
Read Showstopper Online

Authors: Sheryl Berk

BOOK: Showstopper
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Two to Tango

Let's Rock!

Step It Up

On Pointe



Sheryl Berk


To Pam Kaplan,

K-kids forever XO


Table of Contents

Give Me a Break

The Luck of the Draw

Designing Divas

Joking Around

Santa and Sushi

Home Sweet Home

I Love L.A.

A Change of Pace

Back to Ballet

Diva No More

Keeping Secrets

Viva Las Vegas

Family Crisis

Making Magic

House of Cards

Read My Lips

Glossary of Dance Terms


Give Me a Break

Toni Moore rarely allowed her Dance Divas elite team a week off from rehearsal. There were simply too many routines to learn, too many costumes to fit, not to mention an endless list of competitions from coast-to-coast. But this time, as she contemplated the calendar tacked on the bulletin board outside studio 1, Toni drew a huge red “X” across Presidents' Week in February.

“No way! No dance for a whole week?” Rochelle asked her teacher as she passed her in the hallway. “Is the world coming to an end?”

Toni sighed. Rochelle knew just how to push her buttons. “I simply decided to give us all—especially myself—a much-needed break since school will be closed here in New Jersey.” She raised an eyebrow. “Unless of course you'd prefer to be in the studio those days practicing your pointe technique?”

Rochelle shook her head. “Nope. I'm good with it!”

She rushed off to the dressing room to share the news with the rest of her teammates.

“Really? A whole week off?” Scarlett cheered. “That's amazing! Maybe I can convince Mom to take us to Florida for some sun and fun.”

“Yeah, Disney World!” her little sister, Gracie, piped up.

Bria checked the calendar on her phone. “Great. I can get in some extra studying for my algebra test, start my science fair project, and write my English paper on
A Midsummer Night's Dream

“Seriously? You're free from Toni and all you want to do is study?” Rochelle asked her.

“I don't
to study. I
to study,” Bria said, correcting her.

“Not everyone can be as naturally brilliant as you are, Rock,” Scarlett teased her.

“Or as naturally beautiful,” Rochelle replied, laughing.

“I think I'll tag along with my mom to Hollywood.” Liberty suddenly jumped into the conversation. She was polishing her nails a perfect shade of Ballet Slipper Pink. “She's choreographing a new music video.”

“Is it for someone famous?” Bria asked. Liberty's mom, Jane Montgomery, was one of the biggest choreographers in the music biz.

Liberty grinned. “Isn't it always?”

Rochelle rolled her eyes. “Here comes the name-dropping,” she whispered to Scarlett.

“Beyoncé was just saying how much she adored my mom's last video for Ariana Grande . . . ,” Liberty bragged. “But I think the one Mom did for Britney was far more creative.”

“So she's choreographing Beyoncé? Or Ariana? Or Britney?” Gracie said, jumping up and down. “Can I go, too?”

Liberty patted the little girl on the head. “No, Gracie, dear. It's only for professionals.”

“So how come your mom lets you go?” Gracie protested. “You're not a professional.”

Liberty frowned. “Because I act like a professional, that's why.”

“And because she nags her mom day and night till she finally agrees to take her if she'll just stop whining,” Rochelle said.

“I can whine,” Gracie said. “Scoot says I'm really good at it. If I do, will you take me?”

Scarlett nodded. “She's right. She's a professional whiner.”

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