Show and Tell (42 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Show and Tell
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“You want me to use that on myself?” She’d already played herself for him. She wanted something new, something different. God, she was losing it.
Especially when he put his finger to her lips to shut her up. “No speaking. I want to hear you moan for me.”
That’s how he’d first known her, her moans through the wall. And she wanted to play whatever game he needed. She nodded.
Her hands in his, he wrapped her fingers around his belt buckle. “Take it off for me.”
She undid the metal, then pulled the leather from the loops. When she was about to drop it, he curled his fist around her wrist. “Fold it in four.”
Though the leather was stiff, she did, then held it in the palm of her hand. He didn’t take it.
Sitting on the bed, he patted his lap. “Here.”
He turned her and forced her facedown over his knees, her abdomen to his thighs and her butt once again in the air. Then he took the belt. “Put it in your mouth and bite down.”
He was crazy, yet she wanted to do as he asked. Sinking her teeth into the leather to anchor it, she rested her elbows on the bed beside him, her knees bent, one foot on the floor.
She squeaked at the first whack of his hand, then laughed around the belt in her mouth. It didn’t hurt, especially when he caressed her cheek afterwards.
“You’ve been a bad girl for lying to me about your husband, so I have to spank you.” Then he rolled down over her body and whispered, “Don’t laugh, or I’ll have to hurt you.”
He slapped her with the flat of his hand, a slight sting radiating out, and this time he slipped his fingers down to caress her pussy. By spreading her legs slightly and bracing herself higher with her one foot on the floor, she gave him better access. And oh she was wet. Moaning around the leather in her mouth, she gave him what he wanted.
He whacked her again. With her butt higher and more of her flesh exposed, the sting shimmied out to her pussy. Trinity moaned for real, pushing back against his hand, begging for more.
Beneath her belly, his cock pulsed, and she rubbed herself against him. He spanked again, then immediately entered her creamy depths with a finger. Oh God. Trinity bit hard and panted. The pleasure, mixed with a hint of pain, was sweet. She wanted more.
Again and again, he swatted her, and each time, he slid deeper, rubbing her clitoris, the sensitive skin between her pussy and her rear. She writhed and moaned.
“Christ, I love the sounds you make.”
It wasn’t enough, the touches too quick, teasing. She rode the edge, never quite able to bring herself over.
Which was exactly what he wanted. “You’re very wet. I think you like this.”
She moaned and nodded, wiggled her butt, begging. With each slap, the pain was a tad more intense, yet the pleasure soared. Her bottom tingled, burned slightly, her flesh sensitive, needy. She tried to rub herself, even put her hand between her legs, but he chastised her.
“I’ll stop if you don’t behave.”
She groaned in answer. His hand took her once again, and this time he played her clitoris until she felt the building implosion.
Almost there, please, please.
And he was gone. “Your ass is red and delicious.” He bent to kiss one cheek, then licked her.
She wanted to scream. Reaching between them, she palmed his cock, caressed him. He pulsed in her grip, yet he didn’t give her what she wanted.
Beneath her, he shifted. When he straightened, he came at her again, this time probing her with the hard plastic vibrator. He slid it inside, filling her, then left it deep.
“Do you like that?”
She nodded, moaned, bucked a little trying to get the thing to move inside her.
“Remove the belt and tell me how much you like it.”
Spitting out the leather, her mouth dry, her senses reeling, she rocked against him. “It’s so good. I don’t know why, but it is.” Her throat clogged, her eyes teared. “Please.”
“Tell me what you want.”
Oh God. She wanted so much. “Please do it. Do me.”
“You want me to fuck you? Say it.” He encouraged her with a sharp swat that made her groan and writhe against him.
Lord. “Yes. Please fuck me.”
The vibrator buzzed inside her, and she spread her legs as wide as she could without falling, pushing back on it, on him.
And he fucked her with it. It was a feeling like no other, the intense buzz inside, her body sensitive and aching, her nipples rasping against the coverlet.
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want to come, please, make me come. I want it so bad.” She didn’t know exactly what she said or how long she pleaded.
Then he reached beneath her and stroked her clitoris at the same time, and Trinity screamed as an orgasm rolled her under like an ocean wave.
When she came to, he was buried inside her. She couldn’t quite remember how he got there. Her back flush against the carpet, he braced himself above her, his gaze a deep, dark pool.
Then he started to move. Trinity closed her eyes. Withdrawing almost to the tip, he held, flexed, took her with small pumps of his hips.
“Look at me,” he demanded.
She did, and Scott lost himself in the blue depths. Her body sucked him deeper, and he held a moment, savoring the sensation. Watching her fall over the edge, he’d barely managed to don the condom before he had to get inside her or die. As it was, his pants were around his knees.
“Fuck me,” she whispered, her eyes all pupil now.
Genteel, fastidious, he loved the dirty talk on her lips. “How do you want me to fuck you?”
“Hard and deep and fast.”
He flexed inside, short, fast pumps until she gasped.
“Is that how you want it?”
“Fuck me deeper,” she begged.
He thrust high and hard until she dug her fingernails into his biceps. Rolling her head, she moaned for him, then panted.
“Is that what you want?”
“You forgot the fast part.” She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her feet over his bare butt. Then she bit his shoulder. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” she chanted.
And he couldn’t hold back. She drove him over the edge with the scent of her arousal, the heat of her body, her chant in his ear, and that sweet, heated voice made him insane. He fucked her hard, fast, deep, until the muscles of his arms shook. Then he didn’t know his name, or where he was, only that she was everything he needed, the woman he wanted to love, to cherish, and he lost himself inside her.
TRINITY had never woken flush against a man. She’d always remained separate. That way she could slip out of the bed without waking him and transform herself back into the perfect Trinity again.
Water, merely droplets off the trees, pattered on the roof. Scott shifted, flexed, and his cock rode the crease of her butt. He’d woken her twice in the night to have her do naughty things to his body and do even naughtier things to hers.
“You’re insatiable.” She whispered, in case he was asleep and this was a morning woody, as she’d heard it called.
“I haven’t actually slept with a woman in so long that I had a hankering for a little wakeup nookie.” He plied her nipple, then slowly rolled her over to face him.
It was dark still, and she felt her way along his jaw with fingertips alone. Slightly rough, stubbled, then the smooth, warm feel of his lips. She hadn’t even brushed her teeth, yet she wanted to kiss him. And she did.
It was good, perfect. So perfect that in fact it was a little scary. She could get used to this, used to him. She could actually love waking up next to him all the time.
“No nookie,” she murmured against his mouth. “You have to drive me back to my car so I can go home and get ready for work.”
“Take the day off.”
God, she was tempted.
Last night, he’d ruined her for all time. More important, though, she realized she could still have it all. The naughty phone calls, the kinky trysts. No one had to know. All her dirty little secrets didn’t have to be aired. She and Scott could go on as they had before.
“I’ve missed this so much,” she admitted freely. Then she tipped her head back and smiled up at him. “I don’t know why I was worried about telling you my name. It hasn’t changed a thing. In fact, it’s better.” She licked his nipple, loving the delicious, heady taste of his skin. “We can be naughty like this, then go off to our regular lives knowing we’ve got this hot little secret.” She kissed the corner of his mouth. “Maybe you should tie me up next time.” The possibilities were endless.
NICE by day in her vanilla world, naughty by night with him.
Scott wanted to howl as he watched her drive off in her sporty red Mustang. Her scent still filled the car, and the taste of her good-bye kiss lingered on his lips. He’d gotten her name, but nothing else. While he’d fallen off the deep end for her, she was still wading in the shallows. Knots tied up his gut. The possibility hung out there that he would always be the one more committed.
She’d missed
. Not him.
. Hot sex. Nothing more.
Love wasn’t supposed to be this fucking hard.
“HELLO?” Harper’s voice crackled as he answered his cell.
“Meet me at noon outside Vatovola’s,” Trinity said.
She didn’t owe him an explanation. “Just be there, Harper.” If he was blackmailing Scott to get to her, she’d pull the plug. Last night with Scott had been so perfect, and she would
let Harper hurt him. Ever.
A couple of hours later, close to noon, it was raining as Trinity dashed from her car to the green-striped awning of Vatovola’s. For the winter, the outside tables had been moved, but there stood Harper, his gray suit tailored and pressed, his blond hair recently cut, not a lock out of place.
Looking the other way, he tapped his umbrella impatiently on the concrete, then glanced in her direction. And smiled.
The smile ticked her off. As if he believed that because
done the calling, all was forgiven.
“I asked, but they didn’t have a reservation,” he said.
“That’s because I didn’t make one. What I have to say isn’t going to take long, then
going to grab a bite at the bar.”
“Oh.” He shot her a hurt little moue.
Which irritated her, too. God, why was everything making her see red around him? She was over Harper and what he’d done. She’d admitted to herself that she’d married in haste and made a mistake. So why did seeing him turn her raw on the inside?

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