Shifting Currents (13 page)

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Authors: Lissa Trevor

Tags: #Post Apocalyptic, #Shifter, #urban fantasy

BOOK: Shifting Currents
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The wind whipped through her, plastering her pajamas against her. She steadied her hands on the car in front of her and the car in back. Bethany surfed the floor as she got used to the rocking motion of the train, trying not to be sick at the cold, smelly air and the speed. Gripping the next car’s handle, she thrust it open and jumped inside, letting the door slam shut behind her. There were a few nasty words shouted at her.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up.”

She sank to the floor of the car, shivering. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she rocked back and forth. They were going too fast. They were going to crash and die. Fighting panic, Bethany took a few deep breaths. No. They were going to be fine. Lucas said they had cleared the tracks to Ohio. They would be in Ohio by this time tomorrow. Wonder replaced the fear curling in her belly. She’d never been so far west before. Suddenly it became very real. She was heading away from the East on a whim that maybe her brother would be in California. She was traveling with strangers who could easily turn on her, and she had only her pistol to protect her.

What about Lucas?

If she was truly Lucas’s mate, he’d protect her because he needed to. If he wasn’t her mate, he’d still protect her until he found his friends. Either way, the caravan needed her. She was probably the safest person in the expedition.

A soft moan from the upper bunk made Bethany start a little guiltily. She had enough voyeurism for one night. The aching loneliness and the keen edge of desire hit her. Bethany didn’t want to go between the cars again, but she couldn’t stay here. Pressing forward, she opened the door and shut it quickly but quietly behind her. Another sleeping chamber was ahead and then another. By the time she got to the dining car, moving from car to car didn’t bother her. There were a few people in the seats, drinking beer and plastered against the window.

Bethany accepted a drink from a passing waiter and found her own window to look out. The lights in the car reflected back her face. But in the moonlight, she could make out trees and boulders as the train jostled and jounced along. Her heart was still tripping but this time with excitement. She thought riding her motorcycle was a treat. It was almost worth the smell of burning coal and thick kerosene to travel on someone else’s power.

“You should get some sleep,” Jesse said, sliding into the booth across the table from her.

“Too restless,” Bethany said. “What’s your excuse?”

“The same I guess. The speed, it gets to me. I start thinking about things I can’t change. People I left behind.”

“Why did you leave them?” Bethany yawned.

“I was bored. I done all I could. There had to be something more to life than planting a crop and hoping to hell the weather doesn’t turn sour and you starve for the winter. I’m not much good with my hands, but my mouth keeps me fed in lean times. Of course, you don’t have to blow men to eat, do you?” Jesse rested her cheek against her fist. She also accepted a beer from a passing waiter.

Bethany shook her head. “No, but I’m guessing you know that a man likes you for you and not because you can make a water heater run.”

Jesse gave a snort. “Seems to me we both are in the same business. I can charge up a man’s batteries and keep him entertained. You do it with your mind. I do it with my body.”

“Cheers,” Bethany said, clicking glasses.

“So how come I get treated like a whore and you get treated like a princess?” Jesse sighed after taking a big gulp of beer.

“I don’t treat you like a whore,” Bethany said.

“Not you. The others.”

“I guess it’s because anyone can suck their dick, but only I can make their electronic gizmos go.” Bethany shrugged to take the sting out of her words.

“That must be it,” Jesse sighed. “I’m getting sick of it, though. I’d like to settle down. I’m hoping to get some serious stash, sell it, and set myself up so I don’t have to fuck anyone I don’t want to again.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Bethany said and toasted her with the beer bottle.

“You think Lem would go for that?” Jesse asked, staring at the table.

“I think so,” Bethany said. “He’s more of a follower than a leader, so don’t expect him to make the first move.”

“You and he ever traded together?”

Bethany shook her head. “Our chief ordered him to, but I wasn’t interested.”

“Why the hell not?”

They both looked up when the door to the dining car opened. Lucas stood there, scanning the room until he found Bethany. Then he stalked toward her with purpose in his eyes.

Bethany felt a throb between her legs.

“Oh,” Jesse said. “I see.” She got up. “So we wouldn’t have a problem if I set my cap on Lem?”

“Not from me,” Bethany said. “But I think someone else might.”


“Clark seems a little fixated on you.”

“Clark’s dance card is pretty full. I ain’t worried about him.”

“Jesse, this is Lucas.”

“Her mate,” Lucas bit out.

“You two have a good night,” Jesse said and moved along.

Lucas waved off the waiter and sat across from Bethany. “You should have told me you were leaving the room.”

“You were asleep. I didn’t want to wake you. Besides, you said once we got going it was safe enough.”

“I wanted to be with you.”

“Did you?” Bethany felt a flash of hope that maybe this wasn’t all in her mind. “You seemed to blow me off.”

“You don’t know a lot about Shifters, do you?”

“You know my brother is one.”

“He ever run all day?”


“Have you?”

“No.” Bethany finished the beer in one long drink. It had a kick. She could probably go to sleep right here.

“What’s the longest time you’ve ever run?”

“I don’t know, across camp in an emergency.”

“Remember how you felt after the adrenaline wore off?”

Bethany started to feel sheepish. “I get it. Multiply that by eight hours or so.”

“You got it,” Lucas said. “But unlike humans, I can rebound faster, which is why I’m here now.”

“You must be starving,” Bethany said, trying to make amends for acting like an idiot. She flagged a waiter down and ordered some sandwiches.

She watched him eat and wondered if she would be able to believe that he was really hers. “So tell me about this mate business. What do you expect out of this…relationship.”

He didn’t flinch from the word. She gave him credit. Lucas chewed a bit and swallowed before he answered. “Well, had you wanted to join in on Ben and Mark instead of just enjoying the show, I would have had an issue with that.”

Bethany felt her face heat up. “You were awake?”

“Not exactly. I was aware. I was aware of your arousal. I smelled your desire and could feel your need.”

“Well, why the hell didn’t you do something about it?”

“I couldn’t move. I had pushed myself beyond exertion.”

“Oh,” Bethany said. “I was thinking of you.”

Lucas pushed his plate away from him. “I can assist you now.”

Bethany grinned. “Not just yet, cowboy.”

He bared his teeth at her in a feral smile. “Don’t make me wait or I’ll take you on the table here in front of everyone.”

Bethany looked around. “You wouldn’t. There are too many people.”

“Babe, with this crowd we’d have to worry about people joining in.”

“Yeah, why is that?”

“Lewis and Clark have special requirements of some of their workers.”

Bethany thought about what Jesse said. “They force them to have sex?”

He shook his head. “They don’t have to force anyone. But let’s just say the parties are swinging around here.”

“Ben and Mark made mention of that.”

“And like Ben and Mark, I would prefer just one partner rather than the group activities.”

“You mentioned that. So even with all this temptation, you want to be exclusive to me?” she asked.


“So you’re not just into me because I’m a Tech?” Bethany knew she was fishing, but she wanted to hear it anyway.

“Your Tech skills are useful. You’re incredible in bed. And I’d like to get to know you better. You Bethany, not Lady Tech.”

“What if you don’t like what you find out about me? Are we still mates?”

“I’ll still want to fuck you and, yes, hire you for your Tech abilities, but no one mates for life if there’s no compatibility.”

“I thought Shifters didn’t mate with humans.”

“Bethany, you’re as human as I am.”

She wasn’t sure how to take that. She didn’t shape-shift into a beast, but the normals didn’t channel electricity through their bodies. Still, they both had hearts and brains and behaved in a civilized manner. Bethany supposed it really didn’t matter.

“We’re away from Maya. We don’t have to pretend.”

“You weren’t pretending yesterday.”

She smiled at the reminder. “Why me?”

Lucas blinked. “Why not you?”

“I’m not anything to look at.” Bethany gave him a sad smile.

“You’re sexy as hell,” he countered.

“I only really shine as a Tech.”

“Bethany, you saved my sister. You shine just by waking up in the morning.”

She rubbed her foot over his shin. “I could get used to you.” She was warning him.

“You were in a really bad relationship with a self-centered jerk. I want to be with you. Is that such a hard concept?”

“It shouldn’t be,” she said, shaking her head. She toyed with the rim of her bottle.

“Look, you’ve got a long day ahead of you tomorrow when we reach Ohio. There’s going to be a lot of danger ahead of us. I want to stick my cock in you so badly that I’m shaking.” He grabbed her hand and put it on his legs. “Hearing your fingers getting you off nearly undid me. Let me show you it’s you I want, you I need.”

“Okay.” Bethany’s heart kicked into overdrive at his words.

“We’ve got a lot of time to talk the shit out of any topic you want, but until this expedition is over, this might be the last time we can enjoy ourselves.”

“You’re sure this train can’t be attacked?” She glanced out of the window, but all she saw was darkness and shadows.

“Not at the speeds we’re traveling.”

“And the tracks are clear?”

“They were this morning.”

“What about Mark and Ben?”

Lucas snarled. “I thought I made my opinion on group participation clear?”

“I meant about them listening?”

“Turnabout is fair play.” Lucas grinned.

Bethany got to her feet and pulled him up alongside her. She kissed him warmly, and when his arms came around her, it felt like home. His lips slid over hers as their tongues danced together. He gripped her head back and looked into her eyes.

“I meant what I said about the table.”

“Let’s go,” Bethany sighed, hugging him again.

They made it through the first few sets of cars without touching each other, but before they entered their compartments, Bethany had unbuttoned Lucas’s shirt and his hand was down her pants, cupping her ass.

They stood between the two compartments, the night air howling, and the train swaying back and forth. What had terrified Bethany only hours before, she barely recognized when Lucas plastered her back against a compartment. His erection jutted into her stomach, and she peeled his shirt off his shoulders. They kissed, oblivious to the speed of the rushing train. Bethany was eagerly sliding her hands over the muscles of his back. She started to work on his belt buckle while she nibbled down his neck. Nipping and then soothing the bite with her tongue, Bethany slid his pants down his hips and then reached for his cock.

Lucas groaned and tore open her pajama top. Buttons flew, but Bethany was beyond caring. The cold air teased her nipples until Lucas put his big hands over them. He massaged them, rolling his palms over the hard peaks. Bethany pumped him, loving the hot, smooth feel of his cock. He kissed her hard, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefingers. Finally, he took one into his mouth, and Bethany shrieked, the sound lost as the train hurtled on. The wind stole it and carried it out to the velvet night.

Lucas dropped to his knees, taking her pants down with him, catching the pistol before it could hit the ground. He secured it so it wouldn’t rattle off the train. The cold press of the train against her backside brought her back to the reality of the situation. Bethany gripped the door handles as the train shuddered and skipped over the tracks.

“Easy,” he murmured, licking her belly button. He removed one leg from her pants and tucked it over his shoulder.

White-knuckled on the door handle, Bethany had second thoughts flit through her mind. There was a nice safe bed just a few feet away.

But then he plunged his tongue inside her pussy, and she forgot safety, forgot the train hell-bent on screaming through the night. Arching into his mouth, Bethany could only gape up at the dark night sky. There were no stars, but she saw them anyway.

Lucas lapped at her clit, licking up and down. Bethany balanced on one leg, a slave to Lucas’s ministrations. Writhing and bucking, she chased her orgasm, afraid this feeling would disappear like a dream. Wild, feral, she peeled one hand off safety to hold his head to that special spot. His quick, darting tongue and supple strokes tore a cry out of her that was more animal than human.

When he started to suck on her sensitive clit, lights exploded behind her eyes, and music slammed through the train as joy channeled through her body and there was no place to go but out. Bizet, Tchaikovsky,
Ode an die Freude
. Shaking in release, she sagged against the door. Heavy strings faded, only to be chased by a solo saxophone.

Lucas purred in satisfaction and gave her one last lick. His eyes were hooded as he pressed two fingers into her and begin to fuck her with them.

Bethany arched into the pressure, so different from his luscious tongue. Not fully recovered from the epic orgasm that left everything throbbing, she widened her stance to give him better access, to give him anything he wanted. His eyes were on her like a physical caress. His fingers were relentless.

Baring her teeth, she said, “Fuck me.”

Lucas showed her his teeth too and put her leg back on the platform. Swaying, she moved with the train, but he stood, unconcerned about the train’s pace. Never taking his fingers out, he rubbed them over her little bud.

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