Shifters of Grrr 2 (79 page)

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Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Wednesday Raven,Terra Wolf,Alannah Blacke,Christy Rivers,Steffanie Holmes,Cara Wylde,Ever Coming,Annora Soule,Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 2
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He had her backed up to the bed and she crawled on it on her hands and knees. He quickly took his place holding her there with arm under her stomach. He took a finger to test her readiness not wishing to cause her any pain. It slid right in to her wet heat. He lined his cock up to her entrance and slid in slowly but steadily. They groaned together in enjoyment when he was fully inside her. He rocked into her just delighting in being inside her. She wriggled needing more so he gave it to her. He began to pump in and out of her steadily building speed until he was pounding her. He used one hand to move to her clit and he pinched and pulled it giving her added pleasure. Her moans were a beautiful sound driving his pleasure even higher. Tension built and pleasure pulsed moving to the ultimate release just out of reach.

It built and he growled like a beast wanting to claim the bliss that hovered so near. Her muscles tightened around him a sure sign she was reaching her climax and he pounded harder and deeper as sweat began to slide down his back. So good and so close, he was nearly on it when she found her release. She crooned her pleasure and she slammed back against him as her muscles tightened like a vise squeezing him until his hot seed shot out. He humped up against her as if he tried to sink his entire body into her. He shuddered as he was wracked with wave after wave of delight until it finally quieted. They both fell to the bed exhausted, he cuddled up against her, put his arm around her, and they sank into a deep sleep.

Morning came and he woke feeling marvelous. He reached for his mate and she was right there next to him. Her warmth reached out to him making him feel needy. Just a quickie and they could get on with their day. Maybe a shower quickie, oh that sounded so good. He poked her and she moved restlessly.

"C'mon Sweetie. How bout a little shower sex?" he asked. That seemed to wake her up.

She got up and just went into the bathroom turning on the shower and setting the temperature just so. She stepped into the water and let out a moan. He stepped into it after her and the water was nice. Not as hot as he liked it and maybe that was why she'd hurried to set the temperature. He chuckled at the thought. They both got wet and lathered up, rinsed and then he was ready for more. He lifted her into his arms and she wrapped her legs around him as he sank deep inside her. She fit him like a glove and he'd never felt more like he was where he belonged.

He stilled for a second giving her a passionate kiss and then he turned it loose. He jack hammered into her trying to bring them both a quick orgasm. He felt her tighten around him and she made sweet whimpering sounds. She was pressed against the shower wall and he impaled himself into her wet heat over and over until a tingle ran through him. He rolled his hips hitting some different spots and she came undone. Her legs squeezed him and her channel clenched tight as it squeezed the very essence right out of him. Spurt after spurt of hot cum filled her until he had nothing left to give.

His knees felt weak and he slowly dropped her to the floor making sure she could stand before he let her go. His head was dizzy with that incredible release and he wanted to start every morning just that exact way. They rinsed off, dried, dressed, and went out to the kitchen. Lilith would go to Damon's with them but she would stay with the babies and their nanny. She wouldn't be sleeping in another parking lot like the one they'd gone to last night. It had been far worse than expected.

He made coffee while Arabella pulled together breakfast. Lilith got up earlier than he expected. Everything was going smoothly this morning. After the little shower play, it would take a lot to make his mood turn foul. They drove to Damon's without talking but the silence was pleasant. They pulled into Damon's yard with Harry behind them. They hurried in and Harry rushed to catch up to them. Marissa opened the door before he knocked and they all trooped in.

"Did we miss anything?" he asked.

"Nothing important to our cause. We made some points with the locals last night when we turned the ongoing investigation over to them. They closed out some open warrants and have three drug trafficking charges that look like a-shoo in. Needless to say they're happy," Damon explained.

"I'm glad we could help, but where does that leave us?" he asked.

"It leaves us with trying to run our own operation tonight. One of the places is open all day as a restaurant too, so we'll go there for lunch and see if we can find out anything. I've called in some back up, Riley, Carly, Cage, and Cole will be with us and a few others will be working the paperwork angles. We need to go in and do this fast and get all three places if we can. I know that's insane, but if we want to get this done, we need to steamroll over them," Damon said.

He knew it was true but it was also crazy to think that it would be this easy. They'd give it their best shot, it was all they could do. They spent some time going over plans for the operations they would be running. They would divide into two teams each taking some of those called in to help. They would each take one of the top two targets and whichever team was done first would move on to target number three. The other team would join them when ready. It was a simple plan and that was usually best.

It was nearly noon when they left to visit target one. He suspected Damon hoped they'd find something that would allow them to move early and make it easier to get all three targets completed. It was worth a try since they couldn't do much otherwise until it was at least five. Those Damon called in wouldn't join them here until that time so it would just be the usual team. They pulled up in front of the place and it looked rough on the outside. If the inside didn't look better he would be afraid to eat food from there.

They entered through the bar which looked only a bit better than the exterior. It smelled funky too, like it didn't get cleaned often. When they moved through a double doorway into the restaurant, it was like a whole different place. It smelled cleaner the farther they got from the doorway. Someone thought enough about this place that they wanted it to be clean and well cared for. He could smell food cooking and it smelled delicious. It made his stomach growl with hunger.

They sat down and a waitress came out. She was young and pretty, but shy especially considering her job. She gave them all menus and left but brought back glasses of water and silverware.

"What would you like to drink?" she asked as she pulled a notepad out and pulled the pen out from behind her ear. They all ordered their drinks and she rushed off to get them.

"She seems so young and innocent considering the place next door. If she was my daughter, she wouldn't be working here," Marissa said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"There's a big difference between there and here, but you have to go through the one to get to the other," Arabella noted.

"I'm sure the staff have a back exit," Dare said.

"But is that any safer since it's the back of that place too?" Will asked. He thought it probably wasn't. Everyone knew the kind of deals that would go on out the back door of a bar like the one next door. Hopefully the kid only worked days. That was bad enough.

She came back with a tray of drinks and put them in the appropriate spots. She started with the ladies and when asked she recommended the daily special which was a meatloaf plate. A large tossed salad and a dessert came with it. Everyone ended up ordering that. She rushed off, but came back minutes later with their salads. They weren't even through with those yet when she started bringing their meals. She brought them in two trips because the plates were heavy. The servings were generous and there were mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, and a homemade roll.

They spoke a little but had to be careful what they said. They could see into part of the bar area from where they sat, but nothing was going on. He could tell Damon was disappointed but not surprised. It looked like things wouldn't get going here for a while, but at least the food was good. Once most of them had eaten, the waitress came again to give them a choice of cherry or peach pie for dessert. She hurried away and brought the pies moments later. She must have already had them ready to go.

Once they finished, Damon paid for the meal and everyone threw some money on the table for a tip. He was sure the little waitress would be happy with what they left for her. Now they needed to decide what to do until five. It was nearly two and that left three hours. Typical of Damon, he wanted to check on the unsure targets to see what was happening with them. They divided into the two teams they would need to be later and each would check out a target. Arabella, Harry, and Nicky would go with him while Damon, Marissa, Will, and Dare would make up the other team.

He expected little to happen so early in the afternoon. Damon had assigned them a bar that was the least likely to have criminal activity. They got there and went in sitting at the bar and having a beer. They were just talking and joking around like they were coworkers who'd gotten off work early. The girls drew some manly interest and he'd noticed a woman or two checking out Dare or him but once they were there an hour or so, no one paid them any mind.

He realized something was going on behind the bar and he was watching closely while pretending to watch a game on TV. The bottles of reddish liquid looked familiar and he was filled with excitement. He glanced at Dare who nodded slightly. He pulled out his badge and yelled at the guys behind the bar. They froze for a second and then tried to escape out the employee exit across from Dare. He was over the bar in a flash and had both men by their collars.

He walked around the bar to join Dare and pulled out his cuffs to use on one of them. Once he was restrained, he cuffed the other one. People started to back out of the bar but he chanted a spell under his breath and the doors wouldn't open. People were beating on the doors trying to open them to no avail. He bit back the smile that tried to come to his face at how easy it was to corral everyone. Harry and Arabella would start questioning them and once everyone was spoken to, those that weren't involved would be freed.

Dare kept the two men they'd just arrested with him, while he went in search of the owner or manager. He found him in the back pounding on the door trying to open it. "Were you planning on going somewhere?" he asked.

"I was just needing to get some fresh air. I have asthma, you know," said the shifty looking guy.

"I'm afraid you'll have to stay until we get things sorted out," he said,

"I don't know what you mean? I don't know about anybody doing anything wrong here," he whined.

"We'll get to the truth of the matter," he replied. He saw the guy reach into a pocket and he waved with his hand and the gun went flying right to him. "What were you getting this out for?"

"What are you? A witch maybe? You won't want anyone to know what you are," he said. "Let me go and no one needs to know."

"That's a very generous offer, but you deal in drugs. No one's going to believe anything you say," he replied.

"They might," he insisted.

"You can tell them whatever you want. I think you'll be going to somewhere other than the human jails anyway," he said.

The guy paled. "I want a deal. I know stuff and I'll talk but only if I get a deal."

"I'll see if I can get someone here to discuss that with you," he remarked.

Chapter 10

Chiefly Speaking

She was really tired of this guy Chief and all the trouble he'd caused and was continuing to cause. The councils, witch, wolf, and vampire, were devoting some serious resources to taking him out of business but he continued to rise above their efforts. What was worse, was he was targeting the people who were after him and not always directly. He often went after their loved ones and close associates. At first, he'd had a code of sorts and only went after those involved in the hunt even if it was remotely. Now it seemed desperation had turned him into a cornered animal leaving no one safe.

She was a bit bored, she'd run out of people to interrogate in this two bit bar and now she was just waiting for Zorth and the others to get done with those that had been found to be actually involved with the blood drugs. It was a nasty business Chief had chosen for himself. He was ruining lives not only with his attempts to stay in business, but with the business itself. She had a unique view of things since she'd come in on the tail end of the attempt to take Chief down. She could almost smell his desperation and feel his need to be successful. He was also angry because he felt his twin brother had betrayed him. He had mated Laurel, a white wolf cousin, and Rain, Dare's brother. Chief felt those two should have been his mates.

She looked up at Will, Dare, and Nicky who were arguing, again. They just needed to have sex to calm them all down. Will wouldn't give in and claim her mates and it looked like Dare was fighting the claiming with Nicky. They'd become friends which was a good step in the right direction, but the last bond that was needed was left incomplete. She could understand Dare's dilemma but he was and he'd been raised as a wolf. They knew that when the time came their soul mate or mates could be anyone and that they should just accept it. Rain had resisted but once he gave in he'd been blissful.

Zorth came into view and she just sighed. She could have fought the mating and she'd started to but the man was just too perfect. Tall, muscular, and perfect for lack of another word that could describe her mate. Just looking at him made her mouth water and her juices start flowing. He had a presence that was larger than life. He could take charge of any situation but he wasn't arrogant. He knew when to back off and let someone else take charge like now since Damon was here.

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