energy shot from her like a bright white light and hit the bracelet that Serena had dropped in the hotel room.

He could see it soak up the magic and he knew it would do what was needed. His mate was incredible as she handled the force of all that magic as if she'd done it a hundred times before. When the light finally went out, Arabella crashed. He didn't expect her to wake anytime soon since her body had been drained by what she had done. She just continued to amaze him.

Chapter 8

The Witches

She wasn't sure where she was or what had happened but she had the sense of movement. She remembered Zorth and some of her family gathered for a magical spell or some such thing but not how it had ended. She felt achy all over but especially her head. Maybe Zorth had put her through her paces but it didn't really feel that kind of achy. It felt more like she got hit by a truck. She fought to open her eyes and finally managed. She was in a car on the road? What the hell.

"Zorth," she managed to spit out but it was barely a whisper.

"Arabella, are you alright?"

"Feel tired, achy, bad."

"That's to be expected. You helped us with a spell a few hours ago. You need to rest. We're on our way to Kansas City and we're about halfway there. Rest, you'll feel better by the time we're there."

His calm, soothing voice lulled her back to sleep and she wasn't sure how long it was before she woke up again but the ride wasn't as smooth. It made her wonder if they had left the highway. She had her answer moments later when they pulled in and stopped at a house. She fell back to sleep while Zorth unloaded things or whatever he was doing.

"Need help getting in?" Zorth asked right up against her.

"I'll be fine if I can get my eyes to work," she admitted.

"The first time is the worst."

"I'm not even sure what we did."

"Once you're rested, we'll talk about everything," he said and he gave her a quick kiss.

She smiled wanting more but she fell back to sleep. She woke later and she was in bed. Zorth must have carried her in and put her to bed. He wasn't in it with her so she wondered where he was. She was awake now even if she wasn't chipper. She got up and looked for something to wear since she was naked. She looked in the closet and finally decided on one of his shirts. It fell below her knees and made her feel tiny. She left the bedroom and found Zorth in the living room on the phone. He was organizing a search of some kind for in the morning. He finished his call, hung up, and looked at her intently.

"I was starting to worry. Are you hungry?" She started to say she wasn't but her stomach suddenly seemed to wake up and it sounded like a monster. Zorth smiled. "I'll take that as a yes."

He left the room and came back a few minutes later with a plate piled high with food. She dug into the sandwiches and chips as if she hadn't seen food in days instead of hours. It suddenly occurred to her that she wasn't really sure how long she'd been out.

"What happened?" she asked wanting the whole story.

"We discovered you have an amazing talent. We were casting the spell to turn Serena's item into a tracker. There was a surge of magic, it was incredible. It was you."

"I'm a witch?"

"No, you're a fulcrum. You can focus and magnify the power of others. You're the most powerful one I've ever seen or even heard of. It's something we need to keep secret. You'll be hunted if the wrong people find out. I believe it's your white wolf power or at least one of them. It's amazing by itself, rare, and sought after by any magic user."

"I'm not sure I understand all this. Maybe when my brain starts working again." She finished everything on her plate and just wanted to lay down and sleep some more.

"That's fine Sweetheart. It's evening and I'd planned for us to sleep and find the witches in the morning. I gave the team a general area and they're looking to see if Chief has any property there. I doubt if it will be that easy to find but it had to be done."

He got up and held out his hand. They just left the plate sitting on the table. She thought he might be as tired as she was. He led her to the bedroom where they stripped off their clothes so they could go to bed naked. It felt good when he took her in his arm and his silky hot skin slid against hers. She had a brief moment where she thought about sex, he'd be so good to join with. They'd barely gotten started on their physical relationship but what they had done had felt so damn good. It was crazy that she felt so tired that she would pass on that.

She looked in his eyes and saw he was tired too but he would leave the decision of what happened once they went to bed up to her. If she felt able to make love, he was prepared to rise to the occasion. In a way, the desire was there but in another way she was so sleepy and he looked like he needed the rest too. It might not be true since he was an incubus, she decided in the end that she was just beyond the ability to follow through and she would jump his bones in the morning. When they woke up, everything would look better and she'd be rested. Decision made, they snuggled up in bed under the covers and drifted off to sleep.

She woke up in the morning feeling less like she ran into a brick wall and more like herself. A hot sexy man lay next to her and she started to explore his firm smooth body. She ran her hands over his well-muscled arm and down his hip. He moved restlessly and she looked at the clock. It was five and she was sure he would want to be up by six. It was now or never, well as far as the morning went anyway. He had such an incredible body, it was a pleasure to stroke and smooth her hands down him. She noticed he had a morning woody and that made her mouth water.

He rolled and now he lay on his back open to whatever she might do. She glanced up and saw his eyes were still closed but she was suspicious of him rolling into such an accommodating position. She was going to go for it anyway. She leaned over him and started kissing down his chest. She saw his cock jerking as she moved closer. She kissed and licked his abs, his whole body jerked slightly. She was pretty sure he was awake but she didn't care. She nipped his lower belly and he bucked as she moved down where his cock bobbed in her face. A clear drop of dew was on the end ready to drop and she flicked her tongue out and claimed her first taste. He was salty and spicy, just as she expected him to be. She wrapped her lips around him and slid down his length and he groaned, no longer able to pretend to be asleep. She took one hand and put it on the base of his cock to stroke it and the other hand went to his giant balls. Oh, yeah he had big balls but they were hairless.

His balls felt hot, more so than the rest of him, and the skin on them felt like satin. It was a delight to play with them and she cupped and squeezed them while she worked his long thick shaft. She could feel his body tense and knew he was close. He groaned and jerked, fully enjoying the attention she was giving him. His hands now sank into her hair lightly caressing her. He was arching up as her mouth came down like he tried to hold himself still but he just couldn't.

His cock seemed to swell signaling an explosion about to take place. She could taste more of his love juice that had dripped out and the tension in his body was even higher. He let out a strangled cry just before the first jet of salty cum hit her throat. There was so much she almost strangled but she managed to swallow faster. He jerked and bucked, but she managed to hold on until she had sucked him dry. The sexual satisfaction from pleasing this man was immense. There was no doubt in her mind that their relationship was different because he was different. He was special to her in a way no man had ever been before. He bucked against her a couple more times and then he lay still.

"Arabella, that was incredible," he rasped.

She lay next to him on her side, her fingers trailing over him and he jerked once in a while. His body was still caught up in the little tremors a fabulous orgasm left in its wake. She delighted in tormenting him just a little bit. His hand reached out and grabbed hers stilling it.

"I think it's time I gave you something," he whispered and she noticed he was already fully erect. My oh my, he was incredible.

He moved liked greased lightning and he was on top of her pinning her beneath him. He held most of his weight off her with his elbows but a little rested against her and she could feel his heat, and a tingle of pure attraction running along her skin. He dropped his lips to hers kissing her gently. He nipped her lower lip then licked it. She could feel the desire washing over her and she wanted nothing more than to merge with him. This man was what she wanted more than anything for all time. The thought hit her hard since she had never considered any man forever. Of course, Zorth wasn't just any man.

He deepened the kiss until she was dizzy with wanting him. The kiss heated and branded her making her his. One of his hands began to explore her curves, cupping and squeezing her breasts and tweaking her nipples until they ached for his mouth. He seemed to know how badly she needed his mouth right there. He kissed his way down and sucked one nipple in pulling on it. She moaned helplessly, pleasure shooting through her. He moved to the other nipple and gave it equal attention.

She arched up against him, the need between her thighs running out of control. She felt his cock pressing against her asking for entrance. She arched again, she needed him inside her so much. He started to inch in and then suddenly he thrust forward. She groaned as he slid balls deep inside her. Now he was just where she'd wanted and needed him to be. He was still for a moment and then he started to move. He slid back until he was nearly out and then he pounded back in. It felt heavenly as he moved faster and faster and her legs wrapped around his hips as she held on for the ride. Her body tensed and tightened until she exploded as pleasure rolled over her. Her body clenched and clutched at his until he followed her over the edge into bliss. She clawed his shoulders and she finally began to relax.

"That was incredible," she said but that was an understatement. She'd never felt anything like that before. It seemed like each time was going to get better and she wasn't sure her heart could take much more without exploding.

He rolled to the side and she relaxed into his arms. She knew they needed to get up soon but it felt so good just lying here with him. He didn't seem to want to get up yet either. She glanced at the clock and it was half past five. She knew she needed to drag herself out of bed and take a shower.

"I guess we'd best get up. People are counting on us," she said as much to herself as to him. Those poor witches had been kept who knew how long in what was probably terrible conditions if she remembered what she'd heard about Chief correctly.

Those thoughts were enough to get her moving and Zorth was following right behind. This time they couldn't wash each other, it just took too long. It was still nice to have him in the shower with her. She enjoyed spending any time with him at all. They finished quickly and headed to the kitchen where she started the coffee while he got something fixed for breakfast. They made a good team and they were out the door with a carafe of coffee to help them through the day.

They met up with her cousin Will, an alpha wolf named Dare she'd met a couple of times, and a vampire named Nicky she'd never met. There was something going on with those three but she wasn't sure what. If she didn't know any better, she'd be guessing some kinky sex stuff was going on behind closed doors or maybe it was more that it needed to be going on. The men seemed close, like friends and they both seemed to have the hots for Will who was busy trying to act like she didn't notice or care. She was trying too hard and it was clear she liked them both a lot.

The rest of the team was tied up following other leads except for Harry and Damon who were still at home doing research work. Zorth already seemed to know everyone quite well. He pulled out the item that was now a tracker and laid it on the table. It seemed to glow and vibrate with magical energy.

"Let me demonstrate how this works," he said as he picked it up and walked in one direction. He turned around and walked the other way and it started to dim.

"So it glows if you're going the right way and dims if you're not?" Will asked.

"It also vibrates and that lessens if you get off track," he added.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Arabella asked. "Let's get this show on the road."

Will rode with them. She said it was so they could catch up on family news but it was probably to put distance between herself and those two gorgeous males. She had a feeling Will was fighting a losing battle and it wouldn't be long before she surrendered. Zorth drove first and Dare and Nicky followed closely behind. The tracker wasn't as easy to use as she'd hoped because roads curved and turned but she felt sure they were getting closer to their target. They were no longer in the residential area and buildings were spread out.

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