Shifting Snows (5 page)

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Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Shifting Snows
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Sorin set her on her feet and untied the robe. “You don’t believe me.”

“No,” she replied. Hurt flared in his eyes then quickly subsided, but it made her feel bad for doubting him, even if there was a huge chance he was lying. “Sorry,” she offered hastily.

He nodded and lifted her again. The sensation of his warm skin against her almost distracted her from the topic, but not quite. His destination did, though.

“Sorin, it’s got to be freezing,” she protested as he climbed the first step to the tub.

“It’s not. Look, see the steam?”

Indeed, small swirls of heated moisture danced along the surface, testifying to his truth. The one about the water, anyway. “How long was I out? Did you draw fresh water?”

“You were unconscious only a few minutes.”

Stepping into the bath, Sorin sank down with her still in his arms. She heard water rushing into hidden drains around the lip of the basin. Blessed heat seeped into her, and she sighed in pleasure, momentarily forgetting her worries.

“Nice…” she murmured, closing her eyes and resting against his chest. She didn’t stir as she felt the water shift and heard the slosh of Danel climbing into the tub, too.

“I installed thermal heating around it,” he said. “You can take as long a bath as you want, and it’ll never get cold.”

Again, something they could share with the rest of the world. It was as if she’d encountered the highly technological aliens who’d supposedly built the pyramids. And she liked their ideas. “I might stay here forever,” she laughed.

“Sure,” Sorin agreed.

His tone brought her back to the surface of reason and she opened her eyes to peer up at him. “I’m going home as soon as the mountain is clear enough to navigate.”

“Of course,” he murmured. He kissed her gently. “You may go whenever you want to. I told you that.”

His lips played over hers, and arousal stirred in her middle. She squeezed shut her eyes and tucked her head beneath his chin, trying to focus on the heat surrounding her and not the heat inside her. Her pussy muscles contracted, wanting his cock as it hardened beneath her thigh.

No way
, she told herself. Not unless he found a condom for his magical, non-impregnating penis. She wasn’t taking unreasonable chances, even if it might be closing the gate after the horse, so to speak.

“Do you have condoms?” They hadn’t mentioned more sex, but it seemed kind of a given. Macy wanted to be ready—or get the hell out of Sorin’s arms and stay out.

She felt rather than heard Sorin’s sigh, and immediately, guilt slammed into her. She’d disappointed him with her lack of faith in his word. Maybe if it wasn’t so crazy…

“I think there are some in the storage closet downstairs,” Danel said. “From when we threw Tomas and Barra’s pre-wedding party.”

“Right…” Sorin chuckled. “Abel thought they’d be funny party favors. He watches too many American movies. It was his first wedding with our people since he became an adult. For a long time, in our homeland, it was unsafe for us to let down our guard long enough for more than a hasty union. There were no parties. Then when we came here…we’ve had only the one wedding.”

“If you don’t have bachelor parties, what do you do?” she asked, more than a little relieved they had protection somewhere in this house.

“We hunt,” Danel answered. “All the men who are without mates leave here and hunt until morning.”


“Unmarried,” Sorin replied. He smoothed a hand over her head where it was tucked against her chest. Danel moved up behind her. A nubby cloth rubbed over her skin. As odd as it might be any other time, Macy relaxed and let him wash her. She’d had sex with four men at once; she could easily let one of them do this.

The scent of lavender and vanilla wafted around them. As much as she was ready for round two—or was it three—with them, she sank into Sorin’s embrace and let everything else drift away.

* * * *

Macy blinked rapidly, confused by the sun beaming down on her from overhead. She tended to sleep in absolute darkness and the light shouldn’t be in her face. Groaning, she reached to pull her pillow over her face.

“Not a morning person?” a deep voice asked, startling her. Immediately, memories of the day before pushed through the muzzy veil shrouding her almost consciousness.

“Sorin…” she murmured.

“Yes, love?”

“Why are we awake?” She remembered falling asleep in the tub then waking warm and toasty in bed. Sorin and Danel had been there, and they’d both loved her. Slowly. Tenderly. Thoroughly. With condoms firmly in place. This morning, the best parts of her ached pleasantly from the exertions yesterday, and she’d never been so grateful for a snowstorm. Thank goodness, Sorin had saved her from that snow leopard and brought her here.

“I was sleeping until you yanked the pillow from under my head,” he replied.

She peeked at him from beneath an edge, and he grinned, not looking at all put out. To the other side of her, Danel snored quietly as he pushed his face into her shoulder. His hand was splayed on her naked belly.

It was so strange. She didn’t feel the least bit uncomfortable. That surprised her. Last night, she’d halfway expected morning-after awkwardness. Instead, it seemed perfectly natural to be here between the heated press of these two male bodies.

The pillow slid away as she turned on her side to face Sorin. Danel immediately snuggled to her backside, hugging his arms around her. His hand moved upward to cup her breast. Surprised, she glanced over her shoulder at him while her nipple hardened into his palm. Arousal tingled along her spine as her awareness heightened.

In bed. With two men. Naked men. Touching
naked body.

The messages hit her in short bursts, shoving her from fuzzy warmth to the sharp edge of desire. As she watched Sorin reach over her and gently brush a lock of hair from Danel’s face, cream seeped into her pussy. More than having them fuck her again, she wanted to see them together—well, maybe
as much as having them again. Her need was continual and so strong. But they loved each other, and the notion of watching them share that love aroused her more than she would have guessed before this morning. She almost wished she would be around long enough to observe them.

“He’ll sleep through anything,” Sorin told her, affection roughening his voice. “This past spring a huge thunderstorm blew in while we were on vacation. Lightning stuck a pine next to our cabin and he never stirred.”

A corresponding affection filled her as Danel growled quietly. “I heard it,” he muttered. He nuzzled the back of her neck then nipped her shoulder. “I knew it was outside so I didn’t worry about it.”

“I can tell which of you is more laid back,” she commented, angling her neck and shoulder to give him better access for the pleasure-pain he doled out with his playful bites and kisses.

“Sorin’s always a little uptight,” Danel told her.

“Hey!” the other man protested.

“It’s not his fault,” Danel went on. “He’s got a lot of responsibility with leading us all and doing his job.” He nibbled his way to the sensitive area behind her ear, eliciting a tremor that skated the length of her body. He chuckled and purposely repeated the action he’d discovered last night.

“Danel,” she protested as her body tightened. She tried to think, but he was making it damned difficult.

“Sorin’s a pretty amazing investor,” he went on as if she hadn’t spoken.

“You’re just saying that because you sleep with me,” Sorin laughed, taking the opportunity to kiss the base of her throat.

“That does have benefits, but you know I’m telling the truth—” Danel laughed as Sorin lurched at him over the top of her, and she giggled, caught in the heap while they wrestled.

Sorin kept his arm firmly around her, holding her in the pile as they tussled. Somehow, scuffle turned to tickling—her. Screeching with laughter, she struggled to get away while they sought out her sensitive spots. She bucked and twisted, trying to get them off while her body responded with surprising awareness. Her pussy tingled, and she wished one of them would tickle her there.

The room already smelled of sex, and as they grappled, the scent grew stronger.

Suddenly, they were both over her. The tickling turned gentle and exploratory. Fingers trailed over her. One man kissed her then surrendered her mouth to his partner. Each blanketed a half of her body. Her wrists were held above her head, one by each man. Their free arms slung around each other’s waists, and Macy was struck by the feeling of being part of a united circle. It didn’t matter who kissed her or who touched her where. They were one.

She moaned, parting her legs and wanted both of them at once. In her pussy together, but she knew that was impossible.

“How do you feel?” Sorin asked. Concern darkened his green eyes. When she glanced at Danel, his gray eyes had also clouded. His tongue swept over his bottom lip before he drew it between his teeth. Last night, she hadn’t realized how adorable he was.

And Sorin… He was so protective, so tough, yet she saw a vulnerability inside him. He hid it, but she wondered if Danel saw it, too. Sorin wasn’t as secure as everyone portrayed him. She just wanted to hug him and worm herself inside and assure him. Didn’t he believe he was doing a good enough job for his people? It was obvious he was.

“Macy?” he prompted.

“What? Oh! Yeah, I feel great. Ready for ten more rounds.”

“Ten?” Danel laughed. “Sorin, you must have done something wrong.”

A shadow crossed the man’s face, but he chuckled then shoved Danel and climbed fully over Macy. His head angled to the side as he sealed his lips over hers. His tongue thrust into her mouth, and she hummed in pleasure as a familiar languid but needy state filled her. Nothing would do but to have them both. Right now.

Her legs parted farther, cradling him between her thighs. Groaning, she arched into him, molten heat pulsing to her core. Her pussy ground to his cock. He had to feel how wet she was for them. He had to know she was ready.

“Not like this,” Sorin growled.

She gasped, disappointment spearing her as he climbed off her, but it was immediately replaced by dark pleasure as he flipped her and tugged her ass into the air. He kneed apart her legs, opening her and leaving her vulnerable. Danel laid beside them. His head rested on hers so his lips were near her ear, and one of his large hands held her wrists together while she rested on her elbows. His other arm, slipped around her. He twisted and plucked at her nipple while she waited for Sorin to plunge into her, to take her body, to claim her once more this morning.

She heard him put on a condom, and her cheeks turned red. After all her insistence yesterday, she’d almost forgotten. What did these two do to her?

Instead of his cock, he shoved three fingers into her cunt. Her hips jerked as she cried out, illicit tremors raking over her skin as he pumped them in and out of her well-fucked passage. Her cream eased his thrusts, though a welcomed pinch accompanied his rough possession.

Her pelvis canted toward him then rocked with his drives as she fucked his fingers. She mewled into the sheets, squeezing shut her eyes as she trembled.

“You like that, baby, don’t you?” Danel whispered in her ear, his deep voice rumbling in the darkness behind her lids.

“Yes.” She couldn’t believe she was letting two essential strangers have her like this—any way they wanted. As rough as they wanted. As hard as they wanted.

“You want his big cock deep inside you. So deep you’ll feel him forever. You want to be his.”

Her breathing increased, growing choppy as her pussy rippled around Sorin and prickles erupted down her spine at Danel’s dark knowledge of what she wanted. What strange rabbit hole had she fallen into out on the mountainside?

“Answer,” Danel commanded, pinching her nipple.

She gasped, the sensation tugging at her clit. “Yes,” she whimpered. “Sorin, fuck me!” she begged.

“He won’t. Not until you come all over his hand,” Danel promised. “Fuck his fingers harder. Squeeze him.”

His breath blew over her ear as he sighed the last word. Macy’s pelvis lurched into Sorin, need twisting tight in her belly. “Oh…oh God,” she screamed. Her pussy clenched around Sorin’s pumping digits while Danel pulled and twisted her hard nipple. Her body shook as the orgasm rolled over her.

Sorin pulled his hand free and grasped her hips. His cock drove deep into her spasming pussy while she howled. Danel moved, slouching against the headboard. His ass rested on her hands, and he pushed her mouth to his cock. She loved the illusion of being their prisoner, their sex slave. She almost grinned. She was their

“Suck me,” Danel demanded.

Obediently, she took his cock deep while Sorin fucked her hard. Her tongue flattened against Danel’s underside before she drew upward and drew hard on the glans. He grunted, his fingers fisting in her hair.

“Fuck,” Sorin gasped. “Whatever you’re doing, keep at it. Our little cat likes it rough. Her cunt is so tight around me.”

Macy whimpered, shuttling her mouth faster over Danel’s cock. She took him as deeply as she could, fighting her body when she might have gagged. She wanted all of him.

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