Shifting Snows (3 page)

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Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Shifting Snows
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“Share?” she choked.





Chapter Three



“Yes,” Sorin confirmed. “It’s the way with everyone at Tavian Leap.”

Macy’s mind raced faster than she could process the thoughts. She felt very much like Goldilocks suddenly confronted by the three bears—no, four bears! But they didn’t want to eat her they just wanted—well, maybe eating of sorts was part of their plan. Her eyes scanned over the four wide chests, the four pairs of muscular arms and equally thick legs, the four slim hips, the four prominent bulges…

Her vision narrowed, growing dimmer for the second time today. As her heart raced, it wasn’t fear making her lightheaded. It was the very idea that…oh man…she could have these men, all
of these men, and live out a forbidden fantasy, she wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to indulge.

And she would leave here as soon as the storm stopped, and no one would be the wiser. It didn’t matter that she didn’t know them. It would make it all the more exciting. Illicit. And after the past few years of working her rear off and having her ex leave her for a friend who happened to have conveniently spread legs while Macy was out of the country, Macy sure could use a little “illicit” in her life. A momentary pleasure. Time to forget the stress she’d faced at the magazine where she’d worked before going freelance.

But they hadn’t said they wanted to share her. Just that they shared women. “What does that have to do with the kiss?” she asked.

Sorin’s brow lifted. “I think you’ve guessed it already. I want you very much, Macy.”

She looked around the small group who watched her avidly. Frankly, the expectation on their faces surprised her. They really wanted her—after what had happened with her ex, that was a major ego boost.

What wouldn’t be a boost was if they got close to her and wrinkled their noses. She’d been trekking about the mountain all day and that made for a pretty grubby hiker. “I don’t suppose there’s somewhere that I can take a bath…?” she asked.

The men’s expressions ranged in levels of surprise, but she supposed that was because what she’d asked didn’t exactly reply to what Sorin had said, but if they thought about it for a moment…

Sorin’s wide smile indicated he “got it” first, and Danel was quick on the uptake. “We have an outstanding—”

“Decadent,” Sorin cut in.

“—bathroom right over here. And lots of hot water,” Danel finished. “I think you’ll find it to your liking.”

She grinned, anticipating what would come. Her tummy fluttered with excitement as she went the direction he indicated. The door opened to a huge glass-walled room with a sunken tub set in the corner and overlooking a frozen waterfall and pond.

“It’s one-way glass,” Sorin said behind her.

He followed her into the room and pulled out towels and set them on the edge of the tub. Turning the faucets, he ran the steaming water. With the press of a button, he started air jets and filled the basin with bubbles. Then he turned to her where she leaned against the counter, her hands braced on the edge.

“I’ll leave you to it,” he said quietly.

She shook her head, her throat suddenly dry as what she was about to embark on became more and more real.

“No?” he ventured, mimicking her motion.

“Kiss me before you go,” she said. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she stared at his mouth. It had felt so good against hers…drugging, seductive, full of promise. Never before that moment on the mountainside had she felt a kiss clear down to her womb. It had been as if he stroked her there, too.

Gently, his thumb pulled free the abused lip. “Not like that I can’t.”

Immediately, he cupped her head and bent forward. She sighed into his mouth, closing her eyes, as pleasure slid through her once more. Her fingers curled in the front of the coat he still wore.

Sorin groaned, his mouth pushing hers open as he lifted her onto the counter. Her legs went around his hips as he stepped closer. Heat pooled in her pussy as tingles worked through her. Her head tilted back farther as he seemed to tower over her, possessing her, claiming her. In this position, he seemed so much larger than she was, an alpha male claiming his woman. She wanted to be his woman. For tonight. For the next few days.

His large hands splayed on her ass, clenching as his pelvis ground forward.

Yes, lord it was perfect. Her thighs squeezed around him and she forgot that she wanted a bath—he certainly didn’t seem to mind her condition if the thick cock pushing to her apex meant anything.

Anxiously, she shoved at his coat and he shrugged free of it then immediately went to work on her flannel shirt’s buttons. He growled when he reached the T-shirt beneath it. He yanked at the hem then tugged off both shirts and tossed them over his shoulder.

His light green eyes glittered, the pupils seeming odd-shaped as he stilled to survey her bared torso, covered only by a white, lacy bra. He lifted a hand and gently traced the edge of one cup with his fingertip.

The world silenced as they stared at each other, goose bumps lifting across her chest at his touch.

“It’s not cool to flood the bathroom, man,” Abel laughed behind them, and she realized he’d shut off the tub.

“It’s also not cool to start without us,” Danel added.

Looking over Sorin’s shoulder, she saw Danel standing near the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest and his expression stern—though…he couldn’t seem to keep faint amusement from his face.

In addition to Sorin’s partner, Abel sat on the edge of the tub and Calin stood in the middle of the trio. Embarrassed, she moved to cover herself with her hands, but Sorin caught her wrists and held her arms at her sides.

“Don’t,” he said. “Unless you’ve changed your mind. Have you?” he asked.

She looked over his shoulder again, her teeth once more catching her lip. She definitely still wanted to try this. Belonging to four men at once… It was crazy, but it sent fire hissing through her. The idea of all of them was a little frightening, but even so, she sensed Sorin was their leader. And deep inside, she knew he’d protect her—and she couldn’t explain how she knew that.

“No,” she replied, shaking her head and looking into those clear, green eyes and mesmerized by the tawny striations. “I haven’t changed my mind.”

Nodding, he slowly pushed one satin bra strap down her shoulder until it caught just above her elbow. The bra cup slouched down and he traced a line from her elbow to where the light brown of her areola peeked out. His fingertip scraped across her nipple as he tugged down the fabric and freed her breast.

A collective gasp echoed softly through the room as the tight tip appeared. As the four avidly stared, Macy wondered how long it had been since they’d had sex. Arousal tugged inside her as she realized this could be a hard, demanding fucking as they slaked their needs.

All the better…

She arched into Sorin’s hand, enjoying their attention. Her ex had never made her feel like dirt—except when he’d cheated on her—but these guys made her feel like the most desirable woman in existence.

Her breath shuddered from her as Sorin’s finger circled her nipple and occasionally flicked over the nub. Leaning forward, he covered it with his mouth. Roughly, he jerked down her other bra strap and freed her breast. Immediately, he cupped the mound while his tongue tormented her. Her pussy contracted, sending a flood into her heated folds.

Danel caught her eye over Sorin’s shoulders and stepped forward. He held the back of her head and crushed his mouth to hers, forcing his tongue inside though she opened quite willingly. She wanted his mouth, his taste, his rough grasp in her hair. He rubbed against Sorin, and she felt Danel’s hand reach between her and Sorin. Danel yanked at Sorin’s shirt. He pulled it up, and Macy pressed her hands to Sorin’s ridged abdomen. Sweet heaven, he was ripped. Without seeing, she knew men would weep for his body, and
her body
wept for him.

For all of them.

Danel’s kiss intoxicated her as she writhed against Sorin and discovered Danel’s hand stroking the man’s length. His knuckles bumped repeatedly against her, and she moaned, pushing for more. Taking her cue, Danel tugged open the closure of her jeans. The zipper hissed as he pulled then his hand slipped inside. She whimpered into his mouth as his fingers pushed between her folds, sliding through her cream. He quickly found her clit and stroked it until her whimpers turned to desperate cries. Suddenly, he drove two fingers inside her and across her g-spot. Macy bucked, screaming into him. Her world rolled as reaction burst down her limbs.

She was still shuddering when she realized she was lying on the floor while the four men stood around her, disrobing. Feeling strangely languorous, she arched under their perusals and cupped her breasts. Needy sounds escaped her as she pinched her nipples, unsure what had removed her inhibitions. She wanted them, oh how she wanted them, but any self-consciousness or inhibitions were gone. She just wanted—
—to fuck them all and the luridness of being here on the cool tile with only a few towels someone had put beneath her turned her on all the more.

Still cupping a breast, she reached down and slip the other hand over her tummy. Bending and parting her legs, she pushed her fingers into her pussy while they watched. She pinched her nipple, closing her eyes as she moaned, and rubbed her clit.

“Holy hell, Sorin,” Danel gasped, and she opened her eyes to see the four men naked. They stroked their cocks while they watched her give them their own personal show.

Her eyes locked with Sorin’s as heavy tension welled in her womb, threatening to burst.

“Bring yourself,” he urged, his half-lidded eyes hungry, and she knew her release wouldn’t stop him from fucking her hard. Her cream coated her fingers were at his command and her orgasm loomed, clouding her vision.

“Now, Macy,” he growled.

Her scream echoed off the walls as her hips shot upward on her fingers, her eyes slamming shut as release clawed through her body. Before the tremors ceased, she felt hands on her, and she opened her eyes to find all the men kneeling around her. Sorin and Danel were to one side while Abel and Calin were on the other. She trembled as the four stroked her.

As if by earlier agreement, Sorin crawled between her legs and forced them farther apart to accommodate his muscular body. She swallowed at the sight of the long, thick cock jutting from his body and curving to his belly. She lifted her hips toward him, even as Abel and Calin bent over her breasts. They pulled her nipples into their mouths, hard, while they kneaded the aroused flesh. The prickles of pleasure/pain delighted her.

Then Sorin’s tip pressed to her cunt, the wide head pushing to breach the opening. He groaned with her as he slid forward, and his girth forced apart the walls of her channel. His fingers tightened on her hips as he kept forward, never stopping until he was buried to the hilt. Then he paused, and they breathed heavily together, their eyes locked. It was as if he saw inside her, saw how much she wanted him, how much she loved the feel of him inside her, and she never wanted to look away. Just as much as she felt he saw her thoughts, she saw something in him she couldn’t quite describe—something her brain refused to grasp. Possession? Belonging? Definitely need…

Before she could contemplate with the small amount of power allowed by the overwhelming sensations, Danel’s hand touched the side of her head. She turned to look at him, and he lifted her slightly to his cock. Smiling, she knew what he wanted. Opening her mouth, she took the shaft between her lips while Calin and Abel supported her shoulders, their mouths never leaving her nipples.

As Sorin fucked her, she tried to match the rhythm on Danel’s cock, but it was impossible. Danel’s flavor and contours begged exploration and she grasped his base as she licked and sucked. Danel’s fingers tightened in her hair and she let him guide her as she split her attention between him, the wide cock pummeling in and out of her and the mouths on her breasts. She was a ball of sensation as her orgasm rolled into her once more and exploded from the place where Sorin’s pubis repeatedly struck her clit. Danel slid away from her as she cried out from the energy pulsing through her.

Once more, Sorin held her gaze, and she saw his reactions reflected in his eyes as he drew near to his own culmination while he powered through her clenching walls. A feral growl hissed through his teeth as he threw back his head. His fingers tightened on her hips, and she shuddered as his heat poured into her.

Instantly, she calmed and a satisfied moan rolled up her throat as she settled onto the floor. The towels had long shifted away, but she didn’t care. The tile had warmed beneath her body, and the hard surface anchored her in reality, something she really needed. Everything seemed so unreal…





Chapter Four



Sorin fought back a purr as satisfaction flooded his senses. His female mate was spectacular, and he was about to have the pleasure of watching her with his male mate. It would be a beautiful sight that would soon make him hard—and as soon as Calin and Abel departed for the evening, Sorin planned to take her again. Well, maybe after she’d rested a little, though the properties of his cum—and Danel’s, for that matter—would serve to rejuvenate her. Their union would make her feel better than she ever had.

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