Shifters of Grrr 2 (75 page)

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Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Wednesday Raven,Terra Wolf,Alannah Blacke,Christy Rivers,Steffanie Holmes,Cara Wylde,Ever Coming,Annora Soule,Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 2
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Her tongue explored his mouth and dueled with his tongue. As she pulled back she grabbed his lower lip between her teeth and lightly nibbled it. His hands went around her and they began to stroke her heated flesh. Was his mate seducing him? Oh, gods, he hoped so. He tongue plunged back in exploring and tempting him. He fought his need to take over and bend her to his will. He pushed back his aggressive tendencies and let her play as she wanted. Her hands moved down to his shirt and slid under stroking his bare skin. Her mouth moved kissing her way to his ear.

"I want you," she whispered. Her tongue plunged inside and he nearly jumped the sensations driving him wild.

"Gods I want you too." He picked her up carrying her to the room. He stripped himself throwing clothes right and left and she tried to undress too. She was too slow so he helped her bare her flesh to his eyes and hands.

They were both naked so he picked her up carrying her to the bed. He laid her down and joined her on the bed. He couldn't wait a second longer to feel her naked body against his. He moved over her gently and lovingly. He felt so much for this lovely woman and right now he struggled to control the need that tried to rule him. He moved to her breasts sucking nipping licking until he had his fill before moving down her beautiful body. His tongue slid on her silky skin and he tasted a wildness he hadn't noticed before.

He went down past her abs and her lower belly and moved to the crux of her thighs. He moved his nose right up against her smooth cunny and he breathed deeply. He groaned, overwhelmed with the delightful scent of her desire and tempted beyond the ability to stop to take a taste. His tongue whipped out quickly and ran along her crease. He sent it back for more, oh yes, much better now. Her rich sweet flavor melted in his mouth and he couldn't stop himself from feasting on her honey.

He sank his tongue deep inside her honey hole and licked up her delicious flavor. She moaned now as his tongue whipped her into a frenzy of need. Faster and faster he licked and she arched up off the bed. Two of the fingers of one hand moved to her clit and pinched and rubbed adding to her delight. His tongue continued and combined with his fingers it wasn't long before she blew and he got his treat. He sucked up every drop he could before reluctantly moving up her body.

His cock wept his love juice as he positioned it and slowly, carefully slid it deep inside her. Ah, gods, it was like entering heaven. He stayed still a few moments just enjoying the warm welcoming feeling of being inside his mate. Once he started moving, his speed picked up. Faster and harder he plunged into his willing female. He felt the tension build both in himself and in her. He felt her nails dig into his shoulders and he welcomed the slight sting of pain.

He got to the point where he was pounding into her welcoming flesh as she urged him to go harder and faster. He slid in her juices, gliding easily deeper and faster until he could hold back no more. The second she clenched down on his hard cock signaling the beginning of her release, he blew his seed deep inside her. He pumped and pumped until there was no more left to give. Her body squeezed and clutched at him as if it would never get enough. He dropped his mouth to hers giving her a possessive kiss that claimed her for all time. She was his and she would always be his. He wanted nothing and no one else.

He rolled to his side keeping her pressed up against him. It was really too early to go to sleep, but he could hear her even breathing telling him she'd already succumbed. He waited until she was deeply asleep and then he disengaged his arms. He slid cautiously out of the bed and pulled on a pair of boxers. He padded quietly to the kitchen where the remains of their meal still stood around. His mate wouldn't be happy to wake to such a mess.

He filled the sink with water and added dish soap. He started putting up leftovers and dumping dishes into the sink. He washed them first then started on the pots. He finished up by draining the sink and wiping off all the surfaces. It gave him a sense of accomplishment to do these chores. It was his way of taking care of his mate. She was the type to appreciate these little things and he loved to do them for her. He was done and now he'd go back to join her. He slid into bed and wrapped himself around her. He set his mental alarm and knew they'd be up at the right time. With nothing else to do or worry about, he joined his mate in sleep.

He woke up the next morning feeling pretty damn good. His mate was in his arms and willing to give him a shot. He was hungry, but demons were always hungry. He slipped out of bed and somehow managed not to wake her. He took a shower, dressed, and went to the kitchen to put on the coffee and start cooking breakfast. He was nearly done and about to wake Arabella when she came in the room her hair wet from her shower and fully dressed.

"You cook and clean? I think I might keep you." she teased as she stole a piece of bacon off the plate and ate it.

"I thought we already came to an agreement about that? That's why I'm showing off my talents."

"Mm, is that what you were doing last night?"

"No, last night I was enjoying myself thoroughly." He slid a plate in front of her and set his down in front of his seat. He sat down and started to eat.

Neither of them spoke as they ate all their food and drank their coffee and orange juice. They worked together cleaning up and filling a thermos of coffee to take along. They went out the door and he indicated they should take his SUV. He held her door and she got in. He got behind the wheel and they were off. Damon and Marissa were at their home right now but the rest of the group were still in Kansas City. Had Damon not been nearby, he would have transported them magically. He thought it was a good thing that he didn't have to do that so soon since Arabella had so much to adjust to already.

They made to Damon's in about thirty minutes and he was glad to see their vehicles all in the driveway. He'd worried at the last moment that they might not be home. Marissa answered the door when he knocked and she seemed thrilled to see Arabella and not as surprised as he would have expected. If Marissa had known, why hadn't she told him?

They went in and Marissa led them to the living room. Cherry and Harry were there talking to Damon. "What's going on?" he asked.

"There's some activity among some of the lesser magic users. One of them told us Chief has put a price on your mate's head. Luckily, he doesn't know who she is yet," Cherry answered.

"Those likely to be interested in the bounty will be like target practice for you Zorth," Harry added. "How did things go with your witchy friend?"

"She's been dealt with," he said and there was no doubt they all understood.

"So that takes us to the new problem. How do we stop every two bit magic user with a wand from going after Arabella?" Damon asked.

"We make sure they know the consequences and spread the word about what happened to the last witch to try. We might even embellish what happened," Marissa suggested.

"No need to add to it. It was gruesome enough," Arabella said.

"Are you okay Sweetie?" Harry asked.

Leave it to Harry to worry about everyone's welfare. "As well as can be expected. She melted like on the wizard of Oz and she screamed until she was gone," Arabella described.

Everyone turned to look at Zorth. "I had no choice. I warned her to leave my mate be but she thought old friendships would save her. It didn't."

"Well, now we know what to spread. It might be best if one of you say you witnessed it but you weren't close enough to help Zorth so he had to take harsh action," Damon suggested.

"It's hard to melt a witch or even a person or animal. The temperatures are unbelievable and they have to be contained to a small area. I think all but the most stupid witches will bow out," Marissa explained. "Where did it happen?"

"In my living room!" Arabella said.

"Oh, so sorry your house was messed up," Cherry said.

"It wasn't. When it was all through it looked like it had before she'd come calling," Arabella admitted. All eyes turned to him and he just shrugged carelessly. He hadn't wanted them to know how strong he really was but if it became a problem, now that he was mated, or at least about to be, they could move to his homeland if need be.

"I see," said Marissa and he suspected she really did.

Harry and Cherry would be spreading the word tonight at one of the witch bars. By the time the story was retold, Serena would have gone out like fireworks across the sky. Now that it was decided, they could get down to Chief's latest dealings and how close they were on his tail. It would be a happy day as far as he was concerned when that scoundrel was taken down. He'd killed many good witches, vampires, wolves, and humans. Chief was an equal opportunity destroyer killing many and leaving other with their lives in ruins.

"So what is it you want to do, Zorth?" Damon asked.

"I have one major concern right now after keeping my mate safe. Serena was using the magic of several witches. They are somewhere restrained, probably not even fully conscious, maybe on death's door. I think it's possible we can find them and free them. It will take one more resource away from Chief. Serena was a midlevel witch at best but she was doing things only the highest level witches would attempt."

"How do we find them?" Damon asked.

"I have something that Serena dropped when Harry and I were facing her. I think we can use it as a locator," he said.

"Are you sure? If you try and it doesn't work, we can't use it just to get a location," Marissa said.

"I suspect he's having them moved around. If we get a location and arrive to find them gone, our search stops there."

"That's true, but this is difficult magic, there are only six of us and two aren't witches," Harry said.

"They aren't witches but both have some magic," he said.

"I have no magic," Arabella insisted.

"You do have a small amount. It's in your white wolf blood. You've never worked with it or learned about it. Is it enough to be a witch? I don't know. I just know some magic is there," he confirmed.

"How can this be?" she asked. "Do you all sense this too?" Everyone nodded. "Why did no one tell me?"

"Tell you what? You're part of a magical family and you have a touch of magic but no one can sense how much or what kind? What would you have done with it?" Cherry asked.

"Probably nothing but it would have been nice to know," she insisted stubbornly.

"About three percent of humans that aren't witches have some magic they live all their life without knowing. It's the way of the world that talent is often wasted or never explored. Most often it's because it's hidden," Damon said.

"So what can I do to help?" Arabella asked.

"Are you sure, Zorth? So much can go wrong," Marissa asked once more.

"It's our only real hope of finding them," he said.

"Let's sit at the table," Damon suggested. He figured he'd done this kind of thing before. He was mated to a strong witch whose family had many strong witches.

He was sure this would work or he wouldn't have been willing to risk the only item Serena had left behind. It was probably a good thing Damon didn't know they could track Chief with the item instead or there would have been a fight. It was a one shot thing and it was either or and he knew the witches had only this chance. If they didn't get to them soon, with Serena gone, they would die too. Someone needed to cut their ties to her before they were slowly drained dry. It was one of the things about magic that non-magic users just didn't get.

As a person went through life many connections were made. Some of those connections were temporary, some permanent, and some neither but both. Many of the connections made by magic stayed until acted on by more magic to sever the bond. Sure there were spells that did something and that was it. The magic served its purpose and dissipated like a puff of smoke, but most magic wasn't like that. Most magic made connections that had to be disconnected or it continued to do

What it continued to do wasn't always exactly what its original purpose was or at least not completely. In the case of the witches, their power clearly could not be used by a dead woman but some of their power would continue to be siphoned into the magical link that had connected them to Serena. She was no longer around so it was like a tube with an open end. Their magic would be drained off a little at a time and it would go wherever the open end was and simply soak into the surrounding area.

He would guess that would be Arabella's house. It would soak into her floor, walls, and ceilings and how it might manifest itself would be hard to say. It might just be drawn to any magic user that came by and soak into them or it might be malicious and do bad things. He'd rather see to it and save those poor witches. Once they were revived and freed, no more magic would pass through that connection. It would no longer exist one it was severed from both ends.

Everyone was at the table and now they would hold hands. It wasn't essential, but it made it easier for the two non-witches to focus the powers they had. He felt a slight surge of power and he wondered if Arabella might not be a fulcrum. It was a rare talent and even more rare among witches. Most fulcrums, people that could focus and magnify magic, had little if any magic of their own. It was often their only talent but it was an incredible one to have. This might be her white wolf power because it seemed they all had different ones.

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